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高一英语月考测试题 (注意:考生须将第一卷答案转涂到答题卡上,第二卷答案直接书写在第二卷卷面上。考试结束,上交答题卡及第二卷。)第一卷(共105分)第一部分听力测试第一节 (共5小题。每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项1. what kind of dumplings does the woman like best?a. cabbage and pork dumplings. b. onion and mutton dumplings. c. onion and pork dumplings. 2. where does the conversation most probably take place? a. in a theatre. b. in a restaurant. c. in a plane.3. what can we learn about jack?a. he is tall. b. he is naughty. c. he is weak. 4. what is the woman doing now? a. offering help. b. giving advice. c. asking the way. 5. what might have happened?a. a fire. b. an earthquake. c. a car accident.第二节(共15小题;满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. what time will the dinner be ready?a. at 6:10. b. at 6:20. c. at 6:30. 7. why did the girl have a bad day?a. she was late for school.b. she lost a pair of shoes.c. she took the wrong bus. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. whats the relationship between the two speakers? a. friends. b. workmates. c. husband and wife. 9. what will the man drink?a. milk. b. tea. c. coffee.10. where will the speakers have supper?a. at home. b. in a restaurant. c. at davids home.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. what is probably the red sun? a. a supermarket. b. a club. c. a restaurant. 12. what will they do after the party? a. sing songs. b. drink tea. c. play chess.13. where does the conversation probably take place? a. in a ktv bar. b. at a tea house. c. on the phone. 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. what kind of job does the man choose?a. a waiter. b. a cook. c. a cleaner. 15. how long did the man work in a bar? a. about two months. b. about half a year. c. about one year. 16. how long will the man work a day? a. for six hours. b. for five hours. c. for four hours. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. what did bob usually do on the train?a. read storybooks. b.listened to the radio. c. talked with others. 18. when did bob usually get to his office in the past? a. at about 8:25. b. at about 8:30. c. at about 9:00. 19. what can we learn about bobs job?a. the salary is not very high. b. it can be done on computer. c. it is about protecting environment. 20. how does bob feel about the way of working now?a. he is satisfied. b. he is disappointed. c. he doesnt care about it. 第二部分:单项填空(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 21. after _ dinner, stephanie likes to play _ guitar for a while in the garden. a. a; a b. 不填; the c. the; a d; 不填;不填 22. the hall was full of people _ to see the famous actor. a.anxious b.enthusiastic c.patient d. frightened2 3. _ him off tomorrow, or you will regret it. i will. a. to see b. seeing c. if you dont see d. see 24. my sister has bought a new car _ color is bright red. a. itsb. thatc. whosed. which25. why didnt you stop her going swimming alone? she had left the room _ i had time to do itaafter bbefore ctill das 26.this is the first time we _ a film in the cinema together as a family.a. see b. had seen c.saw d.have seen27.hangzhou _ the beautiful scenery of west lake.a. is known for b.is known to c.is known as d.is know to28. she _ a new idea for improving our english. a. came up with b. catch up with c. keep up with d. came up 29.what are you doing out of bed, tom? you are_ to be asleep.a. supposed b.known c.thought d.cons idered30.the book _ of seven modules ,the seventh of which is revision .a.consists b.is consisting c.is consisted d.will be consisted31.travelling in space has been made _ possible with the development of science and technology. a. that b./ c.it d.this32. mr. brown knows little japanese, so he cant understand the _ on the bottle of the pills. aexplanations b.introductions cdescriptions dinstructions33. he worked hard, _ he passed the exam.a. in a result b. as result c. as a result d. for a result34. dont laugh at people who are _.a. in troubles b. in a trouble c. in trouble d. in many troubles35.shall i lock the lab before i go home? _. ill check it myself later.a. go ahead b.no problem c.no hurry d.dont bother. 第三部分:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。 we often see dogs always put their tongues(舌头)out in summer. but 36 the dogs didnt do so. long long ago, the dog was very bad .he 37 did a good deed. one summer day the dog 38 into a forest. 