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学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 学号_ - - 2015学年第二学期四年级英语期中调研卷(完卷时间60分钟,满分100分) Part 1 Listening Comprehension (听力部分) 40%I. Listen and choose (选出听到的单词、词组和句子)10( ) 1. A. rabbitB. ride C. read( ) 2. A. these B. this C. those( ) 3. A. whoseB. whos C. who is ( ) 4. A. fortyB. fourteen C. four( ) 5. A. a fairy story B. an interesting story C. a fairy tale( ) 6. A. watch TVB. read newspaper C. do my homework ( ) 7. A. go skatingB. go swimming C. go shopping ( ) 8. A. turn offB. take up C. take off( ) 9. A. What nice grapes and plums!B. What nice plums and grapes! C. What round grapes and plums! ( ) 10. A. What does your brother do, Jill? A doctor.C. What does your father do, Jill? A dentist. B. What does your father do, Jill? A doctor. C. What does your father do, Jill? A dentist. II. Listen and choose (选出听到的句子的应答句)10 % ( ) 1. A. A car. ( ) 2. A. Its a lovely cat.( ) 3. A. Yes, I do.( ) 4. A. They are sweet.( ) 5. A. Thirty yuan in all.( ) 6. A. Youre welcome.B. On foot.C. Buy a bicycle.B. Theres nothing.C. This is our classroom.B. Yes, I have.C. Yes, he has. B. Yes, they sweet.C. No, they cant. B. Its thirty yuan. C. They are thirty.B. Yes, I do.C. OK. ( ) 7. A Hard and smooth.B. Over there.C. Nice!( ) 8. A. Hes singing. B. Shes happy now.C. The boy can play computer.( ) 9.A. Hot.B. Black.C. Long.( )10. A. Theres a new uniformB. Im very hungry.C. Its fine today. III. Listen and choose (根据听到的内容和问题,选择正确的答案)6%( ) 1. A. 12( ) 2. A. Mary( ) 3. A. Yes, she does.( ) 4. A. Basketball.( ) 5. A. No, he can paint.( ) 6. A. Mr White.B. 20C. 22 B. Mary and KittyC. KittyB. No, she doesnt like lemon juice.C. Apple juice.B. Ball games.C. Football.B. Yes, he does.C. Yes, he can. B. Peters father.C. Peters brother. IV. Listen and judge (听短文判断,用T或F表示)6 ( ) 1. Henry is a pet.( ) 2. Its a sunny day. ( ) 3. Henry is hungry and afraid.( ) 4. The black dog wants to bite Henry.( ) 5. Henry is tired and he cant run.( ) 6. Henry likes the black dog. V. Listen and fill in the blanks (听短文,填入所缺的单词)8 Theres a on the wall of the hall. Its the badminton club. Many students like badminton. Danny likes it very much. He wants to the club. He asks Peter to join it . But Peter like playing badminton. He likes playing . At last, Danny and Peter join the volleyball club. Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (词汇语法) 45%I. Writing (正确书写,注意大小写与标点 ) 4%sometimes alices shadow grows big and strong she doesnt like it II. Read and choose(语音判断,选出划线部分不同的单词,将字母代号填入括号内)5( ) 1. A. bee B. tea C. breakfast ( ) 2. A. deer B. tear C.hair ( ) 3. A. who B. whose C.what ( ) 4. A. swim B. five C. give( ) 5. A. climb B. beautiful C. baby III. Choose the best answer(选择最佳答案)12%( )1.-Smell it. How do you feel? - _. A. Sweet. B. Nice.C. Its cold.( )2. OK. The red one is _ you now. A. to B. giveC. for( )3. _ nice trees they are! A.What B. HowC. The( )4. -Whose chocolates are those? -They are _.A. Peters and Pauls B. Peter and Pauls C. their( )5. The shiny cars are super. Do you want to buy _?A. they B. carC. them( )6. Ming and I _ play football after school. We are good friends.A. often B. every C. some time( )7. At noon, the trees shadow is _.A. long B. shortC. big and long( )8. These books are Jills. Those books are hers too. Put _books on her desk.A. all these B. all her C. both( )9. - _ the little baby paint this picture? - No, he _.A. Is isnt B. Can can C. Does doesnt( )10. - Playing football is my _ sport. - Really?A. best B. favourite C. like( )11. Would you like _ with us?A. to come B. comingC. come( )12. - What does a cat eat every day? -_.A. A large bowls of cat food B. A lot cat food C. Some cat food IV. Fill in the blanks with proper words (用所给单词的适当形式填空) 8 %1. Here (be) some dog food.2. (not run) in the classroom. 3. - Are the lions (tooth) sharp? - Yes.4. My brother is six. He (have) many toys.5. - (there be) any students in the Century Park? - Yes.6. The crow is very _(full), he wants to eat much food.7. Heres a photo of (I ) birthday party.8. In Shanghai, summer is (sun), hot and wet.V. Fill in the blanks with proper verbs (用所给动词的适当形式填空) 6%1. His sister (climb) onto the desk.2. The pet cannot _ (drink) the water. 3. Look! The sheep _ (eat) leaves. They are hungry.4. Where _ ( be ) you, Dad? Mum needs your help.5. Joe wants to _(be) a vet. He likes animals. 6. Lets _(go) fishing this Sunday afternoon.VI. Rewrite the sentences (按要求改写句子,每空一词) 101. Be quick, please. (否定句) _ be quick, please.2. The Chens are having a holiday on the beach. What _ the Chens _ on the beach?3. Your father work in a post office. (用 bakery 改成选择疑问句)_ your father _ in a post office _ a bakery? 4. There is some milk in the bottle. (否定句) There _ _ milk in the bottle. 