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Book 8 Unit 2 The written word阅读理解组块练.阅读理解A(2018河北省衡水中学高三考前适应性测试仿真模拟)Sydney Opera House ToursWe offer three different tours of this iconic buildings.The Essential Tour brings to life the story behind the design and construction of one of the worlds most famous landmarks.Using interactive audiovisual technology, your guide will take you on a memorable journey inside the youngest building ever to be World Heritage listed.Afterwards, why not stay around and eat at the Studio Caf, with its modern Australian menu? You can both enjoy the best views in Sydney and claim a 20% reduction on the total cost of your meal.(Dont forget to show your ticket in order to claim your discount.)Language: English, French, GermanTakes place: Daily between 9 am. and 5 pm.Prices: Adult $35/ Online $29.75Concessions:Australian seniors and pensioners; students and children of 16 and under $24.50Prior bookings are not essential.The Backstage Tour gives you backstage access to the Sydney Opera House.It is a unique opportunity to experience the reallife dramas behind the stage! You might even get to stand on the concert hall stage, take up a conductors baton in the orchestra pit and imagine you are leading the performance.You will also get to see inside the stars dressing rooms.The tour concludes with a complimentary breakfast in the Green Room, the private dining area of performers past and present.Takes place: Daily at 7 am.Prices: $155.No concessions.To purchase: Bookings are essential.Limited to 8 people per tour.Online sales expire at 4:30 pm. two days prior.Notes: The tour includes up to 300 steps.Flat,rubbersoled shoes must be worn.For safety reasons, children of 12 years old and under are not permitted.Opera High Tea consists of a tour where you will walk in the footsteps of worldclass singers, dancers and musicians, followed by fine food and music in the spectacular surroundings of the Bennelong Dining Room.What could be better than a treat of delicious light snacks and soft drinks followed by a live recital (独唱会) by a leading Australian singer? An unforgettable treat for young and old!Takes place: Every second Wed., 2 pm.Duration: 1.5 hoursPrices: $145 per personBook online or visit the Guided Tours Desk1A traveler will enjoy a performance if he chooses _.Athe Essential TourBthe Backstage TourCOpera High TeaDany of the tours2Joining the Backstage Tour, a traveler _.Ais allowed to wear sneakers when standing on the stageBwill have an opportunity to be the conductor of the orchestraCcan take his big family of 8 members to free breakfastDcan buy the discount ticket the day before the tour3If a couple who travelled with their 17yearold son joined the Essential Tour and had a meal of$150 there, what would the lowest cost be if paid in cash?A$203.25.B$214.5.C$225. D$239.25.【答案与解析】1C细节理解题。根据关键句Opera High Tea consists of a tour where you will walk in the footsteps of worldclass singers, dancers and musicians, followed by fine food and music in the spectacular surroundings of the Bennelong Dining Room.可知,在Opera High Tea旅游者可以看到世界一流歌手、舞者和音乐家的表演,故选C项。2A推理判断题。根据关键句Notes: The tour includes up to 300 steps.Flat, rubbersoled shoes must be worn.可知,必须穿扁平的橡胶底鞋,故可以推断出运动鞋是允许穿的。故选A项。 3C细节理解题。根据题干信息可知,夫妻二人和他们的孩子共三人,结合关键句Prices: Adult $35/ Online $29.75可知,票价为353105美元;由关键句You can both enjoy the best views in Sydney and claim a 20% reduction on the total cost of your meal.可知,饭菜总价减少20%,故饭菜价格是150(120%)120,故总价为225美元,故C项正确。BBelieve it or not,therere always some people who like staying up too late. However,sleeping early can bring us many benefits.Healthy heart.Staying up late in the night is a way to torture your body with high blood pressure and cholesterol(胆固醇)These are the risks associated with the heart.Reduce stress.A peaceful sleep in the night relieves physical and mental stress.It relaxes the body and mind.With insufficient sleep youre risking your health with heart strokes and other diseases.Enhance memory.Sleeping early lets your mind arrange tired thoughts well.Waking up early with a fresh mind will repossess(重新获得) all of it.Protect you from diseases.By sleeping late in the night youre only stressing yourself,which will increase the blood pressure and cholesterol(胆固醇) levels.So sleep early