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答案A 经纪人是( ) A . agent B agency C middle man D broker 1 答案B 进货清点( ) A inspection B check in C looking in D inspect and record 2 答案B 物流工程() A logistics engineer B logistics engineering C logistics project D logistics planning 3 答案A 物流联盟( ) A logistics alliance B logistics union C logistics cooperation D logistics ally 4 答案D 分销资源计划() A distribution plan B distribution Resource program C distribution resource plan D DRP 5 答案A 联运站() A interchange terminal B terminal for combine transport C station for combine transport D station for ;inked transport 6 答案B 国际货物运输保险() A insurance for international transport B international transportation cargo insurance C international cargo insurance D international insurance for cargo 7 答案A AGV( ) A 自动引导车 B 自动导向车 C 自动行走车 D 自动运行车 8 答案D B2A(business to administration) A 企业对管理 B企业社会 C企业对政府 D企业与行政机构的电子商务 9 答案D C/D (Customs declaration) A客户声明 B客户要求 C报关申请 D报关单 10 答案A DN (Domain Name) A域名 B主名 C域址 D主址 11 答案B D/O (delivery orders) A送货单 B提货单 C批货通知 D送货通知 12 答案C DRP(Distribution Requirement Planning) A分配要求计划 B分配需求计划 C配送需求计划 D配送管理计划 13 答案D EAN(European Article Number) A欧洲商品数字 B欧洲物品编码 C欧洲物品条码 D欧洲条码系统 14 答案D EB(Electronic Bisiness) A电子业务 B电子交易 C电子商品 D电子商务 15 答案A EEC(European Economic Community) A欧洲经济社会 B欧洲经济体 C欧洲经济团体 D欧洲经济共同体 16 答案D ERC(Empty Return Charges) A空载回运专用 B空载返回收费 C空载返回付费 D空箱回运箱费 17 答案D FDA(food and drug administation) A食品和药品管理 B食品与药品机构 C食品与药品条例 D美国食品和药品管理局 18 答案A FDI(foreign direction investment) A外国直接投资 B外国直接项目 C外资直接进入 D外资直接投资 19 答案D GMT(greenwich mean time) A格林威治平均时间 B格林威治标准时间 C格林威治时间 D世界时间标准 20 答案D INV(invoice) A提货单 B运货单 C货单 D发票 21 答案A ITS( intelligent transport system) A智能运输系统 B智力运输系统 C信息运输系统 D自动运输系统 22 答案B LDSS(logistics decision support system) A物流决定系统 B物流决策支持系统 C物流支持系统 D物流辅助系统 23 答案A MC(America Motor Carrier) A美国汽车承运 B汽车运输 C汽车承运人 D汽车承载 24 答案B MT or M/T ( metric ton) A吨 B公吨 C吨位 D公制吨位 25 答案A M/V(merchant vessel) A商船 B商人船舶 C商业船舶 D商业容器 26 答案A OECD(organization for Economic cooperation and development) A经济合作与发展组织 B经济辅助和发展规律机构 C经发组织 D经互组织 27 答案B OEM(original equipment manufacturer) A最初的设备制造商 B原始设备制造商 C外购设备制造商 D外协设备制造商 28 答案A T/T(telegrapnic transport) A电汇 B电话传输 C电讯传输 D电信转换 29 答案B T/T(transit time) A转运时间 B过境时间 C航程 D运输时间 30 答案A UPC(universal product code) A通用产品码 B通用产品标码或代码 C通用码 D美国条形码 31 答案D UPS(united parcel service) A联合包裹服务 B联合包裹递送 C联合包裹快递 D联合速递公司 32 答案C 物流模数 A logistics mode B logistics movement C logistics modulus D logistics motion 33 答案D 物流单证 A logistics paper B logistics information C logistics documentation D logistics documents 34 答案B 销售物流 A sale logistics B distribution logistics C market logistics D selling logistics 35 答案B 回收物流 A waste material logistics B returned logistics C recycle logistics D recycling 36 答案D 企业物流 A business logistics B enterprise logistics C company logistics D Internal logistics 37 答案A 定制物流 A customized logistics B designed logistics C planning logistics D manufacturing logistics 38 答案B 虚拟物流 A information logistics B virtual logistics C image logistics D non-material logistics 39 答案C 供应链管理 A supply management B supply chain operation C SCM D supply chain 40 答案A 电子数据交换系统 A Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) B Electric Data Base C Electric Data change D Electronic Data 41 答案D 中性包装 A middle package B packaging in the middle of goods C neutral packaging D selling packaging 42 答案A 流通加工 A distribution processing B commercial process C circulate processing D manufacture processing 43 答案A 自动仓库 A automatic warehouse B automated warehouse C automation warehouse D auto warehouse 44 答案C 运输机 A belt B belt machine C conveyer D transport belt machine 45 答案D 集装箱码头 A container yard B container place C container pier D container terminal 46 答案C 集装箱货运站 A container cargo station B container goods station C container freight station D container station 47 答案C 国际货运代理 A international transport agency B international freight agency C international freight