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Module 3 Business CommunicationUnit 7 TelephoningIn this unit you willlearn about:ILead-In 常用电话用语Listening 打电话的基本步骤Authentic Practice 不同场景中的电话用语IVCultural Window 打电话的礼仪VWriting 做电话记录VITake It Home 国际长途电话常识VIIOn the Lighter Side 电话答录机里的留言ILEAD-IN In this part, we will learn some useful phrases and key words frequently sed in making a phone call. Categorize the phrases and key words related to making phone calls. Vocabu.taW.Box . . . . conference call / telephone meeting . direct dialing; area code engaged put sb. through hold/hang on hold the line dont hang up collect calll tied up 忙得脱不开身 extension . answer the phone Can I speak to . . home telaphone number country code . get sb. at (a number) transfer sbs call to; a long-distance call try another call : How to Answer a Phone Call_ Telephone etiquette for the Called Party Telephone calls are often the first point of contact a cuscomer client will have with a company, so it is very important that you make a good impression when youre answering the phone. Obviously,in specific telephone-related jobs such as sales, customer service and marketing, youre going to need to adopt different styles andtechniques in order to be successful, such as being able to handle difficult complaint calls or being persuasive enough to encourage people to buy a product or service from your company.Only answer the phone as a routine matter, of course as part of your overall duties, there are guidelines and etiquette to be followed. Be Prompt Whenever Possible , Unless you are worHng in a busy call centre or on a switchboard, be as prompt as possible in answering the phone. Potential clients and many customers lead busy lives and if you let the phone ring too long before answering, they might have already hung up and taken their business elsewhere.Greetings and Mood Firstly, we all have off days when we feel the world is against us or were simply too busy or do not feel in the mood for work or we might even feel a little under the weather. Whilst all these things can happen to us from time to mne, the last thing a caller needs to hear on the other endof the phone is a sullen voice which gives off the impression that you cant be bothered talking. So, its important to be upbeat and positive when answering the phone. Smiling before you pick up the phone often helps in this regard. Always greet the caller according to the time of day and identify yourself with either a first name or first name and surname, unless your company has a strict no name policy, and the company name followcd by establishing the reason for the call.An example might be, Good morning, Washington Tyrcs, Paul speaking. How can I help you? Be Prepared You never know how simple or complex the nature of call might be so its important that youre prepared and know to handle the call. If youre working on a busy switchboard, youll need to understand how to transfer calls internally and you should also keep a pen and pad handy so you can jot down details of the call as the caller may need you to take certain action on their behalf so its important that this is conveyed accurately. Information you could be looking to gather might include the callers name, company name (if applicable), time and date of call, reason for call and their contaa details. Putting Callers on Hold People hate being put on hold, although most of them do understand that it is sometimes inevitable. Ifyou need to place a caller on hold for any reason, firstly tell them why and ask them if they object to being placed on hold. If they agree it is OK, and you find that youre still going to be delayed in getting them the information they need or heing put through to the right person because theyre husy, you should go back to the caller every minute or so, explain that youre still trying to put them through to X or get the information they need and ask them if they would still like to be put back on hold. And, you should repeat this every minute until either you can resolve the simation or they decide to try again another time. When you must put the telephone down during the conversation, do