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构建机制框架 发展中小企业上海市松江区经济委员会在市委、市政府的正确领导下,在市经委和各有关部门的大力支持下,松江经济保持持续快速健康发展。2005年,松江区国内生产总值达456.4亿元,比上年增长32.9%;工业总产值达2130.3亿元,比上年增长38.2%;财政收入达124亿元,比上年增长49.6%。今年1-5月,国内生产总值占全市工业总产值的八分之一,已实现197.72亿元,同比增长18.5;工业总产值998.3亿元,同比增长39.6%。截至今年5月底,全区共有各类企业53259户,其中国集、股份制内资企业2895户、外资企业1877户,民营中小企业48487户。下面就松江区中小企业发展工作汇报如下。一、营造投资环境,促进中小企业和谐发展一个地方在招商引资上拥有区域优势固然重要,但为企业发展营造良好的环境则更为重要。近年来,我们始终把满足投资者的需求、提高政府工作效率、提高服务水平作为改善投资环境的重要工作,努力为企业营造良好的投资环境。在硬件建设上,一是加快城市功能开发,改善综合投资环境:加快轨道交通、三级甲等医院、高级商务楼、五星级酒店等功能性项目的建设,并大力引进中介服务组织,发展服务业等第三产业。去年,我们松江新城又被评定为国际花园城市,为广大企业家营造了良好的工作生活环境。二是加强基础设施配套建设:通过努力,使松江试点园区通过了ISO9000和ISO14000认证,成为质量、环境和职业安全健康“三优”工业园,启动了工业园区外来人口居住点的建设,完善了工业园区内灯光、绿化设施;投入巨资建设污水处理厂,使全区污水处理得到了合理的布局。在软件建设上,一是完善了区企业服务中心服务功能,38个职能部门实施“一门式”服务;二是每年开展为企业服务的主题活动,今年开展了为期四个月的“诚信服务、融入松江、和谐发展”的主题活动;三是加强公务员队伍建设,使每个公务员树立“人人都是投资环境”的意识;四是建立诚信体系,今年我们推出了松江诚信企业和首批松江诚信经济人物的评选,着力打造诚信社会。在发展经济的形态上,一是打造国内首家超大型商务聚焦区,“大业领地”企业总部成为上海市总部经济促进中心试点园区之一,并被授予“上海企业总部试点基地”,将形成人才、信息、资本、市场等集汇效应,提升企业形象和加快市场拓展,突出企业研发、结算、采购等总部功能;二是在九亭镇、中山街道建立生产性服务业功能区;三是建立三个基地,即西部物流中心、东部物流基地和北部配送中心。二、完善协调机制,促进中小企业健康发展实践中,我们看到中小企业绝大多数是民营企业,在发展中步履艰难,困难重重,尤其在上海,大企业、国有企业和外资企业强手如林,中小企业可以说是在“夹缝”中谋生存、求发展。为了有效地促进中小企业发展,我们采取了以下措施。一是加强领导。我们成立了区民营经济发展领导小组,由区委一名副书记担任领导小组组长,区政府分管副区长担任领导小组副组长,18个部、委、办、局的主要负责人担任领导小组成员;2000年,专门成立区小企业发展办公室(后改名为区民营经济发展办公室),主要职能是对全区中小企业发展进行“协调、指导、管理、服务、发展”,是区政府专司发展中小企业的工作机构,独立开展各项工作,在上海郊区各区县中具有一定的独创性。我们认为,在中小企业发展的起步和推进阶段,区政府下面设立这样一个机构,是一种特殊的组织领导措施。二是紧密配合。我们还建立了联席会议制度,由区经委、区工商、税务、财政等部门组成。针对中小企业在发展中遇到的各种困难和发展中出现的新情况,通过联席会议制度来协调各方力量,共同研究解决问题的方法和措施。三是理顺体制。随着中小企业发展从起步阶段到了提高阶段,下一步需要进一步巩固和优化,进行综合性发展。因此,去年9月份,民营办和经委合并成立新的经济委员会,这样既进一步理顺了工作关系,上下对口;又在中小企业发展战略上进行转移,从数量型转为质量型,利用区经委的工作职能,进一步提升中小企业的发展质量。三、完善激励机制,促进中小企业快速发展按照中央和上海市委、市政府提出的有关方针政策,近几年来我们制定了一系列鼓励、支持和引导中小企业发展的政策措施和办法,并根据不同的发展阶段,进行修订和补充,使政策措施更加完善和健全,真正起到激励中小企业发展的作用。一是扶优扶强。我们采取“四个倾斜”,向贡献大的企业倾斜,向符合产业导向、消耗资源少的企业倾斜,向工业骨干型企业倾斜,向规模型、科技型、现代服务型企业倾斜,集中扶优扶强,起到了导向性的作用。二是鼓励支持。为了鼓励创业,促进就业,我们区财政和各街镇财政专门安排创业资金,制订创业资金使用操作办法,为初创企业解决小额启动资金,为待岗下岗人员、农村富余劳动力创办企业雪中送炭,起到了激励作用,营造了一种创业氛围。三是优先发展。按照“加快发展优势产业,改造提升均势产业,限制调整劣势产业”发展战略,以科学发展观为指导,以高科技产业为先导,以主导产业为重点,以市级试点园区、区级重点工业园区和松江城区为载体,优先发展先进制造业和现代服务业,着力扶持培育一批重点骨干企业,创出一批名牌,加快经济增长方式转变,推动松江经济新一轮发展,现我区已有76家企业被区里评为重点骨干企业。四是积极培育。培育“小巨人”企业是我们的工作重点之一。我们在中小企业中开展“双百工程”活动,凸现政策聚焦和服务聚焦。所谓“双百工程”,就是区重点扶持100家中小企业,街镇一级各重点扶持100家中小企业,鼓励中小企业开展科技创新,进行第二次创业,打造企业品牌,使中小企业的竞争意识不断增强。如:上海龙工机械有限公司,刚开始注册资金只有50万元,现已成为松江规模最大的“龙头”企业,去年已在香港成功上市。四、完善服务机制,促进中小企业持续发展按照政府职能“强化、弱化、转化”的要求,应该是小政府,大服务。为此,我们不断延伸服务内容,增强服务功能,提升服务水平,先后构建七大服务平台。1、市场准入一门式受理平台。对企业进门,市场准入的服务,我们成立区企业服务中心,专门集中一个大厅。实行电脑操作的“一门式”受理,有36个部门组成,设立40个服务窗口,集中受理办证办照,减少企业往返次数。2、中介市场服务平台。为了有效地利用社会中介组织为民营企业提供中介服务,我们整合社会中介资源,成立区企业中介市场,设立40多个服务窗口,使中介服务功能不断深化和前移。同时,每周开展一次“鹊桥沙龙”活动,在中介机构和中小企业之间搭建一座相互交流的对接桥梁。3、信息网络平台。在2001年,我们开通松江中小企业网,面向中小企业在网上设立政策法规、服务指南、产品推介等11个版面,汇集大量的市场信息、产品信息、政策信息和科技信息等在网上发布,让中小企业及时了解、利用这些信息,5年多中有80多万人查阅并已为中小企业提供5万多条各类信息。4、市区综合服务平台。上海是个国际化大都市,中小企业为了与国际接轨,面向全国,他们在上海市区有许多企业总部或联络总部,开展各种贸易活动。为此,我们进行跟踪服务,利用综合性服务窗口为中小企业在经济交往中提供方便;我们在市区的综合性服务窗口还与“长三角”地区的中小企业加强交流与合作,沟通各类经济信息。5、展览展销平台。在日常服务中,我们采取政府搭桥,利用行业沙龙、企业沙龙等形式,促进中小企业之间的联系和沟通。针对中小企业反映“有钱没有项目,有项目没有钱”、“企业找不到科技人才,科技人才找不到企业”的现状,去年7月我们举办了中小企业技术交易和科技人才交流洽谈会,通过政府搭台造市,让企业“招兵买马”。今年3月我们与松江大学城联合举办了构建产学研研讨会,深受企业欢迎。为鼓励中小企业拓展国内外市场,我们还组织企业参加全国中小企业博览会、中西部投资与合作洽谈会、上海市国际工业博览会等重点展示、展销、经贸洽谈会,帮助企业展示新产品,寻找新伙伴,扩大企业知名度,抢占市场份额。6、企业服务月平台。今年区委、区政府定在36月集中开展“诚信服务、融入松江、和谐发展”为主题的松江区企业服务月活动。按照“落实、聚焦、突破”的工作基调,进一步宣传松江,提高松江知名度;进一步解决企业生产经营中碰到的实际问题,增强企业根植力;进一步促进企业增资扩股,积极引进一“部”“四”中心,通过走访企业,宣传松江,征求意见;政策法规宣讲,业务咨询;实施整改措施,落实相关政策;活动评估,成果展示等,围绕这些主题进一步营造松江良好的投资环境,推动松江经济又快又好发展。7、服务示范平台。我们还以上海国际中小企业城建设发展为抓手,探索构建中小企业服务体系新路子。