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世园会英文演讲稿篇一:世园会中英文演讲稿世园,让我们青春闪耀20XX年,是一个快乐幸福的一年,在这一年里,我们将迎来一代盛会世界园艺博览会,山东、青岛都在为这一次盛会而进行不懈的努力,世界的目光都随着时间的推移而慢慢注视到我们美丽的黄海之滨,爱好和平、崇尚自然的世界人民也将会了解在中国的东海边,有这么一座美丽而富饶的城市青岛。在这时间悄悄推移,世园会越来越近的时刻,每个热爱青岛、热爱自然地青岛人,都在默默地为它的到来而付出自己的努力。那么,作为我们青年一代的新时代教师,我们又该为即将到来的世园会做些什么呢?作为教育的先头军,我们是站立在时代前沿的领军人物,如何培养、教育青少年,让他们在祖国的大花坛里茁壮成长是我们的首要任务,我们要打起十二分的精神,热爱自己的事业,学高为师,身正为范,从自己做起,从一点一滴做起,做好自己的本职工作,将所有的热情奉献给我们的党、献给我们的教育事业,用实际行动来迎接世园会的到来。世园会是一个契机,是青岛进步、李沧进步、青年进步的重要契机,经过我们年青一代的不懈努力,我相信,在不久之后的20XX年,我们的誓言一定会完整的实现,我们的青岛、我们的李沧区也将会因为这次世界瞩目的盛会而大放异彩。我们的祖国也会因为一次次的国际盛会的召开而更加强盛!World Expo, let our youth shine.The year of 20XX is a happy year. We will celebrate the grand event - the World Horticultural Exposition, for which we are preparing all the time. The people all around the world are gazing gradually at the beautiful seaside city. In the east of China, there is a beautiful and rich city, that is , Qingdao, our hometown. The people who love peace and nature will know about it.The year of 20XX is xxing. Everyone in Qingdao who loves his home and nature is working hard and making his efforts for the xxing World Expo. For our youth, the new generation of young teachers, what should we do for the xxing World ExpoWe are the vanguards of the education and we are standing at the forefront of the times. How to teach and develop the teenagers in order to help them grow up strongly and sturdily in the garden of our homeland is our first mission.In order to celebrate the xxing World Expo, we should spirit up and love our career. We should be a knowledgeable teacher and a good model in activity. We should work very hard and devote ourselves to our party and the education career.World Horticultural Exposition is a good opportunity for youth development, Licang District progress and Qingdao advancement. I believe that our city will shine by the reason of the grand event though our uemitting efforts. And Im sure that our dear homeland will more powerful and prosperous for the regular grand international events!篇二:世园会演讲稿世园会演讲稿那是谁的妙笔,在漫山遍野浓密的深绿中,点缀了如此的不平凡?那是谁的奇思,在轻柔和缓的春风中,吹响了一曲动人的歌谣?那是谁的巧手,偷偷将无上的美景,搬到了这里?大家应该知道我说的是什么了吧?当然是世园会了。20XX,华夏源脉、千年帝都、丝路起点、秦俑故乡中国西安将聚焦世界的目光,这是继1999年昆明、20XX年沈阳之后,世界园艺博览会第三次来到中国,将在西安浐灞生态区盛大开幕!20XX西安世界园艺博览会会徽20XX西安世界园艺博览会属A2+B1级别的国际性园艺博览会,园区占地418公顷,其中水域面积188公顷。总投资20亿元,会期178天,将有100多个国内外城市和机构参展,参观人数1200万人次。20XX西安世界园艺博览会以生态文明为引领,以”天人长安,创意自然”为主题,将营造以植物为主体的自然景观,构建世界化的园林建筑背景,彰显西安历史文化和地域特色韵味,展示人类与自然,城市与自然和谐共生的新理念和新创意,探索人、城市、园林、自然和谐共生的未来发展模式。西安世园会会址广运潭,位于史称“灞上”的浐灞之滨,是我国古代主要港口之一。盛唐天宝年间,唐玄宗曾在此举办了大规模水运博览和商品交易会,展示了唐代商贸的发达和水运的畅通,创世界博览会之发端。全世界人民给了西安这个机会,西安将会还给世界一个奇迹,让全世界知道,西安是一条沉睡的巨龙,当他醒来时必将震惊全世界。下面我来介绍一下西安世园会的特色。说起西安世园会的标志性建筑,那就是天人长安塔、创意自然馆、温室和主大门,其中天人长安塔更彰显出了古城西安独有的特色。天人长安塔保持了隋唐时期方形古塔的神韵,同时增加了现代元素,古今结合、交相辉映。塔总高95米,共有14层,地上13层,地下有一层地宫;塔的顶层将建成空中花园,花卉将适时进行更替。天人长安塔采用钢结构框架,屋顶和所有挑檐都采用透明的安全玻璃,墙体也采用玻璃幕墙,建成后将构成水晶塔的效果,充满了现代感,是可以俯瞰园区的最佳景点,也是当代人对塔的理解和演绎。