it gently, and when you hang up, do it gently DO NOT SLAM THE RECEIVER DOWN. The person at the other end may still have the phone close to his ear, and then a sudden sharp bang can be hurtful as well as rude. Ending the Call Before ending the call, you should always try to recap what youve discussed, if appropriate,and ask the caller if there is anything else you can help them with before saying goodbye and hanging up. Its also a good practice to let the caller hang up before you do. Passing on Messages to Colleagues If youve been asked to pass a message on to a work colleague, always do so as soon as possible. The longer you leave it, the more likely you will either forget to do so or youII pass on incorrect details of the call. Other Useful Tips Never chew gum or be eating when youre answering the phone. It sounds extremely unprofessional to the person at the other end ofthe line. Speak slightly more slowly on the phone than you would if you were having a general face-to- face conversation. Important details can get overlooked if you speak 7:oo quickly and it also saves you from having to repeat yourself This is especiaily true ifyou have a very pronounced regional accent. It is not quite proper to always have calls of a personal nature. Therefore make sure youdnyuade relatives and friends from callingyou atwork. Emergencyis the exception. In general, however, if youre friendly, courteous and helpful, answering the phone should not present you with too many problems. How to Make a Phone Call - Telephone Etiquette for theCaller We tend to take telephone calls for granted, even themost basic telephone etiquette is ignored or abused, but it isimportant that you demonstrate courteous telephone behavior when making a business call. There are some rules to follow during your making the phone call, using voice mail, and using speakerphones and headset. Making the Call When making a business call, be sure to first identify yourself and your company. If youre routed to a recepr.ionist or operator, also include the name of the person youre trying to reach. A simple Hello, this is Mary Robcrt from Harpo Productions. May I please speak with Mark Grand? will do. Be prepared with a one- or two-sentence explanation of the purpose for your call. When you are connected with the person, state the purpose of your call and then be sure to ask if you are calling at a convenient time. This is one of the most overlooked areas of phone etiquette, and allows the person youre calling the opportunity to better address your needs at a later time. Dont fib about how long your call will take - if you know it will take longer than five minutes, dont say, Itll be quick. Let the per.son know what they are getting into at the start of the conversation. If you gct shunted to a receptionist and he or she asks why you are calling, give a concise but informative statement that can be easily relayed. Do not, however, assume that your message will be communicated; when you speak directly with the person you are trying to call, repeat your message in your own words. Dont be invulted if youre asked to leave a message or call back later - previous engagements do take priority. When you are making a phone call at work, dont forget about the people around you whoare not taking part in the conversation. If you can, shut your office door or warn your cubicle neighbors before making speakerphone calls, as a persons speaking voice tends to increase in volume when using remote technology Keep an eye on the time - if youre the one calling others, rememl)er that at lunchtimes and after 5 p.m., it is often difficult to get hold ofpeople and you may either find you hit voicemail or the recipient may not be best pleased to take your calls at certain times of day. Voicemail and Messages If you have to leave a message or voicemail for someone, make it short and to the point. Speak clearly and slowly and leave your name, phone number, and a brief message. Say your name and number at the beginning and again at the end of the message, especially if you dont know the person youre calling. If the voicemail system allows you to play back