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本科生毕业论文(设计)册学院:数学与信息科学学院专业:数学与应用数学班级:2008级C班学生:指导教师:河北师范大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书论文(设计)题目:浅谈公务员考试与数学教育学 院: 数学与信息科学学院 专业: 数学与应用数学 班级: 2008级C班 学生姓名: 骆萌 学号: 2008011585指导教师: 郝国辉 职称: 讲师 1、论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务研究目标:从公务员考试的题型入手,全面分析数学教育对公务员考试的作用,探索应试者从数学教育中掌握的知识与技能对公务员生涯的实用性与重要性。主要任务:通过研究与探索让应试者及学生更加重视数学教育,并且从对公务员考试题目的分析中掌握公务员考试中所需的数学知识与理性思维。2、论文(设计)的主要内容通过对公务员考试中数学类提醒的整理,来展开数学教育对我们的影响与作用,同时对非数学类问题进行分析,从而得出数学教育的重要性,以及数学教育与公务员考试之间的密切关系3、论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线基础条件:公务员考试日趋热门,作为基础教育学科的数学也被人们所重视。研究路线:从考试题入手,从中进行分析4、主要参考文献1张奠宇,李士锜.数学教育研究前沿丛书.上海:华东师范大学出版社,2003.5.2.Rolf Biehler,Rudolf W.Scholz.Didactics of mathematics as a scientific discipline.KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS,1994.3.陈琦,刘儒德。当代教育心理学。北京师范大学出版社,2007.4.5、计划进度阶段起止日期1开题2011-12-27 2012-1-52初稿2012-1-6 2012-2-133二稿2012-2-14 2012-3-144定稿2012-3-15 2012-4-165答辩2012-4-27指 导 教师: _ _ 年 _月 _日教研室主任: 年 月 日河北师范大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 数学与信息科学 学院 数学与应用数学 专业 2008 届学生姓名骆萌论文(设计)题目浅析数学教育与公务员考试指导教师郝国辉专业职称讲师所属教研室离散教研室研究方向组合设计与编码课题论证: 见下页方案设计:先定下题目,然后搜集大量资料再进行写作。在写作时,要注意先后顺序,在写作时注意逻辑。开篇介绍大体背景,先对题进行分析,再叙述理论,在最后进行综合论述。进度计划:在2011-12-27至2012-1-5定题在2012-1-6至2012-2-13初稿在2012-2-14至2012-3-14二稿在2012-3-15至2012-4-17定稿指导教师意见:指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日课题论证:在数学教育与公务员考试这一课题下,我进行了充分的论证证明这一课题的正确性。我国从古至今都比较重视数学教育,在周代时就注重士大夫的“六艺”的培养,即礼、乐、射、御、书、数,而且此时数学知识已经广泛应用于社会生活,并发展成为一门独立的科学。随着社会的发展,数学知识也在逐渐增多,数学教育的重要性也更加得到了国家的肯定。在秦汉时期,我国最古老的著作九章算术的出现则标志我国已经形成了一个数学知识体系。与士大夫工作职能相仿的公务员自然也不能忽视数学教育的重要性,在公务员考试中数学题目的难度年年有所增加,这说明在当代数学也是与工作生活有着密切联系的一门学科,这也使得应试者对公务员考试中数学思维的培养也愈加重视。在这种现况下,数学教育与公务员考试形成了一种密切的关联,如果数学教育有所缺失,那么公务员的工作无法顺利开展,相对的公务员岗位为数学教育提供了应用的场所。虽然有专门的公务员考试书籍总结数学类题目,但是这类书籍有关数学教育对公务员考试的影响与作用却谈论的较少。所以我选择这篇课题是想通过对题目的分析来解析数学教育对公务员考试的重要性以及在成为公务员后工作生涯中的影响。同时在数学教育中我们能学到哪些对公务员考试有所帮助的知识呢,我也进行了一定的总结,而数学教育对公务员考试的重要性也在文中给予论证。在这一课题的指引下,我查阅了大量文献,其中包括数学史,数学的历史随着人类的生产活动的发展而发展,从结绳计数到如今计算机的普及,这一过程中数学教育也随着发展。在教育的作用下,数学得以延续并发展,数学教育是我们从小学到高中都需要接受的一门教育,其重要性不言而喻。由于当代教育更侧重于让年轻人按社会或家庭的期望来发展,保障培养出发展所需要的人才。通过应试者受过的数学教育,应试者能把握住事物的特性,并且通过认识的发展能够解决尚未见过的问题,当年轻人选择行政岗位后,教育的作用随即突显出来,不同教育背景下的年轻人在同一工作岗位上的表现也不会相同。我对不同阶段的年轻人进行调查,他们对数学教育的重要性的认识也不一样,但是他们都认为数学教育是不可缺少的一部分,这也是本课题正确性的一个佐证。对于数学教育与公务员考试这两个命题,它们都是人生中重要的阶段,而它们本身又有着关联,将这二者一起论述不仅具有可行性,同时也有一定的新颖性。所以数学教育对于公务员考试的重要性是不容质疑的,因此探讨数学教育与公务员考试这一课题具有科学性、现实性以及实用性。河北师范大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述在我国引进公务员考试前,外国公务员的培养也是一个极有正义的论题,但是数学教育对于工作者的重要性却是极少有人非议的。数学作为一门基础课程,它对于我们的生活工作都有极大的影响。Didactics of mathematics as a scientific discipline这本书主要讲解了数学教学理论为何是一门科学,在这一过程中,作者不仅阐述了数学理论的作用,而且重点放在了数学教育这一重点上,数学教育的历史也有所涉猎,数学教育不是在今天才被重视,从古至今数学都是一门重要的学科。从教师、学生各个方面来论述数学教育理论的不同,数学教学过程中的方法与重点也是这本书侧重的一个方面。本书作者虽是为国际上研究数学教育的科学团体写的,但是对于未来以及现在的教师都能在本书中找到其所关注的焦点问题,这本书对于了解数学教育方面具有着非常重要的作用,同时在论文写作的时候起了很大的帮助。