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Module 2 Unit 3Traditional skills 教材分析Reading a short article about the ancient art of Chinese heritage, cormorant fishing, the process of cormorant fishing and its present situation and future are the core contents of this unit. Its mission is not only to train and improve reading skills, but also to include grammar and vocabulary. At the same time it also to train students correct emotion attitude, values such as abstract deep responsibility, causes the student to the motherland excellent traditional culture can have a profound understanding of, set up the consciousness of the protection of traditional Chinese art. 教学目标【知识目标】1Get students to learn the useful words and expressions in this period.1).although = though 2). fit= healthy and strong /fit sb. 3). require v. = need4). use sth. to do sth./be used to do sth. /be/get used to doing sth./used to do sth. 5). tie /tied; tied ; tying /tie sth./sb. to sp. / tie sth. with sth. 6). stop / prevent / keep .from.2Help students to learn about useful expressions.【能力目标】To read the passage and answer some questions about traditional skills.【情感目标】1Help them understand more about traditional skills.2Develop students sense of cooperative learning. 教学重难点【教学重点】How to train their reading ability step by step.【教学难点】1Develop students reading ability.2Help students understand the difficulties. 课前准备 Multimedia 教学过程Part1step1 Warm- up1) Look at the cartoon and answer the questions.(看课本图片)2) QuestionsWhat are Hi and Lo doing? Have they caught any fish? What is Lo doing?Why is Lo doing this? Will his idea work? Why?step2. Lead-inAre these traditional skills? Name them, please. Chinese knot paper cutting Step3 Presentation1. Before readingWhat do you know about ?A1 How do people and animals work together? Match the beginning of each sentence with the correct ending.1.Farmers use cats a to find things.2. Blind people use dogs b to catch mice.3. We used to use horses c to guide them.4. The police use dogs d to pull carriages.A2 Label this picture with the words from the box.fisherman fishing boat net Look and compare.What are the differences between the two ways of fishing? step3. Reading:Fishing with birds1). Skim the article on page 35. Then match the paragraphs with their main ideas.Paragraph 1 _ a describes a kind of bird. Paragraph 2 _ b is about the future of fishing with birds.Paragraph 3 _ c describes a fisherman.Paragraph 4 _ d describes how the fisherman works.2). Scan the first paragraph and complete the table. Wang Damin is a fishman. Although he is over 65,he is very fit and still enjoys working.3). Read the second paragraph and fill in the blanks. Damin uses cormorants to catch fish . Cormorants are large black birds.They are good at catching fish because they can swim well.They can dive down and stay under the water for up to two minutes. Size: (1)_ Good at: (3)_and (4)_4). Read the third paragraph and fill in the blanks.Damin usually sets off in the late afternoon and gets the cormorants ready for work.First ,he ties a piece of grass around their necks to stop them from eating big fish. Then when Damins boat reaches the right place in the river, he pushes them into the river. Damin uses several ways to attract fish. During the day, he jumps up and down on his boat. After dark, he hangs a light on a post at the front of the boat. The cormorants bring the fish back to the boat. The fish are then taken and thrown into a big basket by Damin. No nets are required for this type of fishing.In the (1)_, Wang Damin sets off and (2)_the cormorants _ for work.First ,he to stop them from eating big fish.Then, when Wang Damins boat (4)_ , he pushes the cormorants into the river. Wang Damin uses several ways to attract fish:During the day, (5)_.After dark, (6)_.The cormorants (7)_.Wang Damin (8)_ the fish from their mouths.Finally, the fish (9_ a big basket.5).Read the fourth paragraph and answer the questions.Cormorant fishing was once practiced in lots of places in South-East China, and there were many fishermen in the area. But today, few young people are interested in it. In 50 years, perhaps there will be no more cormorant fishermen in the world.1.Where was cormorant fishing once practised?2.Are young people interested in how to fish with cormorants today?3.What may happen to cormorant fishing in the future?Step4. After reading: language points1.although = though 虽然 (引导让步状语从句,不能跟but 连用)Although he is over 65, he is very fit and still enjoys working. He is over 65 , but he is very fit and still enjoys working. 2. fit= healthy and strong 健康 fit sb. (v.) 适合某人 be fit for sb. In order to keep fit, he exercises every day. The shirt fits me very well. If we dont save our earth, it wont be fit for us to live on. 3. require v. = need 需要, 要求 a. Everyone requires water. b. The bike requires repairing. require sb to. do sth.(要求某人做某事) c. All of students were required to attend the sports meeting on time.4. use sth. to do sth. 用某物做某事 be used to do sth. 被用来做某事 be/get used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 used to do sth. 过去常常做某事a. We use a knife to cut pears. b. This knife is used to cut the apples.c. He used to live in Shenzhen, but now he lives in America.d. My mother is used to getting up early. 