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Chapter 12 定语从句的译法,主从复合句的译法共分为三类:,一、定语从句的译法 二、状语从句的译法 三、名词性从句的译法,一、定语从句的译法,(一)限制性定语从句的译法 (二)非限制性定语从句的译法 (三)状语化定语从句的用法 (四)长定语从句的用法,(一)限制性定语从句的译法,空气从压力高的地方流向压力低的地方。,This is the switch we adjust the temperature of water with.,这是调节水温的开关。,世界闻名的牛顿创立了运动三大定律。,Newton whose name is well-known in the world established three laws of motion.,Air moves from places where the pressure is high to places where the pressure is low.,1. 包孕法(译成定语):,2. 合译法:,有些金属比水轻。,Some metals are better conductors of electricity than others, which means that the former have atoms that contain more free electrons than the latter.,某些金属比另一些金属有更好的导电性,这表明前者 所拥有的原子,其所含自由电子数比后者要多。,在本书中,我们将以非常实际的态度将自适应控制看做是一类特殊的非线性反馈控制。,3. 重组法:,There are some metals which are lighter than water.,In this book we will take the pragmatic attitude that adaptive control is a special type of nonlinear feedback control.,4. 分切法:,The base is the foundation of all machines and is the part on which all other parts are mounted.,底座是整个机器的基础,其他的部件都装在它上面。,直接还原法能为电炉提供这样的炉料,其价格估计在每吨铁49美元以下。,The process of direct reduction can provide a charge for the electric furnace that is estimated under $ 49 per ton of iron.,(二)非限制性定语从句的译法:,The electricity, which we use for electric lamp and fans, is produced by generators.,电灯、电扇用的电是发电机发出来的。,该(控制系统)的过程状态可分为以不同速率变化的两类。,The states of process can be separated into two categories, which change at different rates.,1. 包孕法(译成定语):,力可用直线表示,其长度便表示力的大小。,More often, it consisted of several different units, analyzer, averager, display, etc., which had to be interconnected prior to use.,多数情况下,它包括一些不同的部件,如调节器、均衡器和显示器等,它们必须在使用前互相连接好。,A force can be shown by a straight line, the length of which stands for the magnitude of the force.,2. 分切法:,如要在控制系统的分析中将系统初始条件一并考虑,当采用状态变量方法时,并不会增加任何难度,不过,如采用传统方法就很难做到这一点。,The inclusion of the initial conditions of a system in the analysis of control system which is difficult using conventional techniques can be accounted for readily in the state variable approach.,3.译成汉语的(偏正)转折复句,(三)状语化定语从句的译法:,由于爱因斯坦提出了著名的“相对论”理论,因此他于1921年获得了诺贝尔奖金。,Einstein, who worked out the famous theory of Relativity, won the Nobel Prize in 1921.,提出著名的“相对论”理论的爱因斯坦于1921年获得了诺贝尔奖金。,1.译成因果复合句中原因分句(表原因的分句):,试比较按非限制性定语从句的译法:,2.译成因果复句中的结果分句(表结果的正句):,物质具有一定的特性,因此我们能很容易地识别它。,Matter has certain features or properties that enable us to recognize it easily.,The factory, which is small, produces a large quantity of machines every day.,这家工厂虽小,但每天都要生产出大量的机器。,3.译成让步复句中让步分句(表让步的偏句):,Iron, which is not so strong as steel, finds wide application.,当然铁的强度不如钢,但它仍有广泛的用途。,4.译成目的复句中的目的分句(表目的的偏句):,The bulb is sometimes filled with an inert gas which permits operation at a higher temperature.,灯泡有时冲入惰性气体,为的是能在更高的温度下工作。,5. 译成条件(特定条件)复合句中的条件分句(表特定条件的偏句):,For any machine whose input force and output force are known, its mechanical advantage can be calculated.,对于任何机械,只要其输入力和输出力已知,就能求出其机械效益。,6. 译成表时间的短语,Electrical energy that is supplied to a lamp can be turned into light energy.,给电灯供电时,电能就转变成了光能。,(四)长定语从句的译法:,1. 先提后述法:,This method also has the advantages that the area of iron under the poles can be kept constant, and thus the total pull constant, if the degree of skew is equal to one slot pitch.,此外,这种方法有这样的优点:如果斜槽度等于一个槽距,磁极的磁铁面积保持不变,从而使总吸力为恒定值。,此外,这种方法具有如果斜槽度等于一个槽距,磁极的磁铁面积保持不变,从而使总吸力为恒定值的优点。,试比较:,2. 先述后提法,The way in which the parts of a machine are interconnected and guided to produce a required output motion from a given input motion is known as the mechanism of the machine.,为了从一定的输入运动产生所需输出运动,人们把机器的各个零件以某种方式相互联结和导向,这种方式称为机器的结构。,试比较:,机器的各个零件以某种方式相互联结和导向,以便从一定的输入运动产生所需的输出运动的方式成为称作机器的结构。,3.解环法,An amendment is a design change of a miner nature introduced after production manufacture which does not aff


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