and let your body maintain the pressure levels constant._ Breakfast is very important to kick start the day.Most of the times as we wake up late we miss it.Positive performance.Sleeping continuously for at least 7 hours in the night is necessary.Inadequate sleep will curb your ability to think creatively,cope up with stress and concentrate.Help metabolism(新陈代谢)Our body needs to send away all the unwanted waste from within.Sleeping through the day till noun will disorganise the exile.We need to eat and sleep on time to maintain energy.Reduce the risk of cancer.Sleep in the dark.Light in the night reduces the melatonin(褪黑激素) level whichs supposed to cause sleep and prevent the risk of cancer.Boost energy.Sleeping early will let you complete your 7 hours of sleep and make you fresh the next morning.It gives you the energy to perform better.Maintain weight.When you sleep too late your organism is disturbed.Sleeping for less than 7 hours a day is an invitation to obesity.4What kind of sleep can relieve the physical and mental stress? AA peaceful sleep. BAn insufficient sleep. CA continuous sleep.DAn inadequate sleep.5What should be filled in Paragraph 6?ABreakfast is important.BYou might miss breakfast.CWake up for breakfast.DGive time for breakfast.6How many hours should a man sleep according to the text?A9 hours. B8 hours.C7 hours. D6 hours.7What will happen if you sleep less than seven hours?ALosing weight.BBecoming sleepless.CBecoming active. DBecoming fat.【答案与解析】4A细节理解题。由第三段第二句“A peaceful sleep in the night relieves physical and mental stress.”可知本题选A。5D主旨大意题。由整个第六段可知是在介绍早餐很重要,但是如果起晚了就会吃不上早餐,故要早起以便有时间吃早餐,因此D项总结的最佳。6C细节理解题。第6、9、10条都提及至少应睡7个小时,因此选C。7D推理判断题。由最后一段最后一句“Sleeping for less than 7 hours a day is an invitation to obesity.”可知,每日睡眠时间少于7小时是肥胖的“邀请函”,因此睡眠少于7小时会导致肥胖,故选D。C(2018湖北省荆州中学高三英语检测)When success comes quickly, as a result of hard work meeting opportunity, one tends to forget that it may not always continue on trend.Like me, most people do not “hit_it_big”We tend to take a more circuitous (迂回的) route toward success.Believe that great success is not always given to the lucky but those who go after it long and diligently.Recently I have conversations with many people that are in the “success” stage, not happy where they currently are or feeling “unsuccessful”Society has made us confirm that we need to be wealthy in order to be successful.I tell them not to get on the “way off track”Success doesnt have to be financial, it could be relationships, it could be fulfilling your passions, and it could be your health level.I know many successful people that are not wealthy but are rich in their career or spirit.The worst thing people can do is go after “money” by any kind of means.Success is made by serving others, and in turn, you will get the rewards of financial success.Its not easy travelling down the roads of patience, risk and uncertainty.You must stay flexible because the road to success is always under construction.You must concentrate because someone or something will throw a roadblock in the middle of the road.So, get ready for difficulty and delays.Stop worrying about failure.The road to success is not a straight line; its over mountains and down in the valleys.With determination and belief, you will most certainly get there.Trust you will have powerful and new breakthroughs as long as you get rid of the hurdle of selfdoubt and never give up.And, even if all else fail, remind yourself that: I couldnt wait for success, so I went ahead without it.8When success comes quickly a person probably _.A.forgets it is not easy to be successfulBforgets successful trend continuesCforgets success may not be always true Dremembers success may come suddenly9What does the underlined phrase “hit it big” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?AHave a big dream. BAchieve great success.CSolve a big problem. DHit something heavily.10According to the author most people have the wrong opinion that _.Athe rich are successful Bthe poor may be successfulCto succeed needs money Dsuccess belongs to the lucky11Which of the following is the best title of this passage?ASuccess Needs Courage BThe Road to SuccessCWhat Leads to Success DSuccess Is our Dream【答案与解析】8A细节理解题。根据第一段可知,成功得太快的人往往会忘记成功的不容易。9B词义猜测题。