



润安公学20112012学年度第一学期分层走班教学八年级英语学科B层讲学稿(No. 63)课题: Module 11 The weatherUnit 2 Whens the best time to visit your own town or country.(2课时)主备人:孙娟娟 审核人:刘骁明 审批时间:2011.12.27班级: 学生姓名: 使用时间:【Learning Objects学习目标】1、知识目标:(1)会读,会写本课的新词汇和短语:camera, umbrella, pleasant, from time to time, fall,能理解并朗读本课的短文。(2)能在日常交际中应用粗体的单词2、能力目标: (1)能够掌握本课出现重点的新单词和短语(2)学习使用because, so 和but(3)掌握may,might的用法和不定式作主语的用法。3、情感目标: 初步了解家乡的气候状况,给别人提出旅行建议,懂得关心他人。4、学习策略: 利用关于天气及气候变化的一些幻灯片等音像资料丰富自己的学习。5、文化意识: 了解美国的一些气候特点。【Learning Important Points学习重点】重点句型:Whens the best time to visit your town or country? Its a good idea to bring your camera. Its pleasant to visit Alaska in July.Itll be dark all day and freezing cold.There are storms from time to time in summer and fall.【Learning Difficult Points学习难点】学习使用情态动词may,might的用法;正确理解本课中所有不定式的语法功能。【Learning Procedures学习过程】 Preview(预习导学):1、预习课本187-188页标有(90)的单词,对照音标试着拼读并掌握拼写和中文意思。2、翻译下列句子: (1). Its a good idea to bring your camera because you may want to take photos of the autumn leaves. (2). Its nice to see the sun in December. (3). Its pleasant to visit Alaska in July and August but it might be cool in the evening. (4). There are storms from time to time in summer and fall. 3、划出课文中出现的不定式,试试说出它们的语法功能。【Class Activities 课堂活动】Step1 Feedback on the preview讨论解决预习中存在的问题(师生互问探讨)。Step2 Key vocabularyRead the new words after the teacher, then read together, try to know the meaning of these words in class.Step3 Listening and reading 1. Listen to the passage and choose the best answers.(1).When you go to America in May or October, youd better visit . A. New York B. Washington DC C. Both A and B(2). _ is the best month to visit New England. A. October B December C. September(3). If you like swimming in the sea, you can go to _ for a visit. A. Los Angeles B. California C. Both A and B(4). In _ and _, its pleasant to visit Alaska. A. July and August B. July and October C. August and October (5). In Texas and the southeast, there are from time to time in summer and fall. A. rains B. storms C. winds 2. Read the passage fast and finish Activity 2. 3. Read the passage carefully and complete the table.Places Best time to visitReason (Why)New York & Washington DCThe weather starts to get cooler and the trees start to change colour.all the year roundAlaskaTexasStep4. Learn and discuss the language points.Step5. Do Activity 2.Step6. Writing 1. Finish Activity 4. 2. Write some advice for visiting my town and give some reasons. Use because, so and but. Step7. 归纳表述建议和原因的重点句型。Step7. Exercises. 根据所给汉语提示,写出空缺处单词正确形式。 1. This is a _ (令人舒适的,愉快的) trip and we have a very great time.2. Do you have a _ (照相机) ?3. The colorful _ (雨伞) are beautiful.4. She likes to lie on the grassland on _ (阳光灿烂的) days.5. Americans call “autumn” _ (秋天). 单项选择。 ( )1. Wed better visit New York in May or October its not too hot then.A. so B. but C. and D. because( )2. In Los Angeles and California the weather is fine .You can see the sun in winter and swim in the sea.A. in spring B. in summer C. all year D. all night( )3. When we travel. We should bring a good map because we want to travel around the city.A. need B. can C. may D. must( )4. Wear some clothes when you climb mountains. Its cold at the top of them.A. light B. warm C. beautiful D. simple( )5. The weather starts to get in fall in Dalian.A. cooler B. warmer C. longer D. darker( )6.I looked at my watch to make sure Im not late for my dateA. from time to time B. in time C. at the same time D. on time ( )7. Look at the clouds. What a _ day today!A. cloudy B. cloud C. freezing D. rainy ( )8. -Where is your uncle? - I dont know. He _ at home. A. may be B. maybe C. must be D. must ( )9. He _ get up early this morning.A. to need B. needs to C. need to D. needs ( )10. I like skiing _ I think its a little dangerous .A. and B. because C. so D. but Step10.


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