39 he saw the forest was beautiful and clean , a 40 idea came to him. then he brought 41 dirty things to the forest and put 42 everywhere. what he did was 43 by a monkey who hid 44 a big tree. he didnt tell anyone 45 the dog did because 46 did not know why the dog did so. several days 47 ,it got hotter and hotter , and the dirty things became rotten(腐烂).the air smelt 48 . many animals fell ill. all the other animals became angry and tried 49 who had done it and punish him. the money knew 50 bad the dog was. so he 51 the other animals the truth. they catch up with the dog and 52 him eat all the dirty things and 53 the forest clean. after that the dog 54 honest. to remember this, he put his tongue out in 55. 36. a. at last b. at least c. in the past d. first of all 37. a. never b. often c. for ever d. suddenly 38. a. entered b. arrived c. reached d. went 39. a. so b. when c. so that d. once 40. a. good b. bad c. wonderful d. common 41. a. a lot b. a great many c. much d. a little 42. a. it b. that c. these d. them 43. a. looked b. caught c. watched d. seen 44. a. behind b. before c. around d. besides 45. a. how b. when c. what d. why 46. a. he b. him c. whom d. which 47. a. before b. ago c. later d. long 48. a. terrible b. nice c. badly d. clean 49. a. not to tell b. to find out c. not telling d. finding out 50. a. very b. what c. why d. how 51. a. said b. spoke c. told d. answered 52. a. wanted b. let c. allowed d. asked 53. a. keep b. let c. have d. make 54. a. wasnt b. didnt seem to be c. became d. went 55. a. spring b. summer c. autumn d. winter 第四部分:. 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)ait was winter, and mrs miller wanted to do a lot of shopping. she waited until it was saturday, when her husband was free, and she took him to the shops with her to pay for everything and to carry for her what she had bought. they went to a lot of shops, and mrs. miller bought everything she could think of. she often stopped and said, “look, peter! isnt that beautiful?” mr miller then answered, “all right, my dear. how much is it?” and he took money out to buy it for her. it was almost dark when they came out of the last shop, and mr miller was tired. he was thinking about a nice drink by the side of a warm fire home. suddenly his wife looked up at the sky and said,” look at that beautiful moon, peter!” without stopping, mr miller answered at once. “all right, dear. how much is it?” then he took his wallet(钱包) out of his pocket. 56. mrs miller did shopping _. a. alone b. together with her husbandc. every day d. in the morning 57 mrs miller took her husband to the shops because _. a. he liked beautiful things b. he liked to do shopping too. c. she wanted him to pay money d. he was always free 58. mrs miller bought _ in the shops. a. nothing b. a lot of things c. the most beautiful thing d. a drink 59. mr miller _ the shopping. a. was very interested in b. was not interested in c. was thinking about d. liked 60. mr miller _. a. wanted to buy the moon b. did not really know what his wife was saying c. did not like the idea of buying the moon d. agreed to do it b venice is a city of the sea. it is built on islands which are in the middle of lagoon(礁湖). today, the city covers 118 islands. these islands are connected(连接) by bridges. there are about 400 bridges which cross 150 canals(运河). it is difficult to forget the sea when you are in the city. many people of venice have always been fishermen, because the lagoon is full of fish. they also build ships, and travel to dalmatia and greece. venice is the “queen(女王)” of the adriatic sea. every month thousands of people visit the city, which is very beautiful. but venice is going down. it is going down and the water is going up. in 2040 venice will be under water. the adriatic will cover the city. the venetians love their city and they want to stay there. they want to save venice. they do not want to leave. how can they succeed(成功)? they can put some big gates in the sea, which will close, so venice will not go down. 61. the city is made up of _. a. 400 bridges b. 150 canals c. 118 islands d. a lagoon 62. the main differences between venice and most other cities in the world is that_. a. venice is bigger b. every year thousands of people visit venice c. venice is a very beautiful city d. venice is a city of the sea 63. people call venice the “queen” of the adriatic sea because _. a. the queen of the country lives there b. the venetians love their city c. it is a beautiful city d. it is sinking 64. the venetians _. a. want to leave venice b. do not like their city c. want to save their city from the sea d. do not want to stay there any more 65. the text suggested that _. a. venice wont be the “queen” of the adriatic sea b. venice isnt sinking c. venice will be under water in 2040 d. venice