上海国际中小企业城是2000年7月经市政府和当时的国家经贸委批准成立的全国大城市10个中小企业服务体系建设试点单位之一。在申报过程中,市领导、市经委和“一办二中心”的领导给予了极大的支持。它肩负着探索政府扶持中小企业发展、更好地优化社会资源、培育中小企业服务体系等方面的重任。建设上海国际中小企业城也是我们引导中小企业集群化发展,有效地发挥政府扶持功能和政策支持战略,促进中小企业快速发展的有效尝试。目前,在服务体系建设上已基本形成招商、融资、定单交换、培训和后勤保障等五大功能。为了宣传企业、宣传松江,扩大影响,我们近期将在国际中小企业城筹建松江区工业产品展馆。五、努力开拓探索,促进中小企业创新发展中小企业的发展,关键是探索促进中小企业发展的共性措施,很重要的是要从实践过程中提出问题,又通过实践解决问题。为了又快又好地发展中小企业,我们将在以下几个方面进行新突破:一是政府搭台,不断提供产业导向信息。为了适应国家宏观调控的形势,转变增长方式,优化经济结构,对中小企业在产业导向上进行正确引导,积极鼓励中小企业开展科技创新,对产品进行更新换代,提高科技含量,增强市场竞争能力。各级政府要多为中小企业搭建新的产业发展平台,推动产业结构的优化升级。根据确定的松江电子信息等五大产业,我们相继汇编了松江区工业主导产业和服务业发展重点指南、品牌及著名商标企业目录等五本册子,促进产业群、产业链的形成。二是加大信用贷款担保力度,解决好融资难这个瓶颈。中小企业融资是经济发展中遇到的一个最大难题。现在银行的运作模式与促进中小企业发展还不相称,银行存在的问题一下子难以解决,政府要加大信用贷款担保的力度。我们将区中小企业贷款担保中心的盘子放大,注册资本2000万元,准备增加到1亿元,争取更多担保额;同时,加快资金周转期,形成良性循环。三是通过行业协会搭建企业链,促进中小企业发展。政府对企业的管理由原来的直接管理转为间接管理,产生了一个“中间地带”,这个“中间地带”由行业协会来补充,政府可以对行业协会进行直接指导。通过行业协会,不仅可以落实政府的各项决策和措施,促进企业间资源的最有效配置,而且可以促进和提高企业自我管理水平。如:成立市、区企业协会,下面分设行业协会,可设立若干个专业协会。行业协会的会长、副会长由中小企业老总担任,使中小企业在政府的指导下实行自我管理。以上五个方面的内容,是我们工作中的一点体会,还很不成熟,各单位在促进中小企业发展方面有许多成功的经验,值得我们学习。Constitute System Frame, Develop Medium & Small EnterprisesShanghai Songjiang District Economic CommissionUnder correct leadership of the municipal committee and municipal government and under great support of the municipal economic commission and related departments, the Songjiangs economy keeps fast and healthy development. In 2005, the GDP in the Songjiang District reached 45.64 billion CNY, 32.9% increased than that last year; the total industrial output reached 213.03 billion CNY, 38.2% increased; the financial income 12.4 billion CNY, 49.6% increased. In January May this year, its GDP was one eighth of that of the city and 19.772 billion CNY was achieved, 39.6% increased than that last year. By the end of May this year, there were 53,259 enterprises, among which state-owned, collective and share-system enterprises were 2,895 and foreign-invested enterprises were 1,877 and the private medium and small enterprises were 48,487. Hereafter I like to report the medium and small enterprise development work in the Songjiang District.1. Constitute investment environment and promote harmonious developmentEven though it is important for a place to have regional advantage to attract investment, more important is to constitute nice environment for development of the enterprises. For recent years, we always suppose meeting the investors demand, raising the governments work efficiency and service level as an important work to improve investment environment and make all efforts to constitute excellent investment environment for the enterprises.At hardware constriction, one is to accelerate urban function development, to improve comprehensive investment environment: to accelerate railway traffic and construction of Class III Grade A hospitals, high-ranking commercial building and five-star hotels etc. and to greatly import intermediary service agencies and to develop service etc. third industry, last year the Songjiang New Town was assessed as an international garden town, which constituted nice work and living environment for extensive entrepreneurs. The next is to reinforce basic facilities mating construction: through efforts, the Songjiang trial parks passed ISO9000 and ISO140000 authentication and became quality, environment and professional security, “Three excellent” industrial park and started construction of resident points of foreign comers in the industrial park and perfected lighting and greening facilities in the park. It also invested a lot to build a wastewater treatment factory to reasonably arrange