forwarding agency D international tally 48 答案C 企业资源计划 A MRP B MRP2 C ERP D LRP 49 答案A 决策支持系统 A decision support system B decision for support system C decision for supply management D system for management decision 50 答案A 联运站 A interchange terminal B combined terminal C through transport terminal D interchange statuion 51 答案C 手持式扫描仪 A hand scanner B handhold scanner C handheld scanner D scanner by hand hold 52 答案B 起重机 A fork lift B crane C lift machine D lift weight machine 53 答案B 零库存技术 A zero inventory B zero-inventory logistics C zero inventory technology D zero inventory control 54 答案C 定期定货方式 A fixed period order (FPO) B fixed interval order (FIO) C fixed interval system (FIS) D fixed order in time (FOT) 55 答案D 分拣 A separating B separating process C sort D sorting 56 答案B 装卸 A loading and unload B loading and unloading C put on and off D more in and out 57 答案C 搬运 A carrying/holding B handing/carrying C handling/carrying D holding/moving 58 答案C ADC(automatic data collection) A 自动数据系统 B 自动数据汇合系统 C 自动数据采集 D 自动数据采集系统 59 答案C 3C(customer competition change) A服务、竞争、比较 B服务、竞争、适应 C顾客、竞争、变化 D客户、服务、原则 60 答案A ASRS (automatic storage and retrieval system) A自动化存取系统 B自动储存系统 C自动反馈系统 D自动返回系统 61 答案B CAO( computer aided ordering) A计算机辅助指令 B计算机辅助订货 C计算机辅助采购 D计算机辅助系统 62 答案A C.C( certificate of origin) A一般原产地 B原产地 C原产地证书 D生产地证书 63 答案B DDP A交货付款 B完税后交货价 C付款交货价 D付关税后送货 64 答案A DES(delivery Ex ship) A目的港船上交货价 B到港交货 C到港进货价 D船上收货价 65 答案D D/R(dock receipt) A港口单据 B码头单据 C仓库收据 D站场收据 66 答案A EOQ(Economic order system) A经济订货批量 B经济订货 C批量订货法 D经济采购法 67 答案C FCL(full container load) A满载负荷 B满箱承载 C整箱搬 D整箱运输 68 答案A FTP(file transfer protocal) A文件传输协议 B档案转移程序 C文件转换协议 D文件传输合同 69 答案A GTN(global transport net) A全球运输网 B国际联运网 C全球承运人网 D世界运输网络 70 答案C LTL(less-than trunk load) A散货运输 B少于一车 C零担运输 D拼箱运输 71 答案D MTD(multimodal transport document) A多式运输文件 B多式运输单证 C多式运输协议 D多式联运单据 72 答案D PDT(portable data terminal) A手提式数据机 B手提式时局终端 C便携数据库 D便携式数据终端设备 73 答案C S/O(shipping order) A航运订单 B航运单 C装货单 D船期单 74 答案C Val(value added logistics) A附加值物流 B增值物流 C增值物流服务 D附加值物流 75 答案B Ocean bill of loading A海洋提单 B海运提单 C海运通知单 D海运提货单 76 答案C Document of title A文件名称 B文件主题 C物权凭证 D提单 77 答案A What is the meaning of cost-effective A cost reduced B Economically C cost evaluated D to add cost 78 答案D creates time value A transportation B goods C Different location D storage 79 答案B What is the same meaning of location value A different value B different value of same goods at the different place C different goods D different value of different at the same place 80 答案D What is the distribution processing A distribution B processing C Sales and processing D changing the length,thickness,and the packaging of the goods 81 答案C The distribution process value is available in all logistics activities。Is it correct or not A Both B Yes C Not D Not clear 82 What are the main different between traditional and modern logistics A containerization techniques B information techniques C A and B D GPA、POS 答案C 83 答案C What is the logistics base module A 1200x1000mm B 2591x2438mm C 600x400mm D A 、B、C 84 答案B What is the function of internet to the logistics A to direct the operation B to help the market development,operation ,management C to guide the mobile equipment,like truck and ship D to speed up the process 85 答案D The logistics standardization stars from the operation of ( ) A transportation B storage C distribution D packaging 86 答案C What is the subject of the paragraph? A the international trade B the international transport C the international logistics D international economy 87 答案B What is the same meaning as internationalization? A nationalization B globalization C integration D standardization 88 答案A What is the meaning of trend? A general direction B developing road C way D path 89 答案D The international transport and the international logistics are same? Is it correct or not? A Not mention in the paragraph B Not clear C wrong D right 90 答案B The international