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2017 年年 12 月月四四级级卷卷 3 答案答案(郑家顺)(郑家顺) 听力答案听力答案 Section A 1. D) Her little brother. 2. B) By selling lemonade and pictures. 3. B) Providing clean energy to five million people. 4. C) They can be laid right on top of existing highways. 5. C) Endless fighting in the region. 6. D) To find evidence of the existence of the “lost lions“. 7. A) Lions tracks. Section B 8. D) Her lucky birthday. 9. A) Threw her a surprise party. 10. C) The trip her husband has planned. 11. B) He is eager to learn how the couples holiday turns out. 12. D) They are sensitive to the dynamics of a negotiation. 13. A) They know when to stop. 14. C) They learn quickly. 15. C) Get to know the other side. Section C 16. A) How space research benefits people on Earth. 17. C) They developed objects for astronauts to use in outer space. 18. B) They are extremely accurate. 19. C)It marked the beginning of something new. 20. D)They believed working for goals. 21. B)Doing needlework by the fire. 22. A) Sit down and try to calm yourself 23. C) You may expose yourself to unexpected dangers. 24. A) Walk uphill. 25. D) Inform somebody of your plan. 答案: 26. G) exposure 27. L) levels 28. F) enroll 29. O) participated 30. C) championships 31. E) developing 32. M) local 33. N) operates 34. J) graduating 35. B) career Section B 36. To be curious, we need to realize first of all that there are many things we dont know. 37. According to Leslie, curiosity is essential to ones success. 38. We should feel happy when we pursue knowledge for knowledges sake. 39. Political leaders lack of curiosity will result in bad consequences. 40. There are often accusations about politicians and the medias lack of curiosity to find out the truth. 41. The less curious a child is, the less knowledge the child may turn out to have. 42. It is widely accepted that academic accomplishment lies in both intelligence and diligence. 43. Visiting a bookshop as curiosity leads us can be a good way to entertain ourselves. 44. Both the rise of the Internet and reduced appetite for literary fiction contribute to peoples declining curiosity. 45. Mankind wouldnt be so innovative without curiosity. 答案:答案: H) 36. To be curious, we need to realize first of all that there are many things we dont know. D) 37. According to Leslie, curiosity is essential to ones success. O) 38. We should feel happy when we pursue knowledge for knowledges sake. M) 39. Political leaders lack of curiosity will result in bad consequences. B) 40. There are often accusations about politicians and the medias lack of curiosity to find out the truth. L) 41. The less curious a child is, the less knowledge the child may turn out to have. K) 42. It is widely accepted that academic accomplishment lies in both intelligence and diligence. J) 43. Visiting a bookshop as curiosity leads us can be a good way to entertain ourselves. G) 44. Both the rise of the Internet and reduced appetite for literary fiction contribute to peoples declining curiosity. F) 45. Mankind wouldnt be so innovative without curiosity. Section C 答案: 46. B) They just cannot do anything about it. 47. A) It might be prevented and treated. 48. D) It will motivate doctors and pharmacists to find ways to treat aging. 49. C) They can contribute to peoples health only to a limited extent. 50. A) The human lifespan cannot he prolonged. Passage Two 答案: 51. C) More males than females are likely to get outstanding letters of recommendation. 52. C) Men are believed to better able to excel in STEM disciplines. 53. B) They contain nothing that distinguishes the applicants. 54. D) They deleted all information about gender. 55. A) Raise recommendation writers awareness of gender bias in their letters. 翻译翻译卷卷三:三: 黄山位于安徽省南部。它风景独特,尤以其日出和云海著称。要欣赏大山的宏伟壮 丽,通常得向上看。但要欣赏黄山美景,就得向下看。黄山的湿润气候有利于茶树生长, 是中国主要产茶地之一。这里还有许多温泉,其泉水有助于防治皮肤病。黄山是中国主要 旅游目的地之一,也是摄影和传统国画最受欢迎的主题。 Located in southern Anhui province in eastern China, Huangshan or literally Yellow Mountain is known for its unique natural scenery, particularly sunrises and sea of clouds.To appreciate the magnificence of the mountain, you have to look upward in most cases while to enjoy the fascinating landscape of Huangshan, youve got to look downward.The humid climate of the area offers favorable conditions for tea trees to grow, which makes the surrounding area of Huangshan one of the major producers of teas. The mountain is also home to numerous hot springs, which is helpful for preventing skin disease. As one of the top tourist destinations in China, Huangshan represents one of the most popular themes of photographic works and traditional Chinese paintings. 四级作文四级作文卷卷三篇三篇 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 参考范文:参考范文: How to handle the relationship between doctors and patients? In recent years, the relationship between doctors and patients has become increasingly tense and complicated. The disputes have intensified day by day. There is a lack of necessary understanding and trust between doctors and patients. The normal health care activities are deeply affected. The relationship between doctors and patients has become an unprecedented common concern of the whole society at this stage. How to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients?Firstly of all, doctors should have medical ethics and humanities, which require extreme enthusiasm for patients and their technical excellence. Secondly, doctors and patients should communicate with each other. Furtherm


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