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语法专题(九) 省略与倒装,省 略 一、简单句中的省略 一个句子中有时一个或更多的成分被省略,这样的句子称为省略句。省略主要出现在下列情况中: 1省略主语 (It)Sounds like a good idea. (这个)听起来是个好主意。 (I)Beg your pardon?请(你)再说一遍?,这样考过 (2007成都)Hi,Sam,Im going to take a long walk along the sunny beach and go swimming today. _ ! AHow nice you are BThats all right CSounds great DGood exercise,解析:考查交际用语。这道题实际上是将主谓一致和交际用语结合起来进行考查。当对方提出建议,你认为是个好主意的时候,可以说Thats a good idea./That sounds great./That sounds good.在口语中,我们常常把主语省略,但如果省略的主语是第三人称单数,其动词仍然需要加上s。 答案:C,2省略谓语或谓语的一部分 (Does)Anybody need help?谁需要帮忙? (Is there)Anything to drink?有喝的吗?,这样考过 (海淀)Be careful!Dont forget you are on a ladder. But you are holding it for me,nothing _. Aworry about Bto worry about Cis worried about Dworrying about 答案:B,(湖南湘潭)Mum,you always tell me that if I work hard,I will pass the exam. But you must admit that you _ so far. Adidnt Bhadnt Chavent Ddont 答案:C,3省略宾语 Is Mr.King in his office?金先生在办公室吗? Sorry,I dont know(whether he is or not.) 对不起,我不知道(他是否在)。,这样考过 (2008福建质检)Jim managed to get into his house without the key._? I dont know.He might have asked someone for help. AWhat for BGuess how CSo what DWho knows,解析:句意:“吉姆没有钥匙却设法进了房子。猜猜怎么进去的?”“不知道。他可能向别人求助了吧。”what for“为何”;so what“那又怎么样”;who knows“谁知道”。题干中的问句补充完整为:Guess how he got into the house without the key. 答案:B,4省略主语和谓语(或谓语的一部分) (It is a)Pity that we live so far from the sea. 真遗憾,我们住得离海太远了。,这样考过 (陕西)Have you finished your first paper? _.Just half of it.How about you? ANot at all BNot likely CNot a bit DNot yet 解析:句意:你的第一篇论文写完了吗?还没有。刚完成一半。你呢?首先排除A、C,因为not at allnot a bit一点也不,不符合题意;not likelyused to disagree strongly with a statement or suggestion绝不可能,绝对不会,也不符合题意。 答案:D,(锦州二模) Why didnt you buy the book? I _,but I didnt have enough money with me. Awould Bhad had Cwould have Dhad bought 解析:根据句意可知,我本来会买的,可是当时我没有钱,所以没买。表示与过去事实相反,主句的谓语用would have done。 答案:C,(2008江苏黄桥综合)Who are you waiting for? _ the man wounded in the left leg. AThe doctor will operate on BThe nurse to be looked after CThe doctor to operate on DHis brother got,解析:回答的who是作wait for的宾语,而A、D两项是句子的表达形式,所以排除;B项应该把to be looked after改为to look after。答语中to operate on the man作定语,修饰the doctor;wounded in the left leg过去分词短语作定语修饰the man。所以只有C项正确。该句补充完整为:I am waiting for the doctor to operate on the man wounded in the left leg. 答案:C,(2007安徽巢湖质检)Excuse me.Can you help me to change this 20 note for coins,please? Oh,sure!_? AWhat for BFor what CHow much DHow many 解析:What for补充完整为:What do you change it for?Why do you change it?句意:“对不起,你能帮我把这20英镑兑换成硬币吗?”“哦,没问题。但是你为什么兑换呢?” 答案:A,二、并列句中的省略 1在并列句中,省略是常见的语法现象。在不引起歧义的情况下,后句与前句相同的部分可以省略。 Disney picked up his pencil and(he)started to draw. 迪斯尼拿起铅笔,(他)开始画了起来。 His suggestions made John happy,but(his suggestions made)Mary angry. 他的提议使约翰很高兴,但(他的提议使)玛丽很生气。