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周口中英文学校2012-2013学年下期高二期中英 语 试 题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从abcd四个选项中,选出可以填入空白的最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。21-how do you like _ black tea?-very nice. i care for _ second cupa. the; a b. the; the c.不填;a d.不填;the22i _ toward the door to go outside when suddenly jim opened it unexpectedlyawalked bwas walking chad walked dhad been walking23. i can never forget the day _ we worked together and the day _ we spent together.a. when; which b. which; when c. what; that d. on which; when24. _ the plan many times, but he still didnt understand. a. having told him b. having been told himc. though he had been told d. he was told25. not until the train pulled into the station _ that his suitcase was gone. a. did he find bhad he found c. he had found d. he found26. a few years ago the belief became well known _orange juice and milk should never be drunk at the same meal. a. that b.which c. and that d.what27.-which of the two dictionaries will you buy?-i will buy _, for ive got some such dictionaries. a. bothb. eitherc. neitherd. no one28. take warm clothes _ the weather is cold.a. in case b. in case ofc. because ofd. so that29. _, i have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.a. however the story is amusing b. no matter amusing the story isc. however amusing the story is d. no matter how the story is amusing30. the girl looked at me with a _expression. maybe the problem was quite _.a. puzzled; puzzling b. puzzling; puzzled c. puzzled; puzzled d. puzzling; puzzling 31. she felt herself _ by her friends.a. misunderstand b. misunderstanding c. misunderstood d. to misunderstand32 in copying this paper , be careful not to _ any words.a. leave behind b. leave aside c. leave off d. leave out33. exercise is _as any other to lose weight. a. so a useful b. as a useful way c. such a useful way d. as usefula way34. the general demanded that the soldiers at the village before 5 p.m. to rescue the victims of the earthquake. a.will arriveb.arrive c.would arrive d.arrived35. he always brings me a pretty gift _ he es to visit me.a. by the time b. sometimes c. every time d. at times第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 i spent two months with an american family last year when i studied in americait is said that “the best house is in the u.s.a, the best wife is in japan and the best food is in china”so i took 36 and pleasure to 37 “the best food” for my american familyeach day,regardless of my poor skill of cooking,i performed my play in 38 way:changing the dishescolour,the meats type or the soups stylethus,my american friends could discover the 39 of eating chinese food because of my“ 40 ” job,i was often rewarded by their 41 of appreciation , such as “very tasty”,“excellent”etcbut the joke was here: yesterday, i cooked sichuanstyle 42 for dinneri was 43 at my achievementwhen all the family members arrived at the table,they first looked 44 at the fish,then looked at me “why do all the fish have their 45 ?” they asked,“its horrible!” horrible or beautiful? i dont know but i 46 know that fish heads are delicious. the 47 is the best part of fish; in 48 only the respectable guest can have the special 49 of enjoying it another 50 thing is:the american friends often said to me“ 51 ”as they 52 fruits or other things according to chinese tradition,i would simply smile in answer to their kindness 53 actually helping myself to any of the food. 54 ,i said “help yourself” to them whenever i brought home fruitsdear me,no matter how much or how often i brought home food, as long as it was nice to their taste,they 55 hesitated to use their hands to “help themselves” until all was finished 36 a worry b. attention c. delight d. pride 37 a buy b. fetch c. cook d. leave 38 a their b. a new c. the same d. a simple39 a way b. joy c. trouble d. importance 40 a hard b. daily c. good d. new 41 a expressions b. sentence c. doing d. smile 42 a meat b. fish c. soup d. egg 43 a praised b. pleased c. bad d. surprise 44 a pleasedly b. excitedly c. surprisedly d. worriedly 45 a bones b. flesh (人肉) c. tails d. heads46 a do b. will c. want to d. should 47 a tail b. head c. soup d. flesh 48 a fact b. china c. usa d. the west 49 a honour b. seat c. table d. plate 50 a real b. exciting c. interesting d. easy 51 a please help us b. excuse me c.help yourself d. eat them please 52 a brought home b. wanted cwere buying d. were eating 53 a not b. but not c. without d. nor 54 a at last b. above all c. after all d. in return 55 a usual b. often c. never d. had第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)a swimming is one of those activities that can be learned early in life.little children can learn to swim as soon as they walk.in fact,you need the same skills in walking as in swimming. however,i believe that five is the best age to learn.by five or six,a child knows fear of water,a very important thing to know.its wise to be afraid,to recognize true danger.young ones understand that the water can sometimes be very dangerous. to really benefit from swimming,every swimmer should learn,as soon as possible,these four basic strokes;butterfly,backstroke,breastroke,and crawl.i feel that one of these-the breaststroke-is different from the others,since some young swimmers use this stroke naturally,without any training. in swimming there are certain rules every swimmer should follow: 1.never swim alone!no matter how good you are in the water,dont risk drowning by swimming alone.if you swim by yourself,with no life guards or friends with you,you may get into trouble. 