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Unit 1 Greeting and introuductionDialogues /monologues:1、You can tell they lived during the Depression.这里的tell是断定的意思,咳常常把它的意思与(告知、告诉)联系在一起,脑子便转不过弯来。此句意思应该是: 你可以断定他们生活在那时的大萧条期。2、He really knows how to bring a person out.bring a person out.是“鼓励一个人的”的意思。整句话的意思是:他非常善于鼓励别人/使别人振作起来。PS:to bring sb. out意思为:to make someone feel more comfident, happy, and friendly /使某人更加自信、开朗3、he looks like his fun to be with.整句话的意思是:他看起来是个很有意思的人。或,和他在一起应该会很有意思。句子解析4、since were going to recruit some staff so that we can get our new school going in time。这里的since, 和so that 是基于.原因的意思.根据意思我将其译成: 届时.将.以便.整句话的意思是:届时我们将聘请一些工作人员以便使我们的新学校及时开学.5、Would you address character description for the commercial and industrial arts staff?arts staff 怎么翻译?=你能够给商业与工艺美术的职员讲讲特征描述吗?arts跟前面的commercial and indutrial连在一起看,而非与后面的staff:(the commercial and industrial arts) staff.6、There are a number of other positions to consider.A number of 换成 a lot of 或者是”a great many”行不行,为什么?=可以换成a lot of或a great many of,因为position是可数名词。如果这里是不可数名词,则只能用a number of代替而不能用a great many.修饰可数/不可数都行:a number of/a lot of,只能修饰可数:a great many of(与many性质一样)7、Would you mind letting me take a look in your briefcase?将letting me换成 let me 行不行,为什么?=不行,mind是动词,后面不能直接跟动词原形,一般接名词(或动名词),这里的letting是let的动名词形式。8、Im afraid I certainly do mind, if its all the same to you.“Do mind”与” all the same”什么意思?=do mind: 在英语中强调动词,用助动词do(各种时态)+动词原形。=all the same: 完全一样,用于强调。如:Although you didnt complete it in time, I appreciate you all the same.尽管你没有及时完成,我还是一样很感激你。9、One day the life free from the harsh decrees of state-sponsored racial repression. (种族压迫)在这句话中,state-sponsored 翻译成什么意思最好?=state-sponsored:国家发起的。用于修饰racial repression(种族压迫),是复合形容词,复合形容词的相结合。10、The state in which she was born had laws in place waiting to characterize her as unwelcome.整句话的意思是:在她出生的洲有专门针对象她那一类人并将他们列为不受欢迎人士的法律。11、Present was the usual mix that had so often accumulated into a burden too heavy for a single-parent household like the one Oprah Winfrey grew up in.整句话的意思是:目前,这种平常的税收会不断地压迫在单亲家庭的身上,就象Winfrey 这样的例子.12、One day the life free from the harsh decrees of state-sponsored racial repression.整句话的意思是:有一天,生活可以从洲政府怂恿的残酷种族压迫中解放。Unit 2 PeoplePhrases and Sentence:1、 I dont ever want to have the effect on a person that this person had on me, where I was just blown away by disappointment. It took a few years to get over it.PS:请高手重点解析”ever”的意思。=我甚至从未想过要给“给我留下印象的人”留下印象,在这一点上我感到十分失望。我用了许多年才克服这个毛病。ever,在否定句中起加强语气的作用,not ever从未。2、One thing I do is work with Make-A-wish. If an ill childs one wish to see a celebrity and he picks me, then I make time to see him. But I have to be very careful with these kids, because if you get too attached, youre just setting yourself up for loss.PS:请高手重点解析” because if you get too attached, youre just setting yourself up for loss.”的意思。=我做的一件事就是带着许愿做事。如果一个病了的孩子的愿望是想看一个名人并且他选择的是我,然后我抽出时间去看望他。但是我必须非常小心的跟这些孩子相处,因为如果你太依恋,你会感到不舍。because if you get too attached, youre just setting yourself up for loss.因为如果你太依恋,你会感到不舍。其中attch是:使喜爱,使依恋:因情感因素,如爱戴或忠诚使联结。set oneself up for loss是引起自己处于受损失或失去的状态。3、Thank you for giving me the inspiration to stick around, at age 50, you have to feel youre contributing to something.PS:请高手重点解析” you have to feel youre contributing to something.”=谢谢你给我关于等待的启示,在50岁时,你必须感到你正在做贡献。you have to fell youre contributing to something这句话的意思就是:在50岁时,你必须感到你正在对某些事情做贡献。