5. These flowers are purple and pink. _ _ are these flowers?Part 3 Reading and Writing (阅读写作)15%. Read and choose (选择方框内的句子完成对话,将答案编号填入下面的横线上) 5A. Im sorry. B. The grass is so soft. C. I want to read books under the tree. D. But I dont like reading books today. E. Lets have a holiday in the park! Dad: What a nice day ! _Lucy: Great! Lets go. _ Can I walk on the grass, Dad?Dad : Dont walk on the grass. It cant grow if (假如) you walk on it.Lucy : _Dad : You can read a book under the big tree. Lucy : _ I want to ride a bicycle. Dad : OK, Lucy. Lucy: Thanks, Dad. What do you want to do?Dad : _ I like reading. w W w .Lucy: See you later. Dad: See you.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ . Read and choose(阅读选择正确答案填入括号内)5% Milly is a mouse. Ellen is a bird. They are good friends. Look, they are playing games. Ellen is flying in the sky. She can see many beautiful things in the sky. She is telling Milly what she can see. There is an apple tree in front of them. They go to the apple tree. There are many apples on the tree. Milly and Ellen both want to eat the apple. Ellen is in the tree and eats an apple happily. But Milly cant climb the tree. He cant eat the apple. He is just looking at Ellen. Ellen eats an apple and flies again. She is singing songs. Milly is very angry. He shouts to Ellen,You arent my friend now.( ) 1. Milly is a _ and Ellen is a _. A. mouse elephant B. elephant mouse C. mouse bird( ) 2. Ellen is _ in the sky. A. flying B. playing games C. Both A and C ( ) 3. There is _ in front of them. A. an apple tree B. a peach tree C. a pear tree( ) 4. Milly _ eat an apple and Ellen _ eat an apple. A. can cant B. can can C. cant can ( ) 5. At last, Milly is _. A. hungry B. angry C. sad . Think and write(以My favourite sport 写一篇30词的小短文,要求语句通顺,意思连贯,句式三种或以上)5%My favourite sport10203040_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2015学年第二学期四年级英语期中调研卷(201604)听力内容及答案(注:听力部分每题读两遍)I. Listen and choose (选出听到的单词、词组和句子)101. Hes my good friend Jim. He can ride his bicycle. B 2. What are these? They are watermelons. A3. Whose knife is the red one? A4. There are fourteen children on the beach. B5. Mum is telling me a fairy tale. C6. I usually watch TV in the sitting room. A7. Lets go swimming together. B8. Can I take off my shoes here? C9. What round grapes and plums! C 10. What does your father do, Jill? A doctor. BII. Listen and choose (选出听到的句子的应答句)10 % 1. How do you go to school? B 2. Whats on the floor? B3. Do you have an apple, Eddie? A4. Are the oranges sweet or sour? A5. How much are the sweaters? A6. Alice, put your bag on the desk, please. C 7. Where are my glasses? I cant find them. B 8. What is the boy doing in the bedroom now? A 9. How is the dogs shadow? C10. Whats the matter with you? B III. Listen and choose (根据听到的内容和问题,选择正确的答案)6%1. A: Where are the students of Class One? B: Twelve of them are in the gym. Twenty of them are in the hall. A: Oh, I see. Let me go to the gym first.Q: How many students of Class One are in the hall? B2. A. Look at my poster, Mary. The princess is so beautiful. B: Wow, how do you get it, Kitty? I want it too. A: A man over there gives me. B: Thanks a lot.Q: Who has a poster? C3. A: Welcome to my home, my good friend, Laura. B: Happy birthday to you! A: Thank you! Do you like apple juice or lemon juice?B: I like apple juice, its sweet. I dont like lemon juice, its too sour.Q: Does Laura like apple juice or lemon juice? C4. A: School is over. Lets play! http:/ / B: Great! I want to play football. Would you like to play with me, Danny? A: Mmm. But I cant play football well. I like playing basketball. Peter likes playing football . You can play football with Peter.Q: What does Danny like ? A 5.Miss Fang: Children, the Spring Festival is coming. What do you want to do, Betty? B: I want to see my grandparents, Miss Fang. Miss Fang: Thats great, Betty. Youre a good girl. How about you, Mike?M:Ill draw a picture for you.Miss Fang: Thank you! You can draw very well, I know.Q: Can Mike draw well ? C6. A: Hello, Mr White. B: Hello, Peter. Whos this man? A:Oh, hes my father. Hes a policeman. B: Oh, hes brave.A: Sure. I love him. I want to be a policeman like my father in the future. B:Good. Try your best.Q: Whos this man? B IV. Listen and judge (听短文判断,用T或F表示)6 The sun is shining and shining. Henry, a dog is walking on a small road. Hes very happy because he eats some bones. Hes not hungry. He wants to play with his good friend Jimmy. Suddenly, a big black dog is beside him. Hes very afraid. He is running. But the black dog is running too. Dont bite me! Help! Henry shouts. But the black dog is chasing him and says nothing. Henry is very tired, he cant run. He stops and the black dog stops too. Henry looks carefully. The black dog is his shadow in fact. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. FV. Listen and fill in the blanks (听短文,填入所缺的单词)8 Theres a poster on the wall of the hall. Its from the badminton club. Many students like playing badminton. Danny likes it very much. He wants to join the club. He asks Peter to join it together. But Peter doesnt like playing badminton. He likes playing volleyball. At last, Danny and Peter bot


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