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人教版高中英语选修八UNIT 4柯林斯高级英汉双解词典M8 Unit41、Pygmalion /pmeln/ n. 卖花女(英国萧伯纳之作品人物);塞浦路斯王皮格马利翁2、George Bernard Shaw乔治萧伯纳(英国剧作家)3、adaptation /dpten/ n. 适应;改编;改编本,改写本(adaptations)1、N-COUNT An adaptation of a book or play is a film or a television programme that is based on it. 改编例: Branagh won two awards for his screen adaptation of Shakespeares Henry the Fifth. 布拉纳因他对莎士比亚的亨利五世的荧幕改编而获了两次奖2、N-UNCOUNT Adaptation is the act of changing something or changing your behaviour to make it suitable for a new purpose or situation. 适应例: Most living creatures are capable of adaptation when compelled to do so. 大多数生物在为情势所迫时都能适应。4、classic /klsk/ adj. 经典的;古典的,传统的;最优秀的n. 名著;经典著作;大艺术家(classics)1、ADJ A classic example of a thing or situation has all the features which you expect such a thing or situation to have. 典型的例: The debate in the press has been a classic example of hypocrisy. 新闻界的这场争论是虚伪的典型例子。 2、N-COUNT Classic is also a noun. 典范例: It was a classic of interrogation: first the bully, then the kind one who offers sympathy. 这是审问的一种典范:开始是欺负人的人,然后那个和善的人再施予同情。3、ADJ A classic film, piece of writing, or piece of music is of very high quality and has become a standard against which similar things are judged. 经典的ADJ n例: .the classic childrens film Huckleberry Finn. 经典的儿童影片哈克贝利芬。 4、N-COUNT Classic is also a noun. 经典例: The record won a gold award and remains one of the classics of modern popular music. 该唱片获得过金奖,而且依旧是现代流行音乐的经典作品之一。5、N-COUNT A classic is a book which is well-known and considered to be of a high literary standard. You can refer to such books generally as the classics. 文学名著例: As I grow older, I like to reread the classics regularly. 随着我年龄的增长,我喜欢定期重读文学名著。6、N-UNCOUNT Classics is the study of the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, especially their languages, literature, and philosophy. 古典学例: .a Classics degree. 古典学学位。5、caption /kpn/ n. 标题;字幕;说明;逮捕(captions)N-COUNT A caption is the words printed underneath a picture or cartoon which explain what it is about. (图片或卡通的) 说明文字例: The local paper featured me standing on a stepladder with a caption, Wendy climbs the ladder to success. 当地的报纸刊登了一幅我站在活梯上的特写,下面写着:“温迪登上了成功之梯。”6、plot /plt/ n. 情节;图;阴谋(plotting, plotted, plots)1、N-COUNT A plot is a secret plan by a group of people to do something that is illegal or wrong, usually against a person or a government. 阴谋例: Security forces have uncovered a plot to overthrow the government. 安全部队已经揭穿了一个推翻政府的阴谋。2、V-T If people plot to do something or plot something that is illegal or wrong, they plan secretly to do it. 密谋例: Prosecutors in the trial allege the defendants plotted to overthrow the government. 审判的公诉人声称被告曾密谋推翻政府。例: The military were plotting a coup. 该军方当时正在密谋政变。3、V-T When people plot a strategy or a course of action, they carefully plan each step of it. 制订例: Yesterdays meeting was intended to plot a survival strategy for the party. 昨天的会议旨在制订该党的生存策略。4、N-VAR The plot of a film, novel, or play is the connected series of events which make up the story. 情节例: He began to tell me the plot of his new book. 他开始向我讲述他新书的情节。5、N-COUNT A plot of land is a small piece of land, especially one that has been measured or marked out for a special purpose, such as building houses or growing vegetables. 小块圈地例: I thought that Id buy myself a small plot of land and build a house on it. 我觉得我应该给自己买一小块地,在上面盖一所房子。 