



八年级测试题(A卷) (满分50分)1、 单项选择(每题0.5分,共6分)( )1.There is a shop _ the other side of the road.A. in B.on C.at D.to( )2.Judy, I guess you are only twenty-five years old, is that true?Oh, its a _.A. suggestion B.secret C.reason D. problem( )3.Lily spent years _ her sick uncle.A.worrying about B.caring for C.agreeing with D.taking care( )4. Its too hard for me to be a winner. Never _. Believe in yourself!A. put up B.give up C.hurry up D.look up( )5.The mother walked into the room _ in order not to wake up her baby.A. quickly B.quietly C.heavily D.fast( )6.I have _ in learning English and I am so worried. Could you help me with it? Sure, Id love to.A. joy B.interest C.trouble D.fun( )7.You look quite tired. You had better _ a good rest.A. stop to have B.stop having C.to stop to have D.to stop having( )8.Can you help me to _ my Mom when I leave for Hong Kong?A. look after B.look for C.look at D.look through( )9.Its so brave _ the soldier to save the girls life on a snowy night.A. to B.of C.for D.with( )10.I feel very happy that I won the first in the singing competition. _.A. Good luck B.Best wishes C.Congratulations D.the same to you( )11.Can I borrow your ruler, please? Yes, youBut you must return it to me before lunchtime.A. have B.can C.must D.used to( )12.How does Jack usually go to work? He _ drive a car, but now he _ there to lose weight.A. used to; is used to walk B.was used to; is used to walkingC.was used to; is used to walk D.used to; is used to walking2、 完形填空 (每题1分,共10分) When we were in England last year, I went fishing with my friend, Tom. Early in the _13_, we were sitting quietly by the _14_ of a lake when we had an unpleasant surprise. We saw a duck come along with three baby_15_ paddling(划动) happily behind her. As we watched them, there was a sudden swirl (漩涡) in the water. We saw a pikea fish which is rather like freshwater shark(鲨鱼) and one of the baby ducks was _16_ into water. This happening made Tom_17_. He made up his mind to catch the pike. On three following mornings we returned to the _18_ place and used several different kinds of bait(饵料). _19_ the third day Peter was _20_. He did his best and caught the monster(怪物). There was a desperate(激烈的) fight but Peter_21_. When he got it on the bank and killed it, he _22_the fish and found that it was up to 15 kilos.( )13.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.night( )14.A.face B.top C.center D.side( )15.A.pikes B.birds C.ducks D.fishes( )16.A.pushed B.pulled C.swimming D.diving( )17.A.angry B.happy C.quiet D.fit( )18.A.different B.same C.dirty D.good( )19.A.On B.At C.In D.After( )20.A.unlucky B.lucky C.simple D.lovely( )21.A.failed B.succeeded C.hurt D.died( )22.A.ate B.cooked C.weighed D.described3、 阅读理解(每题2分,共20分) A long time ago,there was an emperor. He had a beautiful garden. In the garden, there was a little nightingale(夜莺) singing very beautifully. One day, the emperor heard about this little birds beautiful voice. He asked his guards to bring her to him. As soon as the emperor heard the nightingales voice, he said, “Put her in a golden cage, so she can stay and sing for me whenever I want to hear her.” The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped singing one day. The emperor was very angry. He offered the scientists in his palace to make a robot bird for him. The bird could sing very beautifully, too. The emperor was pleased.Soon the robot bird became old. It no longer sang beautiful songs. Just at that time, the emperor became very weak. One morning, while lying in bed, the emperor wanted it to sing once again. But the robot bird couldnt sing any more. Suddenly, the nightingale landed on the window. She began to sing he most beautiful song. The emperor was very happy! He became better and better each day. After the emperor was well, he changed a lot and became kind to his people. From then on, all his people cherished(爱戴) him for his love and kindness.( )23.Who had a beautiful voice?A. The nightingale B.The robot birdC.The emperor D.Both the nightingale and the robot bird( )24.Why did the emperor keep the nightingale in a golden cage?A. In order to feed it. B.In order to watch it.C.In order to hear her sing at any time. D.In order to eat it.( )25.How was the nightingale after she was kept in the golden cage?A. Free B.Happy C.Unhappy D.Good( )26.What can be inferred(推断) according to the passage?A. The emperor was not satisfied with the robot at first.B.The emperor was satisfied with the robot at first.C.The emperor became better and better.D.The emperor became kind to his people.( )27.What did the emperor learnt from the nightingale?A. What love and kindness was B.Birds like being kept in the cageC.Why he was ill D.His peoples cherished him4、 综合阅读(每题1分,共5分) The life of the animals in the zoo is different from that in the wildlife park. In the zoo, most of the animals are very sad. They have to stay in cages all day and wait for the zoo keepers to (A) feed them. They cant go out of the cages, so they have to walk round and round. However, the wildlife park is a good place for them. All the animals there live in the open air. They can run, jump and play happily, and look for food on their own. They are (B)_ there because people are not allowed to hunt. The most important thing is that they are free and happy in the (C)_ park.Most of the animals in the wildlife park are friendly. But some are scary, such as lions, wolves and tigers. Dont worry. A special bus can take you to see the animals. You are quite sa


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