公务员考试数学习题分类解析与练习这本书中不仅收录了大量的公务员考试的经典题目,同时也为数学题进行了一定的分类,并且充分显示了数学对于公务员考试的重要性。数学教育对于公务员考试的思维与解读有着重要的作用,在论文写作的举例中提供了及其典型的例题。数学教育研究前沿丛书对于数学教育的学习有着重要的帮助,这本书中收集了大量关于数学教育的知识。对于数学教育学生未来发展所起的作用也是一个重要的内容,通过对这本书的阅读,我们可以充分了解到数学教育的重要性,我们也能够掌握更多的教育知识,以及改进教学的方法。这本书中充分论述了中国数学发展的特点以及现今应该着重的地方,建设出了有中国特点的数学教学理论,从近现代中国教育的发展来看影响中国数学教育的因素。这本书着重于解决数学教育问题的方法范例,做到言之有物,言必有据这的编辑意图。本书希望让中国数学教育能够走出自己的道路,同时在世界数学教育中能够占有一席之地。这本书适用于于数学教育有兴趣的不同人群,因为此书行文生动、浅显易懂,让初学者可以轻易理解,避免了入门难的问题。当代教育心理学对于受教育者的心理进行分析,从而讲述现代社会如何对学生进行教育,并且在教育过程中,应该更加注重学生与社会的结合度。这本书比起以上几本更加注重对学生的教育,同时对于学生的未来社会生活更加关注,立足于教学本身。编者在书中以中国传统教学理念与西方教育心理学的举例与素材之全面相结合,同时使这本书不仅可以面向在校的未来教师及心理学的学生,而且可以面向老教师们。这本书博采众长,不仅让此书从我国国情出发,同时与国际上受到关注的问题为一方面,让此书在心理学雷的书籍中颇为出彩,在写作论文的过程中,学生心理的研究正是通过此书的内容进行了全面的分析。论文所用到的这些文献都是作者的心血之作,这些文献各有侧重,都有出彩之处,而这些文献对于论文写作都起到了不可忽视的作用。河北师范大学本科生毕业论文(设计)翻译文章俄罗斯数学教育1 数学教育在俄罗斯在1917年革命之前塔蒂阿娜波利库亚师范学院南方联邦大学、俄罗斯从十世纪到十七世纪这段时间可以被称为现在的俄罗斯的数学教育的起源。在这个时期,条件的逐渐改变使得数学教育在18世纪成为一个广阔的国家应该考虑的问题。关于这一时期的历史记录,数学教育的内容或方法缺少具体的证据,同时大多数个体对于谁对数学教育的出现做出了重大贡献仍然不清楚。虽然如此,商业的历史证据、政府和军事活动表明数学活动是前进的,并且由某种方法从人与人之间以及一代一代的传下去。发展以偶然的方式进行,因此以下章节仅仅描述对俄罗斯数学教育的发展至关重要的阶段。第一阶段是发生在基辅罗斯的,文化和集权在10世纪到12世纪都达到了顶峰。拜占庭对知识和文化失活的基辅罗斯是一个重要的影响 (科斯托马洛夫,1995,p.9),它带来了俄罗斯数学教育中12个西里尔字母到俄罗斯,极大的刺激了一种统一系统的字母和数字的形成。曾将基督教带到基辅的弗拉基米尔普京王子,和他的儿子,雅罗斯拉夫,第一次认识到教育的重要性。东正教会希望受过教育的人能支持新被接受的宗教。凭借对公立学校影响的信赖,建立在基辅、诺夫哥罗德和其他著名的城市的学校为教士和世俗的上层阶级的后代而不是为其他人员提供教育。教育是由国家积极强制推行的。结果是俄罗斯最初受过教育的人只有几个少数家族。有一些文学资源记录了在那个时期上流社会的教育。最好的是由雅罗斯拉夫(葛瑞库,1947)收藏了的司法“俄罗斯真理”和被僧侣科瑞克收藏的(艾斯特瑞克,1952) 俄罗斯第一篇数学论文。真理报(俄罗斯真理)包含了许多文章以及数学运算。其中一些在那个时期理解起来是非常困难的(百分比,评估地区面积,牲畜的增加、和其他动产的变化)。这些收集的广泛流通意味着社会上受过教育的阶层能够同时理解和使用数学规律。在获得俄罗斯极高水平的数学奖学金的是科瑞克内瑞格瑞特在12世纪按时间顺序排列的数学论文“一个人如何计年的手册” (南斯坦洛夫,卡查理维夫 坡纳特的斯库里写的诺歌德特科瑞特莱特)。它包含专业水平的数学顺序运算,甚至还有一个以五为级数的几何级数。在此时,无论如何,数学教育最可能从属于其他形式的教育,和仅有的功利意图。其要旨是来自于实际几何学和算术的基本知识。俄罗斯在10世纪到12世纪,在精英之间,无论何时,有对于教育的价值和数学的教育质量完全比得上拜占庭帝国和欧洲模式。第二个阶段(13th -14世纪)即鞑靼蒙古人的入侵时期。一般的文化衰退时期包括教育整体水平在全社会整体水平的下降。由于各种目的与意图,学校几乎停止教育。甚至大部分受过教育的团体,牧师,经历这一过程。识字的人的慢性的不充分是极其严重的,甚至有些祭司的位置都是空着的。另外在15世纪,牧师成为野蛮人的传播数学的敌人,几乎都禁止数学书。唯一保留文化度较高的城市“老基辅诺夫哥罗德”,这是泰各曼谷的入侵结果。许多社会团体有着醒目的高水平的教育,这类令人惊叹的著作的考古在20th世纪中期在诺夫哥罗德白桦树皮发现。这些著作有足够的许多数值数据,包括一些儿童的书写资料,都证明了数学教育的高水平。所谓的“数字的字母”第一次出现的发现标志着第一次数学教材的使用。这些白桦树皮的著作被推测用于计算的研究和写作编号的练习(西蒙诺夫,1974,p.80)。尽管教会有所禁令,但文字仍然出现在数学材料中。第三阶段是基辅练习巩固在一起的阶段(15th -17世纪)。几何和算术显然是用于实际活动与艺术(波利库亚,1977,p.33)。牧师首先认同教育的价值,修道院在文明的发展中扮演了重要的角色。作为结果,修道院联合创建图书馆和学校。教会的教育系统不断增长。在1639年,高等教育:基辅-乌克兰学院的建立首先开启。在俄罗斯和其他国家一样,更高的教育的需要比中级教育和较低的教育更早的到了满足(布罗克豪斯和派特佛恩, 1898, p. 382)。在学院的最后一年,课程包括了几何学的一部分。较迟建立的莫斯科的斯拉夫语-希腊语-拉丁语学院课程中并未包括数学。4.基辅数学教育在17世纪,数学教育功能达到新的水平,甚至在牧师的教育范围之外,相当多的这一时代的数学手稿作为证据。绝大多数的手稿出现在数学教育课本上。依次,算数手稿构成了这些课本中的一大部分。上流阶层的算术课本与同时期欧洲的雏形相匹配(亚述卡维什, 1968, p. 24)。它们的内容包括计算、整数的运算规则、分数、演算、商业算数的规则以及令人感兴趣的四则运算(智力游戏)。这些算术手稿主要在俄罗斯宣传印度-阿拉伯的计数法,这种计数法对于国家一般的文化传播很重要。方法论认为,算数的传播方法是武断的。在其他的国家,武断的规则(叁的规则,试位法的规则等)在解决问题中已经应用。俄罗斯的算盘作为基本计算工具出现。算术手稿应用了俄罗斯传统的量度制系统。题目同非常深植于俄罗斯真实事件中(波利库亚, 1977, pp. 6061)。几何学的问题则不同。