世园会总体结构为“两环、两轴、五组团”。其中,“两环”分为主环和次环。主环为核心展区,主要分布有室外展园和园艺景点;次环为扩展区,布置世园村、管理中心等服务配套设施。“两轴”是指园区内的两条景观轴线,南北为主轴,东西为次轴。“五组团”分别为长安园、创意园、五洲园、科技园和体验园。主要建筑有长安塔、创意馆、自然馆和广运门;五大主题园艺景点分别是长安花谷、五彩终南、丝路花雨、海外大观和灞上彩虹;三处特色服务区分别是灞上人家、椰风水岸和欧陆风情。距世园会开园已经不到2个月的时间了,我早已按捺不住激动的心情,世园会让这座古城进入崭新的一页,我在此真心祝愿西安世园会成为最吸引人的盛会,同时也祝愿我们的古城西安再创辉煌!篇三:世园会英语1 Hello! Is it the first time you xxe to Xian你好!您是初次来西安吗?2 Good morning afternoon/afternoon /evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好!3 How are you 你好吗?4 Excuse me ! 打扰了。5 Sorry, I dont know. 对不起,我不知道。6 Help yourself. 请自便。7 This way please. 请这边走。8 I have to go now. 我必须走了。9 See you tomorrow. 明天见。10See you later.待会儿见。11Im easy.我随便。12Where are you going 你去哪里?13Im going to Xian Botanical Garden. 我要去西安植物园。14Its only a ten-minute walk.走路需要十分钟。15Try this ,please. 请试试这个。16Whats up Im in a hurry.怎么了?我在赶时间。17Ill show you around. 我领你四处看看。18What makes you xxe here 是什么吸引你来的?19Hope youll enjoy your stay here.祝你在这儿玩的高兴。20Could you please do me a favor 来帮我个忙好吗?21Could you please show me the way to the Museum请您告诉我去博物馆的路怎么走?22Walk down this street two blocks and turn left(right),then you can see it on the left side. 沿着这条路直走,过了两个街区然后左(右)转产供销 就会看到它在路的左侧。23Where am I on the map of Xian我在西安地图上的什么位置?24How far is it from Xian Railway International Horticulture Exposition从西安站到世园会有多远的路程?25Shall we take a cab there and xxe back by bus我们乘出租车去,回来乘巴士好吗?26Welxxe to Xian China International Horticulture Exposition.欢迎来到西安世园会。27May I know your name 我可以知道您的名字吗?28I hope it stays fine for the whole day.我希望整天都是好天气。29The exposition is closed to Xian Botanical Garden. 世博园毗邻西安植物园。31Special bus lines for tourists directly lead to Xian Expo Garden.为游客方便,我们有直达世 博园的特殊公交线路。33What can I do for you 您需要点什么?34Its too expensive .Can you give me discount 太贵了,能给我打折吗?35What size do you wear 你穿多少号?36May I try this on 我能试穿一下吗?38Thank you very much.非常感谢,乐意为您效劳。39Is this small or large size 这个是小号还是大号的?40The quality of this pair of trousers is very good. Ill take it . 这条裤子质量很好,我买它了。41I d like to pay in cash. 我要付现金。43Excuse me ,is there any hotel available nearby 打扰您问一下,这附近有旅馆吗?44Do you accept travelers checks你们收旅行支票吗?45What would you like to order请问您需要点什么?46What is the specialty of this restaurant本餐厅的特色菜是什么?47Where can I have McDonalds哪里可以吃到麦当劳?48Where can I exchange my dollars for RMB我到哪能将美元兑换成人民币?49The Expo consists of 4main buildings and 3 characteristic scenes.本届世园会有四大主题建筑,三大特色景观。50Does the tour include Xian International Horticultural Expo Garden.这次旅游包括西安世博园吗? Expo consists of 3 main performances and diversified characteristic performances. 本届世园会还有三大主题表演和多项特色表演。 do I get off 我需要在哪下车? kind of flower is your favorite你最喜欢什么花? you used to the food here你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗? first. 女士优先。 impressed you most in Xian西安给您留下印象最深的是什么? do you think about the weather here你觉得这里的天气怎么样? date is it today 今天是几号? havent any cash on me and Id like to draw out some money from ATM nearby.