山西省吕梁市石楼县石楼中学高三英语一轮复习 Module3 Body language and non verbal communication导学案2(1).doc_第1页
山西省吕梁市石楼县石楼中学高三英语一轮复习 Module3 Body language and non verbal communication导学案2(1).doc_第2页
山西省吕梁市石楼县石楼中学高三英语一轮复习 Module3 Body language and non verbal communication导学案2(1).doc_第3页
山西省吕梁市石楼县石楼中学高三英语一轮复习 Module3 Body language and non verbal communication导学案2(1).doc_第4页




山西省吕梁市石楼县石楼中学高三英语一轮复习 module3 body language and non verbal communication导学案2i. words.1. guns and knives are two different types of w_.2. someone who has an a_ attitude may be violent.3. if you are _ of something you do not know it is happening.4. a g_ in a movement of the body is to communicate something.5. if you t_ someone, you believe them and rely on them.6. being deaf and dumb makes c_ very difficult.7. he is sitting in a chair, a_ a cup of tea.8. the children were f_ by the beautiful toys in the shop window.9. i will be r_ when i know youre safe.10. it is t_ in england to eat turkey on christmas day.ii. translate into english.1.can you _(搭车去车站) when you are free.2.like other animals,_(我们保持警惕直到知道这安全时才松懈).3.people _(通过姿势泄漏的要多)than by words.4._ (不管多忙), you should find time to study.5.using body language in a correct way will _ (有助于与人交流,使得呆在异国方便舒适些).6.culture codes _(一国与另一国有所不同), which lead to misunderstandings.7.you can shake hands when showing you trust them and _ (达成协议时).8.without audience, the performance would _ (不完美的).9.clapping at concerts and theatres _(是一种普遍的习惯). but some occasions _(在这些场合人们鼓掌) change from one country to another.10.body positions are part of _(我们称之为肢体语言的) and we see examples of _(无意识的肢体语言) very often.iii. cloze. when we say the word “communication” most people _ words and sentences. in fact, we communicate with _ _ just words. we also use _ _ , in which there are _ body language as well as _ body language. we use learned body language when we are _ to strangers. _, europeans and americans shake hands. greetings in asian countries do not _ touching the other person, but they always involve the hands. even today, when some people have very informal styles of _, they still use their hands as a gesture of trust. body language is _ for anyone to study.iv. multiple choice questions.1. -$1.00, but this is my last offer. - ok. its a _.a.cost b. price c. reward d. deal 2. turn off the switch _anything goes wrong with the machine. a. so b. when c. while d. because 3. sir, you _ be sitting in this waiting room. it is for women and children only. a. shouldnt b. will be c. wont d. neednt 4. _ more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth are being washed away each year. a. as b. with c. for d. through 5. _ the great writer died. a. its a pity that b. what pity c. its shame that d. its pity that 6. i hate _ sweet food, so i never buy any, but id like _ some for you today. a. eating; buying b. eating; buy c. to eat; buy d. eating; to buy 7. i cant _ being kept waiting, for i have to go to the airport to see my friend off. a. consider b. suffer c. stand d. experience 8. do you think body positions are part of _ “body language”? a. which is called b. what calls c. as is known d. what is called 9. being a sailor _ long periods away from home. a. includes b. involves c. contains d. expects 10. so long as we study with strong will, we can answer the question _ hard it is. a. whichever b. how c. whatever d. however 11.-these boxes are too for me to move. -here, ill give you a hand _ them. a. for b. to c. with d. by 12. i didnt make great progress in my english _ my teacher had given me some advice on how to learn the language well. a. unless b. before c. until d. when 13. most of our classmates are talking _ a trip to the park. a. in honor of b. in favor of c. in search of d. in place of 14. during the rush hour they were _ in the heavy traffic. a. held up b. held on c. held down d. held off 15. i wonder why you wont do it as _ and its the third time you have done so. a. told you b. be told c. told to d. you toldv. reading.nonverbal humordo you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a corner, or falling down a hole in the road? if you do, you are not alone. some humor can be cruel but some people seem to enjoy seeing other peoples bad luck at times .perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off than ourselves.however, some actors can astonish us with the deep feelings they can inspire in us for a character they are playing. charlie chaplin was just such an actor. he was born in poverty in 1889 and at that time films were silent. he became famous for using a particular form of acting, including mime and farce. his entertaining silent movies are still popular today. his charming character the little tramp is well known throughout the world. he played a poor and homeless person, who wore large trousers, worn-out shoes and a small round black hat and carried a walking stick. this character was social failure but he was loved by all who watched the films for his determination in overcoming difficulties and being kind even when people were unkind to him.so how did he make a sad situation entertaining? imagine you are hungry and all there is to eat is a boiled shoe. how would you make eating a boiled shoe funny? that was the problem facing charlie chaplin in one of his most famous films the gold rush. he solved it by using nonverbal humor and this is how it was done.the film is set in california in the middle of the nineteenth century when gold was discovered and thousands of people rushed there in search of it. in the film, chaplin and his friend are in california, too. their job is “panning for gold”. they wash sand from the river in a pan of water, and expect to pick up gold , but they have been not fortunate enough to find any. instead they are caught on the edge of a mountain in a snowstorm in a small wooden house, where they have nothing to eat. they are so hungry that they have to boil a pair of leather shoes in a pan and eat it. chaplin sits down at the table with his plate and drinking cup. first he picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti. then he cuts off the leather top of the shoe, treating it as if it were the finest meat. finally he tries cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe .you can imagine how difficult it is to chew, but he seems to eat every mouthful with great enjoyment. he makes it seem as if it were one of the best meals he has ever had! how hungry would you have to be to eat a shoe?chaplin produced, directed, and wrote the movies he starred in. in 1972 he was given a special oscar for his lifetime outstanding work. he lived the last years of his life in switzerland, where he was buried in 1977. reading comprehension:1.do some people seem to enjoy seeing other peoples bad luck at times? why?2.why did charlie chaplin become famous?3.how did he make eating a boiled shoe funny? first.then.finally.4.is the film the golden rush set in california in the early of the 19th century when gold was discovered? if not, when?5.when was he given a special oscar for his lifetime outstanding work and where did he lived his last years of his life?language points:1.do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a corner, or falling down a hole in the road? find it to do 发现做(某事)很难 eg. they found it impossible to keep doing it regularly. bump into 撞上,巧遇,邂逅 eg. the two cars bumped into each other. mary was shopping when she suddenly bumped into her old friend jane.2.perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off than ourselves. feel (be) content with 对感到满意 eg. people should be content with what they have. worse off 境况更差 eg. i went to his home and found his living conditions were worse off than mine.3.the character was a social failure but he was loved by all who watched the films for his determinat


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