,这样考过 (2007南通)Does Betty know where her violin is? She saw somebody walking off with one,but she doesnt know _. Awhose Bit Cwhom Dwhich 解析:设空句是省略句,完整的句子应该是“.but she doesnt know _ violin it is.”引导词在宾语从句中作定语,意思是“谁的”,应用whose。 答案:A,2省略主语 He talked little but(he)did much.他说的少做的多。 I am and will always be at your service. 不管现在和将来,我随时为你效劳。 3省略谓语或者谓语主要部分 Jolley will be arriving today and Ann tomorrow. 乔利今天到,安明天到。 He works in a factory,and his brother on a farm. 他在工厂工作,他兄弟在农场工作。 John will sing at the party and Mary wont. 约翰将在宴会上唱歌,玛丽不唱。,这样考过 (2008山东临沂质检)As is known to all,Montreal is the second largest Frenchspeaking city in the world,_. AParis is the largest BParis to be the largest CParis the largest DParis be the largest,解析:若两个句子之间有逗号隔开,那么这两个句子之间必须要有连词,若无连词,则要改为非谓语的形式。此题若选A项,缺少连词;B、D两项的非谓语表达形式与此题不符。所以此题只有C选项的省略形式是正确的。 答案:C,4省略宾语或表语 John likes smoking,but Mary hates. 约翰喜欢吸烟,但玛丽讨厌。 Bob hasnt written his report,but he will soon. 鲍勃还没写报告,但他很快就写。 此外,下面这种类型的句子也可以算是省略句。如: (Go)A little further and you will see a sign board. 再往前走一点,你可以看见一个招牌。 在这种句子中,前面的分句相当于一个条件从句。,三、动词不定式的省略 1动词不定式的省略通常出现在like,love,plan,hope,need,hate,try,wish,want等动词之后 Did you see the Pyramids?你参观金字塔了吗? No,I wanted to(see them),but there wasnt time. 没去。我想去看,但没时间。 Would you like to come with me? 你希望和我一起去吗? Yes,Id love to.是的,太愿意了。,这样考过 (江苏)Whats the matter with Della? Well,her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party,but she still _. Ahopes to Bhopes so Chopes not Dhopes for 解析:句意:Della怎么了?哦,她父母不让她去参加晚会,但她仍然希望去参加。本句属省略句,完整形式应为:.,but she still hopes to go to the party. 答案:A,(金华十校模拟)Will you go home tomorrow evening? No,I am going to a lecture,or at least I am planning_. Aso Bto Cit Dthat 解析:用不定式符号to代替整个不定式to go to a lecture。 答案:B,2有时形容词或名词后的整个动词不定式可以省略 Id like to come,but I have no time(to) 我想来,但我没有时间来。 Hell never leave home;he hasnt got the courage(to) 他永远不会离开家,他也没有勇气离开家。,3在助动词have to,ought to,used to,be able to和be going to之后的动词不定式可以省略 Do you do your own housework?你做家务吗? I used to,but now Ive got a service flat. 过去常常做,但是现在我有公寓服务了。 He wanted to go but he wasnt able to. 他想去但不能去。 We dont save as much money these days as we ought to. 我们没有存够我们应该存的钱。,这样考过 (2008江西南昌四校联考)Why not take my car to the museum instead of walking? No,thanks,_. AIm able to BIm used to CIm about to DIve got to 解析:句意:你为什么不坐我的车去博物馆而是步行呢?不用了,谢谢,我习惯了。be able to“能够”;be used to“习惯于”;be about to“正打算,正要”;have got to“不得不”。故选B项。 答案:B,4want和(would)like后的不定式在省略后常要保留to,但在从句中却常常一起省略 Come when you want.想来你就来。 Come and stay as long as you like. 你来吧,想住多久就住多久。,5在see,watch,hear,feel,observe,notice,look at,listen to等感官动词或使役动词make,let,have等之后的“宾语不定式作宾补”结构中,不定式不带to。但这类动词如为被动语态,to须保留。在why not.(为什么不)句型中,to常省去 I often hear her sing the folk song. 我常听到她唱这首民歌。 The boss made the workers work day and night. 老板迫使工人们日夜干活。,He was seen to enter the room. 有人看见他走进房间去了。 Jim was observed to go home. 有人看见吉姆回家了。 Why not try again?