2.dont go beyond your abilities.most swimmers know enough not to swim too far from the bank or the beach,showing off by doing dangerous tricks is no good. swim safely and you will continue to swim and alive. 3.dont smoke.swimming depends on a healthy body;good lungs are part of it. 4.work at any activity that builds muscles. 56.little children can learn to swim as soon as _. a.they can talk b.they start walking c.they have no fear of the water d.they are five or six years old 57the author believes that fear of water is_. a.stupid b.sensible(明智的) c.dangerous d.not smart 58.according to the passage,you should not swim alone because_. a. the water is too cold b.your parents would not be happy c.something in the water might attack d.you might drownb when did you last see a polar bear?on a trip to a zoo,perhaps?if you had attended a winter activity in new york a few years ago,you would have seen a whole polar bear club.these polar bears are people who meet frequently in the winter to swim in freezing cold water.that day,the air temperature was 3,and the water temperature was a little higher.the members of the polar bear club at coney island,new york are usually about the age of 60.members must satisfy two requirements.first,they must get along well with everyone else in the group;this is very important because there are so many different kinds of people in the club.polar bears must also agree to swim outdoors at least twice a month from november through february. dcotors dont agree about the medical effects of cold-winter swimming.some are worried about the dangers of a condition in which the bodys temperature drops so low that finally the heart stops.other doctors,however,point out that there is more danger of a heart attack during summer swimming because the difference between the air temperature and water temperature is much greater in summer than in winter. the polar bears themselves are satisfied with the benefits of cold-water swimming.they say that their favorite form of exercise is very good for the circulatory system(循环系统)because it forces the blood to move fast to keep the body warm.cold-water swimmers usually turn bright red after a few minutes in the water.a person who turns blue probably has a very poor circulatory system and should not try cold-water swimming. the main benefits of cold-water swimming are probably mental.the polar bears love to swim all year round;they find it fun and relaxing.as one 70-year-old woman says,when i go into water,i pour my troubles into the ocean and let them float away. 59.the members of the polar bear club must meet the following requirements except that_. a.they must swim outdoors at least 8 times in the four cold months b.they must reach the age of 60 c.they should be easy to make friends with d.they must agree to swim outdoors from november through february 60.according to the passage,some doctors believe it is true that_. a.polar bears are bears swimming in freezing water b.cold-water swimming can make the body temperature dangerously high c.you are healthy if cold-water swimming turns your skin color blue d.cold-water swimming causes more heart attacks in summer than in winter 61.the polar bears like to swim year-round,for_. a.it is an easy way ot keep the body warm in winter b.they can remain young c.they find it enjoyable and interesting d.they might meet fewer troubles in life 62.the passage is mainly about_. a.the requirements of the polar bear club b.a group of cold-water-swimming livers c.the polar bears life in new york d.doctors ideas about cold-water swimming c down-to-earth means being honest, open, and easy to deal with. it is a pleasure to find someone who is down-to-earth. a person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to. he or she accepts others as equals. a down-to-earth person may be an important member of society, of course, but they do not let their importance go to their heads, and they do not consider themselves to be better than others who are less important. someone who is filled with self-importance and pride, often without cause, is said to have his nose in the air. there is no way a person with his nose in the air who can be down-to-earth.americans use another expression that is similar in some way to down-to-earth. the expression is both feet on the ground. someone with both feet on the ground is a person with a good understanding of reality. he has what is called mon sense. he may have dreams but he does not allow them to block his knowledge of what is real. the opposite kind of person is one who has his head in the clouds. a man with his head in the clouds is a dreamer whose mind is not in the world. sometimes such a dreamer can be brought back to reality; sharp words from the teacher, for example, can usually get a daydreaming student to put both feet back on the ground.the person who is down-to-earth usually has both feet on the ground. but the opposite is not always true. someone with both feet on the ground may not be as open and easy to deal with as someone who is down-to-earth. when we have both our feet firmly on the ground, we are realistic and we act honestly and openly toward others, and our lives are like the ground below us, solid and strong. 