wastewater treatment in the district.At software construction, one is to perfect service functions of the district enterprise service center and 38 functional departments practiced “One-door” service. The next is to exert subjective activities to serve the enterprises every year. Last April, we exerted “Honesty service, settling in Songjiang, harmonious development”, subjective activity for four months. The third is to strengthen construction of public officer groups to make each public officer set “Everybody is investment environment” idea. The fourth is to build an honest and trust system. This year we sponsored assessment and selection of the Songjiang honesty enterprises and first-batch Songjiang honesty persons, so as to build honesty society.In a state to develop economy, the first is to build the first domestic super commercial aggregating zone. The “Daye Land” enterprise headquarter became one of the economic promotion center of the Shanghai Headquarter and was awarded as “Shanghai enterprise headquarter trial base”, where collection effect of talent persons, information, capital and markets etc. would occur to escalate enterprise image, speed up market expansion and outstand enterprise R & D, settlement and procurement etc. headquarter functions. The second is to build productive service functional zones in the Jiuting Town and Zhongshan Community. The third is to set three bases: Western logistic center, eastern logistic base and northern application center.2. Perfect synergic system and promote healthy development of the medium and small enterprisesIn practice, we have seen that most medium and small enterprises are private enterprises and they are difficult to develop. Especially in Shanghai, there are a lot of large enterprises, state-owned enterprises and foreign invested enterprises. The medium and small enterprises survive in the “Cracks” and try development. In order to effectively promote development of the medium and small enterprises, we adopted the following means:1) Strengthen leadershipWe organized the district private economic development leadership group, where a vice-secretary was appointed as the head of the group and a chief vice-district-head of the district government as the vice-head as well as the chiefs of 18 divisions, commissions, offices and bureaus as members. In 2000 a small enterprise development office was specially organized (later re-named as the district private economic development office), which main functions were to “Coordinate, guide, manage, serve, develop” the medium and small enterprises in this district and was a work agency engaged in developing the medium and small enterprises and independently exerted various works and which displayed some independence in various suburb districts and counties in Shanghai.2) Close cooperationWe also set a joint meeting system, which was composed of departments of district economic commission, commercial chamber, taxation and finance etc. focusing on various difficulties and new conditions occurred in development of the medium and small enterprises, the joint meeting system was applied to coordinate various partys power and mutually study methods and means to resolve problems.3) Smooth systemsAs development of the medium and small enterprises is from the beginning stage to promotion stage, the next step needs further consolidation and optimization and comprehensive development. Therefore, September last year, the private office and the economic commission were merged to establish the new economic commission, which smoothed work relation, upper