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辅导材料12 状语从句状语从句是中、高考词汇和句法部分考查的重点内容之一。在复习状语从句时,主要任务是弄清楚引导各种状语从句的连词的用法。现就主要考查点简述如下:状语从句:在复合句中修饰主句中的动词、形容词或副词等的从句叫做状语从句。状语从句根据它表达的意思的不同,可分为时间,地点、原因、目的、结果、让步、比较(或方式)和条件状语从句等。一、时间状语从句主要由when(当的时候), while(正当的时候), before(在以前), since, after(在以后), as(当的时候)till/until(直到), as soon as(一就)等词引导。其中when,while和as都可表示当时候,但用法有区别:翻译1.:我到家时,他正在吃饭。 翻译2:我们到达公共汽车站时,汽车正要离开。 翻译3:我在回家的路上时,天正在下雨。 翻译4:他们边唱歌边跳舞。 while只可表示段时间,从句谓语只限于延续性动词。例如:翻译5:我在睡觉时,我爸爸进来。 翻译6:我还来不及阻止,他潜进水中了。 翻译7: 参军前,我在这个工厂工作。 翻译8:放学后明明和李华打乒乓球。 翻译9:和王同志交谈后,我知道怎样做这工作了。 翻译10:自从他离开学校,我见过他两次。 翻译11:自从我大哥离开家以来,已经过去5年了。 翻译12:直到完成了工作,他们才会来这。 翻译13:直到修好了他的自行车,我才吃晚饭。 翻译14:学生们一到达那儿就开始工作。 二、条件状语从句常用if, unless等引导。主句用一般将来时,if或unless引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时。固定搭配:unless = if.not.翻译15:如果你不是太累,让我们出去走走。 翻译16: 如果你不努力学习,你不会得到更好的结果。 翻译16:如果你不立刻出发你将错过这趟火车。 三、结果状语从句结果状语从句常由so that 或 suchthat引导,掌握这两个句型,首先要了解so 和 such与其后的词的搭配规律。 翻译17:那男孩太小而不能上学。 翻译18:王先生太生气而说不出话来。 翻译19:那栋楼房太危险而没人住在里面或在里面工作。 翻译20:昨晚天气太热,我们不能入睡 。 四、目的状语从句表示目的状语的从句可以由that, so that, in order that,等词引导,翻译21:你必须讲大声点以至你能被大家听见。 翻译22:老师慢慢地清晰的讲,以便我能听懂他。 五、原因状语从句原因状语从句一般由because, since, as, for引导翻译23:因为我很忙,所以我将不去那。 翻译24:既然没什么给我们去做,我们昨天回家了。( since ) 翻译25:没人在这湖里游泳,由于水很深。( as ) 六、比较(或方式)状语从句方式状语从句通常由as(正如), asas(与一样), not as( so )as(与不一样),than( 比) ,as if(好像似的), as though(仿佛似的), 翻译26:他目不转睛地看着我,就像第一次看见我似的。 翻译27:他清了清嗓子,像要说什么似的 翻译28:他的发音没你的好。 七、让步状语从句1)由though, although 引导。注意: 当有though, although时,后面的从句不能有but,但是 though 和yet可连用 翻译29:虽然在下雨,但他们仍在地里干活。 翻译30:虽然他很老,但仍然努力地工作。 2)ever if, even though.即使 翻译31:即使天气很差,我们也去旅行。 3) whetheror- 不管都 翻译32:不管你信不信,这是事实。 4)no matter +疑问词 或疑问词+后缀ever 翻译33:不管发生什么,他都不介意。 注意:no matter 不能引导主语从句和宾语从句。 翻译34:你现在说什么也没用了。 翻译35:囚犯们只能给什么吃什么。 八、地点状语从句 引导词为where.翻译36:有志者事竟成。 1.Where there is a will, there is a way. 翻译37:你可以去你想去的地方。You can go where you want to go . 综合练习一、单项选择:( )1. We were getting ready to go out _ it began to rain. A. where B. when C. since D. if ( )2. We love spring _ therere beautiful flowers everywhere. A. but B. if C. though D. because ( )3. The work was _ difficult _ it took us quite a long time to do it. A. such, that B. so, that C. too, that D. too, to ( )4. Ill tell him to give you a call _ he comes back. A. because B. since C. as soon as D. but ( )5. - Why did Li Lei use a pencil? - _ his pen was broken. A. Because B. When C. Until D. If ( )6. I think Chinese is more popular _ any other subject. A. than B. for C. as D. then ( )7. What do I have to do _ I want to be thinner? A. if B. because C. since D. for ( )8. I wont turn off the light _ youve finished reading. A. when B. after C. as soon as D. until ( )9. Ill study English and other objects _ I can. A. so hard as B. as hard as C. so hardly as D. as hardly as ( )10. Though it rained heavily, _ were still playing on the playground. A. they B. so they C. but they D. and they 二、用when, before, after, as soon as, since, if, because, until, so