罗格 2008 北京奥运会开幕式到致辞双语版 (2008-08-09 23:39:49) 标签:罗格 罗格致辞 2008 奥运会 奥运会开幕式 分类:英格里西 奥委会主席罗格在第 29 届奥林匹克运动会开幕式上的致辞 全文如下: 中华人民共和国主席先生, 刘淇先生, 奥组委的成员们, 亲爱的中国朋友们, 亲爱的运动员们: 长久以来,中国一直梦想着打开国门,邀请世界各地的运动员来北京参加奥运会。 今晚,梦想变成了现实,祝贺北京! 你们选择“同一个世界,同一个梦想”作为本届奥运会的主题,今晚就是这个主题的 体现。 我们处在同一个世界,所以我们像你们一样,为四川的地震灾难而深感悲恸。中国人 民的伟大勇气和团结精神使我们备受感动。 我们拥有同一个梦想,所以希望本届奥运会带给你们快乐、希望和自豪。 各位运动员,我们的创始人皮埃尔德顾拜旦是因为你们而创立了现代奥林匹克运 动会。奥运会属于你们。让奥运会成为运动员的盛会。 请大家牢记,奥运会不仅仅意味着比赛成绩。 奥运会还是和平的聚会。204 个国家和地区奥委会相聚于此,跨越了民族、性别、宗 教以及政治制度的界限。 请大家本着奥林匹克的价值和精神,即卓越、友谊和尊重,投身于比赛。 亲爱的运动员们,请记住,你们是世界青年的楷模,请拒绝兴奋剂,向作弊说不。 你们的成就和表现应该让我们感到骄傲。 当我们把奥林匹克梦想变成现实之时,我们要诚挚地感谢北京奥组委,感谢他们不辞 劳苦的工作。我们还要特别感谢成千上万、无私奉献的志愿者们,没有他们,这一切都不 可能实现。 北京,你是今天的主人,也是通往明天的大门。感谢你! 现在,我荣幸地邀请中华人民共和国主席先生宣布第 29 届现代奥林匹克运动会开幕。 英文版: Peoples Republic of China Sir, Mr. Liu Qi, Olympic Organizing Committee members, Dear friends of China, Dear athletes: Over the years, China has always dreamed of open-door and invited the rest of the worlds athletes to Beijing to participate in the Olympic Games. This evening, the dream has become reality, congratulated Beijing! You select the “One World, One Dream“ as the theme of this years Olympics, the theme of tonight is a manifestation. We are in the same world, we like you, for the earthquake disaster in Sichuan and deep grief. Chinese peoples great courage and spirit of solidarity that we have been impressed. We have the same dream, I hope this years Olympics bring you happiness, hope and pride. Members athletes, our founder Pierre de Coubertin is because of you and founded the modern Olympic Games. Olympic Games belong to you. Let the Olympic Games as athletes of the event. Please keep in mind that the Olympic Games not only means that the competition results. Olympic Games or the peace gathering. 204 Olympic countries and regions gathered here, across the nation, sex, religion and political system boundaries. Members of the Olympic values and spirit, that is outstanding, friendship and respect, to join in the competition. Dear athletes, please remember that you are a model for the world youth, refused to stimulants, not to cheat. Your achievements and performance so that we should be proud of. When we have the Olympic dream into a reality when we want to sincerely thank the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee for their hard work work. We would also like to especially thank the thousands of selfless dedication of volunteers, without whom, all this can not be realized. Beijing, you are the masters today, tomorrow, is also leading to the door. Thank you!
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