



多年来我校工会工作在市教育工会和学校行政办公会的正确领导下在各级领导的关心与支持下认真贯彻实施和修改的文明礼仪国旗下演讲(英语演讲稿)亲爱的老师们、同学们,今天国旗下讲话的主题是让文明礼仪之风永驻校园。my dear teachers、 students, the theme of todays speech is let the winds of civilized manners forever in the campus.早在二千五百年前,一位教书先生,对他的学生说:“不学礼,无以立。”as early as two thousand and five hundred years ago, a teacher said to his students: the one who is not polite can hardly stay in the society. 他还说:“长者先,幼者后 。”等等 he added: the elders first, after the young person. and so on.历史的长河给中华文明留下了灿烂的辉煌。 long course of history left the china splendid civilization. 中国,一个响亮的名字!中国,一个礼仪的国度! china, a famous name! china, a ritual of the country! “讲文明、懂礼仪”是中华民族的传统美德,是中国被誉为“礼仪之邦”的重要标牌,也是现在判断一个人素质的基本标杆,从文明礼貌这小事上能折射出一个人的内涵素养。 civilized, well versed in etiquette is a traditional chinese virtue, is known as the ceremonies an important sign, but also to judge the quality of a persons basic benchmark, from good manners that little things can reflect a persons content literacy.同学们,你们知道文明是什么吗?students, do you know what civilization is? 文明是路上相遇时的微笑,是同学有难时的热情帮助,是平时与人相处时的亲切,是见到师长时的问早问好,是不小心撞到对方时的一声“对不起”,是自觉将垃圾放入垃圾箱的举动,是看到有人随地吐痰时的主动制止civilization is a smile when encountering on the road. civilization is the enthusiastic help when students haveis the friendliness when usually getting along withis a sorry when accidentally hitting someis the conscious behavior to collect rubbish intois to stop spitting when seeing . . 文明是一种品质,文明是一种修养,文明是一种受人尊敬并被大家广泛推崇的行为。civilization is a kind of quality, civilization is a kind of self-cultivation, civilization is a well-respected and widely admired behavior.文明的一切都是由细节构成的,因此我们每个学生都应该养成文明习惯,做文明学生。 civilization, everything from the details of the composition, so we should have each student develop habits of civilization, do the students of civilization. 然而遗憾的是,在我们身边,在一部分同学身上,还是有着一些不文明行为。regrettably, however, in our side, some classmates have a number of uncivilized behavior. 也许这些同学把文化知识的学习放在首位而常常忽略了社会公德、文明习惯的养成,而这恰恰从本质上体现一个人的思想品质。事实上,良好的行为习惯是保证我们良好学习的前提,也是树立健康人格的基础。 perhaps these students put the study of cultural knowledge in the first place but often overlook the social morality, civilization, cultivation of habits, which is precisely the essence embodies a quality of peoples thinking. in fact, good behavior is a prerequisite to ensure that our good learning, but also establish the basis for healthy personality. 如果我们养成了文明的行为习惯,学习环境就是良好的、有序的。 if we develop habits of civilization ,then learning environment is good, orderly.如果老师问大家:“你今后打算干什么?”一千个人会有一千种答案,但在每一个答案的背后都有一个基点,那就是做人首先要做一个文明的人。if the teacher asked us: what do you intend to do in future? 1000 individuals will have a thousand answers, but each one has a point behind the answer, that is a man first thing to do a civilized person. 做文明之人,就要会用文明语,做文明事。再简单地讲就是要讲文明,懂礼仪。 do civilized people, should use a civilized language and do civilized things. briefly “civilized, well versed in etiquette”.亲爱的同学们,快行动起来,从我做起,从一点一滴、一言一行做起。my dear students, lets do it now. ,do it by myself, bit by bit, with your words and deeds. 只要我们人人都来用美丽的语言,就能给我们的校园增添一朵朵美丽的文明之花,用一份行动使文明之风永驻校园。 as long as we all use the beautiful language, you can add a beautiful blossoming flower of


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