4、We stayed at the Ritz-Carlton and just had a blast. Or Ill give everybody a ride in the Ultra light-its a flying kite.PS:请高手重点解析“ride”在这里怎么翻译。=我们待在Ritz-Carlton并开了个狂欢会。否则我会给每个人乘坐一下“超轻型”-一个飞行的风筝。ride就是乘坐。5、“One day Ill have my own barbecue.” In other words, every generation gets to improve on the dreams of the last generation.PS:请高手重点解析这段话的真正含义。=“有朝一日,我将拥有自己的烤肉(比喻:实现自己的梦想)。换句话说,每代人必须在他上代人的梦想上有所提高。6、But it came with a price because when he was drinking, we had jobs and money. When he quit, we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.PS:请高手重点解析“we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.”这句话的真正含义。=但是这有一定的代价:因为当他饮酒的时候,我们有工作和工钱。当他戒酒了,我们就只有借酒消愁穷困潦倒了。we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor:其中的trade sth. for sth.以.和.交易,以酗酒和穷困潦倒交易。7、It got so bad that he either quit or got fired.PS:请高手重点解析“sothat”在此句中的意义。=一般so.that是如此.以至于.的意思,这里上下句不是因果关系: 变得糟糕的是,他既没有辞职也没有被解雇。后半句that he either quit or got fired是so bad的补充状语从句,补充说明so bad的细节,不要太拘泥语法结构,更应该注重的是:1.英语语序特征,2.英语国家的人的逻辑思维特征。8、He was a tool pusher essentially, sold drill bits to oil-drilling companies.PS:翻译这句话。=他其实就是一个工具推销者,卖钻头给开采石油的公司。9、I never think that I m doing eight-minute cures on television. But I think that 50 percent of the solution to any problem lies in defining it first. I can be an emotional compass that points them down the path.PS:请高手重点解析“cures”与“lies in”的意思,另外 “pointdown”是词组吗?=我从未想过我在用电视做一个8分钟的治疗。但是我认为任何问题50%的解决方法在于先界定它。我可能是沿着路径指向它们的情感罗盘(指南针)。cure:名词,治疗。point和后面的down可以认为没有关系,这里不是词组,down这里的意思是“沿着”,相当于along。down the path是介宾结构词组,在句中作points them的补充状语。建议:不要从语法分析着手来学习英语,因为这样效果很差。最好是提高阅读量,让一切语法变为理所当然的事情,让记忆单词成为阅读时的副产品。Unit 4 EnvironmentPhrases and Sentences:1、He is famous for vigorously opposing the use of chemicals to kill pets.PS:解析vigorously opposing 并翻译这句话。=vigorously opposing积极反对采集者退散全句翻译:他因为积极反对用化学品杀宠物而出名。2、What would you recommend for a tenth-grader?PS:解析tenth-grader到底是十年级的学生,还是十岁的小孩?=tenth-grade是“十年级”,所以tenth-grader当然是“十年纪的学生”了。十岁的小孩是:teenager3、They used Singapore as a microcosm for examining a regionwide tropical biodiversity crisis,and compiled population data from the past two centuries.PS:翻译这句话。=他们用新加坡作为检查热带地区的区域性的生活差异危机一个缩影,并用过去两个世纪(的历史)来编纂人口数据。其中biodiversity是由前缀bio-和diversity组合而成的,意思是生命的差异性。4、Animals that call the forest home have suffered enormously.PS:翻译这句话,重点解析call在这句话的意思。=call称为,当作。全句翻译:以森林为家的动物们受到了巨大的灾难。5、American and Europe will pool research into hydrogen-powered fuel cells.PS:翻译这句话,重点解析pool在这句话的意思。=pool集中投入,pool的名词意思是“池塘”,动词本义是“汇合成塘”的意思,这里用的是比喻义,想象一下不难理解的。全句翻译:美国和欧洲将集中注资到氢燃料电池的研究中。6、It shows the United States is out to make peace with eco-friendly Europe.PS:翻译这句话=这表明美国将尽力与生态环境好的欧洲和平相处。out这里是副词,表示“致力于”。7、Fuel cells create electricity by combining oxygen and hydrogen without producing harmful emissions, and technical construction poses few basic challenges.PS:翻译这句话,重点解析call在这句话的意思。=燃料电池通过氧气和氢气反应来发电而不发出有害物质,并且在技术的组建上提出了很少的挑战。这里没有call,只有cell,是电池的意思,名词。pose challenge提出挑战,就是指技术上的难关。8、But opinion is sharply divided over how to obtain hydrogen without wasting more natural resources.PS:翻译这句话,重点解析over在这句话的意思。=但是在如何不浪费更多自然资源的情况下获得氢气这个问题上,意见出现了分歧。其中的over相当于on,就是“关于”的意思。9、That means making use of renewable resources for the task, say wind and solar resources.PS:翻译这句话,重点解析say在这句话的意思。=那意味着该任务是要利用可再生资源,比如风能和太阳能。