6、V to arrange or divide (land) into plots 划分(土地); 把(土地)分成小块7、V-T When someone plots something on a graph, they mark certain points on it and then join the points up. (在曲线图上) 绘制例: We plotted about eight points on the graph. 我们在图表上绘出了大约有八个点的曲线。. 8、V-T When someone plots the position or course of a plane or ship, they mark it on a map using instruments to obtain accurate information. 标绘 例: We were trying to plot the course of the submarine. 我们当时正试图标绘出那艘潜艇的航线。9、V-T If someone plots the progress or development of something, they make a diagram or a plan which shows how it has developed in order to give some indication of how it will develop in the future. 用图表展示 (发展趋势)例: They used a computer to plot the movements of everyone in the police station on December 24, 1990. 他们使用计算机绘制了图表,来显示1990年12月24日警察局中每个人的行动。7、professor /prfs/ n. 教授;教师;公开表示信仰的人(professors)1、N-COUNT/N-TITLE/N-VOC A professor in an American or Canadian university or college is a teacher of the highest rank. (美国大学的) 教授例: Robert Dunn is a professor of economics at George Washington University. 罗伯特邓恩是乔治华盛顿大学的经济学教授。2、N-TITLE/N-COUNT/N-VOC A professor in a British university is the most senior teacher in a department. (英国大学的) 系主任例: .Professor Cameron. 卡梅伦主任。8、Higgins n. 希金斯(姓氏)9、phonetics /fntks/ n. 发音学,语音学1、N-UNCOUNT In linguistics, phonetics is the study of speech sounds. 语音学2、ADJ Phonetic means relating to the sound of a word or to the sounds that are used in languages. 语音的; 发音的usu ADJ n例: .the Japanese phonetic system, with its relatively few, simple sounds. .语音数目相对较少且较简单的日语发音系统。 3、phonetically ADVADV with v例: .phonetically learning how to spell things. .根据语音学习如何拼写。10、colonel /knl/ n. 陆军上校(colonels)N-COUNT/N-TITLE/N-VOC A colonel is a senior officer in an army, air force, or the marines. (陆军、空军或海军的) 上校例: This particular place was run by an ex-Army colonel. 这个特别的地方归一位前陆军上校掌管。11、Pickering pikri 皮克林12、fateful /fetfl/ adj. 重大的;决定性的;宿命的ADJ If an action or a time when something happened is described as fateful, it is considered to have an important, and often very bad, effect on future events. 有重大影响的 (尤指产生负面结果的)例: It was a fateful decision, one which was to break the Government. 那是一项重大的决定,一个将使政府垮台的决定。13、whistle /wsl/ n. 口哨;汽笛;啸啸声vt. 吹口哨;鸣汽笛(过去式whistled,过去分词whistled,现在分词whistling,第三人称单数whistles)(whistling, whistled, whistles)1、 V-T/V-I When you whistle or when you whistle a tune, you make a series of musical notes by forcing your breath out between your lips, or your teeth. 用口哨吹出; 吹口哨例: He whistled and sang snatches of songs. 他边用口哨吹边唱了几个歌曲的片段。例: He was whistling softly to himself. 他自娱自乐地轻声吹着口哨。. 2、V-I When someone whistles, they make a sound by forcing their breath out between their lips or their teeth. People sometimes whistle when they are surprised, or to call a dog, to get someones attention, or to show that they are impressed. 吹口哨 (表示吃惊、呼唤小狗、引人注意或表示欣赏)例: He whistled, surprised but not shocked. 他吹了声口哨,有些惊讶,但并不震惊。例: Jenkins whistled through his teeth, impressed at last. 詹金斯从齿间吹了一声口哨,总算被打动了。 3、N-COUNT Whistle is also a noun. 口哨例: Jackson gave a low whistle. 杰克逊低声地吹了一下口哨。4、V-I If something such as a train or a kettle whistles, it makes a loud, high sound. (火车等) 鸣汽笛; (水开时水壶) 发出尖啸声例: Somewhere a train whistled. 某个地方响起了火车的鸣笛声。5、V-I If something such as the wind or a bullet whistles somewhere, it moves there, making a loud, high sound. (风、子弹等) 呼啸而过例: The wind was whistling through the building. 风呼啸着穿过那座大楼。 6、N-COUNT A whistle is a loud sound produced by air or steam being forced through a small opening, or by something moving quickly through the air. (某物在空中疾驰而过的) 呼啸声; (空气、蒸汽通过狭小孔道时的) 尖啸声例: .the whistle of the wind. 