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高三总复习指导补充材料及使用建议Unit 2 Heroes一补充材料I. 词汇复习soar v.opinionviolentexplorestruggleequal waveprotestbrilliantfoundchampionskilfulmarcheventawfulcompeteathleteuselesspromotesuperheroamazingcommitsupermanunusualreactdisasterkeendivorceinjurydisabledadmirerelationshipconfidentdivequalityOlympiccharacter n.badmintonafterwards adv.spaceshiphelicopterpersonallyprovincemillionfortunatelyastronautrevolutionabsolutelyflightrepublicdeadgravitylight bulbon ones ownrocketmedalget on reportercalm e to atmospheregenerouspull throughII. 词语搭配 (for Ss to memorize and use)1. soar into the sky 2. explore the frontier3. wave a flag 4. march to sp.5. compete with sb. for sth. 6. promote a research7. commit a crime 8. react to the suggestion9. divorce her husband 10. admire sb. for sth.11. dive into the water 12. found a company / school 13. have good character 14. cause a revolution 15. carry on the struggle for 16. make a protest against17. suffer an injury 18. have a good relationship with19. play badminton 20. win a gold medal21. keep calm 22. be generous of sb. to do sth.23. be equal to . 24. be skilful at doing sth. 25. be keen on music 26. be confident of successIII. 重点导学参考答案 1. separate 词性:vt. adj. 词义: 分离,分开; 分开的,各自的 separation n. 分离,分开重点操练:be separated from 2. compete 词性:vi. 词义:竞争,比赛 competition n. 竞争 competitor n. 竞争者重点操练:compete with 3. end 词性:vi. n. 词义:结束,以而告终;结束 (某事) 重点操练:ended with end 的相关短语小结: 1) at the end of 在的结束时/末尾/末端/尽头 2) in the end (at last, finally, eventually) 最终,最后3) by the end of 到末尾/结束为止4. draw (ones ) attention to sth. 词义:(使人)关注;吸引注意力 1) pay more attention to 注意 2) give more attention to 给与关注3) attract / catch ones attention 吸引注意力5. get on 词义:上车;(情况)进展; get on /along (with) 与相处 get短语小结: get up 起床,站起身 get off 离开,脱身; get off work 下班; get off the bus 下车 get away 去度假; get away from sp. / sb .逃离/ 摆脱开某地(人) get over 克服,战胜;恢复过来 get through 通过;接通电话; get sb./ sth. together 聚集(人);收集 (物品)6. make progress 词义:取得进展,进步 pull through 词义:康复;度过难关重点操练:made great progress in IV. 选词填空(补充重点操练) separate, compete, promote, attention, progress, commit admire, react, found, end, explore, pull through 1. Space is the final frontier for us to _. 2. They _ angrily to the result of the football match. 3. As we joined the big crowd, I got _ from my friends and was totally lost. 4. Several big companies are _ to get the construction project. 5. He _his letter with good wishes to the family. 6. She waved her hand to attract my _ and signaled me to move over. 7. The two countries are making slow _ in the trade talks. 8. He was badly wounded, but with careful nursing he _. 9. The overseas Chinese _ a hospital and a college in the town where he was born. 10. We are making great efforts to _ the cause of world peace. 11. She _ the unforgivable crime of voting against her own party in the debate. 12. I dont like him, but I _ him for his iron will. Key: 1. explore 2. reacted 3. separated 4. competing 5. ended 6. attention 7. progress 8. pulled through 9. founded 10. promote 11. committed 12. admireV. 根据句意,推测get词组的含义。(此题可作为91页操练巩固部分I大题的3题的铺垫)1. The story of his struggle against the enemy soon got around over the countries2. Im sorry Im late; I was in a meeting and couldnt get away. 3. Its hard to get down to concentrating on my study after a long nice summer holiday. 4. - Do you get on well with your partners? - Yes, were good friends now. 5. Sooner or later youll get over the pain of parting from your family. 6. We were all delighted when we heard you had got through your exam. Key: 1. 传扬 2. 脱身 3. 开始认真(做) 4. 与相处 5. 从中恢复 6. 通过 二使用建议 1. 处理“重点导学”:第二单元词汇复习部分。(P 87-88)2. 处理“操练巩固”:题I. 选词填空: 第3题“get”词组 1)6)小题 (P 91)题IV. 翻译词组:Unit 2 111小题 (P 92)题V. 短文填空: C小题 (P 93)3. 