其中的say是副词,比如,相当于for example.10、Whitman assured the public that the air was safe before testing was conclusive. In addition, all EPA statements were required to be screened by the White House.PS:翻译这句话=惠特曼向公众保证在测试下结论之前空气是安全的。而且,所有的EPA(美国环保署)申明都要求经过白宫的筛选。screen:动词,筛选/过滤。11、But New York Sen.(senator,参议员。)Hillary Clinton is calling for an investigation, saying somebody surely leaned on the EPA to lie, which Whitman strongly denies.PS:翻译这句话=但是纽约的科学家希拉里.克林顿要求调查此事,说某些人明显的偏向于EPA(美国环保署)而说谎,对于这个,惠特曼坚决否认。call for:相当于demand,require,lean on:偏向于。Unit 8 At HomeDialogues /monologues:1、 Karen has just had her house redecorated.凯瑞刚让人把房子重新装修。注意这里的用法,had sth done 强调的是让别人做了什么例:I had my clothes washed.(我让人把衣服洗了)2、 The architect and Tom put there heads together to discuss what we wanted and what was possible.put heads together:共同商量、集思广益。来源:考试大建筑师和提姆共同商讨以可行的方式来满足我们的需求。3、 After a few meetings, they came up with some super idea that everybody agreed e up with:提出、拿出。经过一会儿的交谈,他们拿出了一些大家都同意的好点子。4、 But the rest of it was surprisingly expensive.the rest:其余者。It:代指装修所用的材料。但是其余的材料简直便宜得让人吃惊。5、 We were able to make do with the materials we already have.make do with:设法应付。我们设法将我们已经拥有的材料都用上了。6、 I made up some of the curtains and pillows on the couch form mere sheets.make up :在这里指做缝制.编织.我缝制了一些窗帘和睡椅靠垫,仅仅是用一些床单做的.7、 Its funny how people can find solution after they kick something around for a while.kick something around:直译将什么东西踢来踢去。引申意讨论。人们怎样通过暂时的讨论之后,就能找到解决方法是件有趣的事情。8、 Youre on your own.on ones own:独立地、独自地。本句的意思为:你自己玩吧!9、 Id like to concentrate on getting the best score ever on this game.concentrate on:精中(精力)、全神贯注于我将集中精力在这个游戏上取得最好的分数。注意even在这里的用法10、No matter how busy you are, always take time out to check that your child hasnt gotten hold ofsomething that could hurt him.take time out to:暂停下来。Get hold of:抓住、得到。11、But quit my job and took up housekeeping the year after my marriage. Daily household chores keepme on my toes; Im delighted all day long.take up:开始从事。 on ones toe :准备行动。 all day long:一整天。keep me on my toes:让我保持活力的状态,结合句意就:一刻也闲不着,乐此不疲。我的翻译是:但是自从我结婚以后,便放弃了工作,开始打理家务。每天的家务琐事让我乐此不疲。我一整天都眉天眼笑的。12、“in a moment”与 “or so”一个表示“立刻”,一个表示“大约”。都是形容时间的。13、Thats the “tremendous business” for me out of the three meals a day, for, except for the weekends,we have only this meal together. Besides, he always has his lunch in a neglected way at his workplace.这句话我的翻译是:那对于我来说,是除了三顿饭以外,最为重大的事情。因为,除了周末,我们只能在一起吃一顿正餐。此外,他总是在他的工作场所,很轻率的打发他的午餐。第一部份:Dialogues /monologues:1、You can tell they lived during the Depression.这个句子中tell是断定的意思,常常把它的意思与(告知、告诉)联系在一起,脑子便转不过弯来。翻译为: 你可以断定他们生活在那时的大萧条期。2、He reallv knows how to bring a person out.bring a person out.是“鼓励一个人的”的意思。翻译为:他非常善于鼓励别人/使别人振作起来。例:to bring sb.out意思为:to make someone feel more comfident, happy, and friendly /使某人更加自信、开朗3、he looks like his fun to be with.翻译为:他看起来是个很有意思的人。或,和他在一起应该会很有意思。4、since were going to recruit some staff so that we can get our new school going in time。这里的since, 和so that 是基于.原因的意思.根据意思我将其译成: 届时.将.以便.翻译为:届时我们将聘请一些工作人员以便使我们的新学校及时开学.5、Would you address character description for the commercial and industrial arts staff?翻译为:你能够给商业与工艺美术的职员讲讲特征描述吗?arts跟前面的commercial and indutrial连在一起看,而非与后面的staff:(the commercial and industrial arts) staff.6、There are a number of other positions to consider.A number of 换成 a lot of 或者是”a great many”行不行,为什么?可以换成a lot of或a great many of,因为position是可数名词。