我身上没带现金,想在附近的自动取款机中取些钱。 you good luck! 祝你好运! you speak Chinese 你会说汉语吗? will visit Xian International Horticultural Expo. 我们要去参观西安国际园艺博览会。67. We are proud of holding china Xian International Horticultural Expo 20XX我们为承办中国西安世园会感到骄傲。s very kind of you! 你真是太好了! it far from here 离这儿远吗? ,Youd better take a bus ./NO, it s just over there.远,你最好坐公共汽车去。/不远,就在那里。s a about one kilometre from here.距这里约一公里。 I will introduce some places of interest in Xian to you. 我将为你们介绍西安的风景名胜。 long does it take me to go there by bus 做公交车要有多长时间? takes about twenty minutes.大约需要20分钟。 me ,does the bus stop at the Expo Garden 请问262路公共汽车去世博园吗?76. You speak good Chinese. 你汉语说得很好。 it a long time since you came to shengyang 你来西安很久了吗? are you off 你什么时候走? you please tell me the time now你能告诉我现在的时间吗?82. Safe journey. 祝你一路顺风。83. Im flying back tomorrow. 我明天坐飞机回去。84. Hope to meet you again.希望再一次见到你。85. Did you have a good time today今天你玩的高兴吗?86. Im seeing you off at the airport tomorrow. 明天我去机场送你。87. This is a tree-star hotel.这是三星级宾馆。88. Keep well. 保重。89. What is the temperature today 今天多少度? is 14 degrees centigrade. 今天摄氏14度。 we do some shopping in Zhongjie Street我们去中街购物好吗?92. May I beg your pardon请您再说一遍。93. The Expo will take place from May to October ,20XX, altogether 183 days.本次展会于20XX年4月开幕,10月闭幕,为期183天。s the weather today 今天天气怎么样?s fine. 天气很好。 hope you will xxe to Xian again.希望你能再次来西安做客。 are looking forward to seeing you next time.我们期待下次再见到你an is a beautiful city.西安是一座美丽的城市。 people in Xian are very friendly.西安人非常热情1.名称:20XX西安世界园艺博览会 (中文简称20XX西安世园会)Name:International Horticultural Exposition 20XX, Xian, China (Xian International Horticultural Expo. for short)2.级别:A2+B1Level: A2+B13.主办单位:陕西省人民政府、国家林业局、中国贸促会、中国花卉协会Host Unit: Peoples Government of Shaanxi Province; State Forestry Administration; China Council for the Promotion of International Trade; China Flower Association4.承办单位:西安市人民政府Organizer: Xian Municipal Peoples Government5.举办国家省份城市:中国陕西西安Hosting CitProvinceCountry: XianShaanxiChina6.举办时间:20XX年4月28日20XX年10月22日Opening Time: April 28, 20XXOctoer 22, 20XX7.会期:178天Duration: 178 days8.主会址:西安浐灞生态区广运潭Main Expo Site: Guangyun Lake, Chan-Ba Ecological District, Xian9.主题:天人长安创意自然城市与自然和谐共生Theme: Eternal peace & harmony between nature & mankind, nurturing the future earth-a city for nature, co-existing in peace10.理念:绿色引领时尚Concept: Green Leads the Trend国际园艺生产者协会(AIPH):国际园艺生产者协会(International Association of Horticultural Producers,简写为AIPH)是随着国际化经济、社会、文化方面的互相协作关系日趋紧密,为了保持园艺事业的繁荣和发展,由专业人员构成的各加盟国组织成立的国际协会。该协会的总部设在荷兰海牙,其工作语言为英语、法语和德语,现任主席是荷兰人杜克法博( Faber)先生。篇四:西安世园会英文简介华夏故都,山水之城。西安-中国内陆腹地一座正在崛起的现代化生态化新城。20XX年,世界园艺博览会将在西安举行。这是继20XX年北京奥运会、20XX年上海世博会之后,在中国大陆举办的又一重大国际盛会,是宣传生态文明,提升国家形象的重大机遇。 经世界园艺生产者协会(AIPH)批准、国务院同意,20XX西安世园会由陕西省政府、国家林业局、中国贸促会、中国花卉协会共同主办,西安市政府承办,将于20XX年4月28日至10月22日在西安浐灞生态区举行,会期178天。