处理“实际运用”:第2题 “My Hero” (人物描写) (P 94)三语法复习建议 1. 重点复习一般过去时和过去进行时 (近几年高考情景作文中主要使用的时态); 1)复习指导语法部分: 第35页第3题(体会一般过去时和过去进行时的区别) 2)一般过去时和过去进行时补充练习:April 12 is memorable because our class _ (have) a meaningful experience on that day. In the morning, we _ (bicycle) to the suburbs to plant trees, talking and laughing all the way. Upon arrival, we _ (begin) to work immediately. Some _ (dig) holes. Some _ (carry and plant) young trees. Others _ (water) them. After getting the work done, we _ (put) up a board reminding people to protect the trees. Before leaving we _ (take) some photos to record our green action. When we _ (see) the lines of trees, we all _ (had) a sense of achievement. Key: 1. had 2. bicycled 3. began 4. were digging 5. were carrying and planting 6. were watering 7. put 8. took 9. saw 10. had 3)一般过去时和过去进行时补充写作练习:为了响应毛主席提出的“向雷锋同志学习”的号召,配合北京迎“奥运”宣传活动,光明中学组织了一次到某汽车站的学雷锋活动。请根据以下6幅图画,用英语写一篇日记。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 日记的开头与结尾已为你写好。生词:奥运知识竞赛:general knowledge quiz on the Olympic GamesTuesday, March 5, 2002 FineThirty-eight year ago, the late Chairman Mao called on us to learn from Lei Feng. To mark the occasion, we organized an activity at a nearby bus station today. _Todays activity has taught us the new meaning of the spirit of Lei Feng: Sharing with others what you haveyour time, energy, or knowledgemakes you feel warm in your heart. It has truly made a difference in how I feel about myself.One possible version:Tuesday, March 5, 2002 FineThirty-eight years ago, the late Chairman Mao called on us to learn from Lei Feng. To mark the occasion, we organized an activity at a nearby bus station today. At 8 oclock in the morning, we arrived at the 712 bus station, where we were warmly welcomed by the drivers and conductors.Then we broke up into several groups. Some of us were teaching some drivers and conductors English, while others were cleaning the buses. Still others were directing traffic at the crossroads near the bus station and were helping the elderly cross the street.Staff members of the bus station and our classmates then took part in a general knowledge quiz on the Olympic Games in the afternoon, which was great fun for both sides. Around for oclock, we said goodbye to one another, and felt very happy on the way home.Todays activity has taught us the new meaning of the spirit of Lei Feng: Sharing with others what you haveyour time, energy, or knowledgemakes you feel warm in your heart. It has truly made a difference in how I feel about myself.2. 比较一般过去时和现在完成时的概念和用法。(可有针对性地配以单选练习题)Unit 3 Celebration一补充材料I. 词汇复习include v.salarymatdestroyteenagelitredecoratecongratulationmessboilbunchproductionservebrideneedleretirebridegroompillowapplyentrancemerry adj.attendinvitationtraditionalcontributeceremonystickydepend stockingnowadays adv.swallowpolesmartlyfryenvelopeseriouslygraduation n.decorationever ifscholarshipdarknessburn downweddingbatterytake part indragontraditiondepend on turkeyalcoholput up occasionreceptioncarry onlanternpuddingon timecelebrationbreastas well poweradultII. 词语搭配1. include service in the bill 2. destroy the car / plan 3. decorate the street with flags 4. boil noodles and eggs5. serve in the army / serve sb. 6. be retired from the army7. apply for a scholarship 8. attend a wedding reception 9. contribute money/efforts to sb/sth 10. depend on him to help us 11. swallow the medicine 12. fry eggs / meat 13. hold a celebration 14. continue a tradition 15. keep off alcohol 16. get a warm reception17. receive an invitation to a reception 18. attend a graduation ceremony 19. put up decorations 20. make a mess of the ceremony / plan 21. take part in a competition 22. carry on a discussion 23. on a formal occasion 24. congratulations on your success 25. a bunch of flowers 26. entrance to the subway 27. adults and children 28. needle and thread 29. pillow and quilt 30 the North Pole and the South PoleIII. 