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(二) Units 34 (100分钟 120分) . 单项单项 填空(共15小题题;每小题题1分,满满分15分) 21. The woman is Mrs. Smith _ works in the hospital. 2011北海高一检测检测 A. that B. whom C. who D. which 【解析】选选C。考查查定语语从句。句意:这这位女士是史密斯夫 人,她在这这家医院工作。因先行词词Mrs. Smith是人,所以排 除D,它是非限制性定语语从句,排除A项项。先行词词在从句中 作主语语,因此选选C。 22. Although Susan lacked business _ , her small restaurant was _ . A. experience; success B. experience; a success C. experiences; a success D. experiences; success 【解析】选选B。句意:尽管苏苏珊缺少商业经验业经验 ,但是她的小 餐馆办馆办 的还还挺成功。experience指经验时经验时 是不可数名词词; success指成功的事时时是可数名词词。 23. Why didnt you tell him about the meeting? He rushed out of the room _ I could say a word. 2011桂林高一检测检测 A. beforeB. until C. when D. after 【解析】选选A。句意:为为什么你不告诉诉他关于会议议的事 ?我还还没来得及说说他就冲出了房间间。before表示在 之前,还还没来得及。 24. Though they havent seen each other for years, they _ with each other. A. have lost touch B. have got in touch C. are out of touch D. have kept in touch 【解析】选选D。keep in touch with与保持联联系。句意: 虽虽然他们们几年没见见了,但他们们之间间依然保持联联系。lose touch with与失去联联系。 25. They own a house in France_ a villa(别别墅) in Spain. A. including B. as well C. as well as D. except for 【解析】选选C。句意:他们们在法国拥拥有一座房子,在西班牙 还还有一套别别墅。as well as“也,还还”,后接名词词、代词词、动动 名词词,常放于句中;as well“也,还还”,放于句末;including 介词词,意为为“包括”;except for“除之外”,一般所在句 子的前半部分是对对某人/某物总总的概述或评评价,except for后 是小的瑕疵。 【举举一反三】 Tom, _ Jane and Rose, _ going to the farm on foot. A. as soon as; is B. as far as; are C. as well as; is D. as long as; are 【解析】选选C。as well as意为为“(除某人/某事物做某事外) 也,还还,而且”,连连接两个并列结结构,连连接两个主语时语时 ,谓谓 语动词应语动词应 与前者(Tom)在人称和数上保持一致,故用单单 数形式。 26. You should _ the opportunity to go abroad. It may never come again. A. catch B. hold C. seize D. touch 【解析】选选C。考查动词查动词 辨析。“抓住机会”应应用seize the opportunity。句意:你们应该们应该 抓住机会出国。机不可失, 失不再来。 27. I had not driven many miles when I was _ by a policeman. He asked to see my licence. A. pulled up B. picked up C. brought up D. taken up 【解析】选选A。考查动词查动词 短语语辨析。pull up意为为“阻拦拦”; pick up“捡捡起;顺顺便捎带带某人;(偶尔)学得”;bring up“ 抚抚养”;take up“占据”。 【方法技巧】由up构成的常用短语语 come up走近;(从土中)长长出,发发芽;被提出 come up with追及;提出(建议议) go up朝着重要地方或在重要地方(尤指大城市);(价格) 上涨涨 be up to sb. 是某人的职责职责 或义务义务 ;由某人决定 use up用完 give up放弃 do up固定住;扣上;绑紧绑紧 ;修理、重新装饰饰 do oneself up借梳妆妆打扮、着奇装异服等使自己格外引人注 目 make up化妆妆;铺铺(床);支起(临时临时 床);编编排(版面) ;捏造、虚构某事 look up仰视视;转转好,改善;查阅查阅 get up起床 28. _ wild animals while you are in the mountain forest. 2011贵贵港高一检测检测 A. Look out of B. Be careful C. Watch out for D. Watch out 【解析】选选C。考查动词查动词 短语语辨析。句意:在山林里的时时候 你要当心野外的动动物。表示“警惕,当心”的短语语可 以是:look out for;be careful with;watch out for。 29. We should combine theory _ practice, then we can become experienced. A. to B. with C. by D. into 【解析】选选B。combine. . . with. . . 意为为“把与相结结 合”。句意:我们应该们应该 把理论论与实实践相结结合,然后才能变变得 有经验经验 。 30. “We cant go out in this weather, ”said Bob, _ out of the window. A. looking B. to look C. looked D. having looked 【解析】选选A。考查查分词词作状语语的用法。现现在分词词作状语语 表示主动进动进 行。本题题中looking伴随着said同时发时发 生,为为伴 随状语语。 【方法技巧】现现在分词词作状语语 作时间时间 、条件、原因、让让步状语时语时 多位于句首,且与后面 用逗号隔开,能转换为转换为 一个相应应的状语语从句。 作结结果、方式、伴随状语时语时 多位于句尾,且与前面用逗号隔 开,有时时也可以不用。 【注意】分词词作状语时语时 的逻辑逻辑 主语语(即分词动词动 作的发发出者 )一般要与句中主语语保持一致。 )作时间时间 状语语 eg. Walking in the street, I saw him. 当我在街上走时时,我看到他了。 可以转转化为为一个时间时间 状语语从句 When/While I was walking in the street, I saw him. )作条件状语语 eg. Working hard, you will succeed. (只要)努力工作,你就会成功。 )作原因状语语 eg. Being ill, she stayed at home. (因为为)生病,她留在家里。 注意 being是常用来作原因状语语的。 )作让让步状语语 eg. Having failed many times, he didnt lose heart. 