your message, consider taking advantage of that feature to make sure your message is clear and communicates your needs. Using Speakerphones wisely If you have to use speakerphones, please use them wisely. Some people prefer to use a speakerphone even when no one else is listening in so that they can take notes during the conversation without fiaving to juggle a phone receiver. Ifyoure one of those people, make sure you inform the people on the line with you Lhat you are using a speakerphone, and if they seem apprehensive, explain why it is necessary Speakerphones are also useful for conference calls. Ifyou are leading a speakerphone meeting with a number of people, allow each person to introduce himself or herself, to help the listeners match a name to a voice. In conference calls, always identify yourself by name and never rely solely on voicerecognition, said Lena Bottos, market analyst for S. Always preface your comments with an introduction. Headset Etiquette In many offices, people whose job involves considerable telephone work use a special hands-free headset-type telephone. This technology frees these workers to walk around the office withthe ergonomically friendly device. If you use this type of telephone, be careful not to bring your conversations into parts of the office where they do not belong. Many office workers can relate stories of coworkers walking up and down the halls seeming to talk to themselves. Be sensitive to the acoustics of the area in whichyou are conducting business, and to your coworkers work spaces. In a word, making a phone callis not quite simple. We have to pay attention to the telephone manners drning the work. 商务电话礼仪 国际商务运作离不开电话这一便捷的通讯工具,当你的声音通过话筒传向世界各地时,用清晰而愉快的语调接电话能显示出说话人的职业风度和可亲的性格。虽然对方无法看到你的面容,但你的喜 悦或烦躁仍会通过语调流露出来。打电话时语调应平稳、柔和、安详,这时如能面带微笑地与对方交谈,可使你的声音听起来更为友好热情。接打电话还有很多方面需要注意: 1电话一般控制在铃响三声之内接听,如果没有及 时将电话接起,应向对方致歉,否则会被认为失 礼。商务电话接听时,第一句话当自报单位名称鼷 或所属部门,不论内线或外线,应用统一的客套话应答。 2接听电话时,左手拿听筒,右手准备备忘录。因此,在电话旁,要事先准备好随时 会用到的纸和笔,并依照3W原则记录,即WHEN(什么时间)、WHO(对象是谁)、 WHAT(什么事)。电话记录既要简洁又要完备。 3如果对方要找的人不在,要试着询问对方有无重要事情,或者试着了解对方来电的目的,再看情况决定处理的方式。4打电话时,应礼貌地问“请问你现在有空吗?”“我可不可以请教你几个问题?”或者“对不起,现在和您谈话方便 吗?” 5听不清楚对方说话内容时应确切地将情况告诉对方,并请对方改善,如“听筒好像有问题,听不太清楚,可不可以大声点?” 6挂电话前的礼貌应对也不可忽视,确定对方已挂电话后才能放下听筒,并且一定要亲切、礼貌地对待来电的对方。 7留意时差。打电话前要搞清地区时差以及各国工作时间的差异,不要在休息日打电话谈生意,以免影响他人休息。即使客户已将家中的电话号码告诉你,也尽量不要往家中打电话。 8电话留言。在商业投诉中,不能及时回电话最为常见。为了不流失客户,有的公司甚至做出电话留言须在一小时之内答复的规定。一般应在24小时之内对电话留言给予答复,如果回电话时恰遇对方不在,也要留言,表明你已经回过电话了。如果自己确实无法亲自回电,应托付他人代办。 9恰当地使用电话。在美国你可以通过电话向一个素不相识的人推销商品,而在欧洲、拉美和亚洲国家,电话促销或在电话中长时间地谈生意就让人难以接受。发展良好商 务关系的最佳途径是与客户面对面地商谈,而电话主要用来安排会见。当然一旦双方见过面,再用电话往来就方便多了。 总之,在商务活动中,恰当地使用电话将有助于商务活动的顺利进行,并帮助你取得事半功倍的效果。Unit 8 A Secretarys Room and WorkI Vocabulary give an impression 留下印象file 归档,分类整理shade 遮挡光线spotlessly 洁净地blinds 百叶窗drawing 素描画print 版画potted plant 盆栽植物drawer 抽屉swivel chair 旋转椅armchair 扶手椅filing cabinet 文件档案柜notice board 记事板wastepaper bin 废纸篓in and out trays for mail 邮件收发器cupboard 橱柜reference book 参考书efficient 能干的intemal 内部的external 外部的photocopier 影印机stapler 订书机punch 打孔机folder 折叠机stationery supplies 用来固定他物的用品paper clip 、回形针carbon paper 复写纸adhesive tape 胶带scissors 剪刀felt-tip pen 签字笔ball point pen 圆珠笔ruler 尺子saucer 茶碟milk jar 牛奶罐(coffee)percolator 煮咖啡壶bowl 碗,钵whereabouts 所在,去处,下落appointment约会E-mail= electronic mail 电子邮件book rooms 预订房间invitation 邀请函condolence 吊唁信shorthand 速记forthcoming 接下来的promptly 即时地quotation 行情,时价confirm 确定order 订单notify 通知other party 对方delay 延迟lasting 长久保持的postpone 推迟at the latest 最晚gift 礼物observe 遵守direction 指示desired 期望的outcome 结果read sbs mind 了解某人的想法keep an even temper 心平气和 communicate 交流client 客户option 选择frankly 坦诚地role 原则subordinate 属下avoid 避免unethical 违背职业道德的flexitime 弹性时间sit idle 干坐着accept 接受II Secretarys room A secretarys room should be organized. The work area should always appear spacious and light. Hows this to be done?First of all, put away any unnecessary items. Papers should always be in neat piles or filed.The windows must be clean and lightly shaded by spotlessly clean curtains or you may have blinds.To make the room warm and friendly,hang a couple of pictures on the wallphotographs,reproductions,drawings or prints.And there should be a potted plant or two,or a Vase with flowers.It is nice,if the room has a feminine look1.What kind of furniture do you have in your room?