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1 Unit1Unit1 HowHow cancan wewe becomebecome goodgood learnerslearners 一、单项选择一、单项选择 1.You can improve your English reading more. A. inB. withC. byD. of 2.- I want to visit Beijing, the capital of China, but I dont know much about the city. - Dont worry. Lets try to find some information about it the Internet on the computer. A. by searchingB. to searchC. for searchingD. at searching 3.Dont be afraid of new words. You can in the dictionary. A. look at themB. look for them C. look them upD. look them over 4.The teacher told us to pay attention our pronunciation. A. withB. toC. atD. on 5.The scientists havent there was life on Mars. A. foundB. found outC. looked forD. discovered 6.David didnt give up he had failed in the experiment four times. A. ifB. whileC. thoughD. since 7.The book is interesting I have read it twice. A. such; thatB. enough; toC. so; thatD. /; / 8.- Emma failed her exams. I think she should work harder. - I agree. she does, shell get good grades. A. IfB. BecauseC. BeforeD. Though 9.Mark isnt coming to the concert he has got too much work to do. A. soB. untilC. althoughD. because 10.It is important people learn team spirit. A. of; ofB. of; toC. for; toD. to; to 11.- How do you learn English words? - making flashcards. A. ToB. ByC. ForD. With 12.- How do you study English? 2 - I study English talking with foreign students. A. byB. inC. atD. on 13.Tom looked up Lucys telephone number in the telephone book. A. tried to findB. asked forC. sawD. read 14.We should pay attention to our classroom clean and tidy. A. keepingB. keepC. keptD. help 15.- Did you know who tea? - The emperor Shennong did. A. foundB. discoveredC. found outD. invent 16. they are very tired, they feel happy because theyve finally finished their project. A. SoB. AlthoughC. IfD. But 17.The film Kung Fu Panda is interesting I would like to see it again. A. such; thatB. too; toC. as; asD. so; that 18.- Mrs. Li, will you be angry your students dont obey the rules in class? - A little. But I will stop them in a friendly way. A. ifB. unlessC. though 19.The old man asked the girl to take another seat he wanted to sit next to his wife. A. becauseB. so thatC. so 20.Its too hard for him the exam. He hardly studies. A. passB. passingC. to passD. passed 二、单词拼写二、单词拼写( (单句首字母填空单句首字母填空) ) 21. Our countrys economy(经济) is i rapidly. 22. K (知识) gives us power and happiness. 23. I didnt hear you clearly(清楚地) just now(刚才), please r the sentence. 24. The scientists havent d any life on Mars yet. 25. What about reading a to practice pronunciation? 26. The word has two different p . 27. The e on her face shows she is happy. 28. We all know blue c the feeling of harmony. 3 29. I like sports. I always take an a part in the school sports meeting. 30. The car is travelling at a s of 80 kilometres per hour. 31. The population of the world i very fast. 32. I love books because they can give me a lot of k . 33. The girl could r the poem after I had read it twice. 34. Scientists have d a new virus. It is very important to medical research. 35. I read my essay a in class and everyone can hear me clearly. 三、单词拼写三、单词拼写( (根据中文提示拼写单词根据中文提示拼写单词) ) 36. Its said eating too much burnt food (增加) the risk of cancer. 37. The more books you read, the more (知识) you will have 38. I (重复) the sentences many times. I dont want to say it anymore. 39. I havent (发现) who broke the glass. 40. Our English teacher always tells us to pay attention to our (发音). 41. We have a new subject (物理) this term. 42. The teacher asked us to read (大声地). 43. - Mr. Li is a good teacher, isnt he? -Yes, he is very (耐心的) with his students. 44. All people should take an (积极的) part in volunteering. 45. She was born with the (才能) to dance. 46. It seems that the number of child laborers in Asia is (增长) every year. 47. A little (知识) is a dangerous thing. 48. Some parrots are clever enough to (重复) some easy words. 49. Who (发现) the American Continent? 50. How many (发音) does the word have? 答案答案 一、单项选择 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. D10. C 11. B12. A13. A14. A15. B 4 16. B17. D18. A19. A20. C 二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 21. increasing 22. knowledge 23. repeat 24. discovered 25. aloud 26. pronunciations 27. expression 28. creates 29. active 30. speed 31. increases 32. knowledge 33. repeat 34. discovered 35. aloud 三、单词拼


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