高中英语 Module 1 Our body and healthy habits同步练习3 外研版必修2.doc_第1页
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高中英语 Module 1 Our body and healthy habits同步练习3 外研版必修2.doc_第4页




module 1 our body and healthy habits文本感知read the passage on p9 carefully and fill in the blanks.答案:1free2.the government3.enough money4.private health insurance5.health insurance company6.privately7.poorer people8.health and money9.health care 10.doctors导学互动1go to bed now or youll be really tired tomorrow.(p4)现在就去睡觉,否则明天你会很累的。结构剖析“祈使句and/or陈述分句”结构中,祈使句相当于一个表示条件的状语从句。用and时,可把祈使句转换成肯定形式的条件状语从句;用or时,则转换成否定形式的条件状语从句。wear your coat or youll catch a cold.穿上外套,否则你会着凉的。work hard and you can make progress.努力工作你就会取得进步。联想拓展“名词短语and/or陈述句”也相当于一个含有条件状语从句的主从复合句。one more word,and ill knock you flat.再多说一句话,我就把你揍扁了。(1)完成句子rush to school _ youll get there on time.eat more _ youll be hungry.(2)单项选择find ways to praise your children often,_ youll find they will open their hearts to you.atill bor cand dbutits really very dangerous;one more step,_ the baby will fall into the well.aor bso cbut dand2when we breathe,the air goes into our lung.(p5)我们呼吸时,空气进入肺中。breathe vi. 呼吸it is good for the health to breathe deeply.深呼吸有利于身体健康。he went out and breathed the fresh air.他去户外呼吸新鲜空气。联想拓展breath n. 呼吸hold ones breath屏住呼吸out of breath 上气不接下气单项选择when we got to the top of the mountain,we were nearly _.ataken a deep breath blost our breathccaught our breath dout of breath3my wifes going to pick me up in half an hour.(p6)我妻子半小时后要来接我。pick up 拿起;举起;收拾;买到;接某人;(无意中)学会;收听;搭车;身体好转;改进,提高my wife picks the baby up whenever it cries.每次婴儿一哭,我妻子就把他(她)抱起来。please pick up your slippers.请把你的拖鞋收拾好。i picked up an evening paper on the way home.我在回家的路上买了一份晚报。my husband will pick you up in the car.我丈夫会开车来接你。he picked up french when he was in france.在法国时他学会了法语。i managed to pick up an american news broadcast.我设法听到一家美国电台的新闻广播。the economy is finally beginning to pick up again.经济终于又开始好转了。联想拓展pick out挑选出(1)pick up是一个高考重点短语,其含义很多,运用十分广泛,请写出下列句子中pick up 的含义。if you sing it several times,your children will begin to pick up the words.the phone rang and i picked it up.(2)单项选择under good treatment,linda beginning to _ and will soon recover.aturn up bpick outcpick up dshow up4that couldnt be better.(p8)那最好了/那再好不过了结构剖析“cant/couldnt形容词或副词的比较级”常用来表示对已经发生的事情的评价或判断,可译为“不可能更加”。这一结构以比较级的形式表达最高级的含义。what do you think of the tv play last night?你觉得昨晚的电视剧怎么样?it couldnt be worse.再糟糕不过了。what was his performance like?他的演出怎么样?oh,it couldnt have been more wonderful.噢,他的演出再好不过了。单项选择shall i give you some advice on how to play magic tricks?_.i hope to become a magician in the future like liu qian.athats all right bits up to youcits your turn dthat couldnt be better5begin with some information about yourself.(p9)以关于你自己的某些信息开头。begin/start with 以开始knowledge begins with practice.知识源于实践。im not sure where to begin with my research.我拿不准该从何处入手开始我的研究。well,to begin with,he shouldnt even have been driving my car.好吧,首先他就不应该一直开我的车。联想拓展end up with“以结束”,侧重指最后的事情。end up in“结果,最终”,侧重指最终的结果。to begin with首先,第一点(常作插入语)单项选择if you keep driving your car like that,youll _ hospital sooner or later.aend up bend up incend up with dend with6this is because the government has not put enough money into the health service.(p9,para.2)这是因为政府对于公共医疗卫生服务资金的投入不够。o.将投入he put all his savings into buying that house.他把他所有的积蓄都用来买那所房子了。联想拓展put aside搁置一旁put down放下;写下put forward 将提前;拨快put off延期,拖延(与人)见面的时间o practice 把付诸实施put up with忍受单项选择mary is really good at taking notes in class.she can _ almost every word her teacher says.aput out bput downcput away dput together答案:1(1)andor(2)c提示:本题句式为:祈使句and(那么)/or(否则)陈述句。句意:寻找途径来经常表扬你的孩子,那么你将发现他们会对你敞开心扉。根据句意选c项。d提示:句意:真的太危险了,再走一步,这个婴儿就掉到井里了。上下文之间为递进关系,故选and。2d提示:句意:当我们到达山顶的时候,我们几乎是上气不接下气了。out of breath“上气不接下气”。3(1)学会拿起(2)c提示:turn up“调大;出现”;pick out“挑出”;pick up“身体好转”;show up“到场,露面”。句意:琳达在良好的治疗中开始好转,很快就恢复健康了。4d提示:句意:在玩魔术方面我能给你提些建议吗?再好不过了,我希望将来能成为像刘谦那样的魔术师。thats all right“没关系”;its up to you“你说了算”;its your turn“轮到你了”;that couldnt be better“再好不过了”。5b提示:e


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