that, than, asas, sothat填空.1.I will not leave here_you come back.2._you are free today, lets go to town to buy some new books.3.She had the day off yesterday_her mother was ill.4.Ill be very glad _ you can help me with my work.5.Li Hong had studied in a middle school in Tianjin for two years_she came to Chendu last year.6._we got there, it began to rain.7.I learned some English words_I was a child.8.Is your bike _new_mine?9.Comrade Li came early in the morning_ he could attend our meeting in time.10.I dont think there are less books in our school library_ those in your school library.11._the town was liberated, the people there began to live a new life.12.I am _ hungry_ I want to get something to eat right now.三、 汉译英。1.This book is_.(比那本书难得多)2.The teacher let us read the text_.(她读完后)3.Lucy has made many friends_.(自她来中国以后)4.He wants to be a doctor like his father_.(他长大了以后)5.That story is _.(不如这个故事有趣)6.Ill stay here_.(直到他回来)7.I have to get everything ready_.(我离开之前)8._,youd better not go to the cinema.(既然你觉得身体不好)9.Dont talk_.(吃东西时)10.They still kept on working_.(虽然天已很晚)11.Try to finish the work as soon as possible_.(以便能开始另一项工作)12._she couldnt say anything.(她很生气)13.He will go to Beijing with us_.(假如他没作业)14.All the students ran into the classroom and sat in the seats quietly_.(当上课铃响时)15.Mike ran_.(昨天和约翰跑得一样快)辅导材料 状语从句答案一、时间状语从句翻译1.: When I got home, he was having supper.翻译2: The bus was leaving when we got to the bus stop.翻译3: It was raining hard. I was on my way home.翻译4They sang as they danced.翻译5: While I was sleeping, my father came in.翻译6: He dived into the water before I could stop him.翻译7: I worked in this factory before I joined the army.翻译8: Li M ing and Li Hua played ping-pong after school was over.翻译9: I knew how to do the work after I had a talk with Comrade Wang.翻译10:I have seen him twice since he left school.翻译 11.Five years have passed. My elder brother left home.翻译12: They will not come here until they finish their work.翻译13: I did not have supper until I repaired his bicycle.翻译14: The students started working as soon as they got there.二、条件状语从句翻译15: Lets go out for a walk unless you are too tired.If you are not too tied, lets go out for a walk.翻译16: You cant get better results. You dont study hard.翻译16: You will miss the train if you dont start right now.You will miss the train unless you start right now.三、结果状语从句翻译17: The boy is so young that he cant go to school. He is such a young boy that he cant go to school. 翻译18: Mr. Wang was so angry that he couldnt speak.翻译19: The building is so dangerous that no one will live and work in it.翻译20: It was very hot last night and we couldnt go to sleep.It was so hot last night that we couldnt go to sleep. 四、目的状语从句翻译21: You must speak louder so that /in order that you can be heard by all. 翻译22: The teacher spoke slowly and clearly so that /in order that we could understand him. 五、原因状语从句翻译23:Im not going there because I am busy. 