为什么不再试一下?,可能这样考 The boy watched the cooks_with each other for an hour. Afight Bfights Cto fight Dfighted 解析:watch后面可接不定式或动名词作宾语补足语,其形式为watch sb.do/doing sth.,但强调看到某人做某事的全过程,则用watch sb.do sth.,故正确答案为A。 答案:A,6在介词but/except等前边有实义动词do的某种形式时,其后的to可以省去 He can do nothing but/except lie down and sleep. 他别无选择,只好躺下睡觉。 There is nothing to do but wait.只好等待。,可能这样考 And then there was no choice but_down and sleep. Alie Blying Cto lie Dlay 解析:but前没有实义动词do的形式出现,后面的不定式符号to不应省略,故正确答案为C。 答案:C,7would rather,had better,would rather.than和置于句首的rather than之后的to常省略 I would rather stay at home and watch TV. 我宁愿留在家里看电视。 Rather than run the risk of losing everything they accept his term. 他们宁可接受他的条件,也不愿冒失去一切的风险。,8几个不定式并列时,只在第一个不定式前加to,其他不定式前的to常省去 It is very kind of you to come and see me. 你来看我真是太好了。,这样考过 (2010江苏赣榆中学、射阳中学、滨海中学联考)The law requires governments to increase investment in public transport,_ services and encourage people to use public transport. Aimprove Bto improve Cimproving Dhaving improved 答案:A,9在不定式作表语,且主语部分有实义动词do的某种形式时,to可以省去 All you do is(to)complete the form. 你现在做的是填好这张表。,四、复合句中的省略 1在时间、地点、条件,方式和让步状语从句中,如果谓语动词是be或含有助动词be,从句的主语和主句的主语又一致,或者从句主语为it,谓语动词是be,常常可以省略从句的主语和谓语动词(或助动词)be,这样考过 (2008福建)Who should be responsible for the accident? The boss,not the workers.They just carried out the order _. Aas told Bas are told Cas telling Das they told,解析:句意:谁应当对这一起事故负责?是老板,而不是工人。工人们只是执行了他们被吩咐的指令。从题意可知,workers和tell之间应当是被动关系,排除C、D。而当从句主语和主句主语一致,且从句中有be动词时,从句主语和be动词可以同时省去。A项可以补全为:They just carried out the order as they were told。 答案:A,(2007四川)The flowers his friend gave him will die unless _ every day. Awatered Bwatering Cwater Dto water 解析:此句可改为unless引导的条件状语从句:.unless they are watered every day. 答案:A,(2010江苏赣榆中学、射阳中学、滨海中学联考)You wont go to Kathys birthday party,will you ? Yes,_ invited. Athough Bif Cunless Das 解析:Yes,(Ill go)if (Im)invited。 答案:B,(湖南长沙一中)The dying man was moving his eyes slowly as if _ for his relatives. Ato look Blooked Clooking Dhe looked 答案:C,2在由than或as.as引导的状语从句中,常会有一些成分在上下文清楚的情况下被省略掉。 这样考过 (四川绵阳)If you go to Jiuzhaigou Valley today,you will find it more attractive than commonly _. Asupposing Bto suppose Cbeing supposed Dsupposed 解析:考查非谓语动词的用法。suppose与其逻辑主语it是动宾关系,所以用过去分词形式表被动。 答案:D,3其他情况 She did all she could(do)to help him. 她竭尽全力地帮助他。 Well get everything ready tomorrow if not earlier(If we cant get it ready earlier)我们最迟明天把一切准备好。,可能这样考 (锦州期末)Have you been to the Great Wall? Perhaps not in my memory._,it might have been during my early childhood. AIf any BIf ever CIf once DIf not 解析:B“如果曾经的话”,符合题意。A“如果有的话”强调数量;D“如果不是这样”。 答案:B,(2008湖北实验中学第一次检测)I hope Bill wont come. _,why did you invite him? ANow what BIf so CIn case DEven though 解析:有一些句子由于经常使用省略的形式而形成了一些常见结构,如if so“如果这样的话”,if not“如果不是”,when necessary“如果有必要的话”等。 句意:我希望比尔别来。如果这样的话,你为什么邀请他? 答案:B,(重庆万州区高三诊断)Have you got any plans for the coming birthday? Yes._,Im going to try bungee jumping. AIf not BIf busy CIf anything DIf possible 解析:句意:你对你马上到来的生日有什么计划吗?有计划。