尽管失败败了很多次,他仍然没有灰心。 )作结结果状语语 eg. His friend died, giving him a lot of money. 他的朋友死了,给给了他很多钱钱。 )作方式状语语 eg. Please answer the question using another way. 请请用另一种方式回答这这个问题问题 。 )作伴随状语语 eg. Look at the people lying on the beach. 看那些人正躺在沙滩滩上。 31. I met one of my classmates on the street, but his name _ me, which made me embarrassed. A. forgot B. missed C. escaped D. struck 【解析】选选C。the name/date. . . escapes me用在口语语中,意 为为“我记记不起名字/日期”。forget忘记记;miss错过错过 ; strike打击击;罢罢工等。 32. Its wrong of you to help your friend cheat in the exam _ looking at your paper. A. by B. with C. on D. for 【解析】选选A。句意:帮助你的朋友在考试试中看你的试试卷作 弊,这这件事你做的不对对。by doing 通过过做。 33. My aunt _ to see us. She will be here soon. 2011玉林高一检测检测 A. comes B. is coming C. is going D. has come 【解析】选选B。句意:我姑姑打算来看我们们,她很快就到这这 里。此处处考查查用现现在进进行时态时态 表示按计计划、安排将要发发生 的动动作。再根据意思,她是来这这里不是去。因此选选B。 34. Im so sorry. _ . A. Sure B. No, thanks C. Thats all right D. You are welcome 【解析】选选C。考查查情景交际际。句意:太抱歉了。 没关系。Thats all right 多用来回答表示道歉时时的用语语。 35. He never went again, nor _ write to apologize. A. did he B. he C. he didnt D. does he 【解析】选选A。考查查倒装。句意:他再也没有去,也没有写 信道歉。nor放在句首时时主谓谓部分倒装,根据句子结结构可知 选选A。 . 完形填空(共20小题题;每小题题1分,满满分20分) Everyone has a wish to travel. But those who cannot do so themselves might find it 36 to work in a travel agency(旅 行社), 37 journeys for other people. Brian Lawley does this, working in a small travel agency in an industrial city. Most of his work is concerned with 38 , both at home and abroad. Every autumn the agency 39 hundreds of booklets(小 册子) full of attractive, colored photographs, 40 the holidays that the customers will be able to have the next year. Soon, people begin to come into the office to 41 their holidays: perhaps a weeks skiing in Australia in January, perhaps a seaside holiday in Spain in May, or a tour of North Africa. Brian often has to 42 people on what holidays will be 43 for them. And people always have a lot of 44 . Last year, for example, a lady of eighty-two wanted to book for a 45 holiday in the Alps, and Brian had great difficulty in 46 her that it would not be suitable. In the end, she decided to go for a Mediterranean cruise(巡游) 47 . Arranging journeys for people who have to travel 48 on business is often very 49 , but Brian 50 his work. For example, last spring, Mr. Perry, director of a local chemical firm, 51 a business trip, and Brian arranged it all for him. First, Mr. Perry traveled to London by train, and stayed overnight in a hotel near the airport, because his plane 52 early the next morning. He flew to Frankfurt, where he 53 the morning discussing business. Then he went on by train to Zurich, and spent three days there 54 going on to America. He had business in Seattle, Chicago and New York, and then home by train. The next day he telephoned the agency to 55 Brian for arranging everything so well for him. 36. A. boring B. hard C. interesting D. funny 【解析】选选C。自身无法旅游的人会把在旅行社工作看作一 种乐乐趣。 37. A. arranging B. taking C. making D. creating 【解析】选选A。旅行社的工作就是为为旅客安排行程。 38. A. games B. holidays C. travels D. plays 【解析】选选B。根据常识识人们们一般选择选择 在假日旅行,故旅行 社的工作大多与节节日有关。 39. A. receives B. takes out C. gets D. sends out 【解析】选选D。为让为让 旅客了解旅行社的安排,散发发广告、小 册子是必要的。 40. A. describing B. telling C. drawing D. designing 【解析】选选A。广告小册子上应对应对 不同的行程进进行描述。 41. A. need B. ask C. book D. request 【解析】选选C。游客要想随旅行社出游,一般要提前预订预订 , book在句中为为及物动词动词 ,意为为“预订预订 (车车票、房间间等)”。 42. A. tell B. advise C. instruct D. remind 【解析】选选B。