and lower alignment, and exerted development strategic transfer of the medium and small enterprises, from quantitative type into qualitative type, which utilized work function of the district economic commission to further escalate development quality of the medium and small enterprises.3. Perfect incentive system and promote fast development of the medium and small enterprisesAccording to policies proposed by the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party and Government, for recent years, we established a series of policies, means and methods to encourage, support and guide development of the medium and small enterprises and to revise and remedy these based on different development stages, so as to make the policies and means more perfect and complete to really stimulate development of the medium and small enterprises.The first is assisting the excellent and strong. We adopted “Four inclining”, i.e., inclining big contribution enterprises, inclining those accordant with industrial guidance and little resource consumption, inclining industrial principal-type ones, inclining scale-type, sci-tech-type and modern service type ones, which focused on assisting the excellent and strong and played a guidance role.The second is encouraging and supporting. In order to stimulate pioneering and promote employment, our district finance and various communities finance exclusively arranged pioneering capital and set usage and operation methods of the pioneering capital to resolve small amount start capital for the pioneering enterprises, which assisted laid-off workers and rural extra labors to create enterprises and played a incentive role and created a pioneering atmosphere.The third is preferentially developing. According to development strategy of “Accelerate development of advantage industries, renovate and escalate advantage industries, limit and adjust poor industries”, with scientific development view as instruction, with hi-tech as a pioneer, with leading industries as a key, with city-level, district-level key industrial parks and Songjiang downtown as carriers, we preferentially developed advanced manufacture industry and modern service industry and tried assisting a batch of key principal enterprises and create a batch of famous brands, to speed up change of economic increase ways and promote a new-round development of the Songjiangs economy. Now 76 enterprises in the Songjiang District were assessed as key principal enterprises.The fourth is positively cultivating. To cultivate “Small giant” enterprises is one of our work keys. We practiced “Double hundred project” in the medium and small enterprises, which displayed policy focusing and service focusing. The so-called “Double hundred project” is that the district principally assists 100 enterprises and the communities assist 100 enterprises, to encourage the medium and small enterprises to exert sci-tech innovation and the second pioneering to refine enterprise brands and to make competitive idea of the medium and small enterprises successively reinforced. For instance, the Shanghai Longgong Machinery Co., Ltd. only had registration capital of 500,000 CNY at the beginning, but at present it becomes the biggest “Dragon head” enterprise in Songjiang and was listed in Hong Kong last year.4. Perfect service system and promote sustained development of the medium and small enterprisesBased on the requirement of the governmental function “Strengthening, weakening, transferring”, it should be small government and large service. Therefore, we continuously extend