如果可能的话,我打算去试一下蹦极跳。本题考查省略用法。A:如果不;B:如果忙;C:若有区别/什么不同的话;D项相当于:If it is possible如果可能的话。 答案:D,4在虚拟条件句中如果有were,had,should等词时,可以把连词if省略,把这些词放在主语前 Should I meet her,I would tell her. 万一我见到她,我会告诉她的。 Were I in your position,I would do it better. 如果我处在你的位置上,我会做得更好。 Had they made preparations,they would have succeeded. 如果他们准备了的话,他们应该能成功的。,这样考过 (宜城调研)_ for the peoples savement,the strong pig in the Wenchuan earthquake _ till now. A.If it is not:cant live BWere it not:couldnt live C.Had it not been;couldnt have lived DIf they were not;couldnt live,解析:由句意知本句应是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。根据省略的用法,如果在虚拟语气的条件状语从句中含有were, should和had,若省略if,则把were, should或had提至主语之前,构成部分倒装。综上选C。 答案:C,5答语中主语从句的省略 这样考过 (2007东城)Did you pack him any food? Yes,_ he wouldnt get hungry. Aas soon as Bas a result Cso that Din case 解析:所填词引导目的状语从句,意思是“以便,为了”,因此用so that。答语题干中省略了主语从句。 答案:C,(2008济宁三中)Have you been acquainted with each other for long? Not very long _ we started to work in the company. Aafter Bbefore Cwhen Dsince 解析:空前省略了we have been acquainted with each other。 答案:D,倒装句 一、语法倒装 倒装的形式有两种:完全倒装和部分倒装。 完全倒装指整个谓语出现在主语之前。 Inside the parcel was a letter.包裹里有一封信。 Here is your car.你的车子在这儿。 部分倒装指把助动词或情态动词或系动词放在主语之前。如: Is this car yours?这辆车是你的吗? Have you got the letter?你收到信了吗?,疑问句多数是倒装结构。 倒装句通常用于以下两种情况: 1疑问句和表祝愿的感叹句用部分倒装 What shall we do?我们该做什么? May you be happy!祝你幸福! 2以there,here,then,now等开头的句子用完全倒装。如果主语是代词,就不倒装 There goes the bell.铃响了。 Here comes Mr.Brown.布朗先生来了。 Now comes your turn.现在该你了。 Then came a new difficulty.然后产生了一个困难,这样考过 (2008四川绵阳第二次诊断)Look!Here _.How beautiful it is! Well,thats the headmasters. Acoming a black car Ba black car comes Ccome a black car Dcomes a black car 解析:here,there,up,down等表示方位的副词放于句首时,句子要用完全倒装的形式,故选D项。 答案:D,(2008江西南昌四校联考)All the players came to the sports field at 730 and _. Athen began the game Bthen did the game begin Cthen the game began Dbegan then the game 解析:由于表示时间的副词then放到了句首,而且主语是名词the game而不是代词,故句子用了完全倒装的形式。 答案:A,3表语放在句首时,倒装结构为“表语as/though主语系动词” (2010江苏赣榆中学、射阳中学、滨海中学联考)_,Obamas health care reform hasnt been accepted by all the Americans yet. AReasonable as it may sound BAs it may sound reasonable CAs reasonable it may sound DReasonable as may it sound 答案:A,(山西三校联考)Woman _ Hillary Clinton is,she was bold enough to compete in the presidential campaign,2008. Awho Blike Cthat Das 答案:D,4当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组且主语较长、谓语较短时,用完全倒装 At the top of the hill stands an old temple. 山顶上有一座古庙。 By his side sat the faithful pet dog. 在他身旁蹲着他的忠实爱犬。 In front of the village flows a murmuring stream. 村前流淌着潺潺溪水。 Near the church was a ruined cottage. 教堂附近有一幢破旧的小屋。,这样考过 (2010东北师大附中)In front of our house _ we used to swim. Aa river lies that Bdoes a river lie where Clies a river which Dlies a river where 答案:D,(2007温州)In the eastern part of New Jersey _,a major American shipping center. Athe city of Elizabeth lies Blies the city of Elizabeth Cdoes the city of Elizabeth lie Dthe city of Elizabeth does lie 解析:in the eastern part of New Jersey为表示方位的介词短语,位于句首,而主语是名词,谓语是表示“位移”的动词,因此句子运用全部倒装。 