5. tie v. 系;栓;束缚 n. 领带 tied; tied ; tying tie sth./sb. to sp. 把某物/某人系到某处 tie sth. with sth. 用某物系某物a. Look, the boy is tying a horse to the tree.b. He tied the red pen with a piece of string.c. Mr Smith is wearing a tie today.6. stop / prevent / keep .from. 阻止.做某事We should stop people (from) pouring waster water into the river.Fridges are used to keep food from going bad.The fence can prevent anyone from falling into the water. Step5. ExercisesFill in the missing words.1. Please give a simple d_ of this new product.2. He h_ his coat as soon as he entered the door.3.A _he is only ten years old, he can speak English very well.4. -Whats your favourite hobby? -I like _(dive) and _ (fish).5. He used to be a _ (fish) ?Step 5. Homework 完成综合练习册Reading的练习。Part2step1 Vocabulary1) C1 The words in italics are from the article on page 35. Circle the correct answers to complete these sentences.1.If a person is fit, he or she is .a healthy or strong b weak and ill2. When you set off, you a journey. a plan b start 3. When you reach a place, you the place.a arrive at b return from 4.If you hang something on a post, you the post. a put it on b take it from2) C2 Mark wrote an email to Jenny about fishing with hand nets. Complete his email with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary.fisherman fit hang reach require set off DearJenny,IsawaTVprogrammeaboutanold .Heisvery ,sohecancatchfishfromhisboateveryday.Heusually inthelateafternoon.Fishingissimpleforhimbecauseitonly somehandnets.Whenhisboat therightplace,heputsthenetsinthewater.Afterafewminutes,hepullsthenetsuptogetthefish.Healwayslookshappywhenhe hisnetsatthefrontofhisboatandsailsbackhome.Ienjoyedthisprogramme.Best,Mark step2. Review1.Words1) someone who catches fish, especially as their job2) a piece of material made of long, narrow strips woven so that there are spaces between them 3). to fasten together two pieces of string or other long, thin material, or to hold together with string, rope, 4). to cause something to come toward something else, or to cause a person or animal to become interested in someone or something 5). following or belonging to the ways of behaving or beliefs that have been established for a long time 6). to jump head first into water, esp. with your arms held straight above your head, or to move down quickly through water or the air 7).need something; have to use8).a large black bird which can swim under water9).to say what sb/sth is like 10).start ( a journey )2) Please make sentences as many as you can with the words in the box. useto do, scissors, require, tool, paper cutting 1.They require the scissors as a tool to make a paper cutting.2. Can you use the scissors to make a paper cutting?3. To make a paper cutting, you need a pair of scissors.4. step3. Fishing with birds1). *D3 Suppose you are Wang Damin. Describe how you catch fish. Use the words from the box below and the pictures on page 35 to help you. I usually set off in the late afternoon. First, I tie a piece of grass around the cormorants necks to stop them from eating big fish. Then when my boat reaches the right place in the river, I push them into the river. I use several ways to attract fish. During the day, I jump up and down on my boat. After dark, I hang a light on a post at the front of the boat. The cormorants bring the fish back to the boat. Then I take the fish from the birds mouths and throw them into a big basket.2). Read the passage and ask and answer the questions in pairs. 1. Whats Wang Damins job?2. What does Wang Damin use to catch fish?3. How long can cormorants stay under the water?4. How many ways does Damin use to attract fish? What are they?5. Are nets required for this type of fishing?6. How soon will cormorant fishing probably disappear in the world?3). ComprehensionD1 These sentences are about the article on page 35. Each sentence has one incorrect word or number in it. Underline the mistake and write the correct word or number in each blank. 1Daminisover75now,buthestillenjoysworking._2Cormorantsareabletostayunderthewaterforupto25minutes.3Daminoftengoesfishingintheearlyafternoon._4Damintiesapieceofgrassaroundthemouthofeachbird.5Afterdark,Daminhasafireonhisboat._6Thefisharetakenfromthefishermensmouths._4). D2 Read the article again and answer the questions below in complete sentences.1.Whatdocormorantslooklike?2.Whyarecormorantsgoodatcatchingfish?3.WhydoesDaminhangalightonapostatthefrontofhisboat?4.WherewascormorantfishingoncepractisedStep4. BrainstormWork in groups and discuss the following questions.Iscormorantfishingagoodwaytocatchfish?Why?Iscormorantfishingeasytolearn?Why?Whatjobsdomostyoungpeoplechoosetodotoday?Whatdoyouthinkofthefutureofcormorantfishing?Step5. Discussion1. Do you think fishing with birds will disappear in the future? When ?Yes. Some people believe that it will disappear in 50 years with the development of the modern technology. 2. How should we treat (对待) traditional jobs? Should we forget it or not? Why?We should never forget some traditional jobs. Because they are Chinese traditional skills and some skills can show our Chinese culture for a long time, such as Beijing Opera and paper cutting.Step 5. Work in groups and discuss the question. Hoe can we protect cormorant fishing and other traditional skills? Step6. Homework 1. 