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Unit 1 Great scientists (1)(测试时间:45分钟,总分:70分)班级:_ 姓名:_ 座号:_ 得分:_.用所给单词的适当形式填空(每小题0.5分,共5分)1As a nurse in the war she was _(expose)to many dangers.2There have been several_(move)for reform over the last century.3They are determined to make_(contribute)to public safety.4He was instructed to act with extreme_(cautious)5His_(enthusiastic)for music has stayed strong throughout his 20 years in radio.6She sat by the window_(spin)7Shes very_(create).She writes poetry and paints.8Very few of those interviewed spoke_(positive)about their childhood9Water and salt _(absorb)into our blood stream every day.10There are two new houses under_(construct)【参考答案】1.exposed2.movements3.contributions4caution5.enthusiasm6.spinning7.creative8positively9.are absorbed10.construction.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)1I dont think this doctor will _ him of his heart disease.Arecover Bcure Ctreat Dhelp【答案】B2The writer was so _ in her work that she didnt notice him enter the room.Aabandoned Bfocused Cabsorbed Dcentered【答案】C【解析】be absorbed in“专注于,全神贯注于”。3After the stranger left, suspicion(猜疑)_ among the villagers.Arose Barose Craised Dlifted【答案】B【解析】arise“产生,出现”,符合题意。rise指主语自身移向较高的位置,往往指自然界的日、月等的“升起”;raise指把某物从低处升到高处;lift指用体力或机械力举起某物。4Yesterday the firemen _ the ground carefully,but were not able to find any _ glass.Aexamined;breaking Bcared;brokenCexamined;broken Dcared;breaking【答案】C【解析】句意为:昨天消防队员仔细检查了地面,但是没有发现任何碎玻璃。第一个空用examine表示检查;第二个空是分词作定语,强调完成,应选择broken。所以选C。5Take care during the holidays! Drinking too much can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.Acontribute to Bdeal with Cattend to Ddevote to【答案】A【解析】此处contribute to表示“造成,促成”。6Ill _ the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little patience.Alook over Blook on Clook into Dlook for【答案】C7Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English _ in a short period.Aimproved Bimproving Cto improve Dimprove【答案】A【解析】宾语written English与improve之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾补。8The students were sitting in the classroom with their eyes _ on the teachers. X+kwAfixing Bfixed Cwere fixed Dbeing fixed【答案】B【解析】宾语eyes与fix之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾补。9Its a pity that the young girl drowned herself after all her hopes were_.Abeaten Bdefeated Cfailed Drealized【答案】B【解析】defeat有“希望、计划等遭到破坏”的意思。10A _ traffic accident happened on the highway,but the driver was not _ for the traffic accident.Asevere;to be blamed Bseverely;to be blamedCsevere;to blame Dseverely;to blame【答案】C【解析】第一个空应该选择一个形容词,排除B、D两项;be to blame(for)意为“应为承担责任,该为受责备”。11_ good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes.A. Far from B. Apart from C. Instead of D. Regardless of【答案】B12I _ everyone make full use of time.Awish Bhope Cwant Dsuggest【答案】D【解析】suggest作“建议”讲时,其后的宾语从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词用“(should)动词原形”。13We walked as fast as we could, _ to get there on time.Ahoping Bto hope Choped Dbeing hoped【答案】A【解析】此处考查现在分词短语作伴随状语。14Only when I left my parents for Italy _ how comfortable it was to live in our home country.AI realized BI had realized Cdid I realize Dhad I realized【答案】C【解析】only后接状语从句置于句首时,句子需部分倒装。D项时态不正确。15For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _ on his own farm.Agrown Bbeing grown Cto be grown Dto grow【答案】A【解析】fruit grown on his own farm他自己农场种植的水果。grow与fruit之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作定语。B项表示正在进行;C项表示还未发生,均不符合题意。. 完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)I worked on boats for twenty five years. Now I am a docking pilot(码头领航员).My job is to 1in the large luxury liners (轮船) and stay with them until they are 2stopped in the harbour. Sometimes this requires two tugs (拖船),sometimes many more, 3the tide and the weather.Most of you no 4have seen these tugs pushing and pulling at the big liners. What they are doing doesnt seem to make much 5,as the minute the big boat is alongside the port, her heavy rope made fast, the job is 6.I felt very 7after I had docked several of the large liners. I realized I was in 8of a great ship worth millions of dollars and the 9were depending on me to bring her safely to the port. These tugs, whether one or ten, 10about in accord with (与一致) whistle signals I 11them from the bridge of the big liner. These signals