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如皋市薛窑中学高一英语活动单(M1U2 Project)Module 1 Unit 2 Project: Growing painsPeriod ITeaching Aims l Get the students to know the general idea of the passage.l Improve the students ability of reading comprehension.l Improve Ss ability of writing.l Get Ss to cooperate with others.【Activity procedures】学生学习活动教师组织教学方案Activity 1 Fast reading 1. Activity Aim: make Ss have a brief understanding of the passage2. Teaching Method: students-centered practice Step 1 Lead-in What kinds of growing pains have you experienced? Often quarrel with parents because they forbid listening to music Have too much homework and no time to relax. Sometimes feel lonely and feel no one else can understand you Have to depend on parents and cant make your own choice.Step 2 Skim the text and answer the following questions:1. What different kinds of growing pains are talked in the article? Kinds of growing pains: physical changesphysical psychological changespsychological how to fit in societysocial 2. How many parts can this article be divided into? What is the main point for each part? Part 1 (Paragraphs 1-2) Many teenagers feel lonely and are going through many changes. These change are part of adolescence. Part 2 (Paragraphs 3-5) Physical changes and psychological changes happen inside teenagers. They become confused and want to know how to fit in society. Part 3 (Paragraph 6) Growing pains do not last long.Activity 2 Detailed reading 1. Activity Aim: make Ss get some details of the text2. Teaching Method: students-centered practice Read the passage quickly and decide whether the following statements are True(T)or False(F)1. As teenagers grow, they grow taller but their voices dont change.2. Besides these physical changes, there come many psychological changes.3. Because of many psychological changes, many boys become risk-takers while girls often dont want someone- anyone- to talk to.4. The adolescents may want and need their parents love very much, but feel distant. Key: FTFT Activity 3 Consolidation1. Activity aim: make Ss master the text structures2. Teaching method: students-centered practiceTask-based readingGrowing painsPhysical changesTheir body develops in many ways including growing taller and voices getting (1)_.(2)_ changes They have the feeling of (3)_, as if nobody could understand them. They become (4)_with the changing world both inside and outside of them. Many boys like taking(5)_to find their own limits and the limits of the world around them, but sometimes they are not able to make good choices in their behavior. Girls need someone to talk to while (6)_ with their strong feelings. They struggle to be (7)_, and meanwhile they need their parents love and want to be a member of the group. CommentsGrowing pains are a common part of (8)_, which adults have already gone (9)_. But the pains dont last (10) _ and everything turns out OK in the end.Key: 1 deeper 2 Psychological 3 loneliness 4 confused 5 risks6 dealing 7 independent 8 adolescence 9 through 10 longActivity 4 Retelling1. Activity aim: review what we have learned this class2. Teaching method: students-centered practice Try to retell the passage Period II Language points【Teaching Aims】 1. Help students to learn some useful words and expressions2. Enable students to master some important language points3. Make use of the important words, phrases and sentences flexibly【Teaching Procedures】学生学习活动教师组织教学方案【活动一】1活动目标:培养学生自学的能力2活动方式:学生练习I Translate the following phrases1.stay up 不睡觉,熬夜2.handle the emergency 应付紧急情况3. mix up 混淆,弄乱4. as if / though 好像,似乎5. insist on sth. / doing sth. 坚持.6. chat with sb. 和.聊天7. at present 现在8. be worried about 担心9. do harm to / be harmful to 对.有害10. be patient with sb. / with patience 耐心地11. forbid sb. to do. / forbid sb. from doing. 禁止某人做.12. go through 仔细检查; 经历, 度过; 经过, 穿过13. in other ways 从其他方面看14. out of control 失控15. along with 与. 一起16. think of . as 认为. 是17. it is normal for sb. to do sth 对某人来说做某事是正常的18. be confused with 对.困惑,不解19. tend to. 趋向于.20. in this regard 在这方面21. take risks 冒险22. struggle to depend on oneself 努力地自力更生23. have difficulty (in) doing sth 有困难做.24. fit in 融入, 适应25. turn out 结果证明II Read the following sentences fluently 1. Sometimes he acts as if he doesnt love us at all.2. Recently, he has been refusing to do this homework, and instead insists on wasting his time watching DVDs and listening to foreign music.3. He even forbids me from chatting with my friends in the Internet cafe!4. Many teenagers feel lonely, as if no one understands them and the changes they are going through.5. Boys and girls tend to be different in this regard.6. In the social world, as teenagers get older, they struggle to depend on themselves.7. In the end everything turns out OK.【活动二】1活动目标:让学生掌握重要语言点并能在练习中活用2活动方式:学生读背,老师做适当讲解1. insist vi insist on sth./ doing sth insist that. 坚持认为,坚持说. 坚决要求. E.g. We insisted on his apology. He insisted on driving me to the airport. They insist on my staying at their home. He insisted that he was (be)right and that Tom should apologize (apologize) to him.【考题链接】(1) The man insisted _ a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.A. find B. to find C. on finding D. in finding (2) Sam insisted that he _ the law and _.A. didnt break; mustnt be punishedB. doesnt break; shouldnt punishC. hadnt broken; mustnt be punishedD. hadnt broken; not be punished2. forbid (forbade, forbidden) vt. forbid sth. / doing sth. forbid sb to do sth. / forbid sb. from doing sth E.g. The new law forbids smoking in offices. He was forbidden from talking with her. We are forbidden to go out after 11 oclock. Have you ever visited the Forbidden City?【考题链接】(1) No one could _ him to go there. A. forbid B. stop C. keep D. prevent(2) I forbid _ here. Who has permitted you _ here? A. to smoke; smoking B. smoke; smoking C. smoking; smoking D. smoking; to smoke3. tend 趋向vi, 照看vt. tend to/ towards sth. tend to do sth. tendency n. 倾向,趋势 have a tendency to do sth. E.g. The nurse is popular because she tends her patients attentively(专心致志地). Students tend to depend on others to help them deal with problems. The difference has a tendency to become larger and larger.4. Many teenagers feel lonely, as if no one understands them and the changes they are going through. as if / though 陈述语气 It looks as if it is going to rain. 