翻译24: We went home yesterday. There was nothing for us to do there.翻译25: No one swims in the lake. The water is very deep. 六、比较(或方式)状语从句翻译26: 1.He stared at me as if seeing me for first time. 翻译27: He cleared his throat as if to say something. 翻译28:Her pronunciation is not as good as your pronunciation.Your pronunciation is better than hers.( her spronunciation ) 七、让步状语从句翻译29: Although its raining, they are still working in the field. 翻译30: He is very old, but he still works very hard. 翻译31:Well make a trip even though the weather is bad. 翻译32: Whether you believe it or not, it is true. 翻译33: No matter what happened, he would not mind. Whatever happened, he would not mind. 翻译34:(错)No matter what you say is of no use now. (对)Whatever you say is of no use now. (Whatever you say是主语从句) 翻译35:(错)Prisoners have to eat no matter what theyre given, (对)Prisoners have to eat whatever theyre given. 八、地点状语从句翻译36: 1.Where there is a will, there is a way. 翻译37: You can go where you want to go . 综合练习答案一、单项选择:1-5BDBCA.6.-10AADBA二、1. until 2. Since/If3. because 4. if 5. before 6.When 7. when8. as,as9.so htat 10. than11. After12.so ,that三、 汉译英。12 状语从句 1.more difficult than that one2.after she had finished reading it3.since she came to china4.after/when he grows up5.not as /so interesting as this one.6.until he came back7.before I leave.8. Since you feel ill/dont feel well9.while eating10.though it was late11.so that you can set out /start to do another work12.She was very angry so that/ She was so angry that13.unless he has homework/if he doesnt have homework14.as soom as the bell rang.15.as fast as John yesterday怎样简化状语从句我们在英语写作中经常要用到状语从句,学会简化状语从句,会使整篇文章显得条理很清楚。 1以after和before引导的状语从句的主语若与主句主语一致时,可用after和before与从句谓语动词的动名词(短语)形式构成介词短语作状语。例如After she sang,she left the rich mans house(简化前) 2以as soon as引导的状语从句的主语若与主句主语一致时,可用on十v-ing形式简化状语从句,此时的动词为非延续性动词。例如:He began to operateon the wounded soldiers as soon as he arived at the village(简化前) (简化后)3时间状语从句和条件状语从句的主语和主句主语一致时,有时可简化为不定式作状语。例如:She stopped when she saw her husband(简化前) If you want to understand the farmers,you must go to the countryside(简化前) 4结果状语从句和目的状语从句的主语与主句主语一致时,可以简化为不定式作状语;若两者主语不一致时,则应简化为不定式的复合结构作状语。例如: He was so tied that he couldnt go any further(简化前) I came here so that I could ask some questions(简化前) 5以when,while引导的时间状语从句和以if引导的条件状语从句,如果从句主语和主句主语一致时,可简化为现在分词状语,表示谓语动作发生在该状语动作的进行过程之中。例如: When he turned on the radio,he found it broken(简化前) While she was walking along the street,she was hit by a car(简化前)While walking along the street,she was hit by acar(简化后)6原因状语从句的主语与主句主语一致时,可简化为分词短语作状语。例如: Since l didnt know Chinese,I tried to speak to her in English(简化前) 要注意的是,形容词短语也可用作表示原因的状语,用以代替原因状语从句,放在句首、句末均可,但一般应加逗号。例如: As he was thirsty and eager to get a little rest,he went into the tea-house(简化前) 7在时间、原因、条件等状语从句中,若从句和主句主语不一致时,可简化为分词复合结构作状语。有时也可简化为“with/without名词或代词十分词(短语)”形式作状语。例如:When the film start appeared, the children got exited(简化前) If all the work is done, you can have a rest(简化前) Nothing can live if there is no air(简化前) 8让步状语从句的主语与主句主语一致时,可简化为分词短语。