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沼气工程是中国大中型奶牛场发展节约生态经济的纽带 Biogas Engineering - The Key Pivot for the Large and Medium Scale Cattle Farms to realize sustainable development,上海明星洁能环保工程有限公司 Shanghai Mingxing Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. 曾邦龙 Zeng Banglong 二OO五年九月 Sept, 2005,目 录 Content,发展概况 Background & Introduction 大中型奶牛场沼气工程的主要工艺模式 The Main Technical Mode of Biogas Engineering 大中型奶牛场沼气工程的主要特点 The Character of Biogas Engineering 大中型奶牛场沼气工程的效益分析 The Benefit Analysis for Biogas Engineering 大中型奶牛场沼气工程发展的制约因素 The Factors of Restricting the Development of Biogas Engineering 大中型奶牛场沼气工程的建设需要规范运作 The construction of the Biogas Engineering needs standardization 大中型奶牛场沼气工程的发展需要政策扶持 The Development of Biogas Engineering Needs the Governments Support 大中型奶牛场沼气工程的发展前景 The Future of Biogas Engineering,一、发展概况 Background & Introduction,1、污染水质 Polluting Water. 2、产生恶臭污染空气 Polluting Air 3、污染土壤 Polluting Soil,二、大中型奶牛场沼气工程的主要工艺模式 The Main Technical Mode of Biogas Engineering,1.大中型奶牛场环保型模式(工艺流程图) The environmental protection mode for large or medium sized cattle farm (technical flow chart),二、大中型奶牛场沼气工程的主要工艺模式 The Main Technical Mode of Biogas Engineering,1.大中型奶牛场环保型模式(工艺流程图) The environmental protection mode for large or medium sized cattle farm (technical flow chart),2.大中型奶牛场有机肥能源环境工程生态型(工艺流程图) Eco-environmental protection mode with organic manure as energy (technical flow chart),2.大中型奶牛场有机肥能源环境工程生态型(工艺流程图) Eco-environmental protection mode with organic manure as energy (technical flow chart),3.大中型畜禽养殖场能源环境工程能源型(工艺流程图) Energy mode provided by the energy environmental engineering for large or medium sized livestock farm (technical flow chart),3.大中型畜禽养殖场能源环境工程能源型(工艺流程图) Energy mode provided by the energy environmental engineering for large or medium sized livestock farm (technical flow chart),三、大中型奶牛场沼气工程的主要特点 The Character of Biogas Engineering,1、减量化减少了初始投入 Minimizing the initial investment through minimized-emission 2、无害化有利于人畜生存环境 The unharmful way is propitious to the environment 3、资源化利用,变废为宝 Transform waste to useful material by the utilization of recycle resource 4、运行费用低 Low cost of running 5、运行有益,利于持续发展 Be propitious to sustainable development 6、提高大中型奶牛场的牛奶品质和经济效益 Enhancing the milk quality for cattle farm and increase the economic profit,四、大中型奶牛场沼气工程的效益分析 The Benefit Analysis for Biogas Engineering,1、经济效益 The economic benefit 2.节能效益 The benefit by energy-saving 3.环保效益 The benefit by environmental protection 4.社会效益 The social benefit,沼气装置不能商品化 The equipment of Biogas is hard to be commercialized 2. 石油液化气普及制约了沼气发展 The popularization of Petroleum & Liquidized Gas restricts the development of Biogas Engineering 3. 优惠政策不享受 No preferential policy for Biogas Engineering 4. 缺乏政策支持及价格不到位 Lack of policy to support and no reasonable price 5. 收费不合理 Unreasonable charge,五、大中型奶牛场沼气工程发展的制约因素 The Factors of Restricting the Development of Biogas Engineering,6. 自身不过关 Some problems blocking development in itself 7. 专业人才流失 Many experts flowed to other areas 8. 综合利用效益无法体现 The benefit of integrated utilization can not be embodied. 9. 节能效益无法起现 The benefit from economizing energy is ignored 10.环保效益无法起现 The benefit generated from environmental protection is ignored,五、大中型奶牛场沼气工程发展的制约因素 The Factors of Restricting the Development of Biogas Engineering,六、大中型奶牛场沼气工程的建设需要规范运作 The construction of the Biogas Engineering needs standardization,1.因地制宜 Adjust measures to local conditions 2.量力而行 Do according to ones abilities 3.规范操作 Standardization of operation 4.稳步发展 Development with steady steps,七、大中型奶牛场沼气工程的发展需要政策扶持 The Development of Biogas Engineering Needs the Governments Support,1.要建立对大中型沼气工程建设的优惠政策 Need the preferential Policy 2. 培育大中型沼气工程“三沼”利用市场 Exploit the market for the byproduct of Biogas Engineering (dreg manure) 3. 建设沼气工程的相关政策扶持 Need the support from government 4.加强沼气工程的科学技术研究工作 Strengthen the scientific research of Biogas Engineering 5. 建议利用示范点开辟青少年科普基地 Take full advantage of Biogas Station as the science educational base for teenagers,1.社会发展需要沼气工程的发展 Social development needs the Bioga


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