风的呼啸声。例: .a shrill whistle from the boiling kettle. 烧开的水壶发出的刺耳的尖啸声。7、N-COUNT A whistle is a small metal tube that you blow in order to produce a loud sound and attract someones attention. 哨子例: On the platform, the guard blew his whistle. 站台上,警卫吹响了他的哨子。8、PHRASE If you blow the whistle on someone, or on something secret or illegal, you tell another person, especially a person in authority, what is happening. (尤指向当局) 揭发例: Companies should protect employees who blow the whistle on dishonest workmates and work practices. 公司应该保护那些揭发不诚实的同事和不良工作行为的员工。. 9、PHRASE If you describe something as clean as a whistle, you mean that it is completely clean. 一尘不染例: The kitchen was clean as a whistle. 厨房里一尘不染。14、garment /mnt/ n. 衣服,服装;外表,外观(garments)N-COUNT A garment is a piece of clothing; used especially in contexts where you are talking about the manufacture or sale of clothes. 衣服 (尤用于衣服生产和销售的领域)例: Many of the garments have the customers name tags sewn into the linings. 这些衣服中很多都把顾客的姓名牌缝进衬里中。15、woollen /wln/ adj. 羊毛制的ADJ Woollen clothes or materials are made from wool or from a mixture of wool and artificial fibers. 羊毛的; 毛纺的例: .thick woollen socks. 厚羊毛袜。16、hesitate /hztet/ vi. 踌躇,犹豫;不愿(hesitating, hesitated, hesitates)1、V-I If you hesitate, you do not speak or act for a short time, usually because you are uncertain, embarrassed, or worried about what you are going to say or do. 迟疑例: The telephone rang. Catherine hesitated, debating whether to answer it. 电话响了。凯瑟琳迟疑着,考虑是否接听。. 2、hesitation N-VAR迟疑例: Asked if he would go back, Mr. Searle said after some hesitation, Ill have to think about that. 当被问及他是否愿意回去时,瑟尔先生迟疑了一下后说:“我得考虑一下。” 3、V-T If you hesitate to do something, you delay doing it or are unwilling to do it, usually because you are not certain it would be right. If you do not hesitate to do something, you do it immediately. 迟疑; 不愿意例: Some parents hesitate to take these steps because they suspect that their child is exaggerating. 一些家长迟迟不肯采取这些措施,因为他们怀疑自己的孩子在夸大其词。. 4、V-T You can use hesitate in expressions such as dont hesitate to call me or dont hesitate to contact us when you are telling someone that they should do something as soon as it needs to be done and should not worry about disturbing other people. 迟疑 (仅用于否定祈使句)only imper, with neg例: In the event of difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Department. 如有困难,请不要迟疑,与我们的客户服务部联系。17、uncomfortable /nkmftbl/ adj. 不舒服的;不安的1、ADJ If you are uncomfortable, you are slightly worried or embarrassed, and not relaxed and confident. 不自在的; 尴尬的例: The request for money made them feel uncomfortable. 要钱的事使他们感到很尴尬。例: If you are uncomfortable with your therapist, you must discuss it. 如果你在自己的治疗师面前不自在,你必须提出来。 2、uncomfortably ADV不自在地; 尴尬地例: Sandy leaned across the table, his face uncomfortably close to Brads. 桑迪将身体探过桌子,他的脸贴近布拉德的脸,使布拉德感觉很不自在。例: I became uncomfortably aware that the people at the next table were watching me. 我意识到旁桌的人在看我,感到很不自在。3、ADJ Something that is uncomfortable makes you feel slight pain or physical discomfort when you experience it or use it. 令人不舒服的例: Wigs are hot and uncomfortable to wear constantly. 假发常戴让人感到又热又不舒服。例: The ride back to the centre of the town was hot and uncomfortable. 乘车返回市中心一路上又热又不舒服。4、uncomfortably ADV令人不舒服地ADV adj例: The water was uncomfortably cold. 水冷得让人不舒服。5、ADJ If you are uncomfortable, you are not physically content and relaxed, and feel slight pain or discomfort. 