作状语;不一致时,常简化为with或in spite of介词短语作状语。例如:Although he faced his death,he didnt say anything before the enemy(简化前) Although there was danger,he rushed out to carry the boy to safety(简化前) write a composition with 5 sentences according to the given situation: 昨天上午,你惊悉你的朋友李华被一辆汽车撞伤住了院,事情经过是:那天李华正要穿过大街,他很小心,直到看到绿灯亮时才开始过街。可当他刚要走到街心时,右侧突然出现了一辆轿车,径直朝他开来。他躲闪不及被撞出了几米远。他立即被送进医院并动了手术。昨晚你去看他时,他虽已脱险,但仍然脸色苍白。(尽量用上状语从句)参考词汇:躲闪:dodge 右侧:right-hand side辅导材料 状语从句状语从句是中考词汇和句法部分考查的重点内容之一。在复习状语从句时,主要任务是弄清楚引导各种状语从句的连词的用法。现就主要考查点简述如下:状语从句:在复合句中修饰主句中的动词、形容词或副词等的从句叫做状语从句。状语从句根据它表达的意思的不同,可分为时间,地点、原因、目的、结果、让步、比较(或方式)和条件状语从句等。一、时间状语从句主要由when(当的时候), while(正当的时候), before(在以前), after(在以后), as(当的时候)till/until(直到), as soon as(一就)等词引导。其中when,while和as都可表示当时候,但用法有区别:翻译1.:我到家时,他正在吃饭。1.When I got home, he was having supper.翻译2:我们到达公共汽车站时,汽车正要离开。2.The bus was leaving when we got to the bus stop.翻译3:我在回家的路上时,天正在下雨。3.It was raining hard. I was on my way home.翻译4:他们边唱歌边跳舞。4They sang as they danced.while只可表示段时间,从句谓语只限于延续性动词。例如:翻译5:我在睡觉时,我爸爸进来。While I was sleeping, my father came in.翻译6:我还来不及阻止,他潜进水中了。He dived into the water before I could stop him.翻译7: 参军前,我在这个工厂工作。I worked in this factory before I joined the army.翻译8:放学后明明和李华打乒乓球。8.Li M ing and Li Hua played ping-pong after school was over.翻译9:和王同志交谈后,我知道怎样做这工作了。9.I knew how to do the work after I had a talk with Comrade Wang.翻译10:自从他离开学校,我见过他两次。10.I have seen him twice since he left school.翻译11:自从我大哥离开家以来,已经过去5年了。 11.Five years have passed. My elder brother left home.翻译12:直到完成了工作,他们才会来这。 They will not come here until they finish their work.翻译13:直到修好了他的自行车,我才吃晚饭。 I did not have supper until I repaired his bicycle.翻译14:学生们一到达那儿就开始工作。 The students started working as soon as they got there. 二、条件状语从句常用if, unless等引导。主句用一般将来时,if或unless引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时。固定搭配:unless = if.not.翻译15:如果你不是太累,让我们出去走走。Lets go out for a walk unless you are too tired.If you are not too tied, lets go out for a walk.翻译16: 如果你不努力学习,你不会得到更好的结果。You cant get better results. You dont study hard.翻译16:如果你不立刻出发你将错过这趟火车。You will miss the train if you dont start right now.You will miss the train unless you start right now.三、结果状语从句结果状语从句常由so that 或 suchthat引导,掌握这两个句型,首先要了解so 和 such与其后的词的搭配规律。 比较:so和 such 其规律由so与such的不同词性决定。such 是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组,so 是副词,只能修饰形容词或副词。 so 还可与表示数量的形容词many, few, much, little连用,形成固定搭配。 so foolish such a fool so nice a flowersuch a nice flower so many / few flowerssuch nice flowersso many peoplesuch a lot of peopleso much / little money. such rapid progress ( so many 已成固定搭配,a lot of 虽相当于 many,但 a lot of 为名词性的,只能用such搭配。) sothat与suchthat之间的转换既为 so与such之间的转换。 翻译17:那男孩太小而不能上学。The boy is so young that he cant go to school. He is such a young boy that he cant go to school. 主要有so/suchthat,so that等。 so.that结构在某种情况下可以与enough to和too.to结构相互转换。