trade needs the ( ) to fulfill its transportation. A track B logistics C ships D aircraft 91 答案A What is the meaning of recycle? A collect, tread and use again B movement in a cycle C return to original D return goods 92 答案B Returned logistics is the good flow( ). A from sellers to buyers B from buyers to buyers C from outside to inside of any company from wholesales to retailers 93 答案D Customers return the product because of ( ). A Quantity B Quality C Quality control D Quality unqualified 94 答案D Third part logistics provides ( ) the logistics services A single B some C simple D all 95 答案B Third part logistics is the ( ) between the supplier and customer A link B bridge C middle D transport 96 答案D The advantage of third part logistics are( ) A better service B lower cost C overall D A and B 97 答案C Third part logistics is more ( ) than other logistics provides in operations A quick B fast C specialized D exact 98 答案A What promotes third part logistics developing its business A outsourcing B transporting C warehouse D distribution 99 答案A What is the main topic above paragraph A logistics must be globalization B logistics is developing C logistics needs all nation invoice in the world D logistics activity is international 100 答案A Developed countries ,like US, have moved the some manufactures to the developing countries. Is it true or not? A yes B not C I dont know D not mention in the paragraph 101 答案C What is the No.1 benefit from the global logistics for the developed countries? A market share B Raw material C low cost D human resources 102 答案C The main disadvantage is ( ) in the global logistics A unqualified products B different languages C transportation delayed D unreliable delivery of goods 103 答案D How many flow are there in global logistics A one B two C three D four 104 答案A What is the meaning of integration A to link some separte factors as a whole chain B united C to put together D mixture 105 答案D How many storage in the processing of logistics integration A one B two C three D four 106 答案B What is PDM A production distribution management B physical distribution management C processing distribution management D pallets distribution management 107 答案C What is BPR A business production elation B business promotion relation C business process re-engineering D business placement ration 108 答案D What is SCM A supply customer management B support customer management C supply chain materials D supply chain mangament 109 答案C How many modes are there in transportation A four B three C five D more than five 110 答案D Which mode of transportation is most flexible A air B ship C rail D motor 111 答案A How many product related factors are there to influence the transport cost? A four B three C two D five 112 答案B What is the most important product-related factor of the transport cost A linkages B distance C equipment D time 113 答案C What is the most important market-related factor of the transport cost A location of market B government regulation C competition D seasonality of products flow 114 答案D The disadvantage of rail transport with motor is ( ) A cost B speed C lost and damage rations D transit time and frequency of service 115 答案A The disadvantage above mentioned can be overcome by ( ) A combined transport B more frequency C fast train D more flexible 116 答案C The advantage of rail transport are ( ) A great amount of shipped B less damage ration C fast speed exact schedule cost saved D direct shipping line 117 答案D What is the meaning of motropolitan areas A . The city B city itself C the area near the city D big city and its neighbor area 118 答案A Water transport is the ( ) way of shipping balk and low price goods A most inexpensive B save money C low cost D economically 119 答案C Marine shipping is the same as ( ) transport A military B air C water D road 120 答案D Crude oil carries often use( ) A big ships B huge ships C large container ships D supertankers 121 