



Unit 1 Sports and GamesLesson 1 教材分析本节课的教学内容是四年级上册第一单元Unit 1 Sports and Games的第1课时。本单元开始学习最贴近日常生活之中的重要话题之运动和游戏,学习如何用英语表达关于运动的一些知识。本课时的教学内容为: A. Look, listen and repeat, B. Lets talk, C. Lets write。 A部分主要呈现关于运动的一些重点字词和短语, B部分通过人物对话呈现重点句型Do you like? I like; What about? 操作功能句。C部分是通过写一写来强调本课地重点句型。 教学目标【知识目标】1. 能够听懂、会说 running, basketball, roller skating, jumping rope, ping- pong, what about, interesting七个单词和词组,尝试借助拼读规律记忆单词,并能根据语境选择恰当的词填空。2. 能够运用已学功能句操练本课新学词汇。3. 能够根据语境从running, basketball, roller skating, jumping rope, ping- pong, what about, interesting中选择恰当的词填空。4. 重读闭音节需双写末尾辅音字母。E.g. running是动词run加上其末尾辅音n变成的动名词形式。【能力目标】对听说读写能力都要有意识地发展锻炼,学生能够掌握重点单词的读写及其对应含义,这也有助于自然地学习英语句型。What sports do you like? I like-, I also like-能够用英语流利表达自己所喜欢的运动。回答完别人的问题也能够在口语中学会用句型What about you?来询问别人的运动喜好。【情感目标】学习英语最大的乐趣就是能够理解运用。多了解英语与汉语不同的地方,也要善于要拓展学习其他方面,多参加课外活动。老师要学着寓教于乐地教学,让英语学习成为孩子们生活中的一种乐趣,沟通和学习的工具。 教学重难点【教学重点】1. 听懂、会说 running, basketball, roller skating, jumping rope, ping- pong, what about, interesting七个单词和词组,尝试借助拼读规律记忆单词,并能根据语境选择恰当的词填空。2. 用特殊疑问词what 对人提问喜欢什么运动。3. 复习一般疑问句的问法Do you like running? 以及对它的肯定与否定回答。【教学难点】1. 对这些运动名称能够正确发音和拼写。2. 对口语的掌握及运用。3. Like 后面加动词ing形式。能够运用已学功能句操练本课新学词汇,并简单描述自己喜欢的运动。 课前准备 Recorder, Multimedia. 教学过程Step1. Greetings and warm-up activitiesT: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you.S: Hello!T: You know Im your English teacher. Can you use a word to describe me?S: Tall.T: Good! Any others?S: 设计意图:由于老师和学生比较熟悉,开门见山,直入正题。由描述眼前的英语老师进入复习描述人的形容词。T: You are so good. Im your English teacher. And I am also your old friend. Look! They are our old friends, too. Who are they?S: Bill/Lily.T: What are they doing? (Whats this?)S: They areT: What are they talking about? Teachers? Parents? Classmates?S: Classmates. T: OK! Lets talk about classmates today. (板书课题)设计意图:用谈话的方式进行话题的导入。Step2. Presentation and PracticeT: Look the pictures. What sports do you like?S: Running/ Basketball/Roller skating/Jumping rope/Ping- pong.T: Which picture is No. 1? Lets listen and number. (播放课件)学生听音,标号。班内交流,及时评价。设计意图:通过看图,听音标号的形式,让学生初步感知本节课的关键词语。Step3. Words learning1. 生词学习(1)教学running和basketballT: Do you like running? (点击课件,出现run和running) S: Running.T: Who likes running in our class?S: XX likes running in our class.T: OK. Do you like basketball?S: Yes, I do.T: Who else likes basketball in our class?S: XX likes basketball in our class.设计意图:学了新单词就让学生用新单词去描述班上同学的特点。(2)教学roller skating和jumping ropeT: (点击课件,出现roller skating) What sports do you like?S: Roller skating.T: What about Lily?S: She also likes roller skating.T: And Tony?S: He also likes roller skating.T: Wonderful! Do you like jumping rope?S: 跳绳T: XX likes jumping rope in the class. Who likes jumping rope in English/math/ Chinese class?S: XX likes jumping rope in English/math/ Chinese class.设计意图:让学生用新学的单词jumping rope来描述学生所喜欢的运动。T: Good! Look here. Peter likes playing basketball and he plays well. Many students like him very much. When they see him on the playground, they shout “Peter! Peter!” (3)教学interestingT: What does the word “interesting” mean?S:有趣的。T: As a singer, Jay Zhou is interesting.S: XX is interesting.T: As a TV program, Running Man is interesting.S: XX is interesting.T: By the way, can you use a word to describe Deng Chao/ ?(手指课件跑男中的人物)S: T: As a travel place, Chime Long is interesting.S: XX is interesting.T: Why do you like Chime Long!S: Because its 设计意图:学习完了新单词interesting,让学生跟着老师的步伐说说自己知晓的有趣的东西,如演员,电视节目,旅游景点等等。2. 对话训练-Do you like playing basketball?-Yes, I do. I often play basketball with my brother.-No, I


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