Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Section A课后作业一、根据首字母填空1. The post office is a_ from our school.2. The hospital isnt f_ from my house.3. Its very cold in the n_ part of China in winter.二、单项选择4. Thereisabeautifulpark_NewStreet.AonBinCatDwith5. Go _this street and then turn right.A. from B. crossC. across D. on6. There_ some water in the glass.A. is B. are C. be D. has7. -There are _ eggs.A. no any B. not C. not anyD. dont三、阅读理解。Johnsonlikesswimminginasmallrivernearhishouse.ButthenhisfathergoestoworkinabigcityandJohnsongoeswithhisfamily.Theirnewhousehasagarden,butthegardenisverysmall.Johnsonisnotveryhappy.“Istherearivernearthehouse?”heaskshisfatheronthefirstmorning.”No,thereisnt.Butthereisabigparknearhere.Andtheresapoolinit.“Wearegoingtherethisafternoon.“sayshisfather.Johnsonishappy.Johnsonandhisfathergototheparkintheafternoon.Johnsonwantstowalknearthepool.Butheseesasign.Hisfatherreadsittohim:“Warning:Thispoolisdangerous.365peoplefellintoit.“Johnsonlooksintothepoolcarefully,thenhesays,”Icantseethem.8.John isnt very happy because _.A. there isnt a big garden B. theres a poolC. his father goes to work in a big city D. there isnt a river near the new house.9. There is a _ near the pool.A. sign B. river C. garden D. tree10. The warning tells people _ near the pool.A to look into it B. not to swim C. to be careful D. not to look into itUnit 8 Is there a post office near here? Section A课后作业参考答案一、1. 【答案】cross【解析】考查英文短语单词拼写。across from意为“在对面”。2. 【答案】ar【解析】考查短语组合和单词的拼写。far from意为“远离”,为固定搭配。3. 【答案】orth【解析】考查对题干的阅读能力和单词拼写。中国北部的冬天非常冷,形容词北部应为north。二、4. 【答案】A【解析】考查地点介词的用法。正确理解题干意思,街上有一座公园,关键词是NewStreet,在街上应用介词on。5. 【答案】C【解析】考查cross和across的区别用法。穿过马路可以用到动词cross,cross the street;也可以用到介词across,与动词go组成短语go across,该题中有动词go,故用across。6. 【答案】A【解析】考查there be句型的用法。there be句型中be动词的形式要和其后的主语在人称和数上保持一致。该题的关键词是some water,water是不可数名词,be动词用到单数的is。7. 【答案】A【解析】考查there be句型的用法。There be句型的否定句结构是: There is/are not名词地点状语;eggs是复数词,some变any。三、8. 【答案】A【解析】正确理解题干意思,找到文章的关键句Their new house has a garden ,but the garden is very small. Johnson is not very happy.,Johnson不高兴的原因是花园很小。9. 【答案】A【解析】正确理解题干意思,找到文中信息Johnson wants to walk near the pool. But he sees a sign .在泳池的附件看见了一个牌子。10.【答案】C【解析】正确理解题干意思,找到文章中信息Warning : This pool is dangerous.365 people fell into it.,warning的
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