重点导学参考答案 1. including 词性:vt. 词义:包括,包含 including prep. 包括重点操练: including 2. contribute 词性:vt. 词义:捐献,贡献,奉献 contribution n. 贡献 (make a contribution to 为做贡献) 重点操练: contributed to 3. attend 词性:vt. vi. 词义: 出席;参加;上(学);attend on 照料,看护重点操练:(should) attend 4. put up 词义:竖起,搭起;搭建,修建;挂起,张贴;举起;提高 put 短语小结:put down 放下,记下; put away 放好,收拾好;put on 穿上,上演;put off 推迟;put out 扑灭,熄灭; put in 投入,插入5. apply 词性:vt. vi. 词义: 申请;施用,适用 application n. 申请,申请表 (make an application申请)重点操练:apply for 6. depend 词性: vi. 词义:依靠,依赖;指望;看情况而定,取决于重点操练: depend on IV. 选词填空(补充重点操练) apply, destroy, celebrate, depend, link, carry on serve, contribute, decorate, include, attend, put up1. My job doesnt _ making coffee for the boss. Im not his personal secretary. 2. The Sung Dynasty _ three great inventions to the world civilization. 3. He expected his grandson to _ the family tradition. 4. David _ Oxford University in England, on a scholarship. 5. I have _ to the banker for a big loan to expand the business. 6. We had a dinner reception to _ our parents silver wedding. 7. He had to get another job to support his family who entirely _ on his salary. 8. He felt all his hopes seemed to be _ when hearing that he failed. 9. The great hall was _ with flowers, flags and balloons. 10. I have heard his named _ with that of a well-known hero. 11. Its time we _ the Christmas decorations in the living room. 12. Our chief purpose is to _ the people heart and soul. Key: 1. include 2. contributed 3. carry on 4. attended 5. applied 6. celebrate 7. depended 8. destroyed 9. decorated 10. linked 11. put up 12. serveV. 根据句意,推测put词组的含义。(此题可作为91页操练巩固部分I大题的4题的铺垫)1. I took up playing the guitar and couldnt put it down. 2. Put the books away in the bookcase when youve finished reading them. 3. He put up a notice on the wall announcing the conference. 4. A new play will be put on in the theater next week. 5. Ill have to put off my visit to Landon until Ive complete the new task next month. 6. The fire was put out at last but the forest was totally destroyed. 7. He decided to put in half an hour each day to improve his spoken English. 8. I cant put up with your rudeness any more; leave the room! Key: 1. 放下 2. 收起(放归原处) 3. 张贴 4. 上演 5. 推迟 6. 熄灭 7. 插进 8. 忍受VI. 短文选词填空 (补充练习) Ain, fool, mark, boil, burn, special, destroy, decorate, celebrate, nowadaysThe Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. It 1 the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations.There are many stories about how the Lantern Festival started. In one story, lanterns were lit to 2 the power of light over darkness. In another story, a town was almost 3 but the light from many lanterns saved it. The story was about a god who wanted to 4 down the town. He was 5 when he saw thousands of lanterns. He thought the town was already burning. In the past, lanterns were 6 with pictures of birds, animals and flowers, etc. 7 , most lanterns are made with light bulbs, and they come 8 many shapes and size. The 9 food for the Lantern Festival is the sweet dumpling. Sweet dumplings are usually 10 and served in hot water.Keys to Passage A (适合高中普通校学生)1. marks 2. celebrate 3. destroyed 4. burn 5. fooled 6. decorated 7. nowadays 8. in 9. special 10. boiled Bbusy, gift, discover, traditional, decorate, exchange, custom, celebration, significance, fill with, look forward to Christmas is also a social and family holiday in western countries. Many of its most familiar customs have little religious 1 . Although it is recognized everywhere as a time o


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