旅行社的职员应职员应 根据顾顾客的实际实际 情况,委婉 地向游客提出意见见和建议议。 43. A. necessary B. probable C. possible D. suitable 【解析】选选D。be suitable for sb. 对对某人来说说是合适的。 44. A. questions B. methods C. situations D. difficulties 【解析】选选A。游客在确定旅游路线线前,会有很多问题问题 向旅 行社咨询询。 45. A. seaside B. skiing C. mountaineering D. cruise 【解析】选选C。阿尔卑斯山以其高耸耸、险险峻而驰驰名,游客们们 都以能爬上此山为为荣。 46. A. preventing B. persuading C. asking D. promising 【解析】选选B。由下文“老妇妇人改线线到地中海巡游”可知, Brian最终终使老妇妇人认为认为 爬山是不大合适的。persuade意为为“ 说说服”。 47. A. though B. therefore C. however D. instead 【解析】选选D。instead“代替,更换换”之意,一般放句末。 though“尽管,虽虽然”;therefore“因此,所以”;however“无 论论如何;不管多么;然而”,均不合语语境。 48. A. abroad B. at home C. away D. a long way 【解析】选选A。由下文例子可知,该处应为该处应为 境外旅游。 49. A. convenient B. easy C. complicated D. pleasing 【解析】选选C。由下文为为Mr. Perry安排行程,可知此类类工作 的复杂杂及繁琐琐性。 50. A. leaves B. enjoys C. dislikes D. refuses 【解析】选选B。由转转折连词连词 but和上下文可知Brian很喜欢欢旅 行社的工作。 51. A. carried out B. got through C. picked up D. went on 【解析】选选D。go on a trip (to sp. )意为为“(去某处处)旅游”。 52. A. left B. arrived C. landed D. returned 【解析】选选A。Mr. Perry乘坐的航班第二天一早起飞飞。 53. A. took B. cost C. spent D. wasting 【解析】选选C。spend time/money/energy (in) doing sth. “花 费费去做某事”,其中in可省略。 54. A. until B. before C. after D. while 【解析】选选B。Mr. Perry在此处处逗留了三天后才去的美国 。 55. A. offer B. request C. demand D. thank 【解析】选选D。Brian为为Mr. Perry安排得如此缜缜密,自然会 得到Mr. Perry的感谢谢。 . 阅读阅读 理解(共15小题题;每小题题2分,满满分30分) (A) Every day, young people across the globe are doing their part to keep the Earth healthy and green. These are just a few kid heroes for the planet. Manatee Minder When she was in second grade, Stephanie Cohen read about a baby manatee hit by a boat off the coast of Florida. Marine biologists saved the manatee. But caring for the sea creature was costly. Stephanie took up a collection and raised $27 in one day. Now 18, Stephanie still raises money to help these “gentle giants”. She sells manatee decorations, candles and cards on her website kmad. org. Color Us Green! At Clarendon Elementary School, in Secaucus, New Jersey, the students know what to do with old, used and broken crayons. Recycle them! They collect the crayons and send them to Crazy Crayons, where they are made into different shapes and sizes. In the past eight years, New Jersey students have recycled nearly nine tons of crayons. Goodbye, Paper Bags! When Adrienne Boukis, 15, was in sixth grade, in Walnut Creek, California, she noticed that many of her classmates carried paper lunch bags. To help kids cut down on waste, she invented a reusable lunch bag, which is partially made from recycled plastic bottles. She sells the bags at bgreengearbag. com and some of the proceeds go to charity that is in need of money. Hes Skiing to Save the Earth Parker Liautaud, 15, wanted to raise awareness(意识识 ) about the effects of climate change on the polar regions. He set out to become one of the youngest people ever to ski to the North Pole. Parker feels he met his goal to inspire others. “All young people have the power to make a change,” he said in an interview. 文章介绍绍了四个青少年身为为人先参与环环保的事迹。 56. What do the kid heroes have in common? A. They are all high school students. B. They all involve themselves in green activities. C. They all raise money for green activities. D. They are all from poor families. 【解析】选选B。细节细节 理解题题。根据第一段的to keep the Earth healthy and green可知选选B项项。 