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动词与动词短语考点1熟词生义现象 真题解密 Try not to cough more than you can_since it may cause problems to your lungs.Acheck BallowCstop Dhelp答案D解析考查动词辨析。句意为:尽量不要咳嗽除非忍不住,因为那样会给你的肺带来问题。help在这里不表示“帮助”,而是表示“control it or stop it happening”。more than you can help除非忍不住;尽量控制。check核查;allow允许;stop停止。 变式训练 We were all agreed that the cottage would_a perfect holiday home for the family.Amake BturnCtake Dhave答案A解析通过句意可知cottage会“成为”这家人很完美的度假之屋。故答案为A项。B项搭配应为o.,意为“将转变为”;C、D两项不符合句意。 知识生成 熟词生义现象在高考中屡屡出现,有时会给考生带来不小的困难。应对的措施是在日常的学习备考中对于常见的词汇除了掌握其基本意义外,对于其不太常用的义项也要作适当的了解;其次要对一些具有“熟词生义”的词汇作强化记忆处理,以便在应考时做到胸有成竹。如下列单词的“熟词生义”:ache渴望;address在上写地址;alone只有;appreciate意识到;blue忧伤的;bear显示;count有价值;cover够用;develop逐渐形成;draw推断出;date约会;escape被忘掉;fail使失望;衰竭;foreign不熟悉的;fresh无经验的;ground理由;hold持续;有效;invite吸引;late已故的;might力量;observe遵守;庆祝;push督促;promise预示;part分手;放弃;read写着;relate讲述;say假设;subject易遭受的;walk遛等。考点2关注形近词和形近短语 真题解密 While intelligent people can often_the complex,a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.Asacrifice BsubstituteCsimplify Dsurvive答案C解析句意为:聪明的人总是会把复杂的问题简单化,而愚蠢的人更有可能把简单的问题复杂化。A项意为“牺牲;把奉献给”;B项意为“代替,替换”;C项意为“简化,使简易”;D项意为“幸存,比活得长”。故选C项。 变式训练 At the last moment,Tom decided to_a new character to make the story seem more likely.Aput up Bput inCput on Dput off答案B解析考查动词短语辨析。句意为:在最后关头,Tom决定添加一个新的角色以使故事感觉更真实。put up举起,建立,提出,使升高;put in放入,把写进(信函、故事等);put on穿上;put off下车,脱掉,推迟。 知识生成 英语中一些形近词考生对其意义常常混淆,所以在复习过程中要予以强化记忆,重点突破。如以字母a开头的词:approach,apply,appeal,appoint,appear,approve;adopt,adapt,adore,adjust;aboard,abroad,board;absorb,absolute,abuse,abrupt;access,accent,accept,accuse,account;attach,attack,attend,attain,attract等;像短语动词:attain to,attend to,attach to,adapt to,adjust to,apply to,appeal to等。考点3根据语境选择动词(短语) 真题解密 Would you like to_with us to the film tonight?Acome along Bcome offCcome across Dcome through答案A解析句意为:今晚你愿意和我们一起去看电影吗?come along出现,参加,跟着来,符合句意。come off举行,发生,能被去掉;come across(偶然)发现,遇见;come through(消息等)传达,安然度过(危险、困难等)。 变式训练 The watch was very good,and he_20 percent down for it.(2013新课标全国,8)Apaid BcostCbought Dspent答案A解析句意为:这块手表非常不错,并且他只支付了20%的定金。pay down先付(首付、定金),符合句意。sth.cost(s) sb.money某物花费某人多少钱,主语为“物”;sb.buy(s) sth.for money某人买某物花多少钱,for后接money;sb.spend(s) money on sth.某人花钱买某物,主语为“人”,与介词on搭配。 知识生成 根据语境选词关键是要理解句意以及上下文情境,其次还要掌握常见的短语动词(如bring,break,do,give,look,come,take,make,put,turn等构成的短语),强化记忆是关键。 1Traditionally,college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they_on their life journey.(2013安徽,26)Agive up Bsettle downCget through Dset off答案D解析考查动词短语辨析。句意为:依照惯例,大学生在踏上人生之旅前,要举办毕业典礼来自我激励。give up放弃;settle down定居,专心于;get through通过,到达;set off 出发,动身。2The town is so beautiful!I just love it.Me too.The character of the town is well_.Aqualified BpreservedCdecorated Dsimplified答案B解析句意为:这座城镇太美了,我实在是喜欢它。我也是。它的特色保存得很完好。be qualified合格的,有资格的;be well preserved保存完好的;be well decorated装饰得很漂亮的;be simplified被简化的。3Team leaders must ensure that all members _ their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes.Aget over Blook over Ctake over Dcome over答案A解析考查动词短语辨析。句意为:团队领导者必须确保所有成员克服他们发自内心的渴望想要避免犯错所带来的尴尬。get over克服,恢复;look over仔细检查,查看;take over接管,接收;come over过来,顺便来访。4According to the law,all foreigners have to_with the local police within two weeks of arrival.Aassociate BdisputeCnegotiate Dregister答案D解析考查动词辨析。句意为:根据法律规定,所有的外国人必须在到达两周内在当地警察局注册登记。