几何学通常包含在算术手稿中,一些实用手册为解决实际问题提供信息;这些手稿中的规则通常是不确切的,偶尔还有错误以及基础的缺失。那个时期仅仅有两份手稿是完全专门讲解几何学的。一个是应用的包含测量距离和面积的准确可靠规则的几何学课本。它同时包含了建筑和价值的等量变换的问题。这本书掌握的几何水平很低,明显低于同时期欧洲的水(波利库亚, 1977, p. 67)。但是,这并不是第二本书的实际情况。“第42索娜德缘起法则”( 贝依和舒爱锁,1959))在数学教育历史中占有显著的地位。俄罗斯几何学课本首次有君主制定。 5.在1917年革命之前俄罗斯的数学教育 米哈伊尔费奥多罗维奇罗曼诺夫,同欧洲提出了某种程度上相似的包含几何学记账系统的理论。它包含了几何图形的定义,图表原理和元素证明,在施工和计算方法上的解决问题方案。教科书的不可印刷以及传播的不广泛性,尽管它不影响在基辅的数学教育的发展,它是17世纪基辅的受教育人群这一层指示的存在,这些人不仅对数学有兴趣,他们对于数学的传播同样感兴趣(波利库亚, 1977, p. 74)。在17世纪,基辅罗斯的领导阶层第一次将注意力放在教育价值这一概念上。无论如何政治意愿证明其不足以引起真正的教育变革。沙皇鲍里斯戈都诺夫打算开放学校,甚至大学,但是他失败了;米哈伊尔罗曼诺夫启用现代几何学课本,但是并没有对它的出版有所帮助。最后被称为彼得大帝的彼得一世,有政治上的需要必须进行教育变革。2.18世纪:俄罗斯数学教育停止的时期2.1彼得一世的教育时代政府的改革开始,彼得一世曾挫败于受教育者的缺乏,那些人能够带来充分的计划去实行。由于这个原因,他从正规开始进行,建立军队、开设工厂并且重建政府装备彼得的直接参与带来了第一个世俗的公立学校,并且,他在每个公立学校确立了数学的明确清楚地地位。如此一来,彼得一世为政府对数学教育的任免权开设了先例(波利库亚, 2000, p. 175)。从开始到现在,他开始了自己的欧洲历程,彼得一世开始试着利用科学的教育引发欧洲的潜力。6.俄罗斯数学教育在彼得一世订立规则之前只有外交家和商人获得准许可以度过边境。在彼得一世之后,无论怎样,旅行是受到鼓舞的,甚至可以委托统治。事实证明,彼得一世的计划大部分失败了,仅仅有一些年轻的俄罗斯人渴望出国学习,这些人中甚至有一部分是被证明有很大实力的。书本的缺乏,是知识传播的另一个障碍。为补救这种情况,在1700年彼得一世给阿姆斯特丹的商人言特斯在俄罗斯世俗商店印刷和贩卖属鸡的权利。损失是必然要遭受省委:俄罗斯有许多热爱书籍的人,但是属鸡的质量却并不高。同时,学术书籍第一次出现在俄罗斯,它们是关于数学的。除了书籍产品的有限成就,总的来说,利用欧洲的科学的教育的企图的开端并没有引起人们渴求的效果。在18世纪的开始,彼得一世着手于建立全国的、世俗的、公共的以及专业的教育系统。RUSSIAN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION1 Mathematics Education in Russia before the 1917 RevolutionTatiana Polyakova Pedagogical InstituteSouthern Federal University, RussiaThe period from the 10th to the 17th centuries can be called the Age of the Inception of Mathematics Teaching in what is now Russia. It was during this period that conditions gradually changed, permitting mathematics education to emerge in the 18th century as a broad national concern. The historical records of this period lack specific evidence of the content or methods of mathematics education and most of the individuals who contributed to the emergence of mathematics education remain unknown. Still, historical evidence of commerce, government, and military activities indicates that mathematical activity was ongoing and was transferred by some means from person to person and generation to generation. Development proceeded in a haphazard manner, however; so the following account describes only the vital stages in the development of mathematical education in Russia. The first stage took place in Kievan Rus , which in the 10th12th centuries reached its zenith in terms of both culture and sheer power. Byzantium was a principal influence for both “intellectual and literary tivity” in Kievan Rus (Kostomarov, 1995, p. 9); it brought the 12 Russian Mathematics Education Cyrillic alphabet to Russia, which stimulated the development of a unified system of letters and numbers. Prince Vladimir, who brought Christianity to Rus , and his son, Yaroslav the Wise, were the first to realize the importance of education. The Orthodox church expected educated people to support the newly accepted