



Module 1 Small Talk-Section 一、单词拼写1Act _ (自信地) in a job interview and you will have a better chance.2You should give the boy _ (预先)warning before punishing him.3To me,Christmas doesnt mean religion or western culture.It is an _ (机会) to relax and meet friends.4We have an _ (非正式的) agreement to ride to school together.5They all nod their heads,looking rather _ (严肃的)6Because of the l_ in experience,they failed in the experiment.7The man rose up and left with a _ (叹息)8The man showed his agreement by n_ his head.二、选择合适的短语完成句子be nervous aboutlook away fromfind outthink ofin addition toworry about1_ the names on the list,there are twenty more.2Dont _ the exam,you will make it!3Ill _ your suggestion and give you an answer tomorrow.4Jill will _ your secret because she never misses a trick!5Dont _ my camera while I am taking photos for you.6You dont have to _ journey times or travel costs.三、同义句转换1Dont fix your eyes on other things instead of the operation.Dont_ _ _ the operation.2I have read lots of novels besides some storybooks.I have read lots of novels_ _ _ some storybooks.3He is afraid of facing the strict teacher.He_ _ _ facing the strict teacher.4Be careful!Its dangerous to do that._ _! Its dangerous to do that.四、根据汉语提示完成句子1As he had not been prepared,he _ (对这次面试感到紧张)2_ (不要将目光移开他的脸) when you are talking with a person.3The doctor was surfing the internet _ (为了找到关于这个疾病的更多信息)4Dr Smith is always busy,so youd better _ (事先和他联系)5Would you please _ (帮忙去给我把书拿来) which I left in the office?五、阅读理解 Once you have decided to start a conversation with someone,you should introduce yourself and state your purpose.For example,“Hi,my name is David.May I speak with you for a moment to practice my English?” If the person refuses,say,“Thanks anyway.Have a nice day/afternoon/evening.Goodbye.” If the person says yes,then move on with the conversation.The conversation can be about almost anything you like with only a few exceptions.In order to have a good conversation,there are only three things to leave out and one thing to put in;leave out:politics,religion and personal questions;put in:a little of yourself.Generally speaking,political and religious opinions are personal,and in many societies,people try to avoid discussing themeven with friends and workmates.If a person asks you about politics or religion,and you do not want to talk about them,it is perfectly OK to say,“If you do not mind,I would rather not talk about politics/religion.” If they goes on asking such questions,they are rude,and you would not want to talk to them anywayjust say goodbye and walk away.Personal questions concerning(关于)such things as marriage,income and age should also be avoided.If you are not sure if a question is personal or not,all you have to do is ask whether it is OK to ask.For example:“May I ask you a personal question?” or “Would it be OK if I asked whether you are married?” If the person says that it is OK,go ahead.If they say it is not,move on to another topic quickly.Do not feel the need to apologize.You did not do anything wrong by asking permission.However,it would be very awkward for you to dwell on(继续讲述)the topic by apologizing.语篇解读:关于如何跟外国人进行简单的交谈,本文就人们需要注意的问题进行了说明。1If a person agrees to chat with you,you should _.Asay,“Thanks,anyway”Bgo on chatting with the personCsay sorry to the personDtalk about things about yourself to practice your English2In a small talk personal questions should not be asked _.Aif you dont want to know moreBif the other person agreeCin any caseDif you dont go on to another topic3It is not polite _.Ato walk away when you are asked about politicsBfor a person to ask about religionCif a person tells you about his/her ageDfor a person to tell others his/her income4In the passage the underlined word“avoid” means _.Akeep from happeningBbe impoliteCpermitDpay attention to5The best title for the passage should be _.AKinds of Small TalksBGood Manners in a Small TalkCSteps for a Small TalkDHow to Deal with Personal Questions参考答案一、单词拼写1. 答案:confidently2. 答案:advance3. 答案:opportunity4. 答案:informal5. 答案:serious6. 答案:lack7. 答案:sigh8. 答案:nodding二、选择合适的短语完成句子1. 答案:In addition to2. 答案:be nervous about3. 答案:think of4. 答案:find out5. 答案:look away from6. 答案:worry about三、同义句转换1. 答案:look away from2. 答案:in addition to3. 答案:is nervous about4. 答案:Look out四、根据汉语提示完成句子1. 答案:felt nervous about the interview2. 答案:Dont look away from his face3. 答案:to find out more information about the disease4. 答案:contact him in advance5. 答案:do me the favor to fetch the book五、阅读理解1. 答案:B解析:细节理解题。由第一段“If the person says yes,then move on with the conversation.”可知。2. 答案:C解析:细节推断题。根据第三段第一句“Personal question


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