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江苏省滨海县2014-2015学年七年级英语上学期期末考试试题 同学们好!我是hobo。到了收获季节了,让我们一起参加期末检测吧!相信自己,你一定很棒!祝你取得好成绩!注意事项:1. 本试卷包含第i卷选择题(第170小题)、第ii卷非选择题(第71115小题及书面表达题)两部分。本次考试时间为90分钟,卷面总分为150分。考试形式为闭卷。2. 本试卷中所有试题必须作答在答题卡上规定的位置,否则不给分。3. 答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用书写黑色字迹的0.5毫米签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。4.第i卷(选择题,共80分)一、听一听(共25小题,每小题1分,计25分)a. 请帮助hobo选出所听到的内容。1. eddie, i need you to carry all the _.a. books b. bags c. toys2. daniel wants to buy some _ cards for simon.a. table tennis b. basketball c. football3. simons favourite subject is _.a. english b. pe c. music4. amy is a new student, she is from _.a. japan b. russia c. france5. peter looks smart today, his tie is _.a. red and white b. red and black c. white and blackb. 请帮助hobo根据所听到的对话选出正确的答案。a.b.c.6. which is toms favourite fruit? a.b.c.7. where is peter going?a.b.c.8. whats sandy wearing today? a.b.c.9. which picture are they talking about? c.b.a.10. which room does stephen like best? 11. what colour is sandys skirt? a. red. b. white. c. black.12. whats the sweater made of?a. cotton. b. wool. c. silk. 13. what is lilys father doing now? a. cleaning his car. b. driving his car. c. cleaning his room.14. whats daniel good at?a. swimming. b. basketball. c. football.15. how many girls are there in lilys class?a. there are 50. b. there are 28. c. there are 22.c. 请帮助hobo根据所听的一段对话和两篇短文选择正确的答案。听下面一段对话,回答第16至17小题。16. what does the woman want to buy? a. a sweater. b. a skirt. c. a shirt.17. what colour does the woman choose? a. black. b. blue. c. yellow.听下面一篇短文,完成第18至20小题。根据短文内容,完成信息记录表。wendys familydada policeman. sometimes he works 18 .muma manager. she works in a 19 in the town centre.brothera postman. he goes to work by 20 every day.18. a. in the day b. at night c. at the weekend19. a. restaurant b. school c. supermarket20. a. bus b. bike c. train 听下面一篇短文,完成第21至25小题。21. the new shopping mall is _.a. near my home b. far from my school c. near my school22. there are only _ sports shops in the mall.a. two b. three c. four23. the restaurants are on the _ floor.a. second b. top c. third 24. i like _ before i go shopping.a. eating something nice b. watching a film c. playing computer games25. i dont like the computer games centre because _.a. i have no money b. i hate playing computer games c. it is small and there are too many people二、选一选(共25小题,每小题1分,计25分)a1. 判断下列各组单词中的划线部分读音是否相同,相同的在答题卡上填涂a,不同的在答题卡上填涂b。26. cake, name 27. bike, sit 28. bread, eat 29. book, look 30. school, matcha2. 选出单词中划线部分的正确读音。31. homea. /b. /c. /d. /32. buta. /u:/b. /ju:/c. /d. /33. downa. /a/b. /c. /:/d. /u:/34. neara. /e/b. /e/c. /d. /35. brothera. /t/b. /c. /d. /b. 下面有一些单项选择题,爱动脑筋的你帮hobo选选看。 36. nanjing is _ old and beautiful city. a. theb. ac. and. /37. we dont have lessons _ saturdays. a. atb. onc. ind. for 38. its eight oclock, eddie _ breakfast.a. hasb. havec. havingd. is having39. there _ some bread and apples on the table.a. isb. arec. hasd. have40. my sister doesnt like hamburgers, so she _ eats them.a. oftenb. alwaysc. seldomd. usually 41. mike, lets go to the zoo now. ok. just a _. let me change my shoes. a. secondb. minutec. hourd. day42. eddie would like to _ as the monkey king.a. wearb. dressc. put ond. dress up43. this pair of trainers is too expensive. can we see another _? a. pairb. pairsc. trainerd. trainers44. we need to buy two _ meat for supper today.a. kilob. kilosc. kilo ofd. kilos of45. _ do you like the spring festival? because i can get lots of presents. a. howb. whenc. whyd. where 46. the hair clips _ amy 19 yuan. a. spendb. costc. taked. buy47. how about _ shopping this evening? good idea. a. gob. to goc. goingd. goes48. hello, may i speak to millie, please? hello! _a. who are you?b. whats the matter? c. im millie.d. this is millie speaking.49. good afternoon! _? id like some basketball cards.a. can you help meb. what can i do for you c. how are youd. what can i help you50. _ is your telephone number, please? its 87895081. a. whatb. how manyc. how much d. how三、读一读(50分)a. hobo不小心将咖啡洒到了一些单词上,他有点吃不准了。