目前,共落实室外展园109个,预计参观游客1200万人次。20XX西安世园会主会址广运潭,位于史称“灞上”的浐灞之滨,是我国古代主要港口之一。盛唐天宝年间,唐玄宗曾在此举办了大规模水运博览和商品交易会,展示了唐代商贸的发达和水运的畅通,创世界博览会之发端。20XX西安世园会以“天人长安创意自然城市与自然和谐共生”为主题。会徽和吉祥物均命名为“长安花”,取意“春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花”。理念为“绿色引领时尚”,倡导“简单而不奢侈,低碳告别高耗,回归自然,不事雕饰,绿色生活成为追求的时尚”。形象代言人由西安籍明星闫妮担任。20XX西安世园会园区总面积418公顷(6270亩),其中水域面积188公顷(2820亩),总体结构为“两环、两轴、五组团”。其中,“两环”分为主环和次环。主环为核心展区,主要分布有室外展园和园艺景点;次环为扩展区,布置世园村、管理中心等服务配套设施。“两轴”是指园区内的两条景观轴线,南北为主轴,东西为次轴。“五组团”分别为长安园、创意园、五洲园、科技园和体验园。四大标志性建筑有长安塔、创意馆、自然馆和广运门;五大主题园艺景点分别是长安花谷、五彩终南、丝路花雨、海外大观和灞上彩虹;三大特色服务区分别是灞上人家、椰风水岸和欧陆风情。20XX西安世园会是推广展示陕西、西安现代、绿色、时尚、美丽新形象的重要平台和窗口。800多万西安市民正伸出双臂,拥抱世界,让世界各国人民共享一届有创意、有特色、水平高、影响大的世界园艺盛会。20XX西安世园会简介英语译文:An Ancient Capital, a City of Natural Beauty.Xian, a modern and ecological new city in Chinas central region, is rising up rapidly.The International Horticultural Exposition will be held in Xian in 20XX. It will be another grand international gathering hosted by China after the Beijing 20XX Olympics and Expo 20XX Shanghai, as well as an important opportunity to showcase green civilization and promote the nations image.Upon the approval of the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) and the State Council, the International Horticultural Exposition 20XX Xian will be held in the Chan-Ba Ecological District, Xian from April 28th to October 22nd, 20XX and will last for 178 days. The International Horticultural Exposition is sponsored by the Peoples Government of Shaanxi Province, the State Forestry Administration, , the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the China Flower Association. It is also co-sponsored by the Xian Municipal Peoples Government. At present, 105 cities and organizations at home and abroad have confirmed their participation in the event, which is expected to attract 12 million visitors.The actual site of the expo is Guangyun Lake. It is located at the bank of Chan-Ba known as Bashang. Guangyun Lake was a major port in ancient China. During the Tianbao period of the Tang dynasty (742-756AD), Emperor Xuanzong held a large-scale water transport exposition and trade fair here to encourage xxmerce and trade and display regions capability in smooth water transport. This event in ancient times marked the beginning of the World expo.The expos theme is Eternal peace & harmony between nature & mankind, nurturing the future earth-a city for nature, co-existing in peace.【The emblem and mascot of the exposition have been designated as the “Changan Flower”, alluding to a famous Tang poem which reads: “Proudly I ride a galloping steed, feasting my eyes on Changan flowers at a fleeting speed.” Both the emblem and mascot were designed by Chen Shaohua, the designer of Chinas Olympic bid logo and New Year zodiac stamps. The slogan of the expo is Green Leads the Trend, advocating the concept of “Love of simplicity; Striving for a low carbon lifestyle; Returning to nature - Making green our fashion pursuit.” The image spokesperson is Yanni, a famous star and Xian native. 