religion. On the strength of this belief public schools were founded in Kiev, in Novgorod and in other prominent cities, primarily for the children of priests and the secular upper classes, but not for the rest of the population. Education was mandated aggressively by the state. The result was the first few generations of educated people in Russia. There are a few literary sources documenting the quality of education at that time. The best are the juridical collection “Russian Truth” by Yaroslav the Wise (Grekov, 1947) and the first mathematical essay in Rus by the monk Kirik (Istoriko-matematicheskie issledovaniya,1952).“Pravda Russkaya” (Russian Truth) contains many articles with mathematical calculations. Some of these are quite complicated for that time (computation of percentages, evaluation of areas, increases in livestock, and other chattel). The collections wide circulation implies that the educated segment of society could both understand and use its mathematical laws. The very highest level of mathematical scholarship in Rus is demonstrated in the mathematicalchronological essay “The manual of how a person comes to know numeration of years” (Nastavlenie, kak cheloveku poznat schilslenie let) written by Kirik Novgorodets in the beginning of the 12th century. It contains professional-level mathematicalchronological calculations and even an example of a geometric progression with a common ratio of five. At this time, however, mathematics education was most likely subordinate to other forms of education and had only a utilitarian intention. Its contents were limited to elementary information from practical geometry and also the rudiments of arithmetic. In the 10th 12th centuries in Rus , among the elite, in any case, there was an acceptance of the value of education and the quality of mathematical education fully comparable with Byzantine and European models.The second stage (13th14th centuries) coincides with the Tatar- Mongol invasion. The general cultural decline of this period included a decline in all levels of education at all levels of society. For all intents and purposes, schools virtually ceased their existence. Even the most educated societal group, the clergy, experienced this decline. The chronic insufficiency of literate people was so severe that even positions as priests were unfilled. Additionally in the 15th century, the clergy became the savage enemy of the dissemination of mathematics, all but banning mathematical books. The only city that retained high culture in Old Rus was Novgorod, which was virtually untouched by the Tatar-Mongol invasion. Many groups of society there had strikingly high levels of education, as evidenced by the sensational archeological discovery of writings on birch bark in Novgorod in the middle of the 20th century. The writings had sufficiently many numerical figures, including