答案:B,5以so,neither,nor,as开头的句子用完全倒装,表示前面所说的情况也适用于后者 Im a journalist,so is my wife. 我是新闻记者,我妻子也是。 He doesnt speak English.他不说英语。 Neither/Nor do I我也不说。,这样考过 (2008辽宁)Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason,and _. AI was neither Bneither was I CI was either Deither was I 解析:句意:比尔对Jason做报告推迟这件事表示不高兴,我也不高兴。根据题意可知,我也不(高兴),neither/nor系动词/助动词/情态动词sb.表示某人也不(同意或赞成上文的观点),易把either看做neither,无either was I句式,故选B。 答案:B,(天津)I travel to the Binhai New Area by light railway every day,_ do many businessmen who live in downtown Tianjin. Aas Bwhich Cwhen Dthough,解析:句意:每天,我像许多住在天津市区的商人一样,坐轻轨火车去滨海新区。as像一样,副词,为了强调主语,此处使用了倒装语序。如:They looked upon him as a trusted friend,as did many others he had deceived.他们和他所欺骗的许多人一样,也把他看作可以信赖的朋友。 答案:A,(2010福建六校)You forgot your purse when you went out. Good heavens,_. Aso did I Bso I did CI did so DI so did 答案:B,6在省略了if的虚拟条件句中,要把were,had,should放在主语之前 (湖南岳阳一中)_for the fact that she got hit by a car and broke her leg on her way to school,she might have passed the exam. AHad it not been BHadnt it been CWas it not DWere it not 答案:A,7在以as/though引导的让步状语从句中,也须用部分倒装,即:形容词/副词/不带冠词的名词/动词as主语谓语 Much as I want to buy it,I cant afford it. 虽然我很想买,但是我买不起。 Farmer as he is,he likes writing poems. 虽然他是个农民,但他喜欢写诗。,这样考过 (2008海南万宁期中)They suggest the number of cars should be limited to stop air pollution. _,the idea is not very practical. ASounds good as it BAs it sounds good CAs good it sounds DGood as it sounds,解析:以as引导的让步状语从句,其表语应提到句首,其余部分不变。若表语是个名词,要把名词前的冠词去掉。句意:“他们建议要限制汽车的数量来制止空气污染。”“尽管听起来不错,但是这个想法不实际。” 答案:D,8such置于句首时(作表语),常译作“就是如此”,句子要求全部倒装。,这样考过 (辽宁)_ is the power of TV that it can make a person suddenly famous. ASuch BThis CThat DSo 解析:句意:这就是电视的力量,它能使人一举成名。such指后面要提到的人或事物。如:The damage was such that it would cost too much money to repair.损坏得如此严重,要花费很多钱才能修复。 答案:A,二、修辞倒装 1there,in,out,up,down等方位、方向副词在句首的句子,须用完全倒装,使句子生动或引起对方注意。但当人称代词作主语时不用倒装 Heres a letter for you.这儿有你的一封信。 There stands a queerlooking man. 那里站着一个相貌古怪的人。 Down came the rain.下雨了。 In came a man in army uniform. 忽然进来一个穿军装的人。 There she goes.她去了。,这样考过 (2008北京海淀查漏补缺)The door opened and in _. Adid he come Bcame he Che came Ddid a man come 解析:在英语中,当表示位移的副词in,out,off,away,up,down等位于句首,并且谓语是不及物动词sit,live,stand,run,come,go等,主语为名词时,常用完全倒装。但主语若为代词则不倒装。此题中主语为he,所以不倒装。 答案:C,2有时为了强调谓语也要倒装。 这样考过 (江苏)Distinguished guests and friends,welcome to our school._ the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni(校友)from home and abroad. AAttend BTo attend CAttending DHaving attended,解析:句意:尊敬的来宾朋友们,欢迎莅临我校。今天早上参加50周年庆典的是来自国内外的校友。本句为倒装句,正常的语序应该是:Our alumni from home and abroad are attending the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning. 