】The expo covers a total area of 418 hectares (6,270 mu), 188 hectares (2,820 mu) of which is water area. The expo is based on a pattern of “two circles, two axes, and five groups”. “Two circles” refers to the main circle, the core site containing the majority of the exhibition areas and sightseeing spots, and the sub-circle, the expanded site with support facilities such as the expo village and management center . “Two axes” refers to two landscaping axes, with north-south as the main axis and west-east as the sub-axis. “Five groups” includes Changan Park, Creativity Park, Five-Continent Park, Sci-tech Park and Experience Park. The main building includes Changan Tower, Greenhouse, Theme Pavilion and the Guangyun Entrance. The Five Major Horticultural Scenic Spots are the Changan Flower Valley, Colorful Plants from Qinling Mountains, Flowers along the Silk Road, Overseas Collections and Flower Rainbow over the Ba River. The Three Characteristic Zones refers to Romance by the Ba River, Southeast Asian Street and European Avenue.会徽西安世园会会徽取名“长安花”,取意“春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花”。构思源于道德经:“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”,是由三、四、五、六边形自然花瓣组合而成的“百花吉印”,由西安籍著名平面设计师、北京申奥标志及生肖邮票设计者陈绍华设计。释义为:三生万物,花开吉祥;四合为土,天圆地方;五叶生木,林森荫育;六流成水,润泽万物。西安世园会标准徽西安世园会单色徽西安世园会线徽其中,三边形状如大写的汉字“人”,位于图案的中心,体现以人为本,代表着文化,责任和理性;四边形犹如西安古城墙,喻指“长安城”,象征和谐人居,同时也体现西安特色;五边形好似五瓣花,是自然界最常见的花朵形式,代表金、木、水、火、土五行,象征自然万物;六边形状如雪花,态似流水,则寓意上下东西南北六合,象征包容一切的宇宙。从三到六自然递进,体现了人、城市、自然、宇宙的和谐共生,契合西安世园会“天人长安,创意自然”主题。会徽英语译文:The emblem of the International Horticultural Exposition Xian is the “Changan Flower”, which names after a poem “Riding on the crest of success, seeing all the flowers in Changan.” The design stems from the Classic of the Virtue of the Path and the Power: “The Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three; and Three produced All things.” The emblem takes the shape of a flower xxposed of petals arranged in ascending order, from the triangle of the innermost layer to the hexagon of the outer layer, forming an auspicious oriental flower seal. The emblem was designed by Chen Shaohua, a well-known graphic designer from Xian, who also designed the emblem of the 20XX Beijing Olympics and Chinese New Year Zodiac stamps. The emblem can be interpreted as follows: THREE for the seeds of all nature, lying in an auspicious flower; FOUR for the corners of the land, propping up the vault of heaven; FIVE for the foliage from the trees, shielding the flourishing land; and SIX for running water, nurturing all life on theplanet.The emblem of the International Horticultural Exposition XianThe monochromatic emblem of the International Horticultural Exposition XianThe emblem of the International Horticultural