



7B Unit 7 Abilities 预学案Teaching aims:1.To learn the comic strip about the two dogs to present the use of “can” and “cant”.2.To revise vocabulary about helping people in community.3.To generate ideas about ways to care for and help others.4.To educate the students to be polite and helpful to others. Language focus: helping Hands Club/give seats to someone on the busplant trees/clean up/a home for the elderlycollect things for Project Hope/give awards to peoplerecommend sb for an award/ write a recommendation letterVocabulary:ability /Superdog /fly /careful/ collect /elderly. Comic strip and welcome to the unit 一、词组1 清洁花园 _ 2 为希望工程收集东西 _3 给老年人让座 _ 4 种树_5 当心_ 6 谈论关于_二、首字母填空1. My teacher says I have great a in English. 2. My hobby is c old stamps.3. Eddie wants to be a s when he grows up.4. I was reading a book at home. S_ the telephone rang.三用所给词的适当形式填空1. How _ (care) you are! You made so many mistakes in your exam.2. Im looking forwards to _ (learn) how to drive.3. Its very _ (danger) for children to play with fire.4. All of us are _ (surprise) to hear the bad news.5. He is afraid of_( stay ) at home alone .6. People have different_(ability).7.He likes_(collect) things for Project Hope.四. 单项选择: ( ) 1. _ is Tree planting Day in China. A. March 1st B. April 12th C.March 12th D. April 1st( ) 2. Mr. White is _ man. He lives _. A. an 85-year-old; alone B. an 85-year old; lonely C. an 80-year old; alone D. a 80 years old; alone ( ) 3. It took them half a day _ trees _Tree Planting Daythis year. A. to plant; in B. planting; on C. to plant; on D. planting; in( ) 4. The children are playing _ the playground. A. over B. in C. up D. to( ) 5. Hes good at , and . A running, climbing, playing football B running, climb, playing football C run, climb, playing football D run, climbing, playing football五完成句子:1.他经常在公共汽车上给老人让座位。He often _ _ _to the _on the bus.2.王老师每天都将办公室打扫的干干净净。Miss Wang _ _ the office every day.3.我们每年都去访


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