A项意为“联系”;B项意为“争论,辩论”;C项意为“谈判,协商”;D项意为“登记,注册”。故选D项。5Butterflies_a sweet liquid produced by flowers,which bees and other insects collect.Acarry on Bfeed onCput on Dfocus on答案B解析句意为:蝴蝶以花中的一种甜蜜的液体为主食,这种液体也是蜜蜂和其他昆虫要采集的。A项意为“经营;继续”;B项意为“以为主食”;C项意为“穿上;上演”;D项意为“致力于;对注意”。由句意可知答案为B项。6In much of the animal world,night is the time_for sleeppure and simple.(2013湖北,26)Aset aside Bset downCset off Dset up答案A解析句意为:在大部分的动物世界里,夜晚完全是被留出用来睡觉的时间。A项意为“留出,把放一边”;B项意为“记下;放下;使下车”;C项意为“出发;引起”;D项意为“建立;安排”。故选A项。7My uncle hasnt been able to quit smoking,but at least he has _.(2013陕西,25)Acut out Bcut downCcut up Dcut off答案B解析句意为:我的叔叔没能戒掉吸烟,但是至少他抽得少了。cut out删除,停止;cut down减少;cut up切碎;cut off切断。8Briggs will_as general manager when Mitchell retires.(2013辽宁,32)Aget away Btake overCset off Drun out答案B解析考查动词短语辨析。句意为:Briggs将在Mitchell退休后接任总经理。get away走开;take over接管;set off出发;run out用尽。9If you are in trouble,Mike is always willing to_a hand.(2013天津,2)Alend Bshake Cwave Dwant答案A解析考查动词辨析。句意为:如果你有麻烦,迈克总是乐于帮忙。lend a hand意为“帮忙”。10I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasnt able to_.(2013天津,8)Aget away Bdrop inCcheck out Dhold on答案A解析考查短语辨析。句意为:我本希望今年去度假,但是我没能去成。get away意为“度假;脱身”;drop in意为“顺便拜访”;check out意为“退房”;hold on意为“抓 住”。活页练(三)_单项填空完形填空阅读理解.单项填空1When the group discussion is nearing its end,make sure to _ it with important points.Aconclude BleadCavoid Dhold答案A解析句意为:当小组讨论接近尾声时,要确保得出重要结论。conclude下结论,符合题意。lead 引导;avoid 避免;hold举行。2A good listener takes part in the conversation,_ ideas and raising questions to keep the talk flowing.(2013浙江,12)Arealizing BcopyingCoffering Dmisunderstanding答案C解析句意为:一个好的倾听者参与进对话中时,要出主意、提问题,使得谈话流畅进行。offer ideas出主意,出点子。realize意识到,实现;copy复制; misunderstand误解,均不符合句意要求。故正确选项为C项。3Bears _ fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep.(2013浙江,17)Apack up Bbuild upCbring up Dtake up答案B解析考查动词短语辨析。pack up打包,收拾行李;build up搭建,积累,增强;bring up养育,抚养;take up占据,拿起。根据句意“熊在夏秋两季积累自己的脂肪储备,以便在冬眠时有充足的能量来度过冬季。”知B项符合题意。4Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which _ spending quite a lot of time with students.(2013福建,24)Aenjoys BinvolvesCpractices Dsuggests答案B解析句意为:Michelle找到了一份中学教师的工作,这份工作需要花费许多时间和学生在一起。involve doing sth.需要做某事;enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事;practice doing sth.练习做某事;suggest doing sth.建议做某事。由句意知选B项。5Oldfashioned phones matter when wireless networks _ in disasters.(2013福建,28) Aturn down Bturn outCbreak down Dbreak out答案C解析句意为:当无线网络在灾难中出故障时,老式电话起很大作用。turn down关小,拒绝;turn out结果是;break down崩溃,损坏;break out(战争、火灾等)爆发。由句意知选项C正确。6Mother always complains that children _ their shoes very quickly.(2013江西,27)Afind out Bwash outCwear out Dset out答案C解析本题考查动词短语辨析。find out查明,发现;wash out洗净,冲毁;wear out耗尽,用坏,穿破;set out出发,开始。句意为:母亲总是抱怨说孩子们很快就把他们的鞋穿破了。由此可知C项正确。7She _ the carpet with some very nice curtains in colour.(2013江西,31)Aconnected BfittedCequipped Dmatched答案D解析本题考查动词词义辨析。句意为:她用一些颜色相配的漂亮窗帘来搭配地毯。match使相配;connect连接;fit使适合;equip装备,配备。8Mary is really good at taking notes in class.She can_almost every word her teacher says.(2012新课标全国,27)Aput out Bput downCput away Dput together答案B解析put out熄灭;put down写下,记下;put away放好,储存;put together组合,放在一起。句意为:玛丽的确擅长在课堂上记笔记,她几乎能记下老师说的每句话。故选B项。9If she doesnt want to go,nothing you can say will_her.(2012新课标全国,35)Apersuade BpromiseCinvite Dsupport答案A解析if引导条件状语从句,根据逻辑将句子补全,此空应该填入一个含有“说服”意义的词,只有A项符合。