make up a language that is just as 12as the spoken word, or even more so, 13our docking signals are hardly misunderstood. The captain of each tug does his work according to the signals he 14. He never asks questions. He takes 15faithfully,and it 16works out.Working around tugboats, where so much depends on17, has had its effect on what I believe. I believe that if I am to attain a 18place in the world I must have the help of my fellow men just as the great transatlantic (远洋的) liners depend on the 19of the little tugs to bring them safely to the 20.1. A. putB. pushC. bringD. join2. A. safelyB. dangerouslyC. immediatelyD. illegally3. A. adding toB. letting aloneC. thinking ofD. depending on4. A. wonderB. doubtC. needD. exception5. A. senseB. profitC. progressD. advance6. A. preparedB. lostC. plannedD. done7. A. boredB. meaninglessC. importantD. tired8. A. controlB. praiseC. defenceD. place9. A. clerksB. sportsmenC. readersD. owners10. A. lookB. moveC. hearD. worry11. A. writeB. sendC. mailD. bring12. A. dependableB. incredibleC. doubtfulD. visible13. A. thoughB. ifC. whileD. because14. A. givesB. spreadsC. receivesD. Passes15. A. nothingB. anythingC. somethingD. everything16. A. neverB. everC. alwaysD. seldom17. A. imaginationB. creationC. teamworkD. performance18. A. successfulB. frustratingC. regretfulD. embarrassing19. A. preventionB. helpC. objectionD. delay20. A. airportB. stationC. portD. Stop【语篇解读】作者的工作是码头领航员,他在轮船上发出信号,拖船可以将轮船安全引领到港口,作者认为自己的工作很重要,也意识到自己要想成功也需要他人的帮助。1. C根据上文“Now I am a docking pilot”可知,作者的工作是引进大型豪华轮船。bring in引进。故选C。2. A根据下文“bring her safely to the port.”可知,作者的工作是引进大型豪华轮船,和它们待在一起,直到它们安全停泊。safely安全地。故选A。3. D句意:有时,这取决于潮汐和天气。depending on取决于。故选D。4. B句意:大部分人毫无疑问看见过这些拖船拖着大轮船。no doubt毫无疑问。故选B。5. A根据下文“as the minute the big boat is alongside the port, her heavy rope made fast,”可知,拖船的工作似乎没有什么意义。make sense有意义。故选A。6. D根据上文“as the minute the big boat is alongside the port, her heavy rope made fast,”可知,当大船到了港口,它的粗壮的绳子就变快了,工作就完成了。done完成了。故选D。11. B根据上文“whistle signals”可知,这些口哨是我在大轮船上发出的。send发出。故选B。12. A根据下文“our docking signals are hardly misunderstood.”可知,这些信号组成和口语一样值得依赖的语言。dependable值得依赖的。故选A。13. D这些信号组成和口语一样值得依赖的语言,因为我们码头信号不能被误解。表示原因用because。故选D。14. C句意:每个拖船的船长根据他接受到的信号来工作。receives收到。故选C。15. D根据上文“He never asks questions.”可知,船长如实照做一切。everything一切。故选D。16. C句意:这总是很管用。always总是。故选C。. 阅读理解(每小题2.5分,共20分)AJohn Von Neumann was the oldest of 3 children of a banker,and his speed of learning new ideas and of solving problems stood out early. At 17,his father tried to persuade him not to become a mathematician because he may lead a poor life being a mathematician,and so Von Neumann agreed to study chemistry as well. In 1926,at 23,he received a degree in chemical engineering and a Ph.D.in mathematics. From then on,mathematics provided well enough for him,and he never had to turn to chemistry.In 1930,Von Neumann visited Princeton University for a year and then became a professor there. His first book was published in 1932. In 1933,the Institute for Advanced Study was formed,and he became one of the 6 fulltime people in the School of Mathematics(Einstein was one of the others)World War hugely changed Von Neumanns areas of interest. Until 1940 he had been a great pure(纯粹的)mathematician. During and after the war,he became one of the best mathematicians who put mathematics theories into practice. During the last part of the war he became interested in computing machines and made several fundamental contributions. After the war,Von Neumann continued his work with computers,and was generally very active in government service. He received many awards,was president of the American Mathematical Society and was a member of the Atomic Energy Commission. He died in 1957 of cancer.Von Neumann made several great contributions and any one of them would have been enough to earn him a firm place in history. He will be remembered as one of the greatest minds of the 20th century.Von Neumann really was a legend(传奇)in his own time,and there are a number of stories about him. His driving ability is a part of this legend. He reported one accident this way:“I was driving down the road. The trees on the right were passing me in an orderly fashion at 60 miles per hour. Suddenly one of them stepped in my path.”1According to the text,Von Neumanns father believed that_.Aa mathematician couldnt earn