虚拟语气 Miss Green treats me as if I were her child. 【考题链接】 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (1) He behaves as if he had (have) no common sense. (2) He was shaking with fear as if he had seen (see) a ghost (鬼).5. In the social world, as teenagers get older, they struggle to depend on themselves. as的用法:本句中as “随着.” E.g. As time passes by, everything will be OK. With time passing by, everything will be OK. As the economy develops, many people own their private cars. With the economy developing, many people own their private cars.6. In the end everything turns out OK. turn out(to be )+ n./ adj. prove (to be )+ n./ adj.E.g. The gentleman turned out to be a thief. The party turned out to be a success. What he said turned out to be true. It turned out that two travellers had been killed.【课堂检测】.语境填词 1. You shouldnt have wasted so much time c_ with your friends online. 2. Parents are often w_ when their children come home late. 3. As everyone knows, smoking does h_ to our health. 4. It was several days before the floodwater sank and life returned to n_. 5. A b_ diet combined with regular exercise is important for a healthy life. 6. It was _(自私的) of him to leave all the work to you. 7. Fishing is _(禁止) in the lake at this time of year. 8. Under the teachers _(指导), the experiment turned out to be very successful. 9. He said that America declared its _(独立) in 1776. 10. I explained it to him only to make him _(困惑的, 不解的). Key: 1 chatting 2 worried 3 harm 4 normal 5 balanced 6 selfish 7 forbidden 8 guidance 9 independence 10 confused.选词填空 从方框里选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空,每个短语只可用一次。fit in along with turn out insist on stay up in this regard forbid sb. to do. mix up tend to as if 1. Its not wise _ before a test. You need a good sleep to keep active in a test. 2. He looked at me up and down _ he hadnt met me before. 3. Though we tried to persuade him, he still _ going there. 4. The twins look so alike that people often _ them _. 5. Jim, _ his friends, is playing hide-and-seek in the garden. 6. The doctor_my father with liver trouble _ drink any wine. 7. It _ that the plan was a failure. 8. It takes one a long time_ when coming to another country to study.Key: 1. to stay up 2. as if 3. insisted on 4 mix up 5. along with 6.forbad. to 7. turned out 8. to fit in.单项填空1. Everyone dreams of _ freedom, but we dont have _freedom to do anything against the law. A. / ; a B. the; a C. / ; the D. a; the2. A persons _ body temperature is about 37. A. ordinary B. normal C. common D. usual3. It _ very cold here in winter, and _ makes little kids easily catch cold. A. tends to get; that B. tends; that C. tends to get; which D. tends; which4.The photo hanging on the wall reminds me of the difficult time I _in those years. A. went through B. went towards C. went up D. went by5. Tom insisted _ history instead of business at university, but his mother insisted that he _ her advice. A. on studying; take B. to study; must take C. on studying; took D. in studying; should take6. There is much difficulty that he has _ your house. A. found B. founded C. finding D. to find7. This river forbids _ during this period of year, so anybody is forbidden _ in it.A. fishing; fishing B. to fish; fishing C. to fish; to fish D. fishing; to fish8. We _ on this project for four hours. Lets have a rest. A. are working B. have been working C. worked D. had worked9. The teacher, along with his students, _ experiments in the lab when the earthquake happened. A. was doing B. were doing C. have been doing D. had done10. He is the person_, I believe, has the ability to do this challenging job. A. who B. whom C. him D. which11. This is one of the best films _ this year. A. which has been shown B. that have been shown C. that have shown D. have been shown 12. Ive read all the books _ were borrowed from the library. A. they B. which C. / D. That13. This museum is _ you visited a few days ago. A. where B. that C. on which D. the one14. This is the museum _ the exhibition was held. A. where B. that C. on which D. the one15. After graduating from high school, you will reach a point in your life _ you need to decide what to do. A. that B. where C. what D. WhichKey: CBAAA CDBAA BDDAB.阅读理解 If you have to miss one meal a day (or if you want to do so), which meal will cause you fewest health problems if you dont eat it? If they have to make a decision of this type, most people (especially dieters or very busy people) will choose to skip(遗漏)breakfast. However, many experts in the field of health consider breakfast (the meal which “breaks” your “fast” which started the night before) to be the most important meal of the day. If we eat a good breakfast, they say, we will have the energy and nutrients(营养)we need to begin our working day with vigour(活力)and hopefully with good humour. However many people skip breakfast or substitute(替代)a donut and a cup of coffee for a well-balanced meal. What happens if we ignore(忽略)the importance of breakfast?One recent study conducted in the United States tested a large number of people. Participants(参加者)included both males and females who ranged in age from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given a variety of breakfasts, and sometimes, they had to skip breakfast completely. Special tests, including blood tests and endurance(忍耐力)tests, were set up to analyze(分析)how well the participants bodies functioned when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast.The results show that if a person eats an adequate(足够的)breakfast he or she will work more efficiently(有效)and more productively than if he or she skips breakfast or eats a very poor breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a persons work involves mental activity. The study shows that if school children eat fruit, eggs, bread, and milk before going to school, they will learn more quickly and will be able to concentrate(集中)on their lessons for a longer period of time than if their breakfast food is inadequate.The study al


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