答案:C,3以hardly,scarcely,barely,never,seldom,little,in no case,not only,not until,nowhere,at no time,in no circumstances等含有否定意义的副词或连词开头的句子,用部分倒装 Little did he realize how important this meeting was. 他几乎没有意识到这次会议该是何等重要。 Nowhere else has the world ever seen such great achievements in socialist construction as in our country. 世界上没有其他地方在社会主义建设中取得像我国这样大的成就。,Not until recently did I have any idea what market economy was.直到最近我才知道什么叫市场经济。 Scarcely had Mary fallen asleep when she was awaked by knocks at the door. 玛丽刚刚睡着,忽被一阵敲门声惊醒。,这样考过 (2008四川模拟)Not until I came home last night _ to bed. AMum did go Bdid Mum go Cwent Mum DMum went 解析:句意:昨晚妈妈直到我回家才上床睡觉。not until引导状语从句且提前置于句首需要部分倒装,又因为时态是过去时(从came可知),所以要将助动词did提前。 答案:B,(2007安徽)Little _ that we were watching his every move,so he seemed to be going his own way in this business. Ahe realized Bhe didnt realize Cdidnt he realize Ddid he realize 解析:否定副词、词组never,hardly,seldom,little,not,not only,not until,no where,no sooner.than,by no means,in no time等置于句首时,句子要部分倒装。 答案:D,(2007上海)How was the televised debate last night? Super!Rarely _ so much medias attention. Aa debate attracted Bdid a debate attract Ca debate did attract Dattracted a debate 解析:句意:“昨晚的电视辩论如何?”“超级棒!很少有辩论吸引如此众多媒体的关注。”rarely本身表示否定意义,位于句首时句子需倒装。 答案:B,(邯郸二模)Did you know any Chinese before you arrived in Beijing? Never _ it,actually. Ahad I learned Bhave I learned CI learned Dwas I learning 解析:根据句意,应用过去完成时;又根据表示否定意义的副词never放在句首,要构成部分倒装,因此选A。 答案:A,(2007昆明)By no means _ their own duties well. Ait is true that all the students know Bis it true that do all the students know Cit is true that do all the students know Dis it true that all the students know 解析:by no means意思是“决不”,表否定,用在句首时,句子用部分倒装。本句是一个主从复合句,倒装时只把主句倒装,而从句不倒装,因此只有D项正确。 答案:D,(2007重庆高三联考) _ got on the train when it began to move. ANo sooner had I BI had no sooner CHardly had I DI hardly had 解析:本题是Hardly.when.句型,是倒装句;no sooner与than搭配。 答案:C,(宁德质检)I was quite annoyed then because seldom in my life _ like that. Ahad I been treated Bhad I treated CI had been treated DI had treated 解析:由句中表示否定意义的词seldom(很少)放在句首,确定句子用部分倒装形式。故选A。 答案:A,(2008河南实验中学)Maybe you have been to many interesting places,but nowhere else in China _ such a beautiful place. Ayou can find Bhave you found Cyou have found Dcan you find 解析:nowhere在句首,谓语动词部分倒装。 答案:D,4以“only副词/介词短语/状语从句”开头的句子,用部分倒装 Only through sheer luck did he escape death in the crash. 他在空难中得以逃生完全是侥幸。 Only in this way can we learn a foreign language well. 只有这样,我们才能学好外语。 The pilot reassured the passengers.Only then did I realize how dangerous the situation had been.飞机驾驶员要乘客们放心,这时我才明白刚才的情况多么危险。,这样考过 (北京海淀区)Only when he returned from the exchange program _ how much he enjoyed it. Ahe realized Bhe had realized Cdid he realize Dhad he realized 解析:考查强调句型的用法。在这里用do强调,又因为是过去时,所以用did。 答案:C,(2010北京朝阳区)Interest is of great


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