persuade劝服。10OK, Ive had enough of it.I give up.You cant_your responsibilities.(2012江苏,26)Arun off with Brun up againstCrun out of Drun away from答案D解析句意为:好了,我已经受够了,我放弃。你不能逃避你的责任。run away from逃离,躲避,符合句意。run off with带着逃走,与私奔;run up against偶遇;run out of用完。11All my pockets have been _ but I cant find my keys.Agot through Bgiven outCgone through Dgone down答案C解析考查动词短语辨析。句意为:我找遍了所有的口袋,但是没有发现钥匙。go through仔细检查,搜查,符合句意。get through通过,到达;give out分发;go down下降,都不符合语意。12Teaching pronunciation class to a mixed group of learners can _ a teacher with many challenging problems.Aprovide BproduceCpresent Doffer答案C解析provide,present,offer都有“提供”的意思。provide意思是“供给(某物)”;present则表示“呈现(某种状况),使经历”;offer构成offer sb.sth.或offer sth.to sb.的结构。故C项符合句意。13Faced with a problem,you have to _ it first,and then try to find a solution.Aresemble BsubstituteCconcentrate Danalyze答案D解析考查动词辨析。句意为:面对问题,你必须先分析,然后尽力找出解决办法。resemble看起来像;substitute代替;concentrate集中(注意力);analyze分析。由句意知选D项。14Evidence obtained from observation and experiment is often used to _ a scientific theory.Aconfirm BclaimCconclude Dcalculate答案A解析考查动词辨析。confirm证实;claim声称,断言;conclude得出结论;calculate计算,估计。句意为:由观察和实验得出的证据通常被用来证实科学理论。故A项正确。15The little boy was so careless with his spelling that he often _ letters from words.Aleft out Bleft behindCleft off Dlet alone答案A解析考查动词短语辨析。leave out遗漏;leave behind留下,遗留;leave off停止,中断;let alone更不用说。依据前面提及的careless可知,这里应该是将单词的字母遗漏了。故选A项。.完形填空A Leap(跳跃) to HonorLeaping on a narrow balance beam(平衡木) is not easy.But Lola Walter,a 13yearold gymnast,is an expert at it.To perfect her skills,Lola _1_ for four hours a day,five days a week.At the state championships in March,she finished seventh out of 16 girls.Thats especially impressive,_2_she is legally blind,born with a rare condition that causes her eyes to shift(移动)constantly.She often sees double and cant _3_ how far away things are.When she was little,her mom _4_ that even though she couldnt see _5_,she was fearless.So her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three.She loved the _6_ right away and gymnastics became her favorite.Though learning gymnastics has been more _7_ for her than for some of her teammates,she has never quit.She doesnt let her _8_ stop her from doing anything that she wants to.She likes the determination it takes to do the sport.Her biggest _9_ is the balance beam.Because she has double vision,she often sees two beams.She must use her sense of touch to help her during her routine.Sometimes she even closes her eyes.“You have to _10_ your mind that itll take you where you want to go,” says Lola.To be a toplevel gymnast,one must be brave.The beam is probably the most _11_ for anyone because its four inches wide.At the state competition,Lola didnt fall _12_ the beam.In fact,she got an 8.1 out of 10her highest score yet.Lola doesnt want to be _13_ differently from the other girls on her team.At competitions,the judges dont know about her vision _14_.She doesnt tell them,because she doesnt think they need to know.Her mom is amazed by her _15_ attitude.Lola never thinks about _16_.She is presently at level 7 while the highest is level 10 in gymnastics.Her _17_ is to reach level 9.She says she wants to be a gymnastics coach to pass down what shes learned to other kids _18_ she grows up.Lola is_19_ of all her hard work and success.She says its helped her overcome problems in her life outside gymnastics too.Her _20_ for others is “just believe in yourself.”