如果这里是不可数名词,则只能用a number of代替而不能用a great many.修饰可数/不可数都行:a number of/a lot of,只能修饰可数:a great many of(与many性质一样)7、Would you mind letting me take a look in your briefcase?将letting me换成 let me 行不行,为什么?不行,mind是动词,后面不能直接跟动词原形,一般接名词(或动名词),这里的letting是let的动名词形式。8、Im afraid I certainly do mind, if its all the same to you. “Do mind”与” all the same”什么意思?do mind: 在英语中强调动词,用助动词do(各种时态)+动词原形。all the same: 完全一样,用于强调。如:Although you didnt complete it in time, I appreciate you all the same.尽管你没有及时完成,我还是一样很感激你。9、One day the life free from the harsh decrees of state-sponsored racial repression. (种族压迫)在这句话中,state-sponsored 翻译成什么意思最好?state-sponsored:国家发起的。用于修饰racial repression(种族压迫),是复合形容词,复合形容词的相结合。10、The state in which she was born had laws in place waiting to characterize her as unwelcome.翻译为:在她出生的洲有专门针对象她那一类人并将他们列为不受欢迎人士的法律。11、Present was the usual mix that had so often accumulated into a burden too heavy for a single-parent household like the one Oprah Winfrey grew up in.翻译为:目前,这种平常的税收会不断地压迫在家庭的身上,就象Winfrey 这样的例子.12、One day the life free from the harsh decrees of state-sponsored racial repression.整句话的意思是:有一天,生活可以从洲政府怂恿的残酷种族压迫中解放。第二部份:Phrases and Sentence:1、 I dont ever want to have the effect on a person that this person had on me, where i was just blown away by disappointment. It took a few years to get over it.这个句子中重点解析的是“ever”的意思。翻译为:我甚至从未想过要给“给我留下印象的人”留下印象,在这一点上我感到十分失望。我用了许多年才克服这个毛病。ever,在否定句中起加强语气的作用,not ever从未。2、One thing I do is work with Make-A-wish. If an ill childs one wish to see a celebrity and he picks me, then I make time to see him. But I have to be very careful with these kids, because if you get too attached, youre just setting yourself up for loss.这个句子中重点解析的是” because if you get too attached, youre just setting yourself up for loss.”的意思。翻译为:我做的一件事就是带着许愿做事。如果一个病了的孩子的愿望是想看一个名瓦并且他选择的是我,然后我抽出时间去看望他。但是我必须非常小心的跟这些孩子相处,因为如果你太依恋,你会感到不舍。because if you get too attached, youre just setting yourself up for loss.因为如果你太依恋,你会感到不舍。其中attch是:使喜爱,使依恋:因情感因素,如爱戴或忠诚使联结。set oneself up for loss是引起自己处于受损失或失去的状态。3、Thank you for giving me the inspiration to stick around, at age 50, you have to feel youre contributing to something.这个句子中重点解析的是“ you have to feel youre contributing to something.”翻译为:谢谢你给我关于等待的启示,在50岁时,你必须感到你正在做贡献。you have to fell youre contributing to something这句话的意思就是:在50岁时,你必须感到你正在对某些事情做贡献。4、We stayed at the Ritz-Carlton and just had a blast. Or Ill give everybody a ride in the Ultra light-its a flying kite.这个句子中重点解析的是“ride”在这里怎么翻译。翻译为:我们待在Ritz-Carlton并开了个狂欢会。否则我会给每个人乘坐一下“超轻型”-一个飞行的风筝。ride就是乘坐。 5、“One day Ill have my own barbecue.” In other words, every generation gets to improve on the dreams of the last generation第三部份:Phrases and Sentence:1、 She soon called my attention to the fact that she couldnt work full time and keep house, too.注意的词语:call attention to(唤起注意)、keep house(当家)2、 I guess I just took it for granted that a wife was supposed to take care of her kids and husband.注意的词语:take it for granted:(视为当然)、be supposed to:(应该、被期望)3、 Youve got to get to know them.注意的词语:have got to do:(必须做)、get to:(在这里作“开始”的意思)4、 But maybe Id better take that back and give her a hand.注意的词语:take bake:(在这里作“取消”的意思)、give Sb. A hand(抽出空或腾出手帮助某人)5、 They put me in mood for Italian food.注意的词语:put in mind:(使记起、提醒)6、 Ive put aside some money that I earned by doing some extra mechanical work.