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12级计算机班英语期末考试试题汉英互译:(20分)1英译汉:long black hair in her twentiesIn my opinion once upon a timeAn English party worry aboutHold the line leave a messageAverage height go hiking2、汉译英:感兴趣 幸亏主办 象征不客气 喜欢长大 为而骄傲和某人聊天 围棋一、 请从右栏中选出能够应答左栏内容的句子:(10分)1.How old is she? A: Tennis is my favourate sport 2.What does she look like? B.Most English people like football3.How do you feel today? C.At 8:00am4.I didnt pass the exam. D. I often watch it on tv5.Do you like to watch football game or play it? E.A return ticket6.Which is the most popular game in England? F.Yes it is7.What is the departure time of the flight? G.She is in her teens8.Do you want a single or return ticket? H. He looks handsome9.Is this bus direct to weihai? I. I feel sad today10.Which sport do you like best? J. Im sorry to hear that三、单项选择(本题共20个小题,每小题1分,共20分)( ) 1. She said that she _ an exciting holiday.A. would have B. will have C. has D. have( ) 2.- Can you tell me _ ?- Certainly. Its at the end of this road.A. where is the Bank of China B. where the Bank of China is C. what is the Bank of China D. what the Bank of China is( ) 3.- Is that Wang Ling speaking?- _?A. Yes. Whos that B. Yes. Who are you C. Yes. What are you D. Yes .Who spoke( ) 4. Mike: Hello! Is Mary in?Mary: _ . Whos that?A. Yes, she isnt in B. Yes, she is outC. Sorry, she isnt in D. This is Mary speaking( ) 5. Have you ever sent _e-mail to your teacher ?A. a B. / C. an D. the( ) 6. If Mike _ here tomorrow, I will invite him to my home.A. come B. comes C. will come D. came ( ) 7. I am not sure _ I can work out with my parents or not .A. if B. that C. whether D. how( ) 8. My father _ Beijing for two years.A. has been to B. has been in C. has gone to D. goes( ) 9. My father _ Beijing for three times.A. has been to B. has been in C. has gone to D. goes( ) 10. Its not a good idea _home.A. to leave B. leave C. left D. leaving( ) 11. Ill phone you _ I get to Jinan.A. as B. as soon as C. in order that D. where( ) 12. Since I came here, I _ many new friends.A. had make B. make C. made D. have made ( ) 13.The more you practice , you do . A. goodB. better C. bestD. the better( ) 14. Im looking forward to _from you.A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. hears ( ) 15. This game is not as as that.A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interestingD. interested( ) 16. Beijing has spent a few years _for the 2008 Olympic Games.A.prepare B. preparing C. to prepareD. prepared( ) 17. _ the internet, we can communicate freely.A. Thanks to B. Thank to C. Thank D. Thanks( ) 18. - _ ?- She is pretty.A. How old is she B. What does she look likeC. What does she wear D. How tall is she( ) 19.I want to go there_ bus. A. onB. byC. withD. at( ) 20. I am sorry _that you are so upset.A. hear B. hears C.heardD. to hear四、完形填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Last night I 21_out and came back 22 midnight. My parents were still up 23 for me and we had a quarrel. They think I stay out too late. 24 my friends stay out even later than me! And this is not the only problem. Mom still wants 25 all my clothes for 26 . Of course, I dont like what she buys 27 she never buys me28 thats in fashion. What should I do, Wendy? I am not sure whether I can 29 with my parents or not. Can I come and live 30 you for a while?( )21. A .go B. went C. will go D. goes( )22. A. at B. in C. on D. for( )23. A. waitting B. wait C. waiting D. waits( )24. A. And B. Or C. So D. But ( )25. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought( )26. A. me B. I C. mine D. my( )27. A since B. as C. because D. if( )28. A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything( )29. A. work on B. work out C. go out D. go on( )30. A. with B. about C. by D .on五、阅读理解(本题共1个小题,每小题2分,共20分)AThe 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. Qingdao, as a partner city, will hold the sailing events. A lot of tourists will come to watch the games and go sighting in our country. We hope the 2008 Olympic games will be the best Olympic Games ever.There are two kinds of Olympic sailing events. One is fleet racing where all the boats race at once, the other is match racing where two boats race against each other. Wind and weather are important factors in sailing. In the Olympics there are mens, womens, and mixed events. Sailing became an Olympic event in 1990. Today, sailing has become more and more popular. Thousands of fans start to practice in the sea to enjoy the fun.We are all very excited and are looking forward to watching the Olympic Games and feeling the Olympic spirit “higher, swifter and stronger”.( )31. There are _ kinds of Olympic sailing events.A. two B. three C. four D. five( )32. Qingdao will hold the games of _ in 2008.A. sailing B. shooting C. cycling D. swimming( )33. The race where two boats race against each other at one time is called _. A. fleet racing B. match racing C. mens racing D. womens racing( )34. The important factors in sailing are _ .A. wind and water B. wind and rain C. weather and rain D. wind and weather( )35. The Olympic spirit is_ .A. higher B. swifter C. stronger D. A, B and CBHello, ladies and gentlemen. I want to tell you a little about London before you arrive. As you know, its the capital of England and its on the River Thames. It is a very big city with a population of about 7 million. The people are usually friendly and helpful - but often in a hurry. London is a busy place. People work in offices, banks, or in companies. The city has got lots of parks and gardens. When you are here, you should see the London Museum. You can visit the National Gallery(美术馆) and the Science Museum. You can also see the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. ( )36. London is the capital of _ .A. Ireland B. Scotland C. England D. France( )37. London is on _.A. the River Thames B. Dnieper C. Elbe D. Don River(顿河)( )38. Londoners are often _ .A. free B. busy C. asleep D. rest ( )39. People usually work _ . A at home B. in offices or banks C. in companies D. Both B and C( )40. There are a lot of _ in London.A. factories B. parks and gardens C. villages D. rivers六、根据情境补全对话(每空只填一词,每词一分,共10分)A:Would you like to see a film tonight?B:Id_ _,but Im afraid I cantA:I like Chinese fast food .B:_ _IA: What


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