答案B Ocean transport use ( ) ships mostly A bulk B container C barge D RO/RO 122 答案A Container is most benefit for ( ) A transport, carrying, loading and unloading B storage C transporting D distribution 123 答案D What are the advantage for motor transportation A door-to-door service B fast C flexible D A and C 124 答案C How long is the economic distance for motor A 750miles B 1000km C 1000miles or less D 200km 125 答案C Loss and damage ration for motor are lower than any other modes. Is it correct? A yes B depend C not D I dont know 126 答案A Motor transport has the biggest market share in the paragraph .is it true or not? A yes B not C not clear D no mention 127 答案B What is the meaning of short hauls? A near way B the distance is not long C direct line D short road 128 答案D What is the disadvantage for air transportation A quick but not safe B less frequency C it cant lift heavy goods D the highest cost in all transport modes 129 答案C What kind of products do the air carries deliver A the high value B low density or weight C A and B D shortest time to transport 130 答案C What is the most air freight shipped in the passenger aircraft A separately B in same level C in the lower park D no mention 131 答案A How many tons does the cargo 737 carry A 100tons B not clear C more than 100 tons D I dont know 132 答案C How many categories are there in water transport? A 2 B3 C4 D not available in the paragraph 133 答案B What are transported mainly by water A raw materials B heavy ,bulky and low value commodities C semi-processed D great amount goods 134 答案D What is the meaning speed is not of primary important A speed is important B speed is not important C speed is mainly important D speed is not first important 135 答案A Which area is the most commodities shipped in water transport? A in international deep sea B in lakes C in river and canals D coastal ocean 136 答案C How long is the haul for international deep sea movement usually? A very long B ten thousands of miles C thousands of miles D thousands of kilometers 137 答案D What are the major goods moved in pipeline transport? A natural gas B crude oil C water D A Band C 138 答案B What percentage is pipeline measured by ton -miles in the whole freight transport? A over 10% B over 25% C over 30% D less 50% 139 答案C Pipeline is low cost and reliable. Is it true? A dependable B not C yes D no mention here 140 答案D If you make different trade in different countries you must take different transport modes. is it true? A yes B no C it must be based on cost D not mention 141 答案B Where is the rail service better than U.S? A Canada B Europe C Japan D Nowhere 142 答案A Which does it cost much international transportation or domestic one? A international transportation B domestic transportation C both D different country different cost 143 答案C Re-handling can save cost and improve service. is it true? A wrong B not total true C true D not clear 144 答案B What is the most important when the freight is decided? A rate B modal C service . D the distance of market 145 答案C What is the meaning of wider economy A macro-economy B micro-economy C outside factors to influence logistics D the whole economy 146 答案B What is the most important for logistics to satisfy the market demand A hi-tech B flexibility C specialization D competition 147 答案C What is the meaning of life cycle for products A life time B cycle time C the average period for products in and out of market D the average time 148 答案B When did the great changes take for the world economy A1970 B last 20 years or more C last century D long time ago 149 答案D What is the meaning of customer loyalty A the most important customer for any firm B loyal to company C the customer to buy D the long term customer 150 答案B What is the meaning of upstream for supply chain A customers B suppliers C buyers D A and B 151 答案A What is the meaning of downstream for supply chain
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