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杭州市育才中学初一 新生招生考试卷英语班级 姓名 得分(等级)一、语音与字母(10 分)A.请你选出化线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。( )1.A.water B.watch C.what D.wash( )2.A.great B.headache C.elbow D.dress( )3.A.hear B.pear C.near D.dear( )4.A.jeeps B.pens C.books D.jumps( )5.A.today B.day C.Tuesday D.way( )6.A.thanks B.there C.south D.three( )7.A.worked B.wanted C.shopped D.washedB.下列每组字母中有一个字母的读音中所包含的云因与众不同,你能把它找出来吗?( )8. A.F B.N C.K D.X( )9.A.k B.h C.q D.a( )10.A.E B.T C.G D.J参考答案:1-5 CCBBC 6-10 BBCCD二词汇部分。(20 分)A.选择正确的词填空,注意其正确的形式,每个词只能用一次。11.-what will the weather be like tomorrow? -It will be _,I think.12.On her _birthday,she got a doll from her parents as a gift.13.Dont swim in the riverby _.Its very dangerous.14.He is the winner.He runs the _ofall.15.In Dalian ,there are a lot of nice _along the sea.B.根据句子的意思,你能填出所缺的单词吗?16.Mothers day is on the second Sunday of _in a year .Children usually give flowers to theirmothers.17.In _ trees turn green and flowers come out,its the best season in a year.18.We call Sundays and Saturdays _,we dont need to go to school or go to work.19._ Day is the most important festival in western countries.20.-Whats the time? -Sorry,my _doesnt work.参考答案:11-15 cloudy twelfth yourself fastest beachesbeach, twelve, cloud, fast, you16-20 May spring weekends Christmas watchC.你知道大写的词组或短语的真正意思吗?请选出它们的正确含义。( )21.I like to drink “BLACK TEA”.A.红茶 B.黑色茶叶 C.红色茶叶 D.黑茶( )22.He is BLACK AND BLUE.A.黑一块蓝一块 B.青一块紫一块 C.身上很脏 D.穿黑蓝相间的衣服( )23.You are wrong again.I CANT STAND YOU.A.帮不了你 B.不能站在你身上 C.受不了你 D.不能帮你站住( )24.You call me so early.WHATS UP?A.什么在上面 B.多谢 C.真讨厌 D. 怎么了( )25.-Im afraid Ill get a low mark in English test.-Oh.CHEER UP! Maybe you didnt do too badly.A.去干一杯 B.太棒了 C.真倒霉 D.振作起来参考答案:21-25 ABCDDD.请找出下划线部分意思相同的选项。( )26.Look out ,dont break the glasses.A.Look out of the window B.Look after C.Take care( )27.They can speak a little Japanese.A.They have a little Japanese friends. B.The party will begin at 6:00.C.They cant speak Japanese very well.( )28.Its six oclock.The party will begin in thirty minutes.A.The party will begin at 5:30 B.The party will begin at 6:00.C.The party will begin at 6:30.( )29.I want to have a word with you.A. tell B.write to C.talk to( )30.Today is Friday.Wewent to the Great Wall the day before last day.A. last Friday B.Thursday C.Wednesday参考答案:26-30 CCCCC三、单项选择(20 分)( )31.-Danny doesnt like cabbages,onions or carrots.-Oh.eating more _is healthy.A.meat B.soup C.vegetables D.fruits( )32.-Is breakfast ready?Im hungry,I want to eat -OK,_ is for you.A.milk B.orange juice C.toast with jam D.pop( )33.What is the best present for Teachers Day?-_.A.A box of chocolate with loving words.B.A bunch of flowers with a cardC.Mooncakes and a CD with Chinese songsD.A mobile phone and a birthday cake34.-Do you like babies?-Yes,I love them,because they are _.A.lovely B.naughty C.foolish D.clever35.Some birds _ to the south before winter.A.fly B.swim C.run D.walk36.The air in Shijiazhuang is getting _ now than a few years ago.A.clean B.cleaner C.cleanest D.the cleanest37.-Is this pen _?- No,its not _ pen,but I think its _.A.your;my;Elsas B. Yours;my;ElsasC.your;mine;Elsa D.your;mine;Elsas38.-_is your favorite sports man?A.How B.Who C.When D.Which39.Who taught _French?Nobody ,she learned all by _.A.herself;her B.her; herself C,he; herself D.her;she40.Its raining_.We have to stay at home and watch “SuperGirls”.A.badly B.strongly C.heavy D.heavily41.With the policeman ,her the lost woman went _ a cold rainy day.A,home on B.to home on C.to home in D.home in42.Today is _.A.Friday,August 25 th B.August 25 th ,FridayC.25th August,Friday D.25th Friday,August43.-Takeyour scarf,its windy outside.-OK,mum.I will _.A.put it on B.take it off C.wearit D.take it down44.The cat under the table _ a hat.A.look like B.like to play with C.likes play with D.looks like45.We are going to buy to two _ for the coming party.A.basket of apple B.baskets of appleC.basket of apples D.baskets of apples46.So _ homework really makes the students feel tired.A.many B.much C.little D.few47.