注意的词语:put aside:(储存、备用)7、 I was putting a machine together today.注意的词语:put together:(把加起来、装配)8、 I am putting forth a lot of effect to make this tablecloth.注意的词语:put forth:(生出、作出)9、 Do you want me to put my needlework away?注意的词语:put away:(在这里作“放弃、处理掉”的意思)此要注意一下五个以“put”打头的短语与词组的用法10、I was going by the store near your house .注意的词语:go by:(顺便走访)11、Your black purse and shoes go nicely with that dress.注意的词语:go with:(伴随、与相配)12、He always goes beyond my expectations.注意的词语:go beyond:(超出)13、The kids cant go along with you.注意的词语:go along with:(一起去、附和)14、Your offer goes to prove that youre a wonderful mother-in-law.注意的词语:offer:(在这里作为“提意”的意思)、go to:(愿意为定位、转到的意思,在这里引申为?)15、You know I get sick every single time the temperature goes below 68.注意的词语:go below:(下降)此要注意一下五个以“go”打头的短语与词组的用法16、I could really go for a good comedy.注意的词语:go for:(在这里作为“主张”的意思)17、we can barely make ends meet.注意的词语:ends meet:指收支平衡18、Every thing I say goes in one ear and out the other.注意的词语:goes in one ear and out the other.:(一个耳朵进,一个耳朵出。指听不进去的意思)第四部份:Phrases and Sentences:1、He is famous for vigorously opposing the use of chemicals to kill pets.这个句子中重点解析的是 vigorously opposing 并翻译这句话。注意的词语:vigorously opposing积极反对翻译为:他因为积极反对用化学品杀宠物而出名。2、What would you recommend for a tenth-grader?这个句子中重点解析的是tenth-grader到底是十年级的学生,还是十岁的小孩?tenth-grade是“十年级”,所以tenth-grader当然是“十年纪的学生”了。十岁的小孩是:teenager3、They used Singapore as a microcosm for examining a regionwide tropical biodiversity crisis,这个句子中重点解析的是and compiled population data from the past two centuries.翻译为:他们用新加坡作为检查热带地区的区域性的生活差异危机一个缩影,并用过去两个世纪(的历史)来编纂人口数据。其中biodiversity是由前缀bio-和diversity组合而成的,意思是生命的差异性。4、Animals that call the forest home have suffered enormously.这个句子中重点解析的是call在这句话的意思。call称为,当作。翻译为:以森林为家的动物们受到了巨大的灾难。5、American and Europe will pool research into hydrogen-powered fuel cells.这个句子中重点解析的是pool在这句话的意思。pool集中投入,pool的名词意思是“池塘”,动词本义是“汇合成塘”的意思,这里用的是比喻义,想象一下不难理解的。翻译为:美国和欧洲将集中注资到氢燃料电池的研究中。第五部份:Dialogues/monologues:I am passionate about English, and the challenge of expressing English fluently and swimmingly withforeigners was the principal motivation.1、.having been brought up in the countryside.2、Those mighty winds pulled in a band of cloud and some patchy rain through the small hours, and into thefirst part of the morning.翻译为:那些强劲的大风卷起一层云彩,还有些零星的小雨下了好一会,一直持续到清晨。3、clearer skies and much light winds allowed temperatures to drop well into single figures resulting in a touch of grand frost in some rural areas.翻译为:清凉的天空和微风让温度值降到了个位数,使得很多乡村地区出现了霜.4、The early sunshine giving away to a bit more clouds.注意的词语:give away:让步。翻译为:太阳被一小片云层遮住了。5、There was something of a drier interlude before an active weather system moved in from the west.6、Some of the more exposed locations saw sustained winds of 40mph with gusts of 58mph.第六部份:Dialogues /monologues: 1、 Im in a hurry.翻译为:我得赶紧。 注意的词语:“in a hurry”指匆忙,有时用作口语也表示轻易地做好某件事情。 2、 These days the most sought-after tables are hidden away, several floors above ground, in the citys high-rise apartments,which are run by chefs out of their own homes or from rented spaces.翻译为:目前,很多广受欢迎的餐馆总是藏匿在公寓大厦地面上方的楼层,就在厨师们自家门口或是租的空地外面营业。3、 Merely requesting a reservation can be as difficult as getting one.翻译为:哪怕是仅仅要求预定(房间)都有可能象真要得到它一样那么难。4、 Exclusively is the main attraction for customers in a city that is still obsessed with status.翻译为:独有性


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