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译林版小学英语六下 Being a good student 教学目标: 1、复习归纳好习惯和怀习惯。 2、小组讨论“好学生”应该具有的品质。 3、用照片或图片制作一张“好学生”宣传海 报。 4、向同伴展示海报并阐述如何成为一名 好学生。 Match them: 请将动词与副词合理搭配成词组。 early slowly late get up well dance walk by draw go to bed finish workplay footballgo to school Lets pick apples. (动副搭配) badly quickly slowly wellfast quietly high happily loudly early Try to judge and give some advice. a good habit a bad habit If it is a bad habit, can you give them some advice? 如果是坏习惯, 你能给他们一些建议吗? Try to judge and give some advice. Try to judge and give some advice. Try to judge and give some advice. He should Try to judge and give some advice. He should Try to judge and give some advice. Try to judge and give some advice. Bobby should Try to judge and give some advice. Try to judge and give some advice. She mustnt drive Try to judge and give some advice. Try to judge and give some advice. Try to judge and give some advice. They shouldnt Try to judge and give some advice. They shouldnt I can know what are good habits / bad habits. 我能区分好习惯和坏习惯。 Aim(目标) 达成目标自检 What are Amys good/ bad habits? Getting up early is Amys - Listen and circle: 请将Amy的习惯圈出来。 A. get up early B. have breakfast every day D. go to school early E. help her classmates F. finish her homework H. wait for the green man I. eat too many sweets C. drink milk G. do housework C. drink milk G. do housework C. drink milk G. do housework Read and find: 阅读关于John的短文并找出他的习惯。 John says “good morning” to his teachers, but he is sometimes late for school. He watches TV after school and does his homework in the evening. He waits for the green man before he crosses the road, but he sometimes runs quickly on the road. He usually eats a lot of meat for lunch and dinner. say “good morning” to be late for school watch TV do his homework in the eveningwait for the green man run quickly eat a lot of meat Lets talk: 请选择一列内容说一说。 Life(生活)Study(学习)On the road should / must shouldnt / mustnt get up early have breakfast eat too many sweets go to school help classmates finish ones homework wait for the green man say-to watch TV- eat much meat be late for- do ones homework- run quickly every day. At school On the road A tip:你可以用上 can, should, must 等。 get up early have breakfast get up early have breakfast say-to get up early have breakfast eat too many sweets say-to get up early have breakfast watch TV- eat too many sweets say-to get up early have breakfast eat much meat watch TV- eat too many sweets say-to get up early have breakfast do ones homework- eat much meat watch TV- eat too many sweets say-to get up early have breakfast be late for- do ones homework- eat much meat watch TV- eat too many sweets say-to get up early have breakfast finish ones homework be late for- do ones homework- eat much meat watch TV- eat too many sweets say-to get up early have breakfast help classmates finish ones homework be late for- do ones homework- eat much meat watch TV- eat too many sweets say-to get up early have breakfast go to school help classmates finish ones homework be late for- do ones homework- eat much meat watch TV- eat too many sweets say-to get up early have breakfast wait for the green man go to school help classmates finish ones homework be late for- do ones homework- eat much meat watch TV- eat too many sweets say-to get up early have breakfast run quickly wait for the green man go to school help classmates finish ones homework be late for- do ones homework- eat much meat watch TV- eat too many sweets say-to get up early have breakfast run quickly wait for the green man go to school help classmates finish ones homework be late for- do ones homework- eat much meat watch TV- eat too many sweets say-to get up early have breakfast Lets talk. 全班讨论“好学生是怎么样来的?” What makes a good student? A good student should/must A good student shouldnt/ mustnt Try to make . How can you be a good student? 同学们,让我们试着分组来做一张“如何 成为一名好学生”的海报吧! 1.组长合理分工:1人负责粘图,1人负责取名并写下 标题,4人在便签纸上合作完成小短文,关于“好 学生”应该或必须做的事,或是不该做的事。 2.每组选两位代表,向班内同学介绍你们的海报。 Show time :现在让我们来展示一下自 己的作品吧,并且来介绍一下它! We should We shouldnt We must We mustnt Then we can be good students. I can say how to be a good student. 我能说说如何成为一名好学生。 Aim(目标) 达成目标自检 Youre all good students . Good habits. Happy life(生活). Bright future(未来). Homework 1. Finish your poster and introduce it to your classmates. 继续完成海报,并向 同学介绍。 2. How can you be a good student? Write a short passage about it. 任选 一份海报,完成一篇小短文“你怎样做才能成为一 名好学生”? Read and divide: 请将Amy和John的习惯分类。 Life(生活)Study(学习)On the road Good habits Bad habits get up early have breakfast eat too many sweets go to school help classmates finish ones homework wait for the green man say-to watch TV- eat much meat be late for- do ones homework- run quickly every day. At school On the road A tip:你可以用上 can, should, must 等。 Make a poster in your group: 组内合作完成海报. 1. 粘图片或照片 2. 用英语写下好学生 的标准 3. 向班内同学介绍你 们的海报 Lets talk: 讨论如何成为好学生。 Try to describe and judge Brain storm: 你知道好习惯与坏习惯吗? good habits get up early bad habitsbad habitsbad habitsbad habitsbad habitsbad habitsbad habitsbad habitsbad habitsbad habitsbad habitsbad habitsbad habitsbad habits 王雨梦 Rules(游戏规则) 判断你所看到的图片行为是否正确。 如果是正确的,请大声说“Yeah,yeah, yeah”, 如果是错误的,请大声说“No, no,no” 。 How can we cross the road safely? 安全地 To keep safe, we must follow some rules. 安全的规则 First,then At the zebra crossing First Look at the Then Wait for the traffic lights green man red man stop go waitwait Red man Green man Yellow manYellow man traffic lightstraffic lights Questions: Where must we wait before we cross the road? What should we do when we wait? How should we look out for the traffic? Is it a good idea to cross the road with other people? Why? No zebra crossing Wait on the . Look out for . Look first, then and then again Cross the road with . pavementpavement cars and bikescars and bikes leftleftright right leftleft other peopleother people We must not


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