根据第二段第二、三句可推断,hit it big意为“取得巨大的成功”。10C推理判断题。 根据第三段第二、三句可推断,作者认为成功需要大量的财富这个观点是错误的。11B标题概括题。全文主要论述成功往往不是一蹴而就的,在通往成功的道路上,我们需要勇气,不害怕失败。D(2018湖北省武邑中学高三下学期第四次模拟)When Dee Dee Bridgewater learned that she would become a 2017 NEA Jazz Master, a series of thoughts and feelings flooded her mind.“It was so far out of my orbit and just my whole sphere of thinking,” she said in a conversation at NPR this spring, hours before she formally received her award.Shes 66far from retirement age in jazz, and on the extreme forward edge of the NEA Jazz Masters people.So she was aware of her relative youth in the field. She also recognized that there havent been many women in the ranks of NEA Jazz Masters: fewer than 20, out of 145.That idea led her to reflect on her predecessors (前任): legendary singers like Betty Carter, who was seated back in 1992, and Abbey Lincoln, who received the nod in 2003.Bridgewater sought inspiration and advice from both Carter and Lincoln, as she recalls in this period of Jazz Night, which features music recorded during the season opener for Jazz at Lincoln Center.On a program called “Songs of Freedom”, organized by drummer Ulysses Owens, Jr., Bridgewater sang material associated with Lincoln as well as Nina Simone: an extremely angry song of the civil rights movement, like “Mississippi Goddam”A separate concert, “Songs We Love”, found Bridgewater singing less politically charged (but still exciting) fare like “St.James Infirmary”, which appears on her most recent album.In words as well as music, this period reveals how seriously Bridgewater takes that responsibility, seeing as how it connects to her own experience in the jazz lineage.But maybe “seriously” isnt the right word when it comes to Dee Dee, whose effervescence (欢腾) shines through even in a reflective mood.Join her here for a while; shes excellent company, no more or less so now that mastery is officially a part of her resume.12What did Bridgewater think of her winning the award?AIt confused her.BIt was beyond her expectation.CIt won great popular support for her.DIt gave her much confidence about her career.13What can we learn about the musicians winning NEA Jazz Masters?AWomen ranked higher than men.BMen accounted for a bigger part of them.CMost of them were unwilling to retire at first.DMany of them received the award at an early age.14Who is more likely to have a great influence on Bridgewater?ACarter and Lincoln.BUlysses and Lincoln.CNina Simone and Carter.DNina Simone and Ulysses.15What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?ABridgewaters music theme.BBridgewaters music experience.CBridgewaters personal characters.DBridgewaters great achievements.【答案与解析】12B推理判断题。根据第一段中“It was so far out of my orbit and just my whole sphere of thinking”可知,获奖一事出乎迪迪布里姬沃特的意料。13B细节理解题。根据第二段中“there havent been many women in the ranks of NEA Jazz Masters: fewer than 20, out of 145.”可知,在获奖的145位歌手中,女性不到20位。14A细节理解题。根据第三段中“Bridgewater sought inspiration and advice from both Carter and Lincoln”可知,布里姬沃特向卡特和林肯寻求灵感和建议。15A主旨大意题。综览最后一段可知,其内容主要介绍了迪迪布里姬沃特的音乐主题。.七选五As the famous poem “Youth” has written,“Youth is not a time of life,its a state of mind.” But how can you make a difference in your life?Firstly,1.The skills of learning,the knowledge of learning as well as the process of learning are all wealth and treasures in our life,which make your simple life interesting.You could also gain social experience from taking part in large activities and gain knowledge from books you read.2,and take part in any activity which can show your characteristics.Secondly,as the old saying goes,“Although you have failed one hundred times,theres still another chance for you to catch.”3.So grasp every opportunity to express your strong point and put your heart into it.Thirdly,4.So its of great significance to be an optimist(乐观者)That is,we ought not to hesitate to meet any challenges in our life.Last but not least,to have a regular life style is a good way to keep healthy and achieve your ambitions.It goes without saying that a strong body is the capital of a revolution.5,you could be able to adapt the contemporary life and make a difference in your simple life.ABe confident,behave yourself in publicBfailure or success is mostly depended on ones attitude towards thingsCthose who have a good command of learning can manage things wellDLets cheer up our successEWhen all is said and doneFIf everything is possibleGThats what makes life active and powerful【答案】15CAGBE语言知识运用组块练.