帮他选一选吧!(10分)my name is broody. im a middle school student. id like to 51 you something about my new flat. the rooms are not big 52 very comfortable. there are five rooms in my new flat, one living room, one kitchen, two bedrooms and one 53 . i often wash my face and take a shower in it. my bedroom is my favourite room in our flat. i like 54 books or drawing pictures in my bedroom. i can also 55 music or play cds there. sometimes i use my 56 to write e-mails to my friends.i also love the kitchen. i love helping my mother 57 the meals. she is teaching me 58 to make different dishes. the kitchen is also a good place 59 a cup of tea after each meal. i have to stop here, because i should 60 early tomorrow morning. i must go to school again.51.a. sayb. tellc. talk d. speak52.a. butb. or c. andd. then53.a. dining roomb. toiletc. bathroomd. balcony54.a. seeing b. watchingc. looking d. reading55.a. listen b. listening c. listen tod. listening to56.a. computerb. radioc. tv d. mp457.a. for b. with c. atd. in 58.a. what b. where c. which d. how59.a. to enjoy b. enjoy c. enjoying d. enjoys60.a. go to bedb. watch tvc. get upd. go homeb. hobo可喜欢阅读了!和他比一比,看看谁理解能力强。(每题2分,计20分)b1do you know how to keep fit? if you want to keep fit, you need healthy food and lots of exercise.breakfast is important. milk and bread are good for breakfast. they give you energy. for lunch and dinner, you can have rice and vegetables. healthy people seldom eat lots of snacks. sweet snacks give you energy, but they are not healthy. you can have an orange or an apple after each meal.you need to exercise too. you should exercise for 30 minutes every day. you will feel healthier in a month. you can swim. you can run or play basketball. however, do not play computer games or chat with friends on the internet for many hours every day.get up from your chairs! change your lifestyle today! you can be healthy. you can always keep fit with the right food and the right exercise. (选自补充习题七年级上册unit 6)61. what is good for breakfast?a. rice and vegetables. b. milk and bread. c. an orange or an apple. d. sweet snacks.62. what can you have after each meal?a. an orange or an apple. b. a banana or a pear. c. some sweet snacks. d. a tomato or a mango.63. how long should you exercise every day?a. for two hours. b. for an hour. c. for half an hour. d. for 20 minutes.64. what does the underlined word “however” mean in english?a. because b. and c. but d. so 65. what can be the best title (标题) for the passage?a. breakfast is importantb. you need to exercise c. get up from your chairsd. how to keep fit b2oh, the rain! how sara hates the rain! she cannot go outside to meet her friends for a game. her mother says to her, “you may catch a cold (感冒) if you play in the rain.” but sara shouts, “it is raining, but its hot outside!” her mother still doesnt let her out in the rain.sara goes up to her room and lies down in front of her window. in fact she has many things to do in her room. there is a tv, some books and toys. but she doesnt like any of them. sara sits by the window. she does everything to make the rain go away. first she opens the window so the rain can hear her. she wishes the rain away but that doesnt work. she asks it to go away but that still doesnt work. she stands up and shouts at the rain but that still doesnt work. “well, if youre going to be here and ruin (毁坏) my day, you can find something interesting for me to do!” she shouts and again she gets no answer.so she sits back down on the window. “fine,” she thinks, “i can go swimming, ride my bike and play with my friends when the rain stops.” she thinks so hard about her ideas, soon she falls asleep (入睡) on the window. (节选自快乐英语阅读初一年级 第卷,略有改动)66. from the story we know it is a day.a. windy b. sunny c. rainy d. cold67. saras mother doesnt let her out because sara may in the rain. a. ride a bike b. go swimming c. play toys d. catch a cold 68. she wishes the rain away but that doesnt work. here “doesnt work” means “ ”.a. 