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Lily: College English - Reading Skills: meaning deducing Page 7阅读理解猜词技巧出题者尽管是按照大纲规定的词汇范围命题,对超纲词汇用汉语注出,但对应试者个人来说,仍然还会遇到命不少的生词,尤其是那些影响对整篇文章理解的生词。生词不仅是一个拦路虎,而且给考生增加了精神压力。学会和运用科学的猜词技巧和方法很重要。以下从八方面谈谈阅读理解的猜词技巧(词缀法除外): 一、 根据上下文线索猜词。 某些生词的意义可以利用已知词汇的信息和未知词汇信息之间的联系以及生词前后的表述的启发,弄清其意义。如: The womans feet hurt,so she went to a podiatrist 句子的前半部分说“这位妇女的脚受了伤”,受了伤怎么办,去看医生,脚受了伤,自然要去看podiatrist(足病医生)。【CET- 200214】Lawyers can specilize in “elder law, “ which covers everything from trusts to. Businessmen see huge opportunities in the elderly market.” Any student who combines an expert knowledge in gerontology with, say, an MBA or law degree will have a licence to print money,” one professor says.二、利用语义相反、对照信息猜词。 (Synonymy and Antonymy)有时文章在描述两件事物的不同特征时,使用了截然相反的词,形成鲜明的对照,这时可以给读者以暗示,从而猜出生词的意思。如: 【CET-4 981】Also, parents should realize that “ example is better than precept”. If they are not sincere and do not practise what they preach, their children may grow confused例1:The major points of your plan are clear to me,but the details are still hazy 计划的要点清楚,而细节hazy,显然和 clear的意思相反,为“模糊”或“迷惑”的意思。 例2:Unlike her gregarious sister,Jane is a shy,unsociable person who does not like to go to parties or to make new friends Jane是一个腼腆而不善交际的人,和她的姐姐的性格恰恰相反,那么gregarious(sociable爱交际的)的意思就迎刃而解了。 三、利用主语和表语(下定义)的关系猜词。 “系表结构”的句子有两种表意功能,一是表语说明主语的形状或特征,二是表语和主语是同位关系,即表语的内容等于主语的内容。后者往往是猜词的最好线索。如: 例3:Insomnia is the inability of fall asleep or sleep restlessly 表语的意思是“不能入睡或睡不着”,那么主语insomnia无疑就是“失眠”了。解释的部分经常带有由who, which, that引导的从句.例4: A conditioner is a system that keeps air in a place cool or warm. Jack is now a florist, who keeps a shop for selling flowers in our district.四、举例。常常用来举例的短语:such as, suchas, for example, for instanceMotel owners are forced to provide more and more for the guests comfort - such things as free parking, telephone service, a bathroom, a desk, and easy chairs in every room.五、利用注释性词语猜词。(Rephrasing) 所谓注释性词语,就是一些为进一步补充说明前述内容而承上启下的过渡性词语,如:that is(to say),in other words,ie,including,meaning,namely,等。如: 【CET-200012】Bent stripes, called chevrons (人字型) painted on the roads make drivers think that they are driving faster than they really are, and thus drivers slow down.例4:Pedant,in other words,denotes a person who lays too much stress on booklearning,technical knowledge,rules,and adherence to rules 通过in other words(换句话说)引起的下文是解释pedant的意思,根据下文阐述的内容“太注重书本知识,墨守成规的人”,那就是“书呆子”或“学究”。 例5:Newspaper headlines are short,for example,“gems” meaning “jewels”;“bid” in the sense of “attempt” meaning后面的词就是其前面的词的意思;bid就是attempt的意思。例6: If this happen to you, you may have what is called a phobia - an overwhelming fear of some thing or situation.六、利用同位语的功能猜词。 同位语是对中心词的诠释和说明,利用这一点,可以弄清生词的意思。如: 例7:The purpose of the campaign was to catch “ringers”,students who take test for other students 同位语students who take test for other students(替他人考试)是对“ringers作解释的,因此ringers(代考者)的意思就不难悟出了。 例8:For several years,scientists have been testing a substance called interferon,a potential wonder drug that is proven to be effective in treating a variety of ailments,including virus infections,bacteria infections,and tumors 同位语a potential wonder drugand tumors是解释什么叫interferon的,根据句意说interferon是一种对病毒感染,细菌感染和肿瘤治疗有效的奇药,至少我们会猜出它是一种罕见的药物,如果对医药比较关心,就可知道它是“干扰素”。如果善于运用构词知识,把它和interfere(干扰)联系起来考虑,那就更好了。 七、利用定语从句的功能猜词。 定语从句也是修饰和说明中心词的,根据其提供的信息,也不失为一种猜词的好方法。如: 例9:Procrastinators are people who have a chronic habit of putting things off,usually until the last minute and sometimes until it is too late altogether 定语从句who have a chronic habit altogether是说procrastinator是一种具有推迟办事的缓慢习气的人,通常拖到最后时刻,有时甚至误了大事,我们不难猜出该词为“办事拖拉的人”。 例10:Headlines often contain relatively unusual words like “blaze” which is often used instead of “fire” 定语从句说“blaze”常常代替“fire”使用,这说明blaze与fire同义。 八、利用常识和经验猜词。 某些文章的生词,根据个人生活经验和基本常识也可以猜出。如: 【CET-200012】To help reduce those accidents, the foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speed-related hazards are the greatest - curves, exit slopes., traffic circles , and bridges.例11:The snake slithered through the grass 根据常识可以推断:蛇的运动是“蜿蜒滑行”。 例12:What could John expect?He had left his wet swimming trunks in the dark closet for over a weekOf course they had begun to mildew 根据常识和经验,一个人把湿游泳裤忘在盥洗间长达一个多星期,最后的结果必然是衣服“发霉”。 九、利用标点符号的功能猜词。 一些标点符号,如:破折号、括号、冒号等后面的内容也是对前面的内容作解释的。如: 【CET-200014】Both are emulsion - tiny globules of one liquid evenly distributed through out another.例13:The Greek marriage was monogamous -men and women were allowed only one spouse at a time 破折号后面的文字是对monogamous的解释,即“一夫一妻”制。 例14:Please send the stipulated items,namely: (i)birth certificate(ii)passport (iii)correct fee 从冒号后面的内容:出生证明,护照,如数的费用,大致可以推断出stipulated item是“规定事项”的意思。 十、利用词语之间的关系。例15:While radio and newspapers continue to be important, television, of al the mass media, has become the most powerful communication force. (Mass media is a general term for radio, newspaper and television)十一、一词多义。(Polysemy Semi-technical words) Get to know some of the less familiar meaning of some words! To discern the particular meaning of a semi-technical word, you should first identify the field of study in which it is used, and consult the dictionary when necessary.e.g.16. People have known for more than 2,000 years that certain materials when rubbed become charged with electricity.e.g.17 The balance of the wages was devoted to new books on flower culture. (剩下来的工资全用来购买花卉栽培的新书上了。)balance - AccountingSomething that is left over; a remainder.收支差额;余额 a bank balance 银


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