背诵课文的第三段。2. 通过图书馆、网络等方式,了解一种即将失传的传统技艺及其失传的原因,准备口头汇报。3. 完成综合练习册第34页Vocabulary和第42至43页Reading B,C的练习。Part3step1 Review1.1) Put the following into Chinese: be good at doing up to 2 minutes =as long as 2 minutes set off=start to go throwinto a traditional Chinese skill be used to up and down in 50 years no more= not any more2) Discussion Work in groups and discuss the question.How can we protect cormorant fishing and other traditional skills?step2. Pre-listening1) Read and learn.Top tipTo correct mistakes in a picture,you should do the following:Look at the picture carefully before listening.Find any mistakes in the picture according to your background knowledge or common sense.When listening, write down the important information quickly and and correct the mistakes.2) Look at the picture and guess what mistakes it might have. TimePriceColours of the clothesPeoples actionsPeoples facial expressionsstep3. Listening1). A Your friend Mark shows you the following picture. Listen to his description and find the seven mistakes in it. Draw a circle around each mistake. The picture shows In fact, it should be The paper cutting artist in the picture , but he is/should be 2). ListeningThe picture shows it is seven oclock. In fact, it should be six oclock.The paper cutting artist in the picture is an old man, but he should be a young man.The artist is wearing a black cap in the picture, but he should be wearing a red cap.The artist is wearing a pair of white shoes in the picture, but he should be wearing black shoes.The girl sitting on the bench has long hair, but she should have short hair.The price on the board is 500 yuan, but it should be 50 yuan.The woman on the right is very angry. In fact, she should be laughing happily.3). B Listen to the recording again and give short answers to the questions below.1 What time is it? _2 Where are the people? _3 What is the man with the cap doing?_4 Who is the young girl looking up at? _5 How much is a paper picture?_Step4. Speak upLook and say1) paper cuttingWork in groups and discuss the following questions.Do you know anything about paper cutting?How much do you know about this traditional skill?2). How much do you know about this traditional skill of paper cutting?In groups,talk about this skill. Use the questions and expressions below to help you.When did people first start to make paper cuttings? (The 6th century)What tools are used to make paper cuttings? (Scissors Paper)What patterns are used in paper cuttings? (Animals Plants Chinese characters for health or good luck, etc)When are paper cuttings used? (The Spring Festival Weddings)3). Discuss the following questions in groups. Have you ever used a paper cutting as a decoration?Did that paper cutting has a meaning? What was it?Is paper cutting still popular nowadays?Step 5. Talk timeThink about what we usually mention when we describe a person.TalktimeDescribingpeopleWhenwedescribeaperson,weusuallymentionhisorherage,build,heightandanythingelsespecialabouthimorher.Herearesomewordswecanuse:Age:youngmiddle-agedoldBuild:heavybigslim/thinHeight:tallshortHair/Other:black/blond(e)/brownhairlong/shorthairwearsglasses1). Choose one of the people and describe him/her.2). A1Work in pairs. S1 should read the descriptions.S2 should look at the pictures and say who S1 is talking about. 1.Sheisquitetallandthin.Shehaslong,blondehair.Shewearssunglasses.2.Heisveryyoung.Heisshortandheavy.Hehasshort,brownhair.3).Group workA2 Work in pairs. S1 should describe a student in class. S2 should guess who the student is.Step6. Homework 1. 各组设计并制作一份介绍中国传统文化的作文。2. 选择性完成综合练习册Listening的练习。Part4step1 Look at some examples.1.1) The frog is rolling the ball.The ball is being rolled by the frog.2) He was lying on the sofa reading.The cat stared at that sandwich. Suddenly, the catThe sandwich was eaten by the cat.step2. Grammar 11) Introduce a traditional skill or craft that you know about. 2) The passive voice in the simple present tense.Read the sentences on page 39.Damin uses cormorants to catch fish.Active sentences tell us who or what does something.No nets are required for this type of fishing.Passive sentences often do not tell us who or what does something.3) Read the sentences in the box on page 39 and complete “Work out the rule”. I am not You/We/They are not seen.He/She/It is not 4). Read “Things to remember” and learn about the passive voice in the simple present tense.The passive voice in the simple present tense: amSb./Sth. is + past participle(+by) are5). Read the sentences below. Then decide whether the sentences are in the active form (A) or in the passive form (P). Sometimes a cormorant sits on Damins head. Damin sets off on his boat with his birds. A piece of grass is tied around the neck of each bird. At night, a light is hung on the post at the front of the boat. The fish are then taken and thrown into a big basket.6).A Mary read another article about Damin and his birds in the newspaper. Complete the article with the verbs from the box in the present passive form.bring up check control give look after take Once a year, a new cormorant by Damin. First, the cormorant eggs . Then the bes


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