完形填空(2018 山西省六校高三第四次名校联合百日冲刺)It was on a sunny Saturday afternoon in the spring of 1949 that I learned an important life lesson about judging others by their physical appearance.As a senior at a high school, I worked part time as a salesman in a _1_ center.The job provided a pleasant working environment and a modest _2_.My weekly paycheck _3_ a base salary and commissions(佣金)earned on the _4_ of radios and musicrelated accessories(配件)For maximum _5_ at acquiring commissions, especially on sales of higherpriced items, two other teenage salesmen and I used the “up” system, taking turns greeting _6_ entering the shop.On that _7_ afternoon, a tall, unshaven man walked in wearing clothing more _8_ for yard work than for shopping.This slim,_9_ fellow was my “up”, but after glancing at his _10_, I quickly concluded my _11_ would be more profitably spent with another apparently _12_ customer, so I looked at my coworker Norman and signaled that I was giving up my _13_ to him.Norman _14_ as this unseemly looking fellow walked to the radio display, pointed at the TransOceanic and asked whether he had six in _15_.Norman looked _16_ at me, then turned and went into the storeroom.He immediately _17_ and said that there were six.Then the buyer opened his checkbook and waited for Norman to write the _18_.And I was asked to help carry the six TransOceanic boxes to the back seat of the buyers car _19_ nearby.Ever since that notable afternoon some 68 years ago, I have carefully _20_ judging others only on their appearance.1A.sports BmusicCdrawing Ddancing2A.income BproductCpension Dprofit3A.determined BadjustedCcombined Dcontributed4A.spread BfocusCsale Drecord5A.freedom BpurposeCexpectation Dfairness6A.farmers BcustomersCworkers Deducators7A.unbearable BuncomfortableCunreasonable Dunforgettable8A.suitable BcoolCresponsible Davailable9A.polite BcrazyCproud Dragged10A.status BappearanceCexpression Dmovement11A.efforts BrewardsCtrend Dsafety12A.wealthy BbusyCplain Dcommon13A.cause BturnCbond Dplan14A.approached BcompromisedCpretended Dapologized15A.demand BexchangeCadvance Dstore16A.challengingly BembarrassedlyCunbelievably Ddisappointedly17A.stopped BtrembledCreturned Dforgot18A.bonus BdiscountCreceipt Dcomment19A.sold BselectedCinsured Dparked20A.admitted BavoidedCrisked Dconsidered【答案与解析】1B根据下文“earned on the _4_ of radios and musicrelated accessories(配件)”可知,作者当时在一家音乐中心当售货员。sports 体育;music音乐;drawing 绘画;dancing舞蹈。2A这份工作提供了令人愉快的工作环境和适度的收入,与下文“a base salary and commissions(佣金)”呼应。income 收入;product 产品,;pension退休金;profit利益。3C作者每周的薪水是底薪和销售收音机和音乐配件收入提成的结合。combine A with B 意为“把A和B结合起来”。determine决定;adjust调整;combine结合;contribute贡献。4C与下文“For maximum _5_ at acquiring commissions, especially on sales of higherpriced items,”呼应可知,作者每周的薪水是底薪和销售收音机和音乐配件收入提成的结合。spread传播;focus 集中;sale 销售;record记录。5D根据语境“especially on sales of higherpriced items, two other teenage salesmen and I used the up system, taking turns greeting _6_ entering the shop.”可知,此处表示为了最公平的获得奖金。freedom自由;purpose目的;expectation 期待;fairness公平。6B作者他和其他两个销售员轮流迎接进入商店的“顾客”。farmer农民;customer顾客;worker工人;educator教育工作者。7D由下文可知,一个穿着看起来很贫穷的买不起东西的人,却买了那么多东西,所以那个下午自然很难忘。unbearable 难以忍受的;uncomfortable不舒服的; unreasonable 不合理的;unforgettable难忘的。8A句意:一个不修边幅的人走进商店,他穿的衣服看起来更适合是做庭院修理工作的,而不是来购物。固定词组搭配:be suitable for 意为“适合”。suitable相配的;cool 冷静的;responsible 有责任的;available可获得的。9D这个消瘦的、衣衫褴褛的家伙就是作者的顾客,下文他所购买的东西和其外貌不符。polite有礼貌的;crazy疯狂的;proud骄傲的;ragged衣衫褴褛的。10B根据上文“a tall, unshaven man walked in wearing clothing more _8_ for yard work than for shopping.”可知,在扫视了顾客的“外貌”后,作者就得出结论,作者觉得他的“努力”花费在富有的顾客身上更有益。status 地位;appearance外貌;expression表达;movement活动。11A解析同上。efforts 努力;rewards 奖赏;trend 趋势;safety安全。12A与语境“profitably”呼应可知,作者认为在富有的顾客身上多花点力气更有益。wealthy 富有的;busy忙碌的;plain朴素的;common普通。13B与上文“taking turns greeting _6_ entering the shop” 呼应可知,答案选B。cause原因;turn转向;bond联结; plan计划。14A当这个其貌不扬的家伙走到收音机陈列区时,Norman 靠近了他。approach走近;compromise妥协;pretend假装;apologize道歉。15D根据下文“Norman looked _16_ at me, then turned and went into the storeroom.”可知,此处表示他问他店里是否有六台收音机。固定短语:in store 意为“贮藏”。


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