



D. more than + (that)从句,其基本意义是“超过(=over)”,但可译成“简直不”“远非”. 难以,完全不能(其后通常连用情态动词 can)-That is more than I can understand . 那非我所能懂的. -That is more than I can tell. 那事我实在不明白。 -The heat there was more than he could stand. 那儿的炎热程度是他所不能忍受的 1. When I think of all this waste, words fail me. (= It makes me so angry that I cannot find words to describe it.)当我想到所有这一切浪费时,我气得讲不出话来。2. A truly great man is above flattery.真正的伟人不喜欢阿谀奉承。3. What has made you so out of humor today?今天什么事使你这么不高兴?4. The evidence is beyond dispute, excluding all possibilities of doubt.证据确凿,无可置疑。5. Free from anxiety, she led a very happy life.她无忧无虑,日子过得很愉快。6. His work often falls short of the mark.他的作品常常达不到标准。7. This is little short of slander.这简直是诽谤。/ 这不下于诽谤。Give Chinese equivalents in the negative form for the following:1. short of ideas2. beyond description (belief, compare)3. out of the ordinary4. far from (being) satisfactory5. free of outside pressure6. a loss of taste in the mouth7. above my comprehension8. neglect of studying the present situation9. in the absence of a negotiated settlement10. past caring about criticism or encouragement11. shoot at random instead of aiming ones arrow at the target12. miss ones aim13. be behind somebody in drawing14. refrain from shouting15. not above asking questions1. 缺乏主意2. 无法形容(难于置信,无与伦比)3. 不寻常/非同寻常/非凡4. 很不令人满意5. 没有外来压力6. 口里没有滋味7. 非我所能理解8. 不注意研究现状9. 在谈判得不到解决时10. 不在乎批评或鼓励11. 不是有的放矢,而是无的放矢12. 打不中目标/达不到目的13. 画画方面不如某人14. 忍住没有叫出声来15. 不耻下问too good or too honest to do sth (因善良或誠實正直而)不至於,不屑於(做某事) : Shes not above lying when it suits her. 她在適當時機還是會說謊的。 Hes above suspicion (= he is completely trusted). 他無可置疑。8. He is far from honest.9. The peoples in this war crushed Hitlerism and saved the world from slavery.10. He stood still, trying vainly to answer my question.13. It is beyond my power to promote you.14. He is above asking help from others.17. He has grown into quite another creature from what he was.18. He is removed from self-interest.21. I know better than to quarrel.22. The truth is quite other than what you think.24. Their accusations against us are beneath notice.25. Life is far from a bed of roses.26. Mr. Smith is blind to his daughters faults.27. You should not make friends with a man dead to shame.29. Somehow in this restful country spot, tragedies seemed out of place.31. He did nothing beyond writing one letter. (Thorndike)32. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.34. The news was kept a secret from outsiders.35. The noise, far from abating, continued to increase.8. 他极不老实。9. 在这场战争中,各国人民征服了希特勒主义,使世界免遭奴役。10. 他站着不动,回答不出我的问题。11. 他说得很少,以免发音错误。12. 当然是政策上的不同,而不是战略上的不同。13. 我无权提升你。/提升你非我权力所能及。14. 他不求助于人。15. 干活吧,别发牢骚了。16. 除了感冒,我还是好好的。17. 他已长得跟从前大不相同了。/他与过去,判若两人。18. 他毫无自私自利之心。19. 除他之外,还有谁愿意干这种事?20. 如无意外情况,会议将于下星期二召开。21. 我才不至于去争吵。/我哪里会那么糊涂去争吵?22. 事实真相跟你想的很不相同。23. 她宁愿为正义捐躯也不苟且偷生。24. 他们对我们的指责不值一顾。25. 生活远非尽乐事。26. 史密斯先生看不出他女儿的过失。27. 你不应和一个恬不知耻的人交朋友。28. 他不识抬举。29. 不知怎么,在这宁静的乡村环境里,不幸与灾难显得与此很不相称。30. 不论叫他去做什么,他都愿意做,只要不再过以往那种日子就行。31. 他除了写一封信之外,未做任何事情。32. 没有准备就等于准备失败。3


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