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江苏省海门市包场高级中学高一英语《M1 Unit2 Growing pains》导学案.doc_第4页




江苏省海门市包场高级中学高一英语m1 unit 2 growing pains导学案learning objectives:1. to learn something about generation gap and growing pains.2. to improve ss ability of reading a play.3. to help ss understand their parents and get on well with their family members.steprevision and lead-inthink about the things you like while your parents do not like and the things your parents like while you do not like.step fast reading1. reading strategy: reading a play(1)what is a play? reading a play can be very _from reading a normal text. most of the play is in the _ of a _ just because plays are written to be _aloud. writers also use different _ of speech, especially some_ language.(2)how to read a play? read the dialogue _. make clear the _ between characters pay attention to the _ or tips.2. read the play and finish part awho are the main characters in the play?_why do the parents get angry?_what really happened to their dog, spot?_step detailed readinga. decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the play1. mon and dad were back from their holiday a week earlier.2. eric was happy when seeing his mother.3. parents left daniel in charge.4. the boys spent the money seeing the vet for spot.5. the room was very clean and tidy when their parents came back.6. daniel didnt have a chance to explain what had happened.7. mom felt regretful for what they said to daniel.8. boys didnt use up the money from their parents.b. read the play again and answer the questions1. what are the boys doing when their parents come home?_2. how does the room look when the parents arrive home?_3. why are the parents angrier with daniel than with eric?_4. what is the emergency that eric wants to tell his parents about?_5. what does the father want to do with daniel?_ c. fill in the forms according to the text1. please read act one of the play carefully and fill in the formcharactersthings they dofeelingsmom and dadcome back from_e_ d_ angryeric_ soccer at homes_ and f_daniel_in and wants to _s_ a_2. please read act two carefully and fill in form:charactersdoing sth.feelingsdaniele_ his angera_ericcomforts(安慰) his _calm(平静)momtalk about the things that _todays_ and r_dadangry and stubbornd. choose the best answer. (课课练)1) the reason why the dog walks slowly is that the dog . a. ate too much to walk fast b. was seriously ill c. was just tired d. was given nothing to eat2) what did the boys do with the money the parents left? a. they lost it. b. they had a party with it. c. they bought some food to eat with it. d. they sent the dog to the hospital with it.3) why were the boys angry? the reasons are as follows except that . a. the parents didnt give the boys a chance to explain b. the parents didnt believe in the boys c. the boys were punished by their parents d. the parents thought the boys were of great fault 4) the reason why the house was so dirty is that . a. spot pulled the dirty out of the trash can b. the boys forgot to clean the room up c. the parents were back one day earlier than expected d. the boys had no time to clean it5) which sentence is true according to the text? a. the parents thought the boys would act like an adult. b. eric slammed the door. c. spot was one of the parents sons. d. the parents asked spot something instead of shouting at the boys.6) what do you think is the most reasonable (合理的) end of the play?a. the parents punished daniel and he respected them more than before.b. after the parents had a long talk with the boys, they knew about the truth and said “sorry” to daniel.c. they didnt mention the quarrel and didnt trust daniel.d. daniel knew he was wrong and said “sorry” to his parents. step post-reading1. task-based reading (课课练)2. discussion: what can we learn from the play?reading language pointsstep fill in the blanksmum and dad come back from their vacation a day earlier than _ and they cant wait to _ daniel and eric. however, when they see the house in a _, they are angry and scold the boys badly. eric think their parents are not _ to come home until tomorrow, so when seeing his mother, he feels _ instead of feeling happy. mum and dad think they left daniel in _ as they thought he could act _ an adult and they could _ him. daniel runs into his bedroom and slams the door. in the two brothers bedroom, eric advises daniel to _ what happened to their parents. but daniel is very stubborn and _ to do so. he thinks his parents didnt ask him what was going on when they were on vacation and they just shouted at him so they dont _ to know the truth. in the parents bedroom, mom and dad calm down and realize that maybe they were too _ on daniel and they should ask the _ why the boys made the house so dirty. how to have a good relationship with their children is really _ for the parents.step underline the important phrases 度假归来 比预期早些迫不及待地要做 突然环顾四周 应该做某事弯腰去(做) 向解释一团糟 像成年人一样行事容忍这样的行为 熄灭双臂交叉 不再值得做/配做 对严格既然、由于 对粗鲁以的形式 与不同与某人/某事生气 与某人就争论step language points1. expect 预期,预料,指望 (l1)expect sb/sth预料.expect sb. to do sth指望某人做某事expect to do sth预料做expect that 预期/预想【巩固训练】1) 我们谁也没预料这种情况。 _2) 你别指望他会支持你。_3) 我想他会很快回来的。 _2. i cant wait to surprise the boys. (l5)cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事e.g. dad says hes bought me a new bike. _. 我迫不及待地要回家看看surprise vt. /n. 使惊讶 adj. _ 感到惊讶的 /_令人惊讶的 adv. surprisingly 令人惊讶地with / in surprise _ _令人(极为)惊讶的是be surprised _ sth 对 感到惊讶 be surprised to do sth. 很惊讶做某事【巩固训练】1) the man looked somewhat _.2) tom was late for school yesterday, _ every student in his class.3) 我对明天学校会开运动会这则消息感到很惊讶。 _ (be surprised at) _ (be surprised to do)3. eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly. (l7) v-ing和v-ed短语作状语,可以表示时间、条件、原因、结果、方式、伴随等。 e.g.1)the old man stood up, _ (support) by his son. 2)_ ( see ) from the hill, the town looks very beautiful. 3) _(move ) by his words, i accepted his present.4) _ ( hear ) the news, they were very excited.5) the students came into the classroom, _ ( follow ) their teacher. v-ing和v-ed短语作定语e.g.1) the man _ ( wear ) a new suit is my brother.2) do you like the dishes _ (cook) yesterday?4. the room is a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. (l18-19) “with + 宾语+ 宾补”的复合结构, 在句中作状语,表示伴随。with+ noun +prep. phrase/adv/adj/doing/to do/done【巩固训练】the teacher came into the classroom _. (手里拿本书)the family went out for a walk_. (灯开着)it is bad manners to talk_. (嘴满着)he lay in bed, _. (蒙着头)i cant go out _. (有这么多盘子要洗)


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