



酒店客房常用单词会话1.床单、被套、被芯、枕套、枕芯、浴衣、睡衣、布草、护眼罩、旅客名单、压榨机Sheet, quilt cover, bed core, pillowcase, pillow core, bathrobe, pajama 、cloth grass 、goggle、manifest、squeezer2.牙具、梳子、香皂、洗发水、沐浴露、护发素、润肤乳、擦鞋布、护理包Dental composites, comb, soap, shampoo, bath dew/shower gel, hair conditioner, lotion, shoe cloth, nursing bag, 3.客房电话、电热水壶、客房冰箱、音响配套、空调 床头灯 设施、争论Guest room phone, electric kettle, freezer, acoustics room facilities, air conditioning, bedside lamp amenity argue4.枕头、毛毯、毛巾、浴巾、被子、杯子、椅子、香皂、牙刷、卷纸、拖鞋、纸巾盒Pillow , blanket , towel ,bath towel ,quilt , glass , chair ,soap ,toothbrush ,toilet paper ,slipper ,tissue box5.剪刀、浴帽、梳子、被套、床单、剃须刀、针线包、舱房卡、卫生巾、灯泡Scissors, bath cap, comb, quilt cover, bedsheet, shaver, sewing kit, stateroom key, sanitary towel, lamp6.马桶、洗衣、衣柜、网线、插座、信纸、抽屉、信封、窗户、门、地毯Lavatory, laundry, closet, line, outlet, stationery, drawer, envelope, window, door, carpet7扣子、烟缸、浴缸、冰箱、空调、电话、指甲钳、电熨斗、灭蚊器、电视机Clasp, ashtray, bathtub, refrigerator/fridge, air condition, telephone, nail clipperElectric iron, mosquito killer , television8.电水壶、计算器、手机充电器、台灯、衣架、保险箱、安全套、冰桶、舞厅Electric kettle, calculator, mobile charger, reading lamp, clothes rack, coffer ,condom , ice bucket, dancing room/dancery9游泳池、室内泳池、蛋糕、冰块、咖啡、啤酒、早餐、饼干、茶叶、薯片Swimming pool, indoor pool, cake ,ice, coffee, beer, breakfast, cookies, tea, potato chips10.雪碧、可乐、矿泉水、巧克力、牛奶、报纸、开关、下船、乘船Sprite, cola, mineral water, chocolate, milk, news paper, switch,debarkation, embarkation客房部用语1. housekeeping,may I come in ?客房服务员,我能进来吗?2. here are the light switch,the temperature adjuster, the closet and the minibar.这是电灯开关、温度调节器、衣柜和小冰箱。3. there are 2 outlets in the bathroom, one is for 110v and the other is for 220v.浴室内有两个插座,分别是110和220伏电压。4. the hot water supply is round the clock in our hotel.我们酒店有24小时热水供应5. the menu is on the door knob.make down the items and time for your breakfast and hang it outside the door.这是挂门餐牌,请标明用早餐的品名和时间,并把它挂在门外。6. here is the hotels service booklet and the telephone directory. You can make DDD calls and IDD calls from your room.这是我们酒店的服务指南和电话号码本,您可以从房内打国内和国际直拨电话7.excuse me ,may I clean your stateroom now?打扰了,现在能为您打扫房间吗?8.we usually make up the check-out room first, but we can do your stateroom earlier on your request.我们通常是先做走房,但我们可以按您的要求先做您的房间。9Im sorry to hear that youre ill,shall I get you a doctor?我很遗憾听到您生病了,要我给您请个大夫吗?10if you dont want to be disturbed, just hang the DND sign out side the door如果您不想被打扰,就请将请勿打扰的牌子挂在门外。12 Im afraid youll have to contact the front office for the extra bed.恐怕您得和前厅部联系加床事宜13 just leave your laundry in the laundry bag.请把洗的衣物放在洗衣袋中。14. we charge 50% more for the express laundry service.我们要加收50%快洗服务费15 our hotel will pay for the laundry damage.the indemnity shall not exceed 10 times the laundry fee.我们酒店会赔偿洗衣损坏,赔偿费不超过洗衣费的10倍。16 Ill bring one more blanket to you right away.我马上给您在拿条毯子来。17 Im sorry,but you ll have to pay penalties for it.对不起,你需要付罚金18 im awfully sorry about that.我对此十分抱歉19 i do apologize for my mistake.我为我的错误而道歉。20 sorry to have caused you so much trouble.对不起,给您添麻烦了。21 I assure you that it wont happen again.ill be more careful another time. 我保证这件事以后不再发生,以后我一定仔细些。22 guest : why hasnt my baggage been sent up yet?客人:我的行李怎么还没送上来?Im sorry for the slowness, the bellman is carrying your baggage up now我为服务迟缓表示抱歉,行李员正在将您的行李送上来。23.this pillow case is so dirty 这个枕套太脏 Im sorry, thank you for bringing this to my attention ,I will bring you a clean one at once.对不起,谢谢您提醒我这些,我马上给您拿干净的来24.the air-conditioner is not working well.空调出了问题 sorry, I will send for an electrician to fix it right away.对不起,我马上给您请个电工来修理。25.just a moment., please ,sir, Ill get you the manager to take care of the problem.请稍后,先生,我给您请经理来解决这个问题。26may I make the turn-down service for you now?我可以做夜床吗?27.May I supply the mini-bar for you? 我可以补充您的小酒吧吗?28.may I help you ?我可以帮你吗?29.What else can I do for you ?还有什么可以为您效劳吗?30.May I have your stateroom number?请问您的房号是多少?31.Im glad to meet you!很高兴见到你!31. Just moment ,please.请稍后32.Have a nice day. 祝您有一个愉快的一天33.May I make up your stateroom now?我现在可以整理您的房间吗?34Would you have some lanuday today?您今天要洗衣服吗?35.May I come to your room and have a look?我能进您的房间看一下吗?36.Welcome onboard.欢迎登船37.We hope service to you again.希望再次为您服务。38.They will be back within 4 hours.四小时内回来39.Its free of charge这是免费的40.I will send it to you right away.我回马上送来41.Im sorry. Im afraid I cant understand about that, may I call duty manger.请原谅,我恐怕不是很明白您的意思,我可以让值班经理回复你吗?42.youre welcome and I hope you have a good dream.不用谢,祝您好梦43.Im afraid your srateroom will be ready in a few minutes,we are sorry for the inconvenience.您的房间还需要几分钟才能收拾好,给您带来的不便我们表示歉意44.Let me adjust the air conditioner for you.让我为您调节空调45.If we have we send it to you right away.如果我们有,我会马上送过来。46.If there is anything I can do for you, just let me know.如果有什么能够帮上您的,尽管告诉我47.If you have anything else,please dial extension number.如果您还需要其他服务,拨内线48.Your stateroom is at the end of the corridor.您的房间在走廊的尽头49I can contact the reception to arrange it for you.我会联系前台来为您安排50.There is some repair work on the upper floor,but it will stop during the rest time ,I hope you can understand.上面楼层在维修,但在休息时会停止,我希望您能理解51.Is there anything else I can do for you?还需要我做些什么吗?52.Im afraid we dont have this service.我恐怕我们没有这项服务53.If you need to clean your room ,put the cleaning sign on the door.如果您需要清理房间,就把清洁牌挂门外54.Our guest are always pleased by the our housekeeping.我们的客人对我们客房的服务感到满意。55.Ill report it to my supervisor immediately.well let you know as soon as possible.我会马上报告我们主管,我们会尽快的回复您。56.IM sorry we have to charge you for the damage according to the copmanys regulation.根据酒店规定,我


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