some written by children, to testify to the high level of mathematical education. This discovery, which evidenced the first appearance of the so-called “numerical alphabet,” marks the first educational material in mathematics; the birch bark writings were presumably used for the study of numeration and exercises in the writing of numbers (Simonov, 1974, p. 80). The third stage is linked with the consolidation of power in Moscovian Rus (15th17th centuries). The churchs prohibition notwithstanding, literature appeared in which there was mathematical material. Geometry and arithmetic were apparently used in practical activities and art (Polyakova, 1977, p. 33). The clergy was the first to embrace the value of education, and monasteries played an important role in the development of enlightenment. As a result, libraries and schools were created in conjunction with monasteries. The ecclesiastical system of education grew. In 1639, the first establishment of higher education was opened: the Kiev-Mogilyansky Academy. “In Russia, as in other countries, the need for higher education was satisfied earlier than the need for middle or lower education” (Brockhaus and Efron, 1898, p. 382). In the final year of the Academy, the curriculum included elements of geometry. Moscows SlavicGreekLatin Academy, which was opened later, did not include mathematics in its curriculum.4 Russian Mathematics Education In the 17th century, mathematical education functioned on a high level, even outside the clerical educational system, as evidenced by a considerable quantity of mathematical manuscripts from the period. The overwhelming majority of these manuscripts appear to be educational textbooks in mathematics. In turn, arithmetic manuscripts constituted the majority of these textbooks. The quality of the arithmetic textbooks matches that of contemporary European prototypes (Yushkevich, 1968, p. 24). Their contents included numeration, rules of operations with whole numbers and fractions, calculation, rules of commercial arithmetic, and elements of entertaining arithmetic (puzzles). These arithmetic manuscripts were largely responsible for the dissemination in Rus of the IndoArabic system of numeration, which was of paramount importance for the general cultural development of the country. Methodologically speaking, arithmetic was approached dogmatically. As in other countries, artificial rules were applied (the rule of three, the rules of regula falsi, etc.) to problem solving. The Russian abacus appeared as the basic calculating instrument. Arithmetic manuscripts used the traditional Russian system of measurement. Problems often were rooted in specific Russian reality (Polyakova, 1977, pp. 6061). The matter of geometry was different. Geometry was usually included in arithmetic manuscripts and a few practical manuals providing information for