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Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe The Great Sports Personality高效演练稳达标【基础巩固题组】单句语法填空1. She was forced (retire) early from teaching because of ill health. 2. Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, (guarantee) at present. 3. Never has his operation (perform) in this country. 4. The number of people going into the city is on increase, causing some trouble. 5. They are discussing how to take advantage the opportunity to realize their dream. 6. was in 2015 that the boxer retired from the contest because of eye injuries. 7. (chance) are that shes already heard the news. 8. The company faces tough (compete) from its rivals. 9. The short man rose his feet to see what was happening in the distance. 10. Among the four sailors, he is the (tough) person to deal with. 答案:1. to retire 2. are guaranteed 3. been performed 4. the 5. of 6. It 7. Chances 8. competition 9. to 10. toughest【知识拓展】最高级的用法用于三者或三者以上的比较时, 表示“最”这个概念要用最高级, 最高级前一般要加the。有时, 表示在某一场所中“最”和in引导的介词短语连用。例如: I am the tallest in our class. 我是我们班里个子最高的。另外, 表示在已有的经验中“最”, 用定语从句表示比较范围。例如: Racing is the most interesting sport Ive ever known. 赛跑是我所知道的最有趣的运动。. 单句改错1. Yesterday they bought two scores of books. _ 2. Its reported that this is the longest train which I have ever seen. _ 3. Germany declared the war on France on 1 August 1914. _ 4. Unless inviting, I wont go to his birthday party. _ 5. It was five days ago when they played against us. _ 【变式备选】This was the sense of failure that made him frustrated. _ 6. The number of people who live green are increasing. _ 7. Ma Yun is thinking to be a success by many people. _ 8. The crowd often raises to its feet to cheer when the runners are approaching. _ 9. The chances are that they will protest against us purchase weapons. _ 10. The factory guaranteed not pour polluted water into the sea. _ 答案:1. scores改为score或去掉two2. which改为that3. 去掉the4. inviting改为invited5. when改为that【变式备选】This改为It6. are改为is7. thinking改为thought8. raises改为rises9. purchase改为purchasing10. not后面加to. 完成句子1. The number of burglaries in the area seems to be (正在增加). 2. The policeman noticed the thief (站起身) and make for the exit. 3. (很可能) that my dream will come true. 4. (尽管) he has refused me, I wont give up. 5. (直到他打电话) that I knew he was injured. 6. Scores of people took part in Carnival, (他们发现它确实很有趣). 答案:1. on the increase 2. rise to his feet 3. There is a chance 4. Even though/Even if 5. It was not until he called 6. which they found was really interesting 【教材变形题组】. 教材与语法填空根据课文内容, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Li Ning, a famous gymnast, retired at the age of 26. Even though he had won 106 gold medals in major 1. _ (compete)across the world, he retired with a feeling that he had failed. It was this sense of feeling 2. _ made him determined to succeed in his new life. A year after his 3. _ (retire), he began to work as a businessman. He launched a new brand of sportswear, competing with global giants like Nike and Adidas. Li Ning 4. _ (choose)his own name as the brand mark. His sports clothes came onto the market at just the right time. 5. _ number of young people with money 6. _ (spend)was on the increase. Besides, his designs were attractive and his clothes were 7. _ (cheap)than his rivals, which guaranteed his success. 8. _ Li Nings goal when he retired was not to make money. His dream was to open a school for gymnasts, 9. _ was realized in 1991. He has been helping young people to achieve their sporting ambitions since then. If you are a great sportsperson, anything is possible, as Li Nings advertising slogan 10. _ (say). 答案: 1. competitions 2. that 3. retirement 4. chose 5. The 6. to spend 7. cheaper 8. But 9. which 10. says . 教材与话题写作用本模块所学知识完成下列句子, 并按照逻辑连成短文。1. Our school sports meet was _ . 今天上午, 我们学校的运动会在8点宣布开始了。2. In the mens 400-meter race _ , Li Ming from our class _ , _ . 在9点举行的400米男子赛跑中, 我们班的李明在跑道上跑得最快, 得了冠军。3. Many students _ . I think _ . 很多学生站起来为他喝彩。我认为是他的努力训练带来了他的成功。4. In the afternoon, Wu Qiang from Class 4 Grade 1 _ . _ . 下午, 一年级四班的吴强在跳高比赛中表现得很好并且进入了决赛。在决赛中, 他打败了他的对手, 获得了第一名。5. After the sports meet, Li Ming _ . He said, “We have sports _ . More importantly, _ . ”运动会结束后, 李明作为代表发言。他说: “我们开展运动不仅仅是为了健康, 更重要的是我们要利用我们的能力为祖国增光。”答案: 1. declared open at 8 this morning2. held at 9: 00;ran fastest on the track, making him champion3. rose to their feet to cheer for him;it was his hard training that led to his success4. performed well in the high jump and entered the final. He beat his competitors and won the first prize5. gave a speech as a representative;not only for our health;we should take advantage of our ability to win honors for our motherland组篇公式: 句4改为定语从句; 加入过渡词_【参考范文】Our school sports meet was declared open at 8 this morning. In the mens 400-meter race held at 9: 00, Li Ming from our class ran fastest on the track, making him champion. Many students rose to their feet to cheer for him. I think it was his hard training that led to his success. Besides, in the afternoon, Wu Qiang from Class 4 Grade 1 performed well in the high jump and entered the final, in which he beat his competitors and won the first prize. After the sports meet, Li Ming gave a speech as a representative. He said, “We have sports not only for our health. More importantly, we should take advantage of our ability to win honors for our motherland. ”教材与短文改错根据课文内容, 对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。The final event in the Olympics is the marathon, which had been an Olympic event since the modern games began in 1896. Now, there are marathons in over sixty countries and hundred of cities around the


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