你的办公室应有哪些办公用品 a desk with several drawers,a swivel chair at the desk,a couple of other chairs or armchairs or a sofa,filing cabinets,a notice board,bookshelves,a wastepaper bin,in and out trays for mail, a cupboard,reference books (dictionaries, business writing handbooks, etc.)2.What else does amodern secretary need to be really goodand efficient?现代秘书要想成为真正能干的好秘书还应具备哪些物品? computer,intemal and extemal telephone,photocopier,stapler,hole-punch,stationery supplies for letters, memos, faxes and note-taking,folders,paper clips,carbon paper,adhesive tape,scissors and letter opener,envelopes and stamps, pencils, felt-tip pens, ball point pens,ruler.If you are a really good secretary you will organize coffee and tea supplies just in case. To have a proper tea or coffee service you need:真正的好秘书应适时准备茶点,备茶点需要以下东西: a coffee/tea pot, cups and saucers, teaspoons, sugar bowl and milk jar, (coffee) percolator, biscuitsj】1 a bowl, tray.III .What are the secretarys tasks?秘书的职责是什么? You must know your bosss whereabouts and timetable so as to provide satisfactory answers and make appointments. You must know how to answer the telephone, make long distance and intemational calls, send faxes, telexes and E-mail. Often you have to book hotel rooms, theatre tickets and look after official visitors. You have to write a lot of correspondence - business letters, reports, memos, invitations, condolences, etc. Typing is essential and short-hand useful. .Golden Rules for Bosses and Secretaries:1. How to Be an Efficient Secretary? 如何成为能干的秘书? Answer all letters, faxes and telexes promptly, even when the answer is negative. If you cannot give a quotation, you should still write and thank the sender for requesting a quotation. You may be doing business with them later on. Write a short letter to confirm matters that you have agreed on over the telephone, e. g. appointments.Confirm all orders promptly. If you cannot send a confirmation or the information asked for right away, you should notify the other party of the delay.Handle complaints and claims efficiently and without delay. If the customer is satisfied, it may mean the beginning of a lasting business relationship. Remember that a thank-you letter is one of the most important letters in business. Dont postpone writing it. It should be written within a week at the latest after retuming from a trip, making a deal or receiving a gift.2. How to Be an Effective Boss?如何成为高效率的老板?If you want to be an effective boss, observe the following sixrules: Always give directions, explaining the desired outcome or result.Instead of Ring him up say Please ring him up so that he will know I am coming. Explain things more than once so staff will clearly know how to do it the first time. People can”t read your mind. If you want to be consulted about something, or you expect people to stay late, let them know and explain why.Keep an even temper. Always communicate in a professional way to staff and clients.Be open and honest with people. Explain options frankly. Dont ask Would you mind . . . ? Just say Please do . . Respect others roles. especially those of subordinates. Avoid situations which are unethical. Keep relations business-like.Dialogues对话Life in the OfficeA: When do you start work in your office?B: We start at 9.00 a.m This is exception 9 0clock, not 10 past or half past nine, But some depanments are on flexitime which means that you can come to work between 7.30 and 9 and leave between 3.30 and 5.We have tw0 15-minute coffee breaks. Our lunch break is 30 minutes. A: Do people work very hard? B: Well, some nations have a philosophy that you work when the boss is around. And if hes not there, you can relax and do whatever you want.A: And its different here?B: You are paid for your time. Employees are expected to help others if their own desks are clear. You never sit idle or do nothing. You owe your boss your time, since she or he is paying for it.Sometimes my boss even works through the lunch hour and takes work home


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