wont be under water in 2040 cin learning a foreign language, one should first pay attention to speaking. it is the groundwork of reading and writing. youd better try your best to speak. dont be afraid of making mistakes. but be careful not to let them keep you from improving the language. while you are doing this, a good exercise is to write keep a diary, write notes, letters or articles, then if you can, ask someone to go through what you have written and tell you where is wrong . many mistakes in your speaking will be easily found when you write. through correcting the mistakes, you can do better in learning a language. if you are slow in speaking, dont worry. one of the helpful ways is by reading, either aloud or to yourself. the important thing is to choose something interesting to read. it cant be too difficult for you. when you are reading in this way, dont stop to look up the words if you can guess their meanings or if they have nothing important to do with the sentence. you can do that some other time . 66. from the passage we know the groundwork is _ while you are learning a foreign language. a. reading b. writing c. speaking d. listening 67. to improve the language, one has to _ a. pay attention to speaking only b. try not to make mistakes c. to keep a diary and write notes, letters or articles d. correct mistakes only 68. when you write, youll _ a. write excellent articles b. grasp(掌握) the language c be familiar with the language d. easily find lots of mistakes in your speaking 69 when you find some new words in reading, you shouldnt _ a. guess their meaning b. to on reading c. stop to look them up in the dictionary d. keep on reading the important sentence 70. the best title of this passage might be _ . a. how to learn a foreign language b. how to improve reading c. how to learn writing d. more reading, less speaking dmr. and mrs. bell are very forgetful(健忘的). for example , mr. bell sometimes goes to his office for work on sunday morning, for he thinks it is monday. and mrs. bell sometimes forget to cook supper for the family. one summer they planned to fly to new york for their holidays. they got to the airport only ten minutes before the plane took off. so time was short. but suddenly mrs. bell said she must tell alice, their daughter, not to forget to lock the front door when she went to school. as alice was then at school, they couldnt tell her about it by telephone. so they hurried to the post office. mrs. bell wrote a short note to alice while mr. bell bought a stamp and an envelope(信封). soon the note was ready. they put the stamp on the envelope in a hurry and dropped it in the letter box, but suddenly mrs. bell began to cry. the short note was still in her hand. she had put the plane ticket in the envelope. 71. mr.bell sometimes goes to work on sunday morning because_ a. he still goes to work on the weekend b. he takes sunday for monday c. he takes monday for sunday d. he likes to work 72. when mr. and mrs. bell got to the airport._ a. the plane had taken off b. there was no ticket left c. they heard form their daughter d. the plane would take off in ten minutes 73. in a hurry mrs. bell_ a. forgot to put the stamp on the envelope b. dropped the stamp in the letter box c. dropped the note in the letter box d .put the plane tickets in the envelope 74.mr.and mrs. bell wrote a note to their daughter to tell her_ a. that they had a good journey b. to lock the front door c. that the couldnt fly to new york d. to take good care of herself 75.when their daughter received the letter she would_ a. wonder why their parents posted the plane tickets to her b. remember to lock the front door c. write back to her parents as soon as possible d. fly to new york too第二卷(共45分)第一节 书面表达(共两节,满分45分)阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)conard was eighteen months old when he crawled(爬) up on a piano bench and began playing some tunes he had heard on the radio. at three he wrote his first piano piece, which he named congratulations because, like mozart, he could compose music before he could spell. at ten , conrad studied at juilliard school in new city, one of the best music schools in the world. he spent five hours a day playing the violin and the piano. im like and unlike other children, he said .im interested in the same things as other children, such as books and films. and im not such a big fan of practising, but i have to do it. early this year conrad won a big competition for young composers(作曲家). he was the youngest of more than 450 youths who entered. con


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