



科技英语2016 年秋学期在线作业(二) 一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。 ) 1. Whthr it is sirl or not _ th importn of voiing rjts vrsus th importn of voiing ost inrss . rlts to . onsists of . nggs in . pns on 正确答案: 2. You r lglly _ to tk fulty goos k to th stor whr you ought thm. . vot . ntitl . ss . ontriut 正确答案: 3. To surviv n grow, usinsss r unr _ prssur to xpn thir mrkts for nw prouts n m thm look iffrnt from othrs . ruil . omplx . onstnt . signifint 正确答案: 4. Th pilot flt somthing _ wrong with th ngin just for th pln took off. . will go . ws going . gos . to go 正确答案: 5. With flowrs n trs _ vrywhr, th ity took on nw look. . to plnt . ing plnt . plnting . plnt 正确答案: 6. Most shools hv plns in pl for _ to firs, fights, mil mrgnis n othr situtions tht ll for quik ssssmnt n isiv tion. . onvrting . rspting . rstoring . rsponing 正确答案: 7. Th prsnt wv of striks _ from isontnt mong th lowr-pi. . stms . trps . riss . rngs 正确答案: 8. Forign invstors r llow, _ th rlvnt rgultions, to invst thir profits in RM in th omsti ntrpriss . h of tim . in orn with . in vn . with rgr to 正确答案: 9. _ is pt s tru is rltivly, n not solutly, tru. . It . Tht . Wht . Tht it 正确答案: 10. H livs in himslf, _, in my opinion, is of grt importn. . tht . whih . wht . s 正确答案: 11. Rnt lws hv tn to_ th from of th prss in this ountry. . x . rstrit . onvrt . rsolv 正确答案: 12. Th rptionist, _ jo ws to nswr th phon, h lryngitis(喉炎). . whos . whih . to whom . tht 正确答案: 13. Th pris of th prouts of joint vnturs sol in hin shoul fix on th sis of qulity _ th pri rgultions st y th stt n hrg in RM . first of ll . with viw to 谋学网 . rgrlss of . in lin with 正确答案: 14. Up to 22 popl wr kill n 187 othrs injur in suii om ttk whih _ monstrtion in northrn Irqi ity. . trnsport . trgt . yil . im 正确答案: 15. Th opposing politil prty is gtting ry to _ powrful ttk on th govrnmnt. . intn . imprint . st . mount 正确答案: 16. Joint vnturs my _ lor ontrts with th mploys oring to thir ns in proution n mngmnt oprtions. . signl . writ . sign . rw 正确答案: 17. If w h known tht sh h plnn to go ro toy, w _ t th irport. . woul s hr off . woul hv sn hr off . shoul s hr off . must hv sn hr off 正确答案: 18. On th whol spultion is _ upon us it somtims rivs pris up. . frown . ispprov . rprsnt . fft 正确答案: 19. Winning y nrrow _, th Lkrs now go on to ply in th hmpionship. . . omt . mrgin . fring . onqust 正确答案: 20. Wltr offr us lift whn h ws lv


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