service contents and reinforce service functions and escalate service level and successively constitute seven service platforms.1) Market entry one-door type reception platform.As for enterprise entry and market entry service, we established the district enterprise service center, concentrated in a big hall. Computer-operated “One-door type” reception was practiced, composed of 36 departments and 40 service windows, to concentrate reception of certificate and license application to reduce to-and-from times of the enterprises.2) Intermediary market service platformIn order to validly utilize social intermediary agencies to provide the private enterprises with intermediary service, we integrated social intermediary resources to set the district enterprise intermediary market with over 40 service windows, so as to make the intermediary service function successively deepened and forward. Meanwhile, a “Magpie bridge Salon” activity is held once a week, which built a communication bridge between the intermediary agencies and the medium and small enterprises.3) Information network platformIn 2001 we opened the Songjiang medium and small enterprise website, facing to the medium and small enterprises to set 11 layouts of policies and statutes, service guidance and product recommendation etc. in the website, concentrating market message, product message, policy message and sci-tech message etc. to let the medium and small enterprises know and utilize in time these messages. For over 5 years, more than 800,000 persons looked up and over 50,000 items of messages were supplied to the medium and small enterprises.4) Downtown comprehensive service platformShanghai is an international metropolitan. On purpose to connect the world and face to China, the medium and small enterprises set their headquarters or liaison headquarters in the Shanghai downtown to exert various trade activities. Hence, we implemented trace service and utilized the comprehensive service windows to provide the medium and small enterprises with assistance in their economic business. Our comprehensive service windows in the downtown also strengthened communication and cooperation with the medium and small enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta to exchange various economic messages.5) Exhibition platformDuring daily service, we adopted government setting bridges and utilization of industrial salon and enterprise salon etc. patterns to promote liaison and communication of the medium and small enterprises. Regarding to existing conditions that the medium and small enterprises reflected “With money, but without projects, with projects, but without money” and “Enterprises could not find sci-tech talent persons, sci-tech talent persons could not find enterprises”, in July last year, we sponsored the communication and discussion meeting of technical deals and sci-tech talent persons for the medium and small enterprises. Through the governmental platforms and markets, the enterprises recruited new employees. In March this year, the Songjiang university town and we mutually held a manufacture-study-research seminal, which was appreciated by the enterprises.In order to stimulate the medium and small enterprises to broaden domestic and foreign markets, we organized the enterprises to participate the national medium and small enterprise expo, mid-western investment and cooperation discussion meeting, Shanghai international expo etc. critical exhibition and economic trade activities to help the enterprise
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