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形容词比较等级的用法形容词比较等级通常可分为原级、比较级和最高级三种基本形,具体而言,它们分别以下形式出现在句中。1.as+原级+as和相同2.比较级+than比较为3.the+最高级+of(in)在中最为1 原级的用法My uncle is as tall as your father.我叔叔和你父亲一样高。My uncle is not as(=so)tall as your father.我叔叔不如你父亲高。Is my uncle as tall as your father?我叔叔和你父亲一样高吗?1.句型:A+动词+as+形容词原级+as B.(表示A和B两者比较,程度相同)Tom is as honest as John.汤姆和约翰一样诚实。Her skin is as white as snow.她的皮肤像雪一样白。My dog is as old as that one.我的狗和那只狗一样大。This jacket is as cheap as that one.这件夹克和那一件一样便宜。注意为了避免重复,我们常用that, those和one一类的代词代替as后重复前面出现的名词。2.否定句:A+not +as +形容词原级+as B.=A+not +so +形容词原级+as B.(表示A、B两者程度不同,即A不如B那么)He is not as(so)tall as I. 他不如我高。The weather in Beijing is not as(=so)hot as the weather in Wuhan.北京的天气不如武汉热。There are not as(=so)many books in our libraryas in your library.我们图书馆的书没有你们的多。3.疑问句:Be动词+A+as+形容词原级+as B.Is he as busy as before?他还像以前那么忙吗?Is there as much water in this glass as in that one?这个杯子里的水和那个杯子里的一样多吗?2 需注意的原级用法This is twenty times as long as that.这个的长度是那个的二十倍。1.表示倍数的句型times as +形容词原级+as(是的几倍)This garden is ten times as large as that one.这个花园是那个的十倍。There are now twice as many schools in the town as in 1972.这个城镇里的学校是1972年的两倍。注意在英语中,两倍用twice,而不用two times,三倍以上用three,fourtimes。2.half as+形容词原级+as(表示“的一半”)My handwriting is not half as good as yours.我的书法不如你的一半儿(好)。3.asas possible(表示“尽可能”)He is as fast as possible.他尽可能的快。3 比较级的用法I am older than you.我比你大。1.句型:A+动词+形容词比较级+than + B.二者相比较,说明“A比B更一些”时要用一个连词than引导的从句。Mary is happier than Jane.玛丽比珍妮幸福。His brother is younger than I (me).他哥哥比我小。注意than后面接代词时,一般要用主格。但在口语中也可使用宾格。Beijing is more beautiful than Wuhan.北京比武汉美丽。You look younger today.今天你看起来比较年轻。(省略了than before)注意than是一个连词,它连接一个状语从句来表示和什么相比,因此than一般都译为“比”,通常,为了避免重复,从句中有些成分可以省略,而把相比的部分突出来。有时,如果比较的对象显而易见时,往往会将than从句省略。完整句子:You look younger today than you looked(young)before.(这样的句子只是帮助理解,实际应用中,不能出现)Are you feeling better?你现在感觉好些了吗?4 需注意的比较级用法Your room is much larger than mine.你的房间比我的大多了。Your room is three times larger than mine.你的房间比我的大三倍。He is taller than any other boy in his class.在班上,他比任何一个男孩子都高。1.在形容词比较级前还可以用much, even, still, a little,来修饰,表示“的多”,“甚至”,“更”,“一些”。Our city is much more beautiful than yours.我们的城市比你们的漂亮得多。This is even harder than steel.这个东西甚至比钢还硬。He is even slower than before.他比以前更慢了。Japan is a little larger than Germany.日本只比德国大一点儿。2.表示倍数:times+形容词比较级+thanOur room is twice larger than theirs.我们的房间比他们的大二倍。The Yangzi River is ten times longer than the river in your city.长江比你们城市的河长十倍。3.表示“大三岁”,“高二厘米”时要用表示数、量的词+比较级来表示。Im two years older than you.我比你大二岁。She is a head taller than I(me).她比我高一个头。4.比较级+ than any other +单数名词表示“比其他的任何都”(这个句型是用比较级形式表达最高级的意思。)He is better than any other student in the class.他在班里,比任何一个别的学生都好。(暗指:他是最好的)注意any other后要加单数名词,如果译成“任何一个别的”似乎好理解它为什么接单数名词。This watch is more expensive than any other watch in the shop.在这个店里,这只表比其他任何一个别的表都贵。(这只表是最贵的)5.比较级+and+比较级译为“越来越”The earth is getting warmer and warmer.地球变得越来越暖和。China is more and more beautiful.中国变得越来越美丽注意多音节形容词用此句型时,要用more and more +形容词原级;而不能用more beautiful and more beautiful.6.the+比较级,the+比较级译为“越就越”The busier he is, the happier he feels.他越忙就越高兴。The higher the ground(is),the thinner air becomes.越高,空气就越稀薄。7.the+比较级+ of the two译为“两个中比较的”。This watch is the cheaper of the two.这支手表是两个中比较便宜的。He is the better of the two.他是这两个人中比较好的。8.Which(Who)is+比较级?比较A和B,问“哪一个较?”时用Which is+比较级,A or B?句型。如果是人与人相比时,用Who代替Which。Which one is more popular, the radio or the movie? 收音机和电影,哪一个更普及?The radio is.收音机。注意A or B,只能用or不能用and。Who is happier, you or your father? 你和你父亲,谁幸福?I am.我(或者) My father is. 我父亲。5.最高级的用法Spring is the best season of the year.春天是一年中最好的季节。She is the youngest in the class.她是班里最年轻的。1.句型:A+动词+形容词最高级+of(in)表示三者或三者以上(人或事物)的比较,其中有一个在某一方面超过其他几个时,用最高级。最高级前面一般要加定冠词the,后面可带of(in)短语来说明比较的范围。Tom is the happiest of us all.汤姆是我们当中最幸福的。This park is the most beautiful of the three.这个花园是这三个中最漂亮的。