solving practical problems; the rules in these manuscripts were often inexact and occasionally incorrect and their foundations were absent. Only two manuscripts of that period were dedicated entirely to geometry. One was a textbook of practical geometry containing reasonably reliable rules of measuring distance and area. It also included problems on construction and isometric transformations of figures. The level of geometric mastery in this book is quite low, markedly lower than that of its European contemporaries (Polyakova, 1977, p. 67). However, this is not the case with the second geometric manuscript. “Sinodalnaya No. 42” (Belyj and Shvetsov, 1959) occupies a prominent place in the history of mathematical education. For the first time in Russia this geometry textbook, created by order of the sovereign.Mathematics Education in Russia before the 1917 Revolution 5 Mikhail Fyodorovich, contains a systematic account of geometry presented in a manner similar to its European counterparts. It contains definitions of geometric figures, theorems with diagrams and elements of proofs, and solutions of problems on construction and calculation. The textbook was not printed nor widely distributed, and although it did not influence the development of mathematical education in Rus, it was an indicator of an existence of a layer of educated people in 17th century Rus , who not only were interested in mathematics but were also interested in its dissemination (Polyakova, 1977, p. 74). In the 17th century, for the first time since the time of the Kievan Rus , the idea of the value of education caught the attention of the countrys leadership. Political will, however, proved insufficient to cause real educational change. Tsar Boris Godunov intended to open schools and even universities, but he was unsuccessful; Mikhail Romanov commissioned a modern geometric textbook but did not facilitate its publication. Finally Peter I, often referred to as Peter the Great, had the kind of political will necessary to bring about real change. 2 The 18th Century: The Period in which Mathematical Education in Russia Came to a Halt 2.1 Mathematical Education in the Epoch of Peter I Once the governmental reform began, Peter I was thwarted by the absence of literate people who were adequately prepared to bring his plans to fruition. For this reason, he began the preparation of specialists to form a regular army, to build a fleet and to open factories, and to reconstruct the apparatus of government. Peters direct participation brought about the first secular public schools; moreover, he established a clear dominant position for mathematics in every secular school. In doing so, Peter I set the precedent for governmental patronage of mathematical education (Polyakova, 2000, p. 175). From the beginning remembe


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