



特例:微博大影响Lu Xun (1881-1936), one of the most influential Chinese writers, detested one strain of the Chinese national character, that people are fascinated with spectacle. In his satirical writing, apathetic Chinese people gather mindlessly to watch their compatriot being executed. This rubberneck phenomenon, weiguan in Chinese, finally develops into a powerful force and carries on more positive implications on the micro blogs by supervising governmental officials, exposing corruption and scandals, holding wrongdoers accountable, and promoting social justice. As more and more people forward posts and add comments, it attracts peoples growing attention and put power abusers under the spotlight.Scholars are not shy about lending their support to new social media. Chen Peiai, a professor at Xiamen University, said micro-blogging has significantly lowered the threshold of expression for the public and enabled the receiver of information to become the publisher. Yu Guoming, of Renmin University, emphasized the importance of micro-blogging in expanding peoples ability to act.Following are some cases of rights defense that caused upheavals first on the Internet and then in real life.鲁迅(1881-1936),中国最具影响力的作者之一。他憎恨中国人喜好凑热闹的特性,在其讽刺小说中,一群冷漠、愚蠢的中国人聚在一起,眼睁睁地看着同胞被杀害。这种凑热闹的现象在中文里被称作“围观”,它最终发展出一支强大的队伍,对微博产生了积极的影响:他们监督政府官员,暴露腐败丑闻,跟进错事责任,促进社会公正。随着越来越多人不断转发和评论,人们的关注不断提高,权利滥用者也不断被曝光。学者们毫不羞涩地表达对这种新媒体的支持。厦门大学教授陈培爱表示,微博在很大程度上降低了公众表达观点的门槛,允许信息获得者成为发布者。人民大学喻国明更强调了微博对拓宽人们行为能力的重要性。以下列出一些权利辩护案例,它们使得曝光现象在互联网和现实生活中相继发生。Demolition RescueMicro-blogging played a crucial role in helping 22-year-old Zhong Rujiu to seek justice in the notorious case of forceful demolition in Yihuang, East Chinas Jiangxi province.On Sept 10, 2010, Luo Zhifeng, Ye Zhongcheng and Zhong Ruqin set fire to themselves in protest when they confronted workers demolishing their house to make way for the construction of a bus station. Six days later, when Zhong Rujiu and her sister Zhong Ruqin wanted to go to Beijing for a media interview, they were stopped by officials at Yibei Airport and had to hide in the womens wash room. The tangle was broadcast live on a micro blog by reporter Deng Fei as he received text messages from Zhong Rujiu. It quickly became an online spectacle and nearly 30,000 people followed Zhongs updates when she opened her own micro blog account the next day. As the pressure on government in Yihuang grew, eight officials were removed from their posts or placed under investigation the same day. Full story拆迁救援在江西宜黄强拆案中,微博对帮助22岁的钟如九寻求公正起了重要作用。2010年9月10日,当面对工人为造公交站而强拆住房时,罗志凤、叶忠诚和钟如琴三人自焚以表抗议。六天后,钟如九和姐姐钟如琴赴北京接受媒体采访时,在南昌昌北机场被官员拦截,无奈之下躲进女厕所救助。记者邓飞收到钟如九的求救短信后,在微博直播该事件的实时进展。事件很快成为网络热门,隔天钟如九注册微博后,近3万人关注其更新。宜黄政府的压力不断增加,最终8位官员在同一天被卸职或关押受审。My Father is Li Gang!My Father is Li Gang! became one of the most popular catchphrases in China, also due to the power of micro blog. At Baoding-based Hebei University, a drunk driver reportedly shouted the words when he was stopped by security guards after knocking down two students. Li Gang was later identified as deputy director of the public security bureau of Beishi district of Baoding city.Other major events in 2010 that micro blogs deeply influenced in their development:“我爸是李刚!”“我爸是李刚!”能成为中国最火的网络流行语之一同样借助微博之力。在河北大学,一醉驾司机撞上两位学生后被保安拦下,随即喊出“我爸是李刚!”。后经证实了解,李刚是保定市某公安分局副局长。微博也影响了2010年其余重大事件的发展进程。High-rise fire in ShanghaiA 28-story residential building in Jingan District, a densely populated area in Shanghai, caught fire on Nov 15 when it was being renovated. The blaze left 58 dead, and it was blamed on lax oversight and illegal practices. Tens of thousands of people flocked to mourn the victims on Nov 21.On the Internet, some called for the release of the names of the dead, but officials said more than one-third of victims families were not willing to release such information. It was later reported that relatives of each victim will receive compensation of 960,000 yuan ($144,500).上海高层住宅大火 11月15日,地处上海闹市静安区的一幢28楼住宅在装修过程中起火。火灾造成58人死亡,经调查由监管不严和非法操作引起。11月21日,上万人对遇难者进行哀悼。有网民呼吁公开死者姓名,但官方表示三分之一以上的遇难者家属不愿公开此类信息。而后有报道称,每一位遇难者家属都将获得960,000元(144,500美元)的赔款。QQ- 360 SpatOn Nov 3, Tencent said it made a very difficult decision to shut down its popular instant messaging service QQ on computers installed with anti-virus software 360. The war broke out after previous verbal attacks. In late September, 360 alleged QQ was leaking users private data and offered a new service on 360 Safe to prevent privacy leaks, while Tencent accused 360 of slander and business foul play. The dispute, a business war under the guise of protecting users rights, alarmed netizens about online privacy. Surveys showed that 57 percent of Chinese netizens are willing to turn their backs on QQ following its arrogant ultimatum, but many also admitted that QQ is just too popular to boycott.QQ-360大战11月3日,腾讯称“做了一项艰难的决定”,在装有杀毒软件360的电脑上停止运行QQ软件。这场大战在之前的口水战时就已爆发。9月下旬,360宣称QQ泄露用户隐私数据,并在360安全卫士上推出新服务以阻止隐私泄露,而腾讯则指控360的行为构成诽谤和不正当竞争。这场以保护用户权利为名的商业纠纷给网民敲响了网络隐私安全的警钟。调查显示,百分之五十七的中国网民因QQ的傲慢决定而对其加以反对,但同时也有很多网民承认QQ因太过流行而难以抵制。Fang ZhouziTwo remarkable micro blogbased events in 2010 are both related to Fang Zhouzi, a famous science writer and a science cop for his battles against pseudoscience and academic misconduct. When he disclosed on his micro blog that former president of Microsoft China Tang Jun fabricated his academic credentials in the United States, he had no idea of how it would evolve into a national sensation. Tang said he received his PhD from the California-based Pacific Western University, but Fang pointed out that it was a fake and problematic university. A leaked list later showed that more than 100 Chinese, including lawyers, civil servants and senior managers, received credentials from the diploma mill.Fangs persistent efforts to expose bogus research and academic fraud also put him in danger. On Aug 29 near his home, he was attacked by people with pepper spray and a hammer. Fang suffered slight injuries in the attack. Later, police found Xiao Chuanguo was the behind-the-scenes plotter and he also masterminded another attack on Fang Xuanchang, an editor of the financial journal Caijing, on June 24. Xiao took revenge on the two writers as he believed their revelations of his academic fraud led to him to failing to become a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.方舟子2010年两起微博著名事件均源自方舟子。方舟子是著名科学作家,并因其反抗伪科学和学术不端而享有“科学警察”之称。他曾在微博上揭露前微软中国总裁唐骏在美国伪造文凭,却丝毫没有料到这会引起全国轰动。唐骏称其在加利福尼亚西太平洋大学获得博士学位,但方舟子指出这是一所“假冒且有问题的大学”。之后,一份泄露的名单显示


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