63. if a person has his nose in the air, he _. a. is down to the earth b. is easy to deal with c. always thinks he is more important than others d. is confident64. if a person has both feet on the ground, he _. a. is in touch with reality, and doesnt have any dreamsb. has some dreams but he is realisticc. is honest, open and easy to deal withd. is honest, open but hard to deal with65. from the second paragraph, we know that sharp words from a teacher can usually _. a. help a student get down to the earth b. wake a student upc. help a daydreaming student e down to the ground d. help a daydreaming student to bee more realisticd. a person who has both feet on the ground may not be down-to-earth66. from the passage, we can infer the person who is _ is the most popular kind of person.a. down-to-earth b. standing on the groundc. with his nose in the air d. with his head in the cloudsdlight for the city edison and his assistants came to new york to set up an electric power system. they hoped it would provide enough electricity to light up a part of the great city.they bought several machines with them. these were called generators, which produced electricity power for lamps in edisons building.soon there were lights for the building. edison lived in a room facing the street and he often worked over night. the light burned brightly and steadily and he often worked over night. people often came and stopped their horse-drawn carriage to look. everyone knew that thomas edison was in town.first, the inventor and his assistants produced several large generators. a great deal of power would be needed to light up even a small part of the city.then the workers were busy digging deep trenches(沟) in the hard earth below the city streets, and edison had fourteen miles of wire laid into the trenches. the wire connected each building to a generator.setting up an electric power system was not an easy job. it took a year and a half. in september, 1882, the job was finished.a small group of men stood around edison inside the power house. the big moment came at last. the inventor, taking a deep breath, pulled a switch. the electric lights flashed up.“very good! very good!” a man nearby shouted to praise edison for what he had done.“sir,” said edison, “this is only the beginning!” and edison was right. soon edisons lamp were lighting up cities all over the world. 67. the generators they brought with them could produce as much as electricity as _ needed.a. edisons building b. a small part of the city c. the whole city d. the world68. at that time carriages _ by horse could be seen in the street.a. draw b. drew c. drawn d. drawing69. trenches were dug to _.a. set up generators b. lay wires c. built city streets d. build a power house70. it took a year and a half to _.a. set up the electric system b. produce several large generatorsc. dig the deep trenches d. lay fourteen miles of wire into the trench第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。_71_ .being angry doesnt really solve much, but what people do when they feel angry is important. the goal is to calm down and try to solve what is bothering you. this is hard for some kids and adults, too. instead of calming down, some kids might keep getting more and more upset until they explode like a volcano!_72_.their anger might be so strong that they lose control of their temper. they may act in ways unacceptable and hurtful. people may say that someone has trouble controlling their temper. _73_ some kids might get so angry that they scream at their parents, break something , or even worse , hit their brothers or sisters. _74_ .however, its not ok for a kid to do any of those things .kids dont want to act in this way , but sometimesangry feelings can be hard to manage. so what to do? well, the good news is that kids dont just have to keep making the same mistakes over and over again. _75_ . imagine your temper as a puppy(小狗) inside you that needs some training. the puppy is not bad - it will probably turn out a great dog. it just needs to learn some rules because, right now, that puppy is causing some problems to you.a. you can train you temper.b. you dont want to cause trouble.c. kids should be allowed to express their feelings, even angry ones.d. everybody gets angry sometimes.e. in fact, they usually mean that a kid behaves badly when feeling angry.f. instead of thinking of the person youre angry with, think of something else.g. some kids get angry more often or more easily than some other kids.第二节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处。yang li, a five-year-old girl living next door to me, very clever. because she is too old to go to school, she often asks me to teach herself


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