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Unit 5 Topic 2I. 根据中文意思完成下列单词 1.Its _(正常的) that you forget some of the English words a few days after you learned. 2. He thinks his parents are _(不公平的) to him. 3. Ill _(接受) your suggestions. Thank you. 4. I dont know how to _ _(处理) such things. 5. I failed _(虽然) I tried my best. 6. Now I _(理解) what you said. 7. She couldnt fall _(睡着) last night because she drank too much coffee. 8. He is a man of few words, because he is very _(害羞). 9. Things soon returned to _(正常的). 10.He _(拒绝) to go with me at last.II. 选择填空 ( ) 1. The teacher is worried _ his students. A. to B. with C. of D. about( ) 2. He doesnt run so _ as his brother. A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. the fastest( ) 3. He lives _, but he doesnt feel _. A. lonely, alone B. lonely, lonely C. alone, lonely D. alone, alone( ) 4. Jeff is my _ brother. He is one year _than I. A. elder, elder B. elder, older C. older, older D. older, elder( ) 5. You may be become unhappy _. A. sometime B. some times C. sometimes D. some time( ) 6. Im very glad _ I got a nice book yesterday. A. because B. so C. but D. and ( ) 7. His funny jokes make us _. A. to laugh B. laughing C. laughed D. laugh( ) 8. -Whats the matter, Sam? - There is _with my bike. A. anything wrong B. something wrong C. wrong anything D. wrong something( ) 9. They thought of a way _the letters. A. to deal with B. deal with C. deal D. to deal( ) 10. _ time flies! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a ( ) 11. My mother said that she wanted _ to the city the next week. A. go B. going C. went D. to go( ) 12. James plays football _better than me. A. very B. much C. more D. quite ( ) 13. -Please give my best wishes to you parents. -_. A. Youre right B. Dont say so C. Thank you D. Youre welcome( ) 14. Kate would like _ the swimming club. A. joins B. joining C. to join D. joined( ) 15. The old man explained it over and over again _ all of us understood it. A. until B. or C. and D. becauseIII. 句型转换 1. Our teacher is strict with us. (划线提问) _ _ your teacher_? 2. Jim is 1.7m tall. Mike is 1.7m tall too. (合并为一句) Jim is _ tall _ Mike.3. Im very happy. (变为感叹句) _ _ I am! 4. To believe yourself is very important. (用it 作形式主语改写) _ _ very important to believe yourself. 5. Id like you to be my friend. (变为一般问句)_ _ like me to be your friend?6. He doesnt work in the factory.(同义句改写)He _ _ in the factory. 7. Kate has no friends here. (同上)Kate _ _ any friends here. 8. To forget some of the new words is normal. (同上)_ _ normal to forget some of the new words. 9. I dont know what I should do. (同上)I dont know what _ _. 10. Mr Wang is talking with my father. (同上)Mr Wang is having _ _ with my father. IV. 完成句子1. 西莉娅不再恨弄坏她钢笔的那个人了。Celia _ _ the man who broke her pen _ _2. 我这次英语考试不及格。I _ the English exam _ _. 3. 玛丽很厌烦数学课。Mary _ _ _ _ math class. 4. 我不知道怎样才能让其他同学和我交流。I dont know _ _ _ _ students to talk with me. 5. 一直生气是没用的。_ is _ _ _ angry all the time.V. 阅读理解Johnson was a young soldier in a big camp(军营). During the week they always worked very hard. But it was Saturday, and all the yound soldiers were free, so their officer said to them, “You can go to the town this afternoon, but first I am going to inspect(检查)you.”Johnson came to the officer, and the officer said to him,“Your hair is too long. Go to the barbers(理发店)and then come back to me again.”Johnson ran to the barbers shop, but it was closed because it was Saturday. Johnson was very sad for a few minutes, but then he smiled and went back to the officer. “Are ym shoes clean now, sir?” The officer didnt look at Johnsons hair. He looked at his shoes and said,“Yes. They are much betternow. You can go out. And next week, first clean your shoes and then come to me!”( ) 1. Johnson _. A. worked very hard on Saturday B. always worked very hard during the week C. often went to the town. D. was free on Monday( ) 2. When Johnson came to the officer, the officer found _.A. Johnsons shoes were very dirty B. Johnsons hair was very dirty C. Johnsons hair was very long D. Johnsons hair was very short( ) 3. Why was the barbers shop closed? A. Because it was too early. B. Because it was too late. C. Because it was Sunday. D. Because it was Saturday.( ) 4. From the passage, we know _. A. that Johnson wasnt a silly soldier B. that Johnson wasnt a clever soldier C. that Johnson wasnt a young soldier D. that Johnson wasnt a hard-working soldier( ) 5. Which of the following is right according to the passage? A. Johnson had his hair cut in the barbers shop. B. Johnson cleaned his shoes before he went back. C. Johnson came back sadly. D. Johnson cleaned his shoes before going to the town.I. 1. normal 2. unfair 3. accept 4. deal with 5. though 6. understand 7. asleep 8. shy 9. normal 10. refusedII. 15 DACBC 610 ADBAB 1115 DBCCAIII.


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