-Can i get you something to drink?-_.A.Yes,of course you can. B.Thats kind of you.C.It doesnt matter. D.Its my pleasure.48._ I have to show my school to my father?-Yes,you do.A.Must B.Do C.Can D.May49.-Hurry up! Its time to leave. -OK._A.Ill come B.Im coming C.I came D.I come50.Sam is only nine,but he can _his little sistervery well.A.look after B.look at C.look for D.look out参考答案:31-35 CCBAA 36-40 BBBBD41-45 ABCDD 46-50 BBBBA四完形填空(10 分)Do you like to_ many beautiful colors round you?If you _,you should _Xiangshan during the_ .Theweather _ to get cold and most of the _ on tree change color.And the wind blows the leaves _ the trees.In summerthey are _red ,yellow ,orange and brown.Every autumn people come to see the beautiful colors. All the _ and storesthere are crowded (拥挤)with visitors. They come to _the colorful leaves.( )51.A.sound B.see C.book D.Smell( )52.A.have B.do C.are D.wants( )53.A.go B.do C.visit D.goes( )54.A.spring B.summer C.fall D.winter( )55.A.beginning B.leaves C.colors D.begins( )56A.flowers B.leaves C.colors D.animals( )57A.out B.of C.off D.away( )58A.so B.and C.but D.or( )59A.shops B.book shops C.hotels D.hospitals( )60A.look B.like C.enjoy D.look like参考答案:51-55 BBCCD 56-60 BCBCC五阅读理解(20 分)阅读下列短文,判断文后句子的正误,正确的写 T,错误的写 F。Ann comes from Canada.She is Canadian.She speaks English and French,and she can speak a little Chinese because sheis in HongKong now.She is studying in a middle school there.She has classes from Monday to Friday .On Sundays she oftenplay games with her new Chinese friends. Her father is working in HongKong.He is a language teacher,and Anns motherisalso a teacher.They all like HongKong and the people there.This summer they plan to go to Sichuan for a trip, because theywant to eat Sichuan food.( )61.Ann is from HongKong.( )62.Ann has classes every day except Saturdays and Sundays.( )63.Ann cant speak Chinese at all.( )64.The girls parents are both teachers.( )65.They dont like Chinese food.参考答案: 61-65 FTFTFB根据电视节目单内容,选择最佳答案。Channel( 频道)27:30 Morning News14:40 Olympic Games:womens tennis single final(单打决赛 015:30 Songs and dances16:50 Cartoon ;Crayon Xiaoxin18:30 Olympic Games:mens table tennis double(双打)finalChannel( 频道)89:55 Olympic Games ;mens 100-meter final11:40 Olympic Games ;the Olympic Hinel(环)20:40 TV Play;Sunrise22;09 Film;Spiderman23:57 Olympic Games :mens jump finalChannel( 频道)99:00 Chinese history10:30 Cartoon King Lion21:15 Traveling in China22:30 Olympic Games;special report( )66.Mr.Robert plans to watch TV in the morning and doesnt show much interest in sports and games.Whichchannel would he like to choose?A.Channel 2 B.Channel 8 C.Channel 9 D.Channel 2 and Channel 9( )67.At night ,Mr.Robert wants to know the result (结果) of the Olympic Games of the day ,he may choose_.A.Channel 2,womens tennis single finalB.Channel 2 ,mens table tennis single finalC.Channel 8,mens high jump finalD.Channel 9,special report( )68.Tony likes cartoon very much.But he has no time to watch them in the morning.He has to finish his homework.Sowhich program can he choose?A.Crayon Xiaoxin B.Sunrise C,spiderman D,King Lion( )69.Tony is a basketball fan.What will he feel after reading through the list ?A.surprised B.Not happy. C.interested D.Excited.( )70.By watching TV today,how many results of the Olympic Games finals can Mr.Robert at least (至少)get to know ifhe would like to ?A,Two B.Three C.Four D.Five参考答案: 66-70 CCABC六句型转换(10 分)按照括号内要求填空,每空一词。71.I went to Japan forFIBA games by air.(改为同义句)I _ _ Japan forFIBA games.72.He doesnt lie on the grass or watch the sky .(改为肯定句)He _ on the grass and _ the sky.73.This pair of runners is $299.(对画线部分提问)_ _ is this pair of runners?74.He w


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