提高作业二(unit10 can you play the guitar) _第1页
提高作业二(unit10 can you play the guitar) _第2页
提高作业二(unit10 can you play the guitar) _第3页




Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?Practice 2作业导航1.掌握本单元的基础知识:情态动词can在一般疑问句、what问句和简略回答中的用法及其否定形式。2.能够通过练习熟练掌握对自我才艺的表达。一、单项选择1.Let _ go and give this apple to _.A.me;me B.me;his C.I;him D.me;him2.Are they good at _? Yes, they are.A.swimB.to swimC.swimmingD.the swim3._you swim?No, I_.A.Can;canB.Can;dontC.Do;cantD.Can;cant4.He can not _ a cake for you.A.make B.doC.throw D.carry5.The girl _ blue eyes is Jessies sister.A.in B.hasC.with D.have6.Can you _ a paper bird?A.look B.makeC.do D.ride7.Can he play_ ping-pong?A./ B.aC.an D.the8.There isnt _ coke in the glass.A.some B.anyC.a D.an9.There _ a door and four windows _ the wall.A.is;in B.are;onC.is;on D.are;on10.Look! The kite is in the sky.Its too _.A.tall B.longC.high D.short11.My sister can play _ guitar, while my friend Jack can play _ baseball.A.a;the B.the;aC./;the D.the;/12.Lucy cant ride a bike.She thinks it is _.A.hard too B.too hardC.to hard D.hard to13.My sister cant _ in a river.A.skate B.runC.swim D.jump14._ can you see on the tree?A.How many appleB.Wherere bananasC.What pearD.How many oranges15.Can you play football?_.Its hard.A.Yes, I canB.No, I cantC.No, I canD.Yes, I cant16.Can you see a bird _ the tree?No, I cant see_.A.in;anyB.in;aC.on;someD.in;some二、改错 (每句话中有一个错,将其找出并改正)1.Can you get some oranges in the tree? A B C D2.There are some chicken on the place. A B C D3.I can see a cat and a bird on the picture. A B C D4.I have two sisters.One is a worker.Other one is a doctor. A B C D5.She can plays the piano. A B C D三、句型转换1.I want to join the art club.(就划线部分提问)_2.My e-mail address is .(就划线部分提问)_3.She can play the violin.(变成一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_4.Tom can play the drum.He cant play the trumpet.(用but连成一句话)_5.We want to join the English club.(变成否定句)_四、读短文回答下列问题Dear Zhang Qian,Thank you very much for your letter.You want to know about my favorite sport and instrument.Now I tell you.I like swimming very much,and I like volleyball, basketball and ping-pang.Swimming is my favorite sport.I am good at chess, too.My favorite instrument is violin.I like playing the violin every weekend.What about you? Whats your favorite sport? Do you like to play the violin? Whos your favorite player? And who is your musician? Please tell me.I want to hear from you again.Yours,Ren Lijuan1.Who is the letter from?2.Who is the letter to?3.What does Zhang Qian want to know?4.What does Ren Lijuan like?5.What does Ren Lijuan want? 参考答案一、15 DCDAC 610 BABAC1116 DBDDBA二、1.D.inon 2.B.areis 3.D.onin 4.D.OtherThe other 5.C.playsplay三、1.What club do you want to join?2.Whats your e-mail address?3.Can she play the violin?Yes, she can.4.Tom can play the drum but he cant play the trumpet.5.We dont want to join the English club.四、1.The letter is from Ren Lijuan.2.The letter is to Zhang Qian.3.Zhang Qian want to know about Ren Lijuans favorite sport and instr


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