



/ / / 丰富农村老人娱乐生活的建议Rural elderly rich entertainment life advice 丰富农村老人娱乐生活不是某个人或某个部门的任务,全社会都应动员起来共同为实现这一目的而努力。Rural elderly rich entertainment life is not a person or a department task, to mobilize the whole society should be common efforts for the realization of this goal. (一)政府:加大财政投入,强化监管(a) the government, increase financial input and strengthen supervision 第一,加大对农村老年人活动场地建设的投入力度,建立一批经济实用的文化活动场所,扩大农村公共活动空间,为农村留守老人构筑一个交流、活动的平台。同时加强宣传工作,使老人了解这些活动场所的开放时间、对象、可容纳人数,使用时应注意和遵守的规章制度等。第二,开展丰富多彩的文体活动。组建农村老年文体活动队,把有共同爱好的老人分组编队,定期开展文体活动,形成老年人互帮互学互助的良好氛围;利用农闲和节假日,举办适合老年人身心健康的文化体育活动,如戏曲比赛、象棋比赛,丰富他们的文化生活,充分满足其精神文化需要。第三,完善农村社会保障体系,让农村留守老人“老有所养”,解决好农村老人的生活问题,消除其后顾之忧。第四,维护老年人的合法权益,大力宣传国家有关维护老年人权益的法律法规,通过立法保障农村老人在家庭中及社会上合法地位不受歧视和虐待。第五,发展壮大农村老年组织,为老年人精神文化娱乐活动提供一个有力的组织保障。第六,村委会与夜大、老年大学、技校等组织挂钩,不定期开展老年知识讲座,向农村老人传授生活中经常会用到的新知识、新技术,使他们的生活变得更丰富多彩。第七,鼓励农村老人发展生产,加强宣传,增强他们的致富信心,并为其展营造宽松环境,在政策上有所倾斜,同时提供技术项目、销售等方面的服务,使农村老人有所为、有所乐。First, increase the investment on rural elderly activity venue construction, build a batch of economic and practical culture activities, expand rural public activity space, for the rural left-behind old people build a platform for communication, activity. At the same time, strengthen the propaganda work, make the old man know these places open time, object, can accommodate the number of, and abide by the rules and regulations should be paid attention to when using, etc. Second, to carry out the activities of rich and colorful style. Forming the rural elderly sport team, have common interests of the elderly group formation, on a regular basis to carry out the recreational activity, formed old people teach and learn good atmosphere of mutual aid; Use in and on holidays, cultural and sports activities suitable for the old peoples physical and mental health, such as drama game, chess game, enrich their cultural life, fully meet the spiritual and cultural needs. Third, perfect the rural social security system, rural rear old man old time, settle well problems of rural elderlys life, eliminate the trouble back at home. Fourth, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly, publicity of relevant state the laws and regulations of the rights and interests of the elderly, security the rural elderly in the family and the society through legislation on legal status from discrimination and abuse. Fifth, develop the rural elderly groups, for the elderly spiritual and cultural entertainment activities to provide a strong organizational guarantee. Sixth, the village committee and the community, older university, technical school groups such as hook, not on a regular basis to carry out the old knowledge lectures, to the rural elderly teach life often use new knowledge, new technology, to make their life more colorful. Seventh, the rural elderly are encouraged to develop production, strengthen the propaganda, enhance their confidence in getting rich, and to create a loose environment for the exhibition, inclining in the policy, at the same time provide technical projects, sales services, make the rural elderly and music. (二)社会:创设敬老环境,群策群力(2) social: create respect the environment, the best 第一,加强孝道教育。学校要对农村青少年进行孝道教育,使他们从小就养成尊老敬老的品格;各社会团体、群众组织、媒体等通过表彰赡养老人的典范,强化农民的现代孝意识,形成一种尊老敬老光荣、不敬养老人可耻的良好社会风气。第二,开展帮扶活动。结合春节、端午、重阳等节假日,充分发挥教育局、老龄委、共青团、妇联等机关部门的影响力,倡导学生在假期为长辈做一件好事;动员外出打工经商子女回家为老人们送上节日祝福;号召全社会青年、妇女开展走访慰问活动。为老年人献一份爱心,营造尊老爱老的良好社会风尚。第三,发挥媒体作用。针对很多农村地区老年人喜欢看电视听戏曲的娱乐方式,媒体尤其是地方媒体可以制作一些质量高的电视节目来满足农村老年人的需要。在电视节目的播出时间上可做灵活安排,不一定放在黄金时段播出,根据老人的生活作息特点,可以考虑在白天时段播出,同时利用电视媒体对观众的影响,引导农村老人过上健康的精神文化生活。第四,挖掘民间文化。文化主管部门可以通过抽调文艺骨干下乡进行艺术指导,在农村开展一些唢呐、腰鼓、秧歌、太极拳等形式多样的活动,成立老年人文体活动队伍,在传播文明的同时,充实自身的精神生活。