不舒服的例: I sometimes feel uncomfortable after eating in the evening. 我晚上吃过饭后有时会感到不舒服。6、uncomfortably ADV不舒服地例: He felt uncomfortably hot. 他感到热得难受。18、uncomfortably adv. 不舒适地;不自在地;令人不快地19、troublesome /trblsm/ adj. 麻烦的;讨厌的;使人苦恼的ADJ You use troublesome to describe something or someone that causes annoying problems or difficulties. 令人烦恼的例: He needed surgery to cure a troublesome back injury. 他需要动手术来医治烦人的背部伤痛。20、wallet /wlt/ n. 钱包,皮夹(wallets)N-COUNT A wallet is a small flat folded case, usually made of leather or plastic, in which you can keep money and credit cards. 钱包21、outsome 22、thief /if/ n. 小偷,贼(thieves /ivz/ )N-COUNT A thief is a person who steals something from another person. 小偷例: The thieves snatched the camera. 那些小偷抢走了照相机。23、handkerchief /hktf/ n. 手帕;头巾,围巾(handkerchiefs)N-COUNT A handkerchief is a small square piece of fabric which you use for blowing your nose. 手帕24、disguise /dsaz/ vt. 掩饰;假装;隐瞒n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西(disguising, disguised, disguises)1、 N-VAR If you are in disguise, you are not wearing your usual clothes or you have altered your appearance in other ways, so that people will not recognize you. 伪装例: Youll have to travel in disguise. 你将不得不乔装出行。2、V-T If you disguise yourself, you put on clothes which make you look like someone else or alter your appearance in other ways, so that people will not recognize you. 乔装例: She disguised herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield. 她女扮男装以便能上战场打仗。3、disguised ADJ乔装的例: The extremists entered the building disguised as medical workers. 极端分子们假扮成医务人员,进入了大楼。4、V-T To disguise something means to hide it or make it appear different so that people will not know about it or will not recognize it. 掩饰例: He made no attempt to disguise his agitation. 他无意掩饰他的不安。 5、disguised ADJ掩饰的例: The proposal is a thinly disguised effort to revive the price controls of the 1970s. 这项提议是恢复20世纪70年代物价控制的一种几乎不加掩饰的努力。25、in disguise 伪装;乔装26、mistaken /mstekn/ adj. 错误的;弄错的;被误解的1、ADJ If you are mistaken about something, you are wrong about it. 弄错的v-link ADJ例: I see I was mistaken about you. 我明白我错看了你。. 2、PHRASE You use expressions such as if Im not mistaken and unless Im very much mistaken as a polite way of emphasizing the statement you are making, especially when you are confident that it is correct. 如果我没搞错的话 (委婉地表示强调,尤指自信为正确)强调例: I think Alfred wanted to marry Jennifer, if I am not mistaken. 我想如果我没搞错的话,当时艾尔弗雷德想娶珍妮弗。3、ADJ A mistaken belief or opinion is incorrect. (信念或观点) 错误的ADJ n例: I had a mistaken view of what was happening. 我对于所发生事情的看法是错误的。4、mistakenly ADV错误地ADV with v例: He says they mistakenly believed the standard licences they held were sufficient. 他说他们错误地以为持有标准许可证就足够了。27、brilliant /brljnt/ adj. 灿烂的,闪耀的;杰出的;有才气的1、ADJ A brilliant person, idea, or performance is extremely clever or skilful. 极有才智的; 绝妙的例: She had a brilliant mind. 她有极聪明的头脑。. 2、brilliantly ADV极有才智地; 绝妙地例: It is a very high quality production, brilliantly written and acted. 这是一部非常高质量的演出,绝妙地编写而成并被表演出来。3、ADJ A brilliant career or success is very successful. 非常成功的例: He served four years in prison, emerging to find his brilliant career in ruins. 他在监狱服了4年刑,出狱后发现他的辉煌事业已经毁了。4、brilliantly ADV非常成功地例: The strategy worked brilliantly. 这项策略非常成功。5、ADJ A brilliant colour is extremely bright. 鲜亮的ADJ n例: The woman had brilliant green eyes. 这个女人有一双亮晶晶的绿眼睛。6、brilliantly ADV鲜亮地ADV adj/-ed例: Many of the patterns show brilliantly coloured flowers. 许多图案都有绚丽多彩的花。