例如:She is so short that she cant reach the buttons of the lift. =She is too short to reach the buttons of the lift.翻译18:王先生太生气而说不出话来。Mr. Wang was so angry that he couldnt speak.翻译19:那栋楼房太危险而每人住在里面或在里面工作。The building is so dangerous that no one will live and work in it.翻译20:昨晚天气太热,我们不能入睡 。It was very hot last night and we couldnt go to sleep.It was so hot last night that we couldnt go to sleep. 四、目的状语从句表示目的状语的从句可以由that, so that, in order that,等词引导,翻译21:你必须讲大声点以至你能被大家听见。 You must speak louder so that /in order that you can be heard by all. 翻译22:老师慢慢地清晰的讲,以便我能听懂他。The teacher spoke slowly and clearly so that /in order that we could understand him. 五、原因状语从句原因状语从句一般由because, since, as, for引导1)because语势最强,用来说明人所不知的原因,回答why提出的问题。当原因是显而易见的或已为人们所知,就用as或 since。 I didnt go, because I was afraid. Since /As the weather is so bad, we have to delay our journey. 2)由because引导的从句如果放在句末,且前面有逗 号,则可以用for来代替。但如果不是说明直接原因,而是多种情况加以推断,就只能用for。 He is absent today, because / for he is ill. He must be ill, for he is absent today. 注意as,because,since和for的区别:如果原因是构成句子的最主要部分,一般用because。because引导的从句一般不放在句子的开头。例如:I missed the train because I got up late.注:对于以why开头的问句,一般只能用because引导的从句来回答。如果原因已为人们所知,或不如句子的其余部分重要,就用as或since、since比as稍微正式一些。as和since引导的从句一般放在句子的开头。例如:As he was not well,I decided to go there without him.Since this method doesnt work, lets try another.for表示所说的理由是一种补充说明,因此,for引导的从句可以放在括号里,而且for引导的从句一般不放在句子的开头。例如:I decided to stop and have lunch, for I was feeling quite hungry.翻译23:因为我很忙,所以我将不去那。Im not going there because I am busy. 翻译24:既然没什么给我们去做,我们昨天回家了。( since )We went home yesterday. There was nothing for us to do there.翻译25:没人在这湖里游泳,由于水很深。( as )No one swims in the lake. The water is very deep. 六、比较(或方式)状语从句方式状语从句通常由as(正如), asas(与一样), not as( so )as(与不一样),than( 比) ,as if(好像似的), as though(仿佛似的), 翻译26:他目不转睛地看着我,就像第一次看见我似的。 1.He stared at me as if seeing me for first time. 翻译27:他清了清嗓子,像要说什么似的He cleared his throat as if to say something. 翻译28:Her pronunciation is not as good as your pronunciation.Your pronunciation is better than hers.( her spronunciation ) 七、让步状语从句1).由though, although 引导。注意: 当有though, although时,后面的从句不能有but,但是 though 和yet可连用 翻译29:虽然在下雨,但他们仍在地里干活。Although its raining, they are still working in the field. 翻译30:虽然他很老,但仍然努力地工作。He is very old, but he still works very hard. 2)ever if, even though.即使 翻译31:即使天气很差,我们也去旅行。Well make a trip even though the weather is bad. 3) whetheror- 不管都 翻译32:不管你信不信,这是事实。Whether you believe it or not, it is true. 4)no matter +疑问词 或疑问词+后缀ever 翻译33:不管发生什么,他都不介意。No matter what happened, he would not mind. Whatever happened, he would not mind. 替换:no matter what = whatever no matter who = whoever no matter when = whenever no matter where = wherever no matter which = whichever no matter how = however 注意:no matter 不能引导主语从句和宾语从句。 翻译34:你现在说什么也没用了。(错)No matter what you say is of no use now. (对)Whatever you say is of no use now. (Whatever you s


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