a lot of moneyBa mathematician needed a good memoryCVon Neumann had the ability to learn two subjects at the same timeDVon Neumann had a gift for solving problems at a high speed2Von Neumann published his first book at the age of_.A23B26 C29D323How did World War affect John Von Neumann?AHe realized the importance of engineering.BHe began to research how to put mathematics into practice.CHe left college and served at the government department.DHe lost interest in chemistry.4From the last paragraph,we can infer John Von Neumann was_.AcalmBbraveCintelligentDhumorous【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了伟大的数学家John Von Neumann(约翰冯诺依曼)的生平事迹。BOne of the main challenges facing many countries is how to maintain their identity in the face of globalization and the growing multi-language trend. One of the main reasons for economic failure in many African countries is the fact that, with a few important exceptions, mother-tongue education is not practiced in any of the independent African states. said Neville Alexander, Director of the Project for the Study of Alternative Education in South Africa at the University of Cape Town.In response to the spread of English and the increased multi-language trends arising from immigration, many countries have introduced language laws in the last decade. In some, the use of languages other than the national language is banned in public spaces such as advertising posters. One of the first such legal provisions(规定) was the 1994 Toubon law in France, and the idea has been copied in many countries since then. Such efforts to govern language use are often considered as futile by language experts, who are well aware of the difficulty in controlling fashions in speech and know from research that language switching among bilinguals is a natural process.It is especially difficult for native speakers of English to understand the desire to maintain the purity of a language by law. Since the time of Shakespeare, English has continually absorbed foreign words into its own language. English is one of the most mixed and rapidly changing languages in the world, but that has not been a barrier to acquiring superiority and power. Another reason for the failure of many native English speakers to understand the role of the state regulation is that it has never been the Anglo-Saxon way of doing things. English has never had a state-controlled authority for the language, similar, for example, to the Academic Francaise in France.The need to protect national languages is, for most western Europeans, a recent phenomenon-especially the need to ensure that English does not unnecessarily take over too many fields. Public communication, education and new ways of communication promoted by technology, may be key fields to defend.zx*xk 5Neville Alexander believes that _.A. mother-tongue education is not practiced in all African countriesB. globalization has resulted in the economic failure of AfricaC. globalization has led to the rise of multi-language trendD. lack of mother-tongue education can lead to economic failure6The underlined word futile (in paragraph 2) most probably means _.A. workable B. practicalC. useless D. unnecessary7What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. English has taken over fields like public communication and education.B. Many aspects of national culture are threatened by the spread of English.C. Most language experts believe it is important to promote a national language.D. Europeans have long realized the need to protect a national language.8The best title for the passage is _.A. Fighting against the rule of EnglishB. Protecting local languages and identitiesC. Globalization and multi-language trendD. To maintain the purity of language by law【语篇解读】现在世界全球化导致很多国家的独特的文化收到了冲击和影响,本文讲述的正是这方面的话题。很多国家都采取了很多的措施来保护本国的文化。5D【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第一段“One of the main reasons for economic failure in many African countries is the fact that, with a few important exceptions, mother-tongue education is not practiced in any of the independent African states.” said Neville Alexander可知,他认为母语教育方面的缺失会导致经济方面的失败。故D正确。8B【解析】主旨大意题。根据文章第一段One of the main challenges facing many countries is how to maintain their identity in the face of globalization


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