7、ADJ You describe light, or something that reflects light, as brilliant when it shines very brightly. 灿烂的例: The event was held in brilliant sunshine. 这次活动在灿烂的阳光下举行。8、brilliantly ADV灿烂地例: Its a brilliantly sunny morning. 这是个阳光灿烂的早晨。9、ADJ You can say that something is brilliant when you are very pleased about it or think that it is very good. 真棒的英国英语非正式,口语例: If you get a chance to see the show, do go its brilliant. 如果你有机会去看那场演出,一定要去它太棒了。28、 classify /klsfa/ vt. 分类;分等classifying, classified, classifies). 1、V-T To classify things means to divide them into groups or types so that things with similar characteristics are in the same group. 把分类例: It is necessary initially to classify the headaches into certain types. 起初把头疼分成若干类别是有必要的。2、classification N-VAR分类例: .the arbitrary classification of knowledge into fields of study. 把知识归入研究领域的任意分类。29、remark /rmk/ n. 注意;言辞vt. 评论;觉察vi. 谈论(remarking, remarked, remarks)1、V-T/V-I If you remark that something is the case, you say that it is the case. 说; 评论例: I remarked that I would go shopping that afternoon. 我说过那天下午我要去买东西。例: On several occasions she had remarked on the boys improvement. 有几次她说起过那个男孩的进步。 2、N-COUNT If you make a remark about something, you say something about it. 议论; 评论例: She has made outspoken remarks about the legalization of marijuana. 她直言不讳地评论过大麻合法化问题。30、betray /btre/ vt. 背叛;出卖;泄露(秘密);露出迹象(betraying, betrayed, betrays)1、V-T If you betray someone who loves or trusts you, your actions hurt and disappoint them. 辜负例: When I tell someone I will not betray his confidence I keep my word. 当我对人说我不会辜负他的信任时,我会说到做到。2、V-T If someone betrays their country or their friends, they give information to an enemy, putting their countrys security or their friends safety at risk. 出卖; 背叛例: They offered me money if I would betray my associates. 如果我出卖自己的同伴,他们就会给我钱。3、V-T If you betray an ideal or your principles, you say or do something which goes against those beliefs. 违背例: We betray the ideals of our country when we support capital punishment. 我们赞同死刑就会违背我们国家的理想。 4、V-T If you betray a feeling or quality, you show it without intending to. (无意中) 流露例: She studied his face, but it betrayed nothing. 她审视着他的脸,但他却丝毫不露声色。31、upper /p/ adj. 上面的,上部的;较高的1、ADJ You use upper to describe something that is above something else. 上面的ADJ n, the ADJ例: There is a good restaurant on the upper floor. 楼上有一家很好的餐馆。2、ADJ You use upper to describe the higher part of something. 较高的 (部位)ADJ n例: .the upper part of the foot. 脚面。例: .the muscles of the upper back and chest. 上背部和胸部的肌肉。3、PHRASE If you have the upper hand in a situation, you have an advantage over the other people involved, for example because you have more power or success. 优势例: The home team was beginning to gain the upper hand. 主队正开始占上风。32、extraordinary /kstrdnr/ adj. 非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的1、ADJ If you describe something or someone as extraordinary, you mean that they have some extremely good or special quality. 非凡的表赞许例: Weve made extraordinary progress as a society in that regard. 我们社会在那方面已经取得了巨大进步。例: The task requires extraordinary patience and endurance. 这项工作需要非凡的耐心和毅力。2、extraordinarily ADV非凡地ADV adj例: Shes extraordinarily disciplined. 她特别遵守纪律。3、ADJ If you describe something as extraordinary, you mean that it is very unusual or surprising. 非同寻常的强调例: What an extraordinary thing to happen! 发生了多么非同寻常的事啊!4、extraordinarily ADV非同寻常地例: Apart from the hair, he looked e


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