Exposition Xian xxposed of lines Among the layers of the flower, the triangle at the center of the pattern takes the shape of the Chinese character “人” (people) symbolizing people first and foremost, and representing civilization, responsibility, and reason; the rectangle of the second layer represents the ancient city of Xian, metaphorically referring to “Changan City” (the capital of China during the Tang Dynasty) and symbolizing a harmonious living environment; the pentagon of the third layer, similar to a five-petalled flower, the most xxmon in nature, represents the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, namely all the things in nature; the hexagon of the outer layer, in the shape of a snowflake and showing the appearance of running water, symbolizes tolerant nature. The ascending order of the petals, from the triangle to the hexagon, signifies the harmonious co-existence of humans, cities and nature, which interacts harmoniously with the theme of this exposition: Eternal peace & harmony between nature & mankind, nurturing the future earth.西安世园吉祥物西安世园吉祥物简介:长安花的形象来自西安市花-石榴花,身体的形状和色彩以石榴为创意核心,名字琅琅上口,既符合西安的民族特色,又与世园会会徽的设计理念相呼应。定名长安花。取意同会徽。西安世园吉祥物英语译文:Introduction to the Mascot of the International Horticultural Exposition Xian, China:The Mascot of the International Horticultural Exposition Xian, China: The primitive image of the Changan Flower is actually the city flower of Xian, the pomegranate blossom. Hence the pomegranate is the core element of the design shape and the color of the Changan flower. In addition, the flowers name is quite easy to remember, features what Xian is special for and echoes with the design concept of the exposition emblem. The name of the mascot shares the same meaning as the emblem.主题主题:“天人长安创意自然-城市与自然和谐共生”。释义:“天”指自然,“人”指城市,“长安”是千年古都西安的历史名称,也是国家繁荣与安泰的象征。“天人长安”意味着城市自然和谐共生;“创意自然”是在尊重自然和不破坏自然的前提下,利用自然、修复自然,使自然为人类服务。主题英语译文:Theme:Eternal peace & harmony between nature & mankind, nurturing the future earth - a city for nature, co-existing in peace (Chinese version: Nature and People in One in Changan, NatureCreativity- A Cityfor Nature, Co-existing in Peace)Interpretation: People represents the city, and Changan” is the ancient name of Xian, an ancient capital with a long history and a symbol for national prosperity and security. Hence, Nature and People in One in Changan embodies the harmonious co-existence between the city and nature. Nature Creativity, that is nurturing the future earth,refers to: on the basis of respecting and protecting nature, allowing nature to serve humankind by utilizing and restoring it.篇五:世园会发言稿在西安世园会的志愿服务于8月2日结束,服务时间过得很快,作为一名志愿者领队,我感觉在此期间有许多值得我们反思:事情并不像想象中那么简单,各方面工作具体如下:新闻宣传方面,我们各小组努力做好小组新闻宣传及工作手记的收集并上交,协助宣传员将交上来的稿件进行筛选再整理,并把优秀的稿件送交园区媒体中心,使大家写的新闻稿件出现在志愿者新闻上,充分展现我们航院良好的志愿者精神风貌,使志愿服务特色得到了很好的宣传。服务


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