57. According to the passage, Grazy Crayons _ . A. recycles some used paper B. paints the crayons with different colors C. gives New Jersey students some crayons D. recycles old, used and broken crayons 【解析】选选D。细节细节 理解题题。由第三段前三句可知,Crazy Crayons将学生们们收集来的破旧蜡笔重新加工成不同形状与 大小,加以回收利用,因此D为为正确选项选项 。 58. According to the passage, kmad. org _ . A. provides some goods sold online B. was designed by Adrienne Boukis C. focuses on the protection of sea creatures D. inspires kids to raise money for the manatee 【解析】选选A。细节细节 理解题题。从She sells manatee decorations, candles and cards on her website kmad. org可 知A项项正确。 (B) The week I turned 50, my marriage came to a sudden end. My house, furniture and everything Id owned were sold to pay debts that I didnt even know I had. In a week I had lost my husband, my home and my parents who had refused to accept a divorce(离婚) in the family. Id lost everything except my four teenage children. I used every penny I had to buy five plane tickets from Missouri to Hawaii. Everyone said I was crazy to think I could just go to an island and survive. I was afraid they were right. Knowing that no one in the world was going to help us, I rented a cheap apartment. I worked 18 hours a day and lost 30 pounds because I lived on one meal a day. One night as I walked alone on the beach, I saw the red orange glow of the lava(火山岩)pouring out of Kilauea Volcano in the distance. It was time to live my imagination! The next day, I quit my job and invested my last paycheck in art supplies and began doing what I loved. I hadnt painted a picture in 15 years. I wondered if I could still paint. My hands trembled the first time I picked up a brush. But before an hour had passed, I was lost in the colors spreading across the canvas(画布)in front of me. And as soon as I started believing in myself, other people started believing in me, too. The first painting sold $1, 500 before I even had time to frame it. The past six years have been filled with adventures. My children and I have gone swimming with dolphins, watched whales and hiked around the volcano. We wake up every morning with the ocean in front of us and the volcano behind us. The dream had more than 40 years ago is now reality. Im living freely and happily ever after. 59. It can be inferred from the passage that _ . A. after the divorce, the author got comfort from her parents B. there were something wrong with the authors job C. the authors husband took away most of her property D. the author didnt expect her marriage would end 【解析】选选D。推理判断题题。根据短文第一句话话“The week I turned 50, my marriage came to a sudden end. ”可推知作者 50岁岁离婚是完全突然的变变故。 60. The author went to Hawaii to _ . A. earn a living for the family B. spend her holiday C. free herself from trouble D. realize her childhoods dream 【解析】选选A。细节细节 理解题题。根据文章第一段最后两句话话 “Everyone said I was crazy to think I could just go to an island and survive. I was afraid they were right. ”可知,作者 当时时是迫于生计计才背井离乡乡的。 61. What inspired the authors artistic creativity? A. The suggestions from her good friends. B. The red orange glow of the lava pouring out of Kilauea Volcano in the distance she saw. C. Her four teenage childrens missing home in Missouri. D. Her regret for her own parents in Missouri. 【解析】选选B。细节细节 理解题题。根据文章第二段中最后两句话话 “. . . I saw the red orange glow of the lava pouring out of Kilauea Volcano in the distance. It was time to live my imagination! ”可知:火山喷发喷发 出来的火山岩的桔红红色的光 激发发了作者的想像力。 62. What does the passage talk about? A. My Broken Marriage. B. My Life After Divorce. C. Adventures Over 6 Years. D. A Hard Life in Hawaii. 