较of和in的区别1.of+复数表示“在之中的”;“在中”of the four 在四个之中of all(people) 在所有的人之中of all the boys 在所有的男孩中of us 在我们之中of all things 在所有的事情当中2.in+范围、场所译为“在之中”;“在之内”in the house 在家中in China 在中国in the world 在世界上in our school 在我们学校in my family 在我们家6 需注意的最高级用法America is one of the most important countries for China.对中国而言,美国是最重要的国家之。My father is the tallest in my family.在我家里,我父亲最高。1.one of the +最高级,表示“是最之一者”Shanghai is one of the most beautiful cities in China.上海是中国最美丽的城市之。Our city is one of the safest cities in the world.我们城市是世界上最安全的城市之。One of the most important languages is English.最重要的语言之一是英语。注意one of the +最高级,后面要加上名词的复数,即为one of the +最高级+复数名词2.most+复数名词、most of the+复数名词)或most of+代词,表示“大多数,大部分的”Most people like apples.大多数人喜欢苹果。Most of the boys are good.大多数的男孩是好样的。Most of(his books) them were written here.他的大部分书是在这儿写的。3.最高级的表示方法我们可以用原级、比较级、最高级三种方式来表达最高级,总结如下:她是她们班最好的学生。最高级:She is the best in her class.比较级:She is better than any other student in her class.No other student in her class is better than she.原级:No other student in her class is as good as she.比较which和what在一定数目的范围内做选择时用which,从不定数中做选择时用what,但有时并没有区分得那么清楚。左下例句是询问三者以上,所以用which。4.Which(Who)is +the +最高级?意指三个以上的事物或人当中“哪一个(人)最为呢?”Which is the biggest of the five apples?这五个苹果中哪一个最大?The first one(is). 第一个。Which is the heaviest, the horse, the sheep or the elephant?马、羊和大象,哪一个最沉?The elephant(is).大象。必背!常用的形容词angry 生气的 glad 高兴的 kind 亲切的 right 对的bad 坏的 good 好的 large 大的 short beautiful美丽的 great 伟大的 little 小的 短的、矮的big 大的 happy 幸福的 long 长的 sick 生病的busy 忙的 high 高的 new 新的 small 小的cold冷的 hot 热的 nice 好的 strong 强壮的cool 凉的 important old 老的 tall 高的dark黑的 重要的 poor穷的 warm 温暖的easy 容易的 imteresting pretty 漂亮的 wrong 错的fine 美好的 有趣的 rich 富有的 young 年轻的比较级和最高级的练习题一) 写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式:long_ _ wide _ _ fat _ _heavy_ _ slow _ _ few_ _brightly_ -_ bably _ _ far_ _quickly _ _ happy_ -_ unhappy_(二)用所给词的正确形式填空:1. Of the three girls, I find Lucy the _ (clever).2. Gold(黄金) is _ (little) useful than iron(铁).3. My sister is two years _ (old ) than I.4. Johns parents have four daughters, and she is the _ (young) child.5. The _ (cheap) bags are the not usually the best ones.6. The short one is by far _ expensive of the five.7. The boy is not so _ (interesting) as his brother.8. Dick sings _ (well), she sings _(well) than John, but Mary sings_(well) in her class.9. She will be much _ (happy) in her mew house.10. This dress is _ that.(twice, asas, expensive)(三)选择填空:1 He feels _ today than yesterday.A. tired B. more tired C. more tireder D. much tired2. Which do you like _, coffee, tea or milk?A. the worst B. worse C. the worse D. worst3. Of the two toys, the child chose_.A. the expensive one B. one most expensiveC. a least expensive D. the most expensive of them4. The line is _ than that one.A. more longer B. not longer C. much more longer D. many more longer5. The earth is _ the moon. A. as 49 times big asB. 49 times as bigger as C. 49 times as big asD.as big as 49 times6. The book is _ of the two.A. thinner B. the thinner C. more thinner D. the thinnest7. She looks _ than she does.A. the more older B. very older C. much older D. more older8. The garden is becoming _.A. more beautiful and more B. more beautiful and beautifulC. more and more beautiful D. more beautiful and beautifuler9. They competed(比赛) to see who could work _.A. the fastest and best B. the faster and the betterC. fastest and better D. faster and better10._ hurry, _speed.A. More, less B. Much, little C. The more, the less D. The much, the little11. This kind of coffee is different _.A. and it is also better B. and better than the otherC. but also than others D. from the other, and better(四)翻译句子:1 本书跟那本书一样有趣。This book is _ _ _ that one.2 你游泳没有你弟弟好。You cant swim _ _ _ your brother.3 今天比昨天冷的多。It is _ _ today_ it was yesterday.4 对这个故事我比另一个喜欢


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