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新目标英语八年级上册unit9教学设计 一,单元分析及教材处理 本课是新目标英语八年级上册第9单元,教材以When was he born? 为中心话题,围绕着谈论名人的出生日期展开,学习和运用交际用语when was he/she born? He/She was born in 让学生学会谈论别人的出生日期。本课教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流。Section A的主要学习内容是:学习用when was he/she born?询问别人的出生日期。教材安排了听,说,读的活动,我将其中的一些活动进行变化或整合,如:我没有将P54 的听力安排近来,取而代之的是把这段听力材料中的重点句型换成一段采访名人的对话,然后让学生进行配音表演。最后安排了一个写作的环节,让学生把这节课的重点句型以写作的形式巩固。二.教学目标结合第九单元的教材内容,我按语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度等四个方面将本单元的教学目标细化:1、知识目标When was he/she born? He/She was born in功能:结合生活中的名人谈论他们的出生日期2.语言结构: 句型:A: Whos that?B: Thats He/She is aA: When was he/she born?B: He/She was born in3、语言技能:听:能听懂本课学习活动中的问题,正确听出年份。 说:能在本课的任务型活动如:猜测、配音表演、对话活动中进行简单的交流。 读:能正确朗读本单元对话和句型。 写:能写出本节课学习的单词和句型.4、学习策略: 抓住用英语交际的机会,在交际中把注意力集中在意思的表达上。主动参与学习活动,善于和他人合作。5、情感目标:使学生在语言交往中学会谈论名人,学会交换不同的看法,了解其它人的喜好,增进人与人之间的感情。三.教学重难点1、Do some speaking3、Dubbing4、Writing四教学策略应用现代教育技术辅助教学是最主要的策略五教 学 过 程Step1: warm-up and lead-inShow a “Happy song”T: How are you ?S: Im fine. Thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Are you happy today?S: Yes.T: Im happy, too. Because I can meet you here today. And another reason is that I have a new cousin. Lets see him.(show a funny picture of a crying baby)T: Do you like him?S: Yes.T: I like him, too. Because he is my cousin. He was born yesterday. He was born in 2009.Bb: be/was/were born .He was born in 2009.Step2: PresentationT: How about you?When were you born?S1: I was born in 1996.Bb: When were you born? I was born in 1996.Show 4 cards of years. Follow to read:1973,1963,1980,1975.Drill:1. T asks. Ss answer.T: When were you born? (show a card)Ss: I was born in 19-2. Ss ask. T answers.3. T: when were you born? S1: I was born in 19 T: when were you born? S4: I was born in 19 T: when was he born? Ss: He was born in 19Step3: Guessing game.T: Now, lets see when they were born.(show 4 famous people,give two choices. Let Ss guess.)Teach Ss how to read years.Make conversations according tothese four pictures.Sb: when was he/she born?Sg: he/She was born in -Step4:ChantT: We know when these famouspeople were born.Lets say it again.1975, 1975He was born in 1975.1982 , 1982He was born in 1982.1983 , 1983He was born in 1983.1974 , 1974She was born in 1974Step5: Learn new words and expressionsT: We know they are very popular.Now, I will show you anotherpopular person.(picture: Yao Ming)T: whos that?Ss: Thats Yao Ming.T: When was he born?Ss: He was born in 1982.T: Yes,. He is a basketball player. He likes basketball.Do you like basketball?Ss: Yes/NoT: Do you like soccer ball?Ss: Yes/NoT: Different people like different balls.And different balls havedifferent sound.Lets listen and guess.(show sound of balls.Learn names and jobs) Deng Yaping ping-pong playerMichael Jordanbasketball player Martina Hingis tennis player David Beckham soccer playerMake conversations: S1: Whos that?S2: Thats He/She is aStep6: Listening 2aStep7:Makeconversation.Step8: Dubbing(配音表演)T: Do you like ?Who is your favourite star ?S1: My favorite star isT: If he is here, do you want to interview him?S1: Yes.T: My student Tom also wantsto do that. And he did it. Lets see.Show a videoStep9: writingT: Everyone has his favorite star. Now chooseone star in this chart and write sth. about him/her like this:My favorite star is Lin Junjie. He was born in 1981. He is a singer. He started singing in 1999. He sang for 10 years. NameBorn JobStartedHow longLinJunjie1981singer199910 yearsYao Ming1980basketball player199217yearsZhouJielun1980singer199811yearsWang Lihong1976singer199613 yearsZhang Yining1981Ping pong player198920yearsStep910Homework六教学反思.现代技术辅助英语教学的好处(1)图文声像并茂,激发学生兴趣。在课堂教学的过程中,有效地使用录像,图片和声音,可以使教学过程更生动,直观,形象和快捷。这是传统教学无法实现的效果。(2)教学节奏明快,提高教学效率,多媒体和网络技术可储存大量的信息,会带来高密度和快节奏的课堂教学,使学生的英语实践量大面宽,教学节奏明快,练习转换,环节交替紧凑,这种课堂会营造一种轻松愉快,适度紧张的气氛。有助于发挥学生的主体作用,提高教学的质量和效果。充分发挥多媒体和网络所提供的图像、影片和背景音乐以及文化背景知识的作用。(3)创设情景,激发学生创新思维,英语课程本身就是知识与技能的结合


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