【解析】选选B。主旨概括题题。本文主要是讲讲述作者在婚姻破 裂之后如何通过过自己的努力找回自信和自己的兴兴趣,过过上幸 福的生活。 63. What can we learn from the passage? A. As soon as she got to Hawaii her stress from life was relieved. B. The author is a woman of less determination. C. The author likes a life of adventures. D. The author sold her first framed painting for 1, 500 dollars. 【解析】选选C。理解判断题题。文章最后一段“The past six years have been filled with adventures. . . ”讲讲述了六年来作 者与孩子们们从事的一系列冒险险体验验:和海豚一起游泳;观观 看鲸鱼鲸鱼 ;在火山脚下远远足。并且乐乐此不疲,说说明作者喜欢欢 冒险险生活。 (C) The sight of a farmer being pulled along in a cart by a walking robot would stop most people in their tracks. But Mr. Wu Yulus neighbours on the outskirts of Beijing are used to the impressive sight. The 48-year-old farmer has invented and built 47 robots in his backyard. They can perform functions like jumping, painting,drinking,massaging and of course pulling carts. He started his unusual hobby in 1986 and has continued despite taking on huge debts,being sprayed (喷喷) with battery acid and risking his marriage. His wife Dong Shuyan nearly left him with their two sons after he had burnt down the house while working on a robot and went8, 500 into the red. But now Mr. Wus perseverance (坚坚持不懈) has paid off. He was invited to display more than 30 of his robots during the Shanghai World Expo 2010,where he promoted the practical uses of his robots. The inventor has already received a lot of prizes and signed contracts with universities. Robot making has been Mr. Wus lifelong obsessionhe has been fascinated by the mechanics of movement since childhood and was eager to make machines that could walk like people. Today he lives in a red-brick and tile farmhouse but his yard is littered with bike parts,car batteries,bits of barbie dolls and several works in progress. Mr. Wu has even admitted to loving his robots more than his own children. He calls his rickshaw (人力车车) robot his 32nd son and programmes the android to declare:“Wu Yulu is my dad. I take him out of the town. ”It is clear that Mr. Wu Yulu will surprise his neighbours for several years to come. 北京市郊区农农民吴玉禄接到了上海世博会组织组织 者的邀 请请,带带自己制作的30多个机器人亮相世博会。 64. What does the sentence“But now Mr. Wus perseverance has paid off” mean? A. Mr. Wu can have a relaxed life. B. Mr. Wu has been widely recognized. C. Mr. Wu has kept busy working. D. Mr. Wu has earned a lot. 【解析】选选B。句意理解题题。根据后面的句子He was invited to display more than 30 of his robots during the Shanghai World Expo 2010,where he promoted the practical uses of his robots. 可知“他得到了广泛的认认可”可以诠释诠释 划线线句子的 意思。 65. From the passage we can know that Wu Yulu _ . A. experienced a difficult period B. cared nothing but to make robots C. has a bad marriage D. has made a fortune by his inventions 【解析】选选A。推理判断题题。第三段提到他在研制机器人的 过过程中负债负债 累累、婚姻差点破裂等,所以推断“他有过艰难过艰难 的日子”。 66. The word “android” in the last paragraph means _ . A. voice B. chance C. robot D. computer 【解析】选选C。词义词义 猜测题测题 。根据and连连接的部分He calls his rickshaw robot his 32nd son推断该词该词 意思应该应该 是“机器人 ”。 67. Facing the inventions of Wu Yulu in the coming years, his neighbours will be _ . A. shocked B. doubtful C. favorable D. particular 【解析】选选A。细节细节 理解题题。根据文章最后一段的最后一句 It is clear that Mr. Wu Yulu will surprise his neighbours for several years to come. 可知答案。 (D) Americans think that travel is good for you. Some even think it can help solve one of


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