First, strengthen the filial piety education. Schools have to be filial piety education of rural youth, so that they develop respect for the elderly at an early age to respect the character; Various social organizations, mass organizations, media, etc. Through the recognition model of supporting the elderly, strengthen farmers consciousness of modern filial piety, is a kind of respect for the elderly people to respect glorious and disrespect the shameful good social atmosphere. Second, support activities. Combined with such as the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, double ninth holidays, give full play to the education bureau, aging committee, the communist youth league, womens federations and other institutions influence, advocate students in holiday for elders to do a good thing; Mobilization of migrant workers children go home for the old people on business holiday wishes; , called on the youth, women conduct visits condolences activities in the whole society. A caring for the elderly, build respect for the elderly love good social fashion of support. Third, give play to the role of the media. For a lot of rural old people like watching TV listening to opera form of entertainment, media, especially the local media can make some high quality television programs to meet the needs of the rural elderly. In television broadcast time can be flexible, not necessarily in a prime-time televised, according to characteristics of the old mans life work and rest, can consider time slot during the day, by utilizing the influence of TV media to the audience at the same time, guide the rural elderly to live a healthy spiritual and cultural life. Fourth, dig the folk culture. Culture can be transferred by the competent department of the backbone to the countryside for art direction, carried out in rural small suona, waist drum, yangge, tai chi, and other various forms of activities, set up the old style activity team, in the spread of civilization at the same time, enrich their spiritual life. (三)家庭:增加精神赡养,亲情陪护(3) family: increase the spiritual support, family carers 农村老人需要亲情的呵护,精神的照料。家庭内子女应主动加强和老人交流,排解老人心中苦闷。第一,主动和老人进行交流,了解他们心中的苦闷,力所能及地采取一些措施,减轻老人内心苦楚,让老人度过一个快乐幸福的晚年。在家务农的子女要尽可能多地抽时间陪老人,在生活上多关心照顾老人,更要在精神上安抚老人,如给老人过一个气氛欢快祥和的生日;出外打工的子女应加强和老人的电话联系,对他们嘘寒问暖。第二,多承担家务负担,减轻老人生活压力,增加他们自由支配的时间,使老人从繁杂的事务中得以解脱,能够做他们想做的事情。Rural elderly need to family care, spiritual care. Children in the family should take the initiative to strengthen and the old man communication, comfort the old man anguish in my heart. First, take the initiative to communicate and the elderly, know your anguish, they can take some measures to reduce the inner bitterness, let the old man spent a happy old age. Farm children as much as possible at home have taken the time to accompany the old man, cared more about caring for the elderly in the life, more to comfort the old man in spirit, like to old people live a happy and peaceful atmospheres birthday; Go out to work should be strengthened and the old mans children phone contact, be caring and attentive to them. Second, take more housework burden, reduce the pressure of the old man lives, increase their free time, make the old man a deliverance from multifarious affairs, to be able to do what they want to do. (四)老人:传承民间文化,自娱自乐(4) the old man: inheritance of folk culture, and entertaining 中国民间文化历史悠久、丰富多彩。但在一些传统民间文化底蕴丰厚的地方,尤其是少数民族地区,许多传统民间文化正走向衰落。如福建南靖田螺坑村,“过去以家家户户懂山歌、唱山歌而闻名,如今村落里会唱客家山歌的竟然都是90多岁的老人,年轻人连听都听不太懂了。在广大农村,很多民间艺术面临人亡艺息的困境”。因此,掌握民间文化的老人是农村文化的桥梁和骨干。农村老艺人要做好民间文化的传承和保护,培养农民文化骨干,帮助他们提高业务素质,增进艺术技能。通过这种方式,不仅能自娱自乐、活跃文化娱乐生活,也能促进新农村文化事业发展,并带动农村经济发展。China has a long history, rich and colorful folk culture. But in some of the traditional folk culture rich places, especially in ethnic minority areas, many


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