(2013北京)1A.runs Bteaches Ctrains Ddances答案C解析为了使技能精益求精,Lola每天“训练”四个小时。2A.since Bunless Cafter Dthough答案A解析前文提到她在三月份锦标赛中获胜,“因为”她生来就有眼疾,这尤其让人敬佩。3A.tell Bguess Cassume Dpredict答案A解析由于Lola经常看东西重影,所以难以“判断”出东西有多远。4A.suspected B rememberedCimagined Dnoticed答案D解析妈妈“注意”到尽管Lola看东西效果不好,但她很大胆,因此Lola三岁时,妈妈给她报名学了体操。5A.deeply BwellCahead Dclosely答案B解析见上题解析6A.task Bsport Cevent Dshow答案B解析Lola立刻喜欢上了这项“运动”并且体操成了她的最爱。7A.boring BenjoyableCdifficult Dsatisfactory答案C解析尽管和她的一些队友相比,学习体操对于她来说更困难,但她从未放弃。8A.talent BqualityCnature Dcondition答案D解析她不让自己的“身体状况”阻止自己做任何想做的事情。9A.doubt BadvantageCchallenge Dprogress答案C解析下文提到她看东西重影,经常看见两个平衡木,所以她最大的“难题(挑战)”是平衡木。10A.examine Bexpress Copen Dtrust答案D解析上文说Lola必须靠触觉来帮助自己,所以必须“相信”自己的感觉。11A.fearful BharmfulCunfair Dinconvenient答案A解析因为平衡木只有四英寸宽,对任何人来说可能都是最令人害怕的。12A.to Bon Coff Dagainst答案C解析由下文Lola获胜,可知她没有从平衡木上掉下来。13A.greeted Btreated Cserved Dpaid答案B解析Lola不想被别人特殊“对待”。treat对待。14A.pains BstressesCinjuries Dproblems答案D解析在比赛中裁判不知道她的视力“问题”。15A.positive Bfriendly Cflexible Dcautious答案A解析Lola认为裁判不需要知道自己的情况,妈妈对女儿的“积极”态度感到惊奇。16A.defending BquittingCwinning Dbargaining答案B解析下文说她的目标是达到level 9,所以她从来没想过要“放弃”。17A.standard Brange Cview Dgoal答案D解析见上题解析。18A.until Bas Cwhen Dbefore答案C解析长大后她想成为一名体操教练并把所学的传授给其他孩子。19A.proud BtiredCashamed Dconfident答案A解析Lola为自己的努力和成功自豪。20A.plan BadviceCreward Dresponsibility答案B解析“相信自己”是她给别人的建议。.阅读理解Youve just come home,after living abroad for a few years.Since youve been away,has this country changed for the betteror for the worse?If youve just arrived back in the UK after a fortnights holiday,small changes have probably surprised youanything from a local greengrocer suddenly being replaced by a mobilephone shop to someone in your street moving house.So how have things changed to people coming back to Britain after seven,ten or even 15 years living abroad?What changes in society can they see that the rest of us have hardly noticedor now take for granted?To find out,we asked some people who recently returned.Debi:When we left,Cheltenham,my home town,was a town of white,middleclass familiesall very conservative(保守的)The town is now home to many eastern Europeans and lots of Australians,who come here mainly to work in hotels and tourism.There are even several shops only for foreigners.Having been an immigrant(移民) myself,I admire people who go overseas to find a job.Maybe if I lived in an inner city where unemployment was high,Id think differently,but I believe foreign settlers have improved this country because theyre more openminded and often work harder than the natives.Christine:As we flew home over Britain,both of us remarked how green everything looked.But the differences between the place wed left behind and the one we returned to were brought sharply into focus as soon as we landed.To see policemen with guns in the airport for the first time was frighteningin Cyprus,theyre very relaxedand I got pulled over by customs officers just for taking a woolen sweater with some metalmade buttons out of my case in the arrivals hall.Everyone seemed to be on guard.Even the airport carhire firm wanted a credit card rather than cash because they said th


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