



Unit 4 Global warming-Period 2I单词拼写1.Mary felt a bit tired, she wanted to r_ herself with a cool bath.2.Everyone should make a c_ to protecting the environment.3.Air p_ can also cause the disease.4.As we all know, the g _of crops depends on sunlight.5.Do you know when this kind of robot came into e_?6.There is a growing _(趋势)that more and more women work outside their home even if it means they will make great efforts.7.His proposal about how to protect environment received _(普遍的) support from environmentalists.8.Our company has a _(承诺) to quality and customer service.9.Wed better wait for a moment in these _(情况)。10.If we can use _(可循环的)materials, we will cause less pollution to the earth.11.On _(平均),they consume two tons of fuels every month.12.Do you _(提倡) adopting a more flexible approach to the matter?13.The _(随便的)dress is becoming more and more fashionable.14.I was asked to give a short _(展示) on the aims of the plan.15.Theres a lot of _(分歧)among politicians on this issue.用所给短语的适当形式填空on the whole on behalf of put up with so long as and so on make contributions to come into existence be casual about make no difference in no circumstances1. Mr. Thompson spoke _his country at the conference.2. Under no circumstances can I_ people smoking.3. Jim _ the companys success.4.When you can arrive _ to me.Anyway, I have enough time to wait for you.5. I can subscribe to some magazines for you _you read them carefully.6. _can I agree with you on such a serious problem.7. _, I consider it to be a superior to plastics.8. Consequently, as time goes on, different opinions can _.9. Nobody can _ the environmental problems which is becoming more and more serious.10. They work hard because they need to make enough money for food, clothing, shelter, _.III.单句语法填空1.I am in _(disagree) with him over whether we should buy large quantities of fuels at a time.2.There is a growing _(tend) towards having two children in our country.3.Every one of us can make a _(contribute) to our class if you make an effort.4.What the _(educate) stated in his report is not entirely right.5.I just cant put up with air and water _(pollute).6.He made a _(commit) to himself that he would never show any prejudice towards cleaning women.7.Breathing in some fresh air in the morning can _(fresh) ourselves.8.There is no doubt that every parent would like to see their kids _(grow).9.It is not appropriate to wear so _(casual) on such a formal occasion.10.It is clearly stated in the book when the tradition came into _(exist).IV.单句写作1. You may use the room_ _ _ (只要)you can keep it clean.2._ _ _ _ _ _ _(在什么时间、什么地点举行会议) hasnt been decided so far.3. Together, _ can _ _ _(众人拾柴火焰高).4. _ _ _ _(如果.我会很感激的)you could turn off the light. Im sleepy.5. The school sees it job as preparing students to _ _ _ _ _(为社会做出贡献).V.单句完形填空1.-How do you like your trip to Hainan? -_, I enjoyed it very much, although the weather was unpleasant sometimes.A.In addition B.On the whole C.In other words D.On the other hand2. _,there are about 12,000 visitors to the exhibition every day.A.On business B.On purpose C.On average D.On the whole3.Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68 _ the average.A.below B.on C.at D.above4. _ my colleagues and myself, I thank you very much.A.In return for B.In exchange for C.On top of D.On behalf of5.Therefore,we should _ the forming of workshop committees to maintain our rights.A.declare B.believe C.advocate D.refresh6.It is obvious that talking something behind others is what everyone will not_.A.come up with B.put up with C.keep up with D.catch up with7.You can borrow my car_you promise not to drive too fast.A.unless B.even if C.in case D.as long as8.To make our country stronger, everyone should make their _.A.decisions B.appointments C.contributions D.agreementsVI.语法填空Refresh our environment As the director stated 1_ behalf of his researching group, the data of the graph makes a clear 2_(present) of the future environmental tendency. On one hand, the quantity of fuels keeps on 3_(decrease) by 9% per year while the growth of a wide range of pollution has been a global trend. On the other hand, the mildly but 4_(steady)going up of the average temperature is resulting in catastrophes like widespread floods. Without disagreement, they subscribe to the view that it is humans existence and their randomly consuming energy 5_ result in this phenomenon. Many people have a 6_(commit) that developing nuclear power of energy from outer space will stop bad consequences coming about. However, scientists and educators are 7_(oppose) to this view even if our needs may be met on the whole. They tend 8_(advocate)refreshing our circumstances by saving energy and recycling waste.9_is suggested that we use energy-saving appliances such as electrical motors and microwaves and not be casual about little things like recycling a can. So please glance around and see what you can do. So long as everybody makes a 10_(contribute), we will not have to put up with this problem anymore.答案 1.refresh 2.contribution 3.pollution 4.growth 5.existence 6. tendency 7.widespread 8.commitment 9.circumstances 10.recycled11.average 12.advocate 13.casual 14.presentation 15.disagreement1. on behalf of 2.put up with 3.made contributions to 4.makes no difference5.so long as 6.In no circumstances 7.On the whole 8.come into existence9.be casual about 10.and so on1. disagreement 2.tendency 3.contribution 4.educator 5.pollution 7. commitment 7.refresh 8.growth 9


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