不工作 b. 不奏效 c. 不经营 d. 不操作69. we can infer (推理) sara may when the rain stops.a. play with her friends b. watch tv c. play toys d. read books70. from the passage, we know .a. sara finds something interesting to do in the rainb. sara falls asleep on the win windowc. saras mother lets her out at last (终于)d. the rain goes away when sara opens the window第卷(非选择题,共70分)c. 任务型阅读理解(20分)c1. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。(每词1分,计10分)hello, everyone. i am kitty from class1, grade7. welcome to our fashion show. we are going to show you different styles of clothes. look at me. i am wearing sports clothes and a pair of trainers. trainers are light and comfortable and young people like trainers very much. here comes simon. he is wearing a purple shirt and a pair of grey trousers. his red and grey tie goes well with his clothes. he looks smart.now amy and daniel are coming. they look cool! amy is wearing a yellow blouse and a blue scarf. the blouse is made of cotton. daniel is wearing a blue t-shirt. they are both wearing blue jeans. young people like jeans.look! here comes sandy. she is wearing a black wool skirt and a pair of red boots. the red silk blouse looks modern on her!thats all for todays show. thanks for coming.the 71 shownameswhat are they wearing?kittyshe is wearing 72 clothes and a pair of trainers. trainers are light and comfortable and are popular among 73 people. 74 he looks smart. he is wearing a purple shirt and a pair of grey trousers. his red and grey tie 75 his clothes. amyand danielamy is wearing a yellow 76 blouse and a blue scarf. daniel is wearing a 77 t-shirt. 78 of them are wearing blue jeans.sandyshe is wearing a black wool skirt and a pair of red 79 . she looks modern 80 the red silk blouse!c2. 阅读短文,回答问题,可以简答出关键信息即可。(共5小题,每题2分,计10分)do you like to shop? here are some shopping tips for you. first, you should write down all the things you want to buy. you should know how much money you need and take enough money with you. people can bring their own shopping bags now.second, its very important not to buy the things you dont need. there are many nice things in the shopping mall, but what you need is only some of them.third, when you are shopping, you need to go into different shops and compare (对比) things of the same kind. it may take you lots of time to get the best one. fourth, you can go shopping at the weekend or during holidays. on one hand, there are lots of discounts (折扣) on many things at the weekend or during holidays. on the other hand, people have enough time to decide which to buy. (选自课课练七年级上册unit 7)81. can people bring their own shopping bags now? 82. what do you need to do when you are shopping? 83. when are there lots of dicounts on many things? 84. how many tips can you find from the passage? 85. 文中哪一句话与 “you may spend much time getting the best one.”意思相近?。 四、写一写(共50分) 下面要动笔写单词、短语和句子了。和hobo比一比,看谁做得又快又准又工整!a. 词汇(共25小题,每题1分,计25分)a1. 根据句意和所给的音标、中文或单词提示, 用适当形式完成句子中所缺的单词。(15分)86. i usually get up at 6:00. im never / let / for school.87. we are going to have a football match, we all wish our team good / lk /.88. look, the students are taking / ftz / over there.89. i love to sit there and look out at the / bi:t/. 90. the box is very heavy because it is / fl / of books.91. london is the (首都) of the uk.92. can you (借) your pink blouse for our fashion show, mum?93. people in the usa think halloween is a (特殊的) day. 94. millie (似乎) very happy because they have a “festival week” at school.95. children visit houses and play a game with the people (在里面).96. daniel is my cousin. i often play with (he).97. its important to brush your (tooth) twice a day.98. kate lives on the (five) floor of that tall building. 99. simon wants to be a football ( play) in the future. 100. on sunday, lin tao can spend ten (many) minutes in bed.a2. 根据首字母提示填写短文中所缺单词。答题卡上填写完整单词(每题1分,计10分)the spring festival is an important holiday in china. most chinese families c 101 it. it is always i 102 january or february. it is cold at this time of year, b 103 people are happy. family members get t 104 and then have a big dinner. after dinner, people like to w 105 tv. there is a great spring gala on tv every year. children have lots of f 106 on this day. usually our parents get new clothes r 107 for us. and we often get r 108 packets from our grandparents, aunts and uncles. we like to l 109 off fireworks at night. they are r 110 wonderful! people all have a great time during the festival.b. 句型转换。(每空一词,每词1分,计10分)c. 书面表达(15分)请根据提示,以“my school life”为题写一篇70词左右的短文。要求包含所列全部要点,并作适当发挥;语句通顺,语法正确。要秀出你漂亮的英语书写呀!schoolsunshine middle school, clean and beautifulteachers be nice tostudentsstudy hard and help each otherlessonschinese, maths and english every day, good atfour in the morning, two in the afternoonactivitiesmorning exercises first, chat withat noon,? ?in the afternoon (至少两个活动)feeling (感想)? (恭喜你顺利完成答卷!再检查一遍吧!) a. 请帮助hobo选出所听到的内容。本部分共有5小题,每小题你将听到一句话。在听每句话前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。1. eddie, i need you to carry all the bags.2. daniel wants to buy some football cards for simon.3. simons favourite subject is english.4. amy is a new student, she is from japan.5. peter looks smart today, his tie is red and black.b. 请帮助hobo根据所听到的对话选出正确的答案。本部分共有10小题,每小题你将听到一段对话。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。6. w: whats your favourite fruit, tom?m: bananas.7. w: where are you going, peter?m: tomorrow is millies birthday, id like to buy some toys in the toy shop.8. w: sandy looks beautiful today.m: yes, she is wearing a pair of new shoes today.9. w: do you love the spring festival?m: yes, its the most important festival in china.10. w: stephen, which room is your favourite in your house?m: kitchen, of course. theres always nice food in the fridge. 11. m: what a great show, sandy! i like your red skirt. w: thank you.12. m: is this sweater made of cotton?w: no, it isnt. its made of silk.13. m: whats your father doing, lily?w: hes cleaning his car over there.14. m: is daniel good at swimming?w: no. he is good at playing basketball.15. m: how many students are there in your class, lily?w: fifty. there are twenty-eight boys and twenty-two girls.c. 请帮助hobo根据所听的一段对话和两篇短文选择正确的答案。本部分共10小题,每段对话或短文后各有几道小题。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选择答案。听下面一段对话,回答第1617小题。m: can i help you?w: yes, please. i want to buy a sweater.m: what colour would you like? what about this black one? w: i dont like black. do you have any other colours?m: oh, yes. what about the yellow one?w: can i have a try?m: yes, of course.w: how much is it, please?m: ninety yuan.w: ok. ill take the yellow one.听下面一篇短文,完成第1820小题。根据短文内容,完成信息记录表。there are four people in wendys family. her dad is a policeman. he works in a police station near her school. sometimes he works at night. her mum works in a supermarket in the town centre. she is a manager, so she is always busy. wendys brother is a postman